6 artists and their PORTRAITS, as different as themselves, but nonetheless put into a relationship that is surprisingly amazing!
You certainly recognize each artwork as a face, all of the faces have a special meaning to you, and each produces some spontaneous reaction.
In some cases, you clearly recognize a person, in other cases, you may see a face being depicted but realize that it does not resemble a real person.
Faces have long been considered special as social signals, and, from prehistoric amulets to many modern painters, faces have been and still are the most crucial elements of art.
More info: kunsthalle-vogtland.de
FACE to FACE – Exhibition Poster…
Je rêve d’un maillot de bain rayé (Jean-Jacques Piezanowski)
A la croisée des chemins (Jean-Jacques Piezanowski)
Je ne sais même pas que je rêve (Jean-Jacques Piezanowski)
N’y a t’il pas lieu d’être (Jean-Jacques Piezanowski)
Arrête de faire le pitre (Jean-Jacques Piezanowski)
J’ai enfin perdu mon ombre (Jean-Jacques Piezanowski)
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