I Found 18 Beauty Gadgets On Ebay That Promise To Make You Beautiful Without Plastic Surgery And Bought Them All
The project "Beauty Warriors" is a photo series featuring strange looking beauty gadgets. I found them on eBay and most of these beauty products are made in China. These new gadgets promise instant cure without surgical intervention. They are much cheaper than plastic surgeries and botulin injections and if you believe in it, they might work!
To be successful, you must be perfect and have a perfect body—these are our society’s rules, which we all follow without even realizing how ridiculous the beauty standards are. We often forget about the importance of inner and natural beauty.
Models for this project are my friends, family and volunteers found with the help of social media.
This beauty trends project was part of my coursework. I am studying Contemporary Art and Contextualised Practice BA(Hons) at the University of Highlands and Islands, in Inverness, Scotland.
More info: evijalaivina.com
This post may include affiliate links.
Face Slimmer
Side affect: May catch unwanted bugs, and attract unsolicited sexual advances from male trolls
Anti-Wrinkle Mask
Anti-Double Chin Bandage
Side affect of chin hammock: compression of the remaining facial features, resulting in Resting B***h Face.
Smile Trainer
Nose Straightener
Eyelid Trainer
Facelift Bandage (With Spikes Inside!)
She looks like she could do with a nice glass of chianti and some Fava beans.
Eyebrow Stencil
Lip Plumper
Face Massager
Gold Face Mask
Anti-Wrinkle Mask
Facial Tattoo Measurement Tool
If you want a tattoo right in the face, the measurement is probably your less significant problem...
Nose Shaper
Nose Shaper
Lip Moisturiser
Silicone Facemask
Although I think all of this is better than plastic surgery, and although a few of these devices might actually have a medical purpose, it is sadening what people do to reach what they are told they should look like.
I have to disagree. Not everybody who wants to change their faces wants to because they "were told they should look like" this or that. People choose to have a certain hairstyle, sometimes put a lot of time and money into having a different hair color or changing completely with make-up, choose to wear this or that outfit, sometimes modify their bodies permanently with tattoos and piercings, some wear fake eyelashes, fake boobs, color contacts, people can just want to look a certain way because they just like that way better. Wanting to change doesn't always mean they hate themselves either.
Load More Replies...i love how all of these women are photographed with the products in such a modelesque manner, and quirkily.
indeed! like actually taking serious THAT sh*t. Totally love the aesthetics, very smart and professionally done <3
Load More Replies...Ok, I laught at some of those pic, but ... come on! It's a bit sad that some people (mostly women but more and more men too) feel they need to buy those stuff, because we have to conform the unreachable beauty standard magazins sale us. When does what we look like has become more important than who we are? Taking care of ourselves O.K. but we shouldn't waste that much money/energy/emotion/creativity to fit a model that we didn't even chose.
Although I think all of this is better than plastic surgery, and although a few of these devices might actually have a medical purpose, it is sadening what people do to reach what they are told they should look like.
I have to disagree. Not everybody who wants to change their faces wants to because they "were told they should look like" this or that. People choose to have a certain hairstyle, sometimes put a lot of time and money into having a different hair color or changing completely with make-up, choose to wear this or that outfit, sometimes modify their bodies permanently with tattoos and piercings, some wear fake eyelashes, fake boobs, color contacts, people can just want to look a certain way because they just like that way better. Wanting to change doesn't always mean they hate themselves either.
Load More Replies...i love how all of these women are photographed with the products in such a modelesque manner, and quirkily.
indeed! like actually taking serious THAT sh*t. Totally love the aesthetics, very smart and professionally done <3
Load More Replies...Ok, I laught at some of those pic, but ... come on! It's a bit sad that some people (mostly women but more and more men too) feel they need to buy those stuff, because we have to conform the unreachable beauty standard magazins sale us. When does what we look like has become more important than who we are? Taking care of ourselves O.K. but we shouldn't waste that much money/energy/emotion/creativity to fit a model that we didn't even chose.