There are so many fake friends and fake people quotes on the internet that it appears to be a problem everyone has faced at least once. And the worst part? It's not usually something one can prevent. There might be red flags and telltale signs of a fake friend and a toxic relationship. Still, these are easy to overlook. When we carry genuine feelings for the person, we tend to see past the 'bad.' And then, fast-forward the time, we again turn to inspiring quotes from strangers to help us overcome the betrayal and heartache.
If you ended up on this page, we assume you've been disappointed by a recent encounter. Perhaps it was a close friend, a partner, or anyone who broke your trust. You might start blaming yourself for being naive or too kind-hearted. Don't. Take it as a blessing in disguise. Whoever did it showed their true colors and did you a favor — they decided for you that they no longer belong in your world. Yet, sometimes it's us who are the fake people. Perhaps someone is reading quotes about fake friends or quotes about fake people and thinking of yours truly. Always reflect on your own behavior and check with yourself first. Everyone has low days, but don't allow those bad days and negative emotions to turn you into a bad person.
Below, we've gathered a lengthy list of fake people and fake friendship quotes that will hopefully inspire you to reflect on your surroundings. Is there a quote about fake people on this list that hit close to home? Let us know! And if you'd like more relatable thoughts, check out our list of toxic people quotes next.
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“Stop texting first and see how many dead plants you’ve been watering.”
“Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.” ― Hachiman Hikigaya
“It's funny how the people who know the least about you, always have the most to say.” ― Auliq Ice
They think the first thing you say determines what type of person you are, you were, and will be. It's pathetic.
“Stay away from people who makes you feel like you are wasting their time.” ― Paulo Coelho
“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” ― Oprah Winfrey
“Just because you loved a fake person does not mean your love was not real.” ― Steph Feels
But it can make you feel a fool for a while. Then you get wiser from the experience.
“One fake friend can do more harm than 10 enemies… be smart choosing your friends.” – Ziad K. Abdelnour
“Fake people will insult you infront of the whole world but those who are true to you will insult you more but in private.” ― Shizra
I'll tell you your zipper is down any time. Or that you spilled on your shirt.
“I’ve got more respect for someone who comes out and says they don’t like me than for the ones who act like they do but talk bad about me when I’m not around.” ― Mitchell Perry
“The problem is, people are being hated when they’re real and loved when they’re fake.” ― Bob Marley
That's because the masses want a fantasy life that they can't have. They don't like being told about reality. (That's why I read books, to get away from the awfulness of life.)
“If they talk about other people with you, they will talk about you with other people.” ― Carlos Wallace
“Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.” ― Hussein Nishah
It is hard but also very easy as in you care about them but also hate them more than anything unknown-66...073a45.png
“What's the whole point of being pretty on the outside when you’re so ugly on the inside?” ― Jess C. Scott
“Life is all about losing friends, the people you know. So, just that you get better at finding the ones worth suffering for.” ― Mohit Kaushik
“Make no mistake about it, people who say they love you but cannot be happy for your success do not love you.” ― Germany Kent
Or they're just insecure pessimists. You can love someone but not like them.
“People say they hate having fake people around, but when you keep it real, they hate you even more. People don’t like the truth.” ― DeMarcus Cousins
“Faking your own death is illegal, yet faking your own life is celebrated.” ― Dean Cavanagh
“If you cheat to win you really can't claim victory because you did not play fair.” ― Germany Kent
“Nature and attitude never wears the mask.” ― P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
That is one of the best things about animals - they don't fake liking or not liking you. If only humans were so openly honest.
“One of life’s ironies is that the more honest and vulnerable you are, the more others try to discredit you as a fraud and a fake. Shut them up by not caring.” ― Dan Pearce
“A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.” ― Arnold H. Glasow
I don't know, getting in the way is a talent of mine. I'm that awkward person who happens to get in way of everyone. I spend all day apologizing for it.
“Having fake friends is like hugging cactus. The tighter you hug, the more pain you get.” — Riza Prasetyaningsih
“There are folks you just don’t need. You’re better off without them. Your life is just a little better, because they ain’t in it.” ― William G.
Though, sometimes they need us to be in their lives. Like maybe you are the one thing that helps them stabilize. The key is to not let them hurt you or drag you down to their level.
“Shattered legs may heal in time, but some betrayals fester and poison the soul.” ― George R.R. Martin
“I know who you are when the camera is not on.” ― Et Imperatrix Noctem
“Someone who smiles too much with you can sometimes frown too much with you at your back.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
“Sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for ends up being behind the gun.” ― Tupac
“I prefer to surround myself with people who reveal their imperfection, rather than people who fake their perfection.” ― Charles F. Glassman
That's what's wrong with social media. Everyone only shows the perfect moments.
“Most people will never learn the lessons meant for them in this lifetime, nor become the person they were meant to be, simply because they are too busy being someone else, or someone they are not.” ― Suzy Kassem
Unfortunately most people do not realise that the world is a schoolroom, and their lives a series of lessons (chosen by their souls, with advice).
“If I doubt your intentions I will never trust your actions.” ― Carlos Wallace
“I love and respect broken hearts - as at least they can't act fake!” ― Diink
“No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.” ― Alice Walker
“If you’re absent during my struggle, don’t expect to be present during my success.” ― Will Smith
“Cut off fake people for real reasons, not real people for fake reasons.” ― Ritu Ghatourey
“Always sleep with one eye open. Never take anything for granted. Your best friends might just be your enemies.” ― Sara Shepard
“Share your weaknesses. Share your hard moments. Share your real side. It'll either scare away every fake person in your life or it will inspire them to finally let go of that mirage called "perfection," which will open the doors to the most important relationships you'll ever be a part of.” ― Dan Pearce
“People wears a mask of lie so they look attractive, so be careful” ― Muhammad Saqib
“Being too nice is a crime today. Fake friends are every where around you. They will use you and when you are of no use, throw you away like a wrapper .” ― Shizra
“The word “friend” is a label anyone can try on. You decide who is best suited to wear it.” ― Carlos Wallace
“Your enemies are not so far from you. They laugh with you, they give you advise and they eat with you. God expose them” ― Gugu Mofokeng
“In the beginning, some people try to appear that everything about them is "in black and white," until later their true colors come out.” ― Anthony Liccione
“Some people are cynical, yet they know how to make their intentions sound lyrical, but in the end, they leave you with scars that are unmistakable.” ― Mireya Rios
“If you write about the dark side of people, you are more likely to be closer to the truth, because people don’t pretend to be dark, nearly as much as they pretend to be good.” ― Robert Black
“Tell people how it is, be real and be honest. If you see something wrong make sure you speak up. Being this way will naturally eliminate the snakes and fakes.” ― John Maiorana
“Fake people come to your life to teach you a lesson that doesn’t trust anybody easily.”
“When you know that someone is playing love games with you and still you are there that means either you are a true lover or a true loser.” ― Jasmine Kiyani
“Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.” ― George Washington Carver
“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” – Joel Osteen
“A persons character is shown through their actions in life not where they sit on Sunday.” ― Navonne Johns
“Like a Columbus of the heart, mind and soul I have hurled myself off the shores of my own fears and limiting beliefs to venture far out into the uncharted territories of my inner truth, in search of what it means to be genuine and at peace with who I really am. I have abandoned the masquerade of living up to the expectations of others and explored the new horizons of what it means to be truly and completely me, in all my amazing imperfection and most splendid insecurity.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
Why choose Columbus? Why compare yourself whose sole objective was a landgrab and riches? Why not some other explorer?
“Fake people are like soap bubbles, they pop out when the sun shines brightly.” ― Chiranjude Bird
“Some humans spend their whole lives making something that isn’t real look like something that is.” ― Anna Banks
“A person can pretend to be something that there not; for some long. Until it comes to a time, you do something, that annoys them. That's when they blow up and the true part of them, starts to come out. Watch out for those fakers.” ― Dianerste Ross
“The most dangerous among us come dressed as angels and we learn too late they are the devil in disguise.” ― Carlos Wallace
“We have to be cautious of who we allow in our circle because a frenemy can be more destructive than an enemy.” ― Angel Moreira
“An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.” ― Buddha
"Every coin has two sides, just like most people have two faces." ― Rashida Rowe
My two faces are the extroverted side I have to use for work and the exhausted introvert that takes over when I get home. I don't want to be around people, but I have bills to pay.
“Fake people talk about other people being fake. Real people worry about their business, and no one else’s.” ― Ziad K. Abdelnour
“After reading between the lines, I can secretly hear Socrates screaming: 'I'm the wisest man to ever live in the world. Anyone who will claim that title after me he's fake!'” ― Mwanandeke Kindembo
“It is somehow painful when you can lay your life down for them, but they won't be there for you, even when you need them the most.” ― Goals Rider
“The fake and scoundrel-minded people never comes out from the curtain since they cannot face the truth and reality.” ― Ehsan Sehgal
“When people smile at a rich man, they are smiling at his wallet.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo
“The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.” ― Chris Jammi
“You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage.” ― Chinonye J. Chudolue
“True friends esteem you of greater worth than you feel deserving. False friends demand you prove that worth.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich
“If you choose bad companions, no one will believe that you are anything but bad yourself.” ― Aesop
“Life is full of fake peoples but before you decide to judge them, make sure you’re not one of them.”
“It is always easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.” ― Alfred Adler
So far, this is the best one! So true. Protesters come to mind. Rules for thee but not for me.
“Some soap opera, you know, real people pretending to be fake people with made-up problems being watched by real people to forget their real problems.” ― Chuck Palahniuk
“We fake perfect so others don’t have to experience any unpleasant realities, because their life is just as fake as ours.” ― Bryant H. McGill
“You may be married to a star, but that doesn't mean they'll treat you like one.” ― Jess C. Scott
“The more inhuman we became the more we understood each other as humans.” ― Cameron Conaway
“You will never have to question the intentions or integrity of people who have your best interest at heart.” ― Germany Kent
“Some people make money. Some make plans, while others make lies.” ― De philosopher DJ Kyos
“Fake people are like costume jewelry: they look great for a while, then all of a sudden, their true selves 'Shine' thru.” ― Nitya Prakash
“If a teacher fails to teach justice to his student, the teacher is fake; if a judge fails to provide justice to his countrymen, the judge is fake; if a country fails to seek justice to its citizen, the country is fake. Who is fake? A raindrop remains pure until it doesn't fall on the earth.” ― P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Are you sincere? Are you yourself? Are you as you look? You don’t have a mask on your face? You speak what you think? Then you are real, then you are not fake!” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan
“There should never be a time you make time for people who waste your time.” ― Carlos Wallace
“Anyone can just speak words, but only one that is tried-and-true can mean them.” ― Terry a O'Neal
“The fake people do not dare to come out, from their mask and face the truth of the real ones.” ― Ehsan Sehgal
“I think people fake that they're having fun a lot of the time in photos, because they want people to think they're having fun. Well, that's not life, is it?” ― Lara Avery
“Incessant smiling is one of the deadly tools used by someone whose intent is to make others cry.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
“They may take you for a fool, promise to shower you with the world, use their canny devastating tongue to manipulate and dominate your mind, but its better to put them bulshit people at arms length rather than falling into the arms of infidelity.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
“One of the main roles of our financial problems is to weed out our fake friends.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“This is what happens. You tell your friends your most personal secrets, and they use them against you.” ― Sophie Kinsella
“It is necessary, and even vital, to set standards for your life and the people you allow in it.” – Mandy Hale
“The real friends are out there on your own, on your lost and on your special days. If they aren’t there, take it like they aren’t your friends, find other friends.” – Deyth Banger
“You’ll be surrounded by many so-called well-wishers during your good times but there’ll be only a few ones around you in your bad times.” ― Anurag Prakash Ray
“One should have the ability to distinguish between real and fake. Specially real and fake love.” ― George Femtom
“Just like seasons, people also change. But the difference is, once gone, seasons come back.” ― Himanshu Chhabra
“Eliminate those fake friends who seem real when you have something and disappear when you have nothing.” ― Rashida Rowe
“You would always have undesired people around you but desired ones are least likely” ― Pushpa Rana
“Time passes and you begin to see, people for who they really are and not who they pretend to be.” ― Scarlet Koop
“I would rather wear honest tears than the most beautiful and elaborately faked smile.” ― Tyler Knott Gregson
“Nice words and nice appearance doesn't conclude that someone is nice, I believe that the nicer you look, the more deceptive you appear.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
“Atmosphere is currently all you have to your name. You're taking it in. You
will not forget.” ― Casey Renee Kiser
“And when you talk to them they make you feel that they care about you to keep you engaged with them but in reality, they don't give care but are curious about what you are up to in life.” ― Aiyaz Uddin
“I stretch my arms out — let the truth be told. These days, friends are modern day Pinocchios. Long nose, friend or foe. They're more fake than the wax statues standing still in Madame Tussaud.” ― Soroosh Shahrivar
“If someone in your circle cannot congratulate you on your success, heed the warning and distance yourself from that person, because they are not for you.” ― Germany Kent
“They say never ride with the ones you didn’t walk with, real friends show you real love not only talk it. I made the team but figured out the game wasn’t important when I found my homies switching sides the nights we weren’t scoring.” ― John Maiorana
“The Bible said the devil may come in many forms. Some time he may appear as a friend, celebrity or even a pretty girl or well built young man. A well paying job, easy money opportunity or simply a chance at something too good to be true. More the often it probably is.” ― Carlos Wallace
“Are the accomplishments that people boast about real? Probably. But I’d rather hang out with real people, and real people don’t have to boast.” ― Charles F.
“When you meet new people and you notice they gossip about people behind their backs just imagine what they say about you behind yours.” ― Divine Conspiracy
“I cut fake people faster than Bugatti reaches its 100 miles speed. I often tell myself, this is called "Art of Living".” ― Rakesh Vemulawada
“Fake people have no identity; they are just a number, not anywhere near a comma.” ― Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
“Yeah till yet, I can say that, there are some people till now who believe in fakeness.” ― Waleed Uz Zaman Khan
“Pretend to be poor in reality and you'll notice a decrease in your friends list and request.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
“I think the celebrities today, not all of them, but just the whole industry frustrates me because it is so fake. People pretend to be, a lot of the time, what they’re not.” ― Tulisa
“No one forced you to love me, so why did you need to pretend? Your lies have left me heartbroken.” ― Shami Paulin
“Real people are actively trying to live like fake people, so real people are no less fake.” ― Chuck Klosterman
“I fake fake to have a fake life. Does that make me a real horse? Buy now for $777, wooden saddle sold separately. Real horseshoes not included. Imaginary ones – neither.” ― Will Advise
“I predict that there will be many more like him in the future,” she sighed. “People of privilege speaking heroically on behalf of those with whom they have no intention of mixing.” ― Kevin Ansbro
“Over a small misunderstanding God will expose how people really feel about you...” ― Gugu Mofokeng
“I had been the victim of fake news despite being the candidate of the genuine story.” ― P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“He’ll see right through the perfect mess that you are, and once he does, don’t come crying to me.” ― Krystalle Bianca
“I just trust my intuition taking into account the psychology of things. Therefore, I am not persuaded by facts, but by behaviors.” ― Maria Karvouni
“He thought that even naturalness can be feigned; at times, a mask disguises too well the expressions of a face that does not exist either outside or under it.” ― Carlos Fuentes
“So many of us hide from ourselves and we don't even know who we are and why were we here? All people will prove they are better and put fake masks on their own faces. Every people pretend herself what they actually not from inside.” ― Silentknight
“As far as I know, only politicians can make this kind of miracle by staying more than 30 years of their entire life lying or hiding from the electors what really happen behind the political curtain of our status quo. This is one of the rare cases that a politician can swear in front of any deity or authority without any hesitation: “I really appreciate your ignorance or indifference about politics. It’s a blessing for me in my lifetime.” ― Frederick Vanderbuilt
“Mostly, I think people are fake. Well, what do you expect? The fake world we live in conspires to make us all fakes.” ― Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“When you are gunning to be like other people, you are foolishly repeating their mistakes, and the worst of it all is that you can't even correct yours.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
“He told me he was real, he told me he was there and that he cared for me. Then he told me the thing that imprisons you... is your own mind, and at that moment he vanished and I realized... I had created him. He was never there, he never cared, it was just me... all me.” ― Maranda Kuhl
“There's no use of pretending to be good in front of people who are also doing same to us. Mutual deceptions don't lead anywhere!!” ― Rajneesh Sharma
“False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports.” ― Richard Burton
“You can’t always go by actions, because some people will act like they love you just to get what they want from you.” ― Sonya Parker
“It’s hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.” ― Nicole Richie
“I’m not interested in hearing from those who preach joy or talk such crap about ‘positivity pledges’ about not allowing negative thoughts to drain them of energy, or about sending vibes of positive energy into the world and being grateful for all the wonderful things it’s going to attract into lives. That stuff’s all well and good, except that most people who talk shit like this are as fake.” ― Karl Wiggins
If your actions are dictated by who might be watching, they’ll never be genuine and neither will you.” ― Vincent H. O'Neil
“Anyone can just speak words, but only one that is tried-and-true can mean them.” ― Terry O’Neal
If you've ever struggled with recognizing the real intentions of others, you are not alone. Many have faced the challenge of identifying those who don't have their best interests at heart. Learning how to distinguish between the genuine and the deceptive is crucial for personal growth.
For more insights on this, you might find it enlightening to explore wise words about distinguishing harmful influences. They could offer renewed perspective on managing relationships and protecting yourself from negativity.