40 Times The Matrix Glitched Out, As Shared By These Internet Users Who Had Incredibly Bizarre Experiences
Whether you’re a scientist at heart who looks for logic everywhere or an out-of-the-box freethinker, you can’t deny that there are moments in life when you genuinely start thinking that the supernatural might be real. Or that we’re in a simulation. Or both! And it’s something that many people have faced in their lives.
Redditor u/mailseuuu sparked a very interesting internet discussion after asking people to share their stories about glitches in the Matrix. We’ve collected some of the most bizarre, unexplained, and unsettling stories to share with you, Pandas. Scroll down, follow the white rabbit, upvote the posts that you enjoyed the most, and think about your own similar experiences. And remember—there is no spoon…
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I have 2 dogs. One has medical issues and needs pills at very set times 4X/day. Because of this, everything we do is very routine. The other night, I let them out to potty after dinner. They go out in the normal order, go to their normal spots for sniffing and doing their business, I give my normal verbal reminder after a few minutes to stop sniffing and messing around and finish potty so we can go back in. Same thing every day. They came running back in, in the normal order; big dog first, not quite as big dog next, but for some reason the short hair medium size overweight brown dog didn't come in. I stood there a few more moments waiting for this dog I KNEW for certain was coming next, just like every day. Having to answer natures call myself, I was going to call the brown dog to hurry up. When I tried, I realized I could not remember this dogs name. Then, it all came crashing down on me.. I only have 2 dogs.
I don't know it if was a glitch in the matrix, a momentary lapse of sanity, or a quick slip into an alternate dimension, but I was so absolutely certain and could describe in detail what this other dog looked like. I've never had a dog matching what I expected, nor do any of my neighbors.
The legendary The Matrix movies (we like to pretend the fourth installment doesn’t exist, but we’re huge fans of The Animatrix) popularized an idea that philosophers have been wrangling with for thousands of years. Namely, how can we tell what’s real and what isn’t? And the fact is that it’s sometimes incredibly difficult to trust your senses alone—if the stories featured in this post are anything to go by, they aren’t always reliable and can betray us when we need them most.
According to Scientific American, there’s roughly a fifty-fifty chance that we live in a simulation. However, if we assume that we are, in fact, living in ‘reality’ (whatever that means!), then glitches in the Matrix aren’t problems with the gigantic quantum computer we live in, but rather issues with how we perceive and (mis)remember things.
I used to have a weird telepathic bond with my dad. We lived in different countries, and every time I’d think of him, he would call me, or vice versa. It happened so often that I stopped questioning it after a while; it just was. He passed away a few years ago and I miss him every day.
I used to have visions/daydreams that I was driving high above a winding road through hills, stopping at the top of a valley with a small village spread below me. The vision was incredibly detailed — I could see a farm down to my right, a church and cemetery down to my left, as well as a handful of houses. Well, in 2012, I was driving through Saskatchewan in my RV, looking for some land to buy. Every potential place fell through, but I decided to try one last option even though it was a bit off the beaten path. Next thing I knew, I was driving high above a road winding through hills. And sure enough, the land I was going to look at was nestled in a valley. Everything was there: the church, the cemetery, the farm, even a log cabin. It was all exactly as it had been in my vision. I made an offer on the spot and didn't lose any sleep waiting for the offer to be accepted — I knew I'd found my land.
I dusted off a 10 year old laptop and found a pic I got from Google of a curvy dirt road with trees on both sides. I had forgotten about it. I was living in a city at the time and dreamed of living in the country. The road in that pic is the same road where I live now. I moved here 3 years ago.
Like it or not, our brains are far from perfect. And our memories are fallible. So a glitch in the Matrix can, at its simplest, come down to us misremembering how things actually happened. We might have forgotten some details and imagined others. Or someone might have convinced us that things happened a certain way. We’re not computers that can store ‘perfect’ copies of events. And every time we remember something, it’s going to be slightly different from the last time we did so.
“Memory illusions can be as simple as misremembering whether one saw a Stop sign or a Yield sign at an intersection to misremembering entire experiences such as being lost in a shopping mall as a child or even being abducted by a UFO. Such illusions can emerge spontaneously in an individual, being created endogenously, or can arise due to the suggestion of another person, being created exogenously,” explain researchers Mark L. Howe and Lauren M. Knott, the authors of ‘The fallibility of memory in judicial processes: Lessons from the past and their modern consequences.’
A friend in high school told me she had a 'gift' and asked me to give her a personal item that meant a lot to me. I handed her my bracelet and she held it for a couple of minutes, then told me that she saw a yellow house on a hill and that something bad was going to happen there. My grandma, whom my friend had never met, lived in a yellow house on a hill in another city. I didn’t think too much about it until a year and a half later, when my grandma was murdered in her pool at her yellow house on a hill. I’ve always believed that some folks have a gift, and my friend definitely did.
One time when I was like 8, I was rolling a toy plane (I distinctly remember it was an F117 stealth fighter) across my desk.
It rolled off my desk and just disappeared. I didn't lose it. It just disappeared. There was nowhere for it to go and I never found it again.
Somewhere there is an alternative dimension full of c**p that we humans have lost, but mostly, socks.
I have a very visually distinctive necklace. Well one day. After I took it of just it disappeared . I looked and looked for it finally giving up and wrote my necklace off as lost forever.
A few weeks later I was dusting the ceiling fan when I noticed a shadow in the light globe.
So I undone the globe from off the fan. Thinking the shadow was maybe a bug.
No bug. The shadow was my necklace.
Meanwhile, our senses aren’t accurate all the time, either. Our state of mind, mood, and expectations can change how we perceive our environments. For instance, someone who’s anxious and fearful and expecting to be attacked might see threats everywhere. Someone who’s on cloud nine because of a recent success might see things in a more positive light, ignoring the negatives. And someone who’s utterly exhausted might not notice important details.
To bring it closer to home, we’ve all had moments where we read a headline wrong and could’ve sworn that the Matrix rewrote it when we read it the second or third time around. Or an object we had in our possession simply… disappeared. Without a trace! Even though we spent hours looking for it.
We visited the spaceflight center in Huntsville a few years ago and I got an A-12 (looks like the SR-71) coffee cup. I started drinking coffee in it every day and for more than a year, everything was normal. I wake up, go pour coffee, drink it downstairs, wash it, then go back to work in my office upstairs.
Sometimes, I get a second cup of coffee and bring it up to my office and then bring it down when I'm done to wash and reset for the next day.
On May 1 of last year, I forgot to bring it back downstairs from my office. Next morning, I wake up and go downstairs to have a cup of coffee like usual in my A-12 cup I got from the Space & Rocketry Center in Huntsville, AL. When I'm done, I wash it and put it away and go upstairs to start work...
...and there's the cup from the day before with an inch of cold coffee in it.
I bring it downstairs, trying to figure out what's going on and **the one I just used is still sitting in the drying rack**.
I now have **two** A-12 coffee cups. In the months since, they've both picked up a little bit of their own character, but at the time I brought the original and its doppelcupper together, they had the same scuff marks and were in every way I could tell identical.
I don't have an explanation for how this happened. I don't know how this cup somehow duplicated or why or how to do it again, but what I DO have... is two A-12 cups even though I only bought one.
I left the office one day to pick up some lunch. On the way I saw an old colleague I hadn’t seen for years in the petrol station. I was going to pull in and say hello but I was busy and hungry so continued driving. About 3pm that day I was told he had died in a car crash that morning about 50 miles up the same road I saw him on.
A coworker was suddenly married with kids.
I have been at my job since September of last year. I work in a female-dominated field and there is only one male that I interact with with any regularity. When I first started working my new coworkers gave me the lowdown on everyone we worked with—including this guy. They tell me this guy is in his 40s, he’s single, and has never been married. I pay special attention to this information because I think he’s cute. I even look him up on Facebook, and yep, he’s a bachelor.
Without giving too much detail, this guy emails me about an issue a month ago. His wife (who apparently exists and works for our company) then also emails me. I’m flabbergasted. The wife mentions their two teenage daughters. I’m further flabbergasted. I grill my coworkers about all this and they’re confused—this guy has been married for 15 years, and they definitely never told me he was single. I look for his Facebook again and he doesn’t have one. There’s no possible way I could’ve gotten him mixed-up with anyone else, either. He has a distinctive name and like I said, he’s the ONLY man I work with. Also, any single person knows damn well they commit to memory the relationship status of someone they find attractive.
Still don’t know what to make of it. It was like the wife didn’t exist until she was relevant to the plot.
The simplest explanations would be that we were distracted, tired, inattentive, or had certain preconceptions of what a headline is going to say or where a missing object might go. That’s the logical answer. But some events are so weird that even skeptics wonder about the alternatives. Not to mention that it’s a lot more interesting to think we live might live in a simulation than that we’re just bad at noticing and remembering details!
Which of these stories did you find the most interesting, dear Pandas? Were there any that captivated you far more than you expected? What are the oddest glitches in the Matrix that you’ve experienced in your life? Share your thoughts in the comments. Meanwhile, we’re off to watch Neo save the world once again. We swear, it sometimes feels like Zion and the Nebuchadnezzar aren’t real and exist in a second layer of the Matrix…
My reply from the last thread like this
>Ok my sister and I were playing the age old game of "Get the f**k out of my room." If you've never played it before, all you do is try to get the intruder out. I managed to get her outside the door, but she always tried to push it open while I was attempting to close it in a sort of reverse tug-of-war situation. Suddenly, I slam it shut, meaning I won. I turn around and there is my very confused sister wondering how she ended up back in my room. In her confusion, I managed to get her back out.
Love how the OP continues to play their game as if his sister didn't just Harry Potter into his room.
As a young kid I was playing my He-man action figures in my bedroom in a sunny afternoon. I remember getting a feeling of being watched in a loving manner by someone I sensed to be a male. I looked around, looked out of the door, the window and saw no one. I was kind of excited because I thought it was my father, who had split from my other and I hadn't seen in person since (still haven't). As there was no one around, any family member in the house was in the kitchen, I resumed playing with my toys.
Almost three decades later, my mother had gotten deep into reincarnation beliefs. I don't believe in that because frankly, the idea of being born again and living again and meeting the same people again in different bodies doesn't even begin to excite me as it excites her. Coming back again and again sounds like a cruel prison to me. Anyway, I read a book in which someone mentioned doing a past life hypnotic regression and decided to look for that too. If it was real, I should be able to experience it too, if it was b******t I would be able to tell. Found someone who could do it in my town but didn't want to pay for a charlatan. Found a youtube video of someone guiding a session like that. He didn't go straight into past life, but asked you to go back to childhood, then the womb, then beyond that. When I guided myself back to my past as a childhood, I found myself watching me playing with the He-man action figures, from the place where I, as a kid, felt the presence of an adult male watching me. I found myself full of compassion for that kid, for what was about to come about in his life, wanting to protect him and help him flourish. As a father would.
I was leaving work one night with a co-worker, we worked on the fourth floor of this building and take the stairs down to the parking garage. He's about half a flight of stairs behind me and at a certain point I have a thought that we have just walked down way too many stairs. It's like eight half flights of stairs and we definitely were going too long, maybe an extra 4 or 6 I don't know. The second I have that thought I see the door for the emergency exit which is one flight up from where the door is for the parking garage. It was like instant, had the thought and then saw the door, then everything was back to normal. We weren't talking at all the whole time and then my co-worker was like "hmmm... that took longer than normal". We weren't walking slow, I practically run down the stairs, but it was like we got stuck on a stair master stair case or some s**t for a minute and he knew it too.
This isn't really a glitch, but occasionally I will fall asleep and dream at night and recognize the dream from when I was a very little kid (I'm 31) and basically pick up from where I left off. This has happened with 5 separate dreams now.
As in I'll dream I'm in a particular place doing a particular thing and remember inside the dream that I left off here when I was 6 and this is what happened before I reached this point.
Earlier this year, my mom, sisters, and I were going shopping out of town. The night before, I dreamed we were at Target and a shooter came into the store. I woke up terrified and was on edge all day. During the drive to town, my mom told me she also dreamed of a shooting. While we were shopping at a store, it suddenly went into lockdown because the mall next door — where we planned to go next — had a gang-related shooting. That whole day was weird and horrifying.
Its like a spiritual warning dream, might have nothing to do with you personally, but a location you planned to go to and for whatever reason didn't
This happened about 2 months ago.. I went to visit my friend at her new apartment. I had never been there before. I google mapped it and my other friend drove me. We parked and walked up to apt B. At the bottom of the stairs was this weird guy who immediately started trying to talk to us and ask us questions and proceeded to follow us up the stairs. (mind you, this is not a great part of town). I knocked on the door and as soon as the door cracked open, before looking I started pushing my way inside..to get away from this creep. The girl who answered is Not my friend and obviously stops me from entering. I said "oh my god I'm so sorry" and we took off while she yelled at the man whom she apparently knew.. saying "are you bothering these people?" etc..
SO.. my friend and I ran back to her car where I called my friend and told her what happened.. she said she lives in the next block of buildings over. (apparently they are the same apartment complex and have the same numbers. I'm not sure how that's supposed to NOT be greatly confusing). We park a little further down the road and walk up to the complex and the SAME creep is sitting at the bottom of these stairs. Doing exactly the same thing. Says the same thing to us again .. IDK .. it was weird. WHY is the apartment the SAME. Looks the same. Same numbers. Same creep at the bottom of the stairs. Just... no.
My first job after college. One night I was working a bit late, and ended up leaving the office at roughly 6:30. I was living with my parents at the time who were a 17 minute drive from my office (there was rarely any traffic on my drive home so this was usually pretty consistent). I got in the car and drove straight home. I arrived back home at my parents house around 8:15. I still have no idea where that extra 88 minutes went.
The only rational explanation I could come up with was that I somehow worked an extra hour without noticing it. However, this would have required me to misread both the clocks in my workplace as well as the one in my car which I recalled looking at before pulling out of the parking lot. I checked all of my clocks the next day and none of them were wrong.
It's been several years now so my brain is more inclined to believe that I somehow made a mistake, but at the time I remember methodically going through all the possibilities and disproving them one by one.
I was maybe around 5 years old. Pretending to be a magician. I put a pen in this big activity book and waved my hands over it and said “abracadabra” to make the pen disappear. The pen literally disappeared. The bulge you would see of a pen being in a book was gone. Looked through the entire book. Look around the floor. Couldn’t find it. Never found it. We moved out of that house when I was 11 and never found the pen
I once found a 20 sided dice (that I had lost a few years prior in America) in the middle of a desert in Israel.
It was the exact same dice as well. I remember because it was the same coloring and had the same scratched off number as well.
Lying in bed with my wife, I called over for our cat Prince to come so I could pet him. My wife also called for Prince to pet him. Except we were each petting a cat. Two identical cats when we only had one.
keep them both, two similar kitty babies is better than one
I recently rode the bus to a hospital appointment listening to my playlist on shuffle. As I was walking into the hospital, "Kyrie" by Mr. Mister was halfway through, and I switched my phone off. I checked in with reception and could still hear the song playing. I checked my phone — it was off. The song was playing on hospital radio. I caught the second half of it. I mean, it's a top tune, but this was 30-plus years after release and it wasn't even a massive hit here. Totally bizarre.
For those who wonder what a hospital appointment could be, talking to you, Chl, the bad panda with down votes, it's non emergency, diagnostic procedures or treatment, like specialized x-rays, a mammogram, or a stress test, a flu shot, or even receiving cancer treatments.
Oh sh#t I better tell the hospital they don't do appointments and not go to my Physio next week!
Load More Replies...Well to be fair, as a contractor I had do some construction on a hospital building. Said I'd be there at 730am. Thus, had an appointment with the hospital building. Let's grow up and not nitpick our fellow BPs.
Chl, what are you on? I have hospital appointments very often. It’s not just a building with A&E.
I always thought: "Kyrie eleison through the darkness of the night" was "Give me a laser through the darkness of the night". Makes more sense.
I always thought it was the laser thing too. But the meaning is this: "Kyrie, eléison" ("Lord, have mercy")
Load More Replies...I had a few appoimtments in a hospital as a kid,in preparation for withdom teeth removal and an operation on my jaw and aftercare.Imagine the chaos in hospitals if there where no appointments for anything! =)
I remember leaving my boyfriends visitation/funeral, we had made a CD of music for during the visitation. As were leaving and Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven is playing, well we got in the car to go the burial, and on the radio that song was playing and picked up right where it was when we left the funeral home. Was really crazy!!
I had a similar thing happen a few years ago, at least regarding the music thing. I woke up on a usual workday morning with a song stuck in my head (it was "rock the boat" by hues corporation). I don't listen to radio while sleeping or anything similar, it was just there. Not really strange so far, just uncommon for my taste in music. I went through my usual morning routine, where I never turn any music on either, and just hummed along the song in my head. When I finally left the house and got in my car, that same song was playing on the radio. On a real station, so no mp3 or cd that might have been playing when I parked the car. Nothing too weird, but it creeped me out for a few seconds.
Ejected the CD and the music kept going. Four of us in the car were like "we are dead, this is limbo, what is going on"
A few years ago, I was crossing the street and this little old lady wearing a pink and blue jacket was joyously crossing in the opposite direction with a smile on her face. My view is temporarily blocked by a tall man between us. As the tall man walked past me, the lady is gone. I looked back three times in disbelief. She was gone. The street wasn't super busy or anything, just a few people walking, quite a lot of open spaces, so there was no place she could have hidden into; why would she anyway? This was the first and last time I had such an experience.
Years ago, I used to get up for work around 3 a.m., so I’d go to bed by 8 p.m. Three nights in a row, I woke up at the same time because of something weird. The first night, I had a vivid dream about a ghost. The second night, I had sleep paralysis and saw a demon in my room. The third night, I woke up to a loud bang. The morning after the last night, I was off from work, so I managed to sleep in. When I got up, I heard helicopters overhead. I flipped on the TV, and the news was running a story about a guy being swallowed by a sinkhole while he was sleeping. It was on the street behind my house, and it happened at the same time I had woken up those three nights. The bang I heard the previous night was the sinkhole.
Omg this isn’t the famous Jeff bush house is it? Scary either way
I woke up in the morning and saw a trailer for a movie named Hannah. I was then scrolling through my Google calendar and saw it was my friend Hannah's birthday. Later on in the night I had some friends come over and we were about to go to a bar, I ordered doordash and the delivery girl's name was hannah. I went out that night and got a girl named Hannah's number who I dated for about 6 months. Nothing else came up the relationship but that was an extremely bizarre coincidence and follow-up circumstance. It made me really consider the matrix theory.
My brother got a lucky rabbits foot keychain. I was tossing it in the air and catching it. One time it went up, but didn't come down. 30 years later I was working in the ceiling and found it on the heat duct that was covered by a drop ceiling.
Had a major Deja Vu two days ago. Little person walks by carrying a blank canvas and heads into the stairwell and descends to the parking garage. Half a minute later the scene repeats. Without him ever coming back up the first time.
(I've posted this before so I'm just gonna copy/paste my old comment)
My bedroom at the time lead into the living room that you could see into the kitchen. We also had a bathroom that was directly off our room, in the corner. You couldn't get to it unless you were in our room.
I woke up one afternoon. I remember sitting up, checking my phone and lighting a cigarette. I got out of bed, opened the bedroom door, walked into the living room to turn the thermostat up. I saw my ex in the kitchen fiddling around with the coffee pot. Then he started walking towards the back of the house, into the other bedroom. I said "Hey! You're up early." He looked at me, and kept on walking. I went back into our room and sat on the bed. After a few minutes I called his name, and he opened the bathroom door and said "yeah?"
Apparently he was in the bathroom the whole time. I was very confused and super freaked out because I could have sworn I saw him in the kitchen. There's no way it was him if he was in the bathroom. It shook me up pretty bad.
Most likely a hypnagogic hallucination - like a half-waking dream that seems really, fairly common when you’re in that state between sleeping and waking.
When I was in high school, I had a vivid dream where I was in science class sitting in a different seat than usual. I also had a different “clicker” (the remote used to enter answers during quizzes), and one of my friends said a very off-color joke to the teacher. The next day, a couple in the class had to be separated, so I moved seats and was given a clicker based on my new seat, and my friend said the joke from my dream that I was convinced he wouldn’t due to his personality. I remember sitting in my chair completely confused and in awe.
Had many similar instances and it's saved my life on several occasions. We were going to visit a family member out of state and i pretended to be sick because i was young and had an anxiety attack (didn't know it at the time) due to a dream i had the night before. The flight we were supposed to take hit one of the twin towers. So pretty much every time i get vivid dreams that manifest in dejavu irl i nope out.
Okay this is a bit weird but I definitely remember smoking cigs when I was like 17-18 in my parent's house. The thing is I never did but there are these vivid memories of me hiding cigs and smoking in the house. It is like some Mandela type s**t. The memories are vivid but I know I didn't. It is like from another timeline or something lmao.
I was watching The Santa Clause 2 and looked up who played the Tooth Fairy — it was Art LaFleur. I looked at his IMDb page, expecting to see a death date, and was happily surprised to see he was still alive. Literally the NEXT DAY, it was announced that he died.
I dropped a piece of A4 paper at work and it landed stood up on the short edge. It wasn't bent or folded, literally a fresh sheet of paper just standing all by itself.
Whats more, it happened twice whilst I was at that work place. Never seen it happen again
I had an out-of-body experience many years ago. I don't remember any of it, but all I know for sure is that, for whatever reason, I MUST go to Chillicothe, Ohio. I don't know if that's where I die or if I will find something there. All I know is that I have no choice. Still haven't gone...
When I was in school, grade 5-6, I went through a phase of having very very strong déjà vu. And during the same timeframe at school, there was this one incident I will never ever forget as long as I live! During lunch break I turned around and everything was pitch black. And the people and buildings closest to me were the first things to come into view again, as if my world was loading you know? Behind the buildings was all still pitch black and further and further away the image of the world was loading like in a video game. Like how the graphics aren’t loaded far off in the distance? It was EXACTLY like that. It was a very momentary thing and I remember asking my friends if they saw that.
Not sure if this is related or not.. but I was recently diagnosed with “depersonalisation/Derealisation disorder”. Which may or may not explain things, although I do believe back then was different from what I experience now.
I had really weird Deja Vu in 6th and the beginning of 7th grade. It would start in a dream that I see a random image, (like a glass jar, one time) and then several weeks later I’d see the same jar. In the dream I’d never see the background or anything else, but I learned that I could make up something happening and there was a 50/50 chance it would happen. I was at EAA Airventure one year, and I saw a situation with an A-1 Skyraider and an extremely angry guy I created in my head.
I work as an EMT. My partner and I play a game where we try to guess the name and age of our patient before we go in to pick them up. All we know are vague details about the patient's condition and where they're going. I've been right about both the name AND age at least seven times. I mean, really, what are the odds that out of all the names and possible ages, I happen to guess the ones that are exactly right for a particular patient? Gotta thank those gut feelings!
If you've worked in this job for a while you might have developed a good assessment of which conditions appear often at which age span and unwittingly concluding from age, ethnic background & socioeconomic status (which sometimes can be derived from the conditions, the living area,look of the house etc) you might have also got an idea of which names typically appear in that context. Depending on how many pick ups you have done so far and on how mir or less creative the correctly guessed names were, 7 could be plausible.
As a kid (7) I had a n64 and owned 1... 1 copy of Mario Kart.. Years later (12) while in my kitchen i see something under the fridge, another copy of Mario Kart, now there were two. I kept them both in a drawer. Then like 2~3 months ago (16) I was looking for both copies. only one. the one i found under the fridge was gone. (I knew which was which because I labeled them "Fridge" and "Original" since the fridge one didn't work) it was so strange cause i remember finding the fridge one the first time and being weirded out, because the family never bought a new one, and we were the first people to own the house so no one could have left it there
I walked by my colleague who was having a conversation. The convo definitely continued after I passed. I walked another 150 meters, went up a staircase, and walked by a room. My colleague was in that room, talking to another person. I was shook. Later in the day I verified that I had indeed passed her. I asked how she could have gotten past me and she just said “I’m a fast walker.” You ain’t THAT fast. She would have had to run up a different staircase, outpace me in the same hall but one floor above. I just didn’t see how it happened.
Years ago I lost a can of tuna. I took it out of the pantry to make a sandwich, but then decided to just have cereal, and put it back. Before I got the cereal I changed my mind again and took the can back out of the pantry and set it down. I had been craving tuna on toast with extra tomato and had bought it the evening before specifically to make that. I get the can opener and the can was gone. I looked all over the kitchen and never found it. I even checked the pantry and sure enough I was missing a can. I had bought a certain number like 4 for a dollar or something. This was in the 90's.
You made a glitch by changing your mind too rapidly that it just vanished
Through my 30 years of existence I've had about 50 premonitory dreams since I was like 6 yo, nothing special or important, but they are future dreams, some happened 1 week after I dreamt it, some took years to happen, but they always happened, and I thought them to be cool until I realize maybe I couldn't choose anything in my life and everything was preordained...
I got in a s****y depression about feeling like a puppet from life and decisions.
Until I could change 1 of them like 3 years ago, and all that s**t stopped, I guess that was a glitch in the matrix and eventually get out of that stupid depression and I now have a work I like, not great money but i can live well with the wife.
I’ve had 3 premonition dreams in my life. Two of them were about someone I know dying. They both died 2-4 months later in the exact same way I dreamt. One was about a house in my dream when I was a kid. It was creepy and I always remembered that dream for some reason and there was a girl with dark hair in it. Traveled to a different state to see my husband’s family a couple years ago and we saw that exact house. It was the neighbor of the people we know. He also had a daughter that looked like the girl in my dream. It freaked me out so bad.
Get a package delivered at the house. It had a battery in it, so the box had that big battery warning sticker on it. I didn’t open it - just grabbed it off the steps and put it on the counter and went to work. When I walked in there was an identical box with an identical sticker on the reception desk.
One time I farted really loud in the middle of a classroom of about 30 students and no one even acknowledged it.
I had known almost everyone in the class for at least 10 years, and I know if they heard it they would all bust out laughing.
My mother has answered the phone before it rang. My brother has a doppelganger. My father lived in another state; I woke up at 3:15am and could smell his cologne, he had passed away. I had a dream about walking on crunchy leaves in the cold, crisp air, one my favorite things to do, but I was incredibly sad, it made no sense. Years later, I walked through those crunchy leaves to visit my son's grave.
I’ve seen maybe two pairs of doppelgängers. One is a woman, my English teacher. Her doppelgänger is my OTHER teacher, for tap. And then my English teacher’s son has a doppelgänger. Guess where the son’s doppelgänger is? Also at my dance studio. One of the students.
Load More Replies...So, I went to high school with a girl named Tessy Arcoby-Basset. Her nickname was Tabby, for her initials T A B . I went to a small highschool in a small town, and she was the only person I have ever met or known with the name Tessy, and her last name is not common either. She had light blonde, curly hair, was tall and athletic, and had very distinct ice blue eyes. She was quiet spoken, and grew up Catholic but was did not practice and was pretty vocal about being an atheist. She loved, I mean loved basketball and ended up getting a scholarship to play for a very nice and popular college in southern California, where she was going into their nursing program, as she had always wanted to be a nurse. We weren't close, but we were friendly and hung out every once in a while. The last I heard about her was she graduated nursing school, was getting married to a surf shop owner, and was an ER nurse. Well, I move to the big city 300 miles away right after highschool, and have lived here ever since, 24 years now (I am old). When we bought our house 7 years ago, about a month after moving in, I get a visit from the neighborhood JWs. Well, I was talking to one of the ladies, saying I wasn't interested, when a second lady walked up. She looked at me with recognition and said "Jenna?! " This woman is a petite woman of Hispanic heritage, long straight black hair, and dark brown eyes. She also had a booming voice that surprise me because of her small stature. I absolutely did not recognize her. She sees my confusion then says" it me, Tessy, Tessy Arcoby-Basset, well, Tessy Marrow now, from highschool. I can't believe I ran into you, how have you been?" I honestly did not know what to say because I was so f*****g confused. I started asking questions like "do you still play basketball?" ? " when did you move here?" And "where are you working? I am a nurse too". She looked at me like I was crazy (at this point, I felt I was going crazy) and told me I should now she never played basketball, only soccer and track. She then told me how she didn't go to college at all, worked as a receptionist at a real estate office, got married right a year after highschool, had 3 children, became a SAHM, and lived in our home town until she moved up here 5 years ago when her husband (who did not own a surf shop) job got transfered. She also told me she had always been JW, and was shocked I didn't remember that because " we had a lot of discussion about it, and how I would always debate it with her (which is totally something I would do). She remembered all sorts of stuff about me, that was all true. I was trying to be calm and polite and play along that I remembered, but I was flipping out. After she left (and left me some Guideposts, lol) I got my old year books, and sure enough, Tessy was a petite Latina who played soccer. I called highschool friends, and no one remembers the Tessy I did. I thought I was going insane, but when I pulled out my highschool memory box, and went through all the senior pictures I was given by classmates, I found the Tessy I knew. Tall, blond curly hair, holding a basketball. On the back was I little note signed " Tabby". I still to this day cannot figure out what the actual f**k happened and who the real Tessy is or if the Tessy I remember and knew even existed.
Are you okay. Did you run out of room, or did you get kidnapped??
Load More Replies...I woke up one night to go to the bathroom, didn’t turn the lights on. When I came back, 1 min later, i could smell smoke. I turned the light on and smoke was POURING out of a plate-sized hole in my mattress - it looked like someone had dropped a large red hot ember onto the mattress, right around where my knees were, and it was burning its way down. I freaked out and threw a bunch of water on it, which woke up my roommate. Neither of us could figure it out - there was an electrical socket 2 feet away, but nothing was plugged in and my blankets weren’t touching it. It was 3am so all lights were off, I hadn’t been smoking in bed or anything. To this day I’m still stumped (hippie roommate decided it was demons and saged/salted the whole house before we went back to bed lol, I helped because ain’t nobody go time for demons)
When I was early in my career with the Royal Canadian Navy, I lived in barracks and had a large locker for all my gear. I was going home for thanksgiving and I remembered there was a box I was supposed to give my mother. I emptied my locker and couldn’t find it. I even put everything back piece by piece carefully looking for the box (which was half the size of a shoebox) and couldn’t find it. Well I went home then came back couple days later and when I opened my locker the box was sitting there on top of the pile. (The locker was locked and I had the only key).
I woke up and told my husband I had a crazy dream. He asked, so I told him I dreamed I was sitting in a bright red car. I was staring at my feet and out the window, just sitting there and someone got in and we drove off. To which my husband said that really doesn’t sound weird. It just felt weird at the time. An hour later my mom calls and tells me she had a crazy dream about me and just had to tell me. She was lost in a strange town, wandering around. She said she turned a corner where I was sitting in a bright red car. She got in the car and I drove her off. That’s weird. No one can tell me that’s not strange. I mean a bright red car, it was just so specific. This really happened.
Derren Brown explains stuff like this really well. Yes you really did dream about an old friend you hadn't seen in years and you really did then see them again the very next day for the first time in ten years. But there's nothing psychic or supernatural going on. In the intervening ten years you also dreamed about thousands of other people but you don't place any significance on those dreams because they didn't "come true". Anyway, go for it vote me down.
2002: driving county car for work, miles from home. Hear my mom scream *Change lanes NOW!* Startled, I did exactly that as a flatbed semi swung onto the freeway and lost load of 40-foot pipe (~12.5m). Pipe would have skewered me. After work, I drove back to her place... opened the door and heard her say *How many times have I told you to stay away from those semi s?!* I didn't even get a chance to say hello or mention what happened. She just knew. Dang, I miss her.
Driving home from a weekend at my aunt's house. My grandfather was driving, and my mom, brother, and grandmother were all in the car. About 45 minutes from home, my grandfather randomly exited the highway for no reason. We navigated the roundabout and got back on the highway. There was a horrendous accident, and we would have been right in the middle of it if my grandfather hadn't exited. He had no explanation for why he did.
The City Admin building is four floors, two elevators, the public one and freight elevator. The freight elevator dings at each floor as you pass it, so from the first floor three dings (second, third and fourth floor). However, when you ride down the freight elevator from the fourth floor, it dings four times and takes slightly longer to reach the first floor. The public elevator dings three times up or down and the stairs only go up four floors. Where is this secret floor the freight elevator passes on the way down?
Ask the maintenance if they have additional or bad contactor in the elevator tunnel :)
Load More Replies...Another instance was that my family drives to the shore a lot and since I've gone ever since I was a baby I have the route fairly well memorized despite not knowing how to drive yet. So one time I was in the car with my family like normal and we're on a a major highway-type road with trees on either side. There are lots of trees but they grow thin and up instead of wide and out. So anyway I look out my window at exactly the right moment to see a random white door standing up in the middle of the trees with nothing else around it to suggest that it was part of a structure. It definitely was standing up on its own and the only houses/structures nearby were a good distance away because no one wants to live twenty feet from a loud highway.
I point it out to my family but we had already passed it so no one else saw it. I thought it was weird but cool and since I love to write creative I started to sort of daydream a story around the door. Anyway the next time I was on that road (going home) I didn't see the door, and then next time I was on the road (going to the shore) I didn't see the door either, but I've looked every time. I've mentioned it before to my sister and she remembers when I pointed it out but has never seen it herself because she sits on the other side of the car. It's possible I've missed seeing the door again because much of the drive is on a continuous highway that all looks the same with the trees and the long wide lanes of traffic and the minimal signs of civilization.
Load More Replies...Idk if it counts as a glitch but it's sorta weird. Sometimes I'll be sitting and doing something that doesn't have anything to do with tech that would have a clock, (like reading or crafting or whatever) and I'll get the idea in my head that it's a certain time without really knowing if it actually is that time, and then I'll check my watch and it is either that exact time or very close to it. This may have something to do with me forgetting that I had looked at a clock more recently than I had thought, or I have a better perception of time passing than I thought (which doesn't make much sense as being ND I lose track of time easily).
Once when I was little, I pulled out some art supplies but then when I went to go actually do the art, they were gone. I looked everywhere, all over my room, and then I went downstairs to my sister to see if she had taken them to play a trick. She said she hadn’t, she was downstairs the whole time. I went back upstairs and there they were, on my bed and plain as day. It’s possible I missed them somehow when I first looked but I looked *everywhere* and the art supplies were colorful and would have stood out on my white bed cover. So weird.
A friend and I were headed into the city from my house. Just before entering the highway we saw a large semi-trailer painted with the very distinctive artwork Silicon Graphics had commissioned coming off the highway heading away from the city. We both remarked on it, because each of us had messed around with the computers onboard on different occasions. The highway traffic into the city was at a standstill, so I opted to cut through a residential area instead. After ten minutes of driving we saw another truck with the exact same artwork driving past us heading away from the city. We were puzzled because as far as we knew only one of these these trucks existed - something I confirmed about a year later when it visited our college and I spoke to the driver. It's been 30 years, and I still cannot fathom how the truck could go from behind us, travelling away from the city, to in front of us, still heading in the opposite direction when there is literally no route that would allow it.
I'm severely nearsighted and as a kid my vision was c**p but I didn't have glasses yet. I'm four houses down from my house playing with friends outside and I see my aunts car pull up to my house. They were a bit blurry but i see them getting out of the car; I saw my aunt, uncle and his niece who was about 4 years old and she was wearing a bright yellow dress and had bright red hair. I get excited they are visiting so i run home. They were already in my house and I say hello to my aunt and uncle and ask where the niece was. She wasn't there, they didn't bring her. I know I saw the bright yellow and red hair follow my uncle but she just wasn't with them. No clue what I saw because the angle wouldn't have allowed me to see anything behind the car and my neighbors house doesn't have any access on that side because they are the last house and face the cross street (property is fenced with no access so a person would've had to jump the fence)
I really didn’t need to read these so late… some of these are insane tho
Recommended GITM read. You can highlight and search: REDDIT: Repost: A Parallel Life / Awoken By A Lamp
I emailed my website designer like 3 times. No reply back. Finally I call annoyed. I've sent you several emails and you've never gotten back to me. He says I never got an e-mail. Now I keep almost every e-mail. Esp. when waiting for a reply. And I never delete my sent, trash or drafts box. So I look. And look. Scouring 3 different accounts. Every permeation I could think of. Going through one by one. Not a single e-mail. Did I dream I e-mailed him? I swear I did it.
I've had things happen. Dream of a place and so specific I describe to people. Months later I'm actually there with the person and say didn't I tell you of the dream I had of this moment and their eyes went super wide. Places over never been I've dreamed of then seen irl. I'd know who was calling before it was answered. Call out the lotto numbers as it's being drawn on tv with people watching it happen. They said I just sorta stopped an glowed like light was behind me and I just spoke what was happening a few seconds a head of it (.the numbers) so at least it was confirmed. I'd like to be hypnotized some day to see what was my past life like. I know the future one. I get theirs dream that continues. I'm me but in another body of me in like 300-400 years from now in a space ship like a big one an I just step into my new body an marvel at the universe in the windows and talk to people about vague stuff. I haven't found a mirror yet. You never find those in dreams.
Yes! That's a regular thing for me, or I quit OTR. Most profound was dream of small town park and local baseball game. One guy in particular: tall, blonde, white knee socks with stripes, baseball uniform pants. When I walked across America months later, I stopped in a little town and went to the park. That game in progress. That man dressed exactly in dream. So startled I fell over park bench and face planted in grass. He saw me and ran over to help. That's how I met the man I've loved since the 1990s. Loved him before I met him. Also:, you're right about the mirrors.
Load More Replies...When I was in eighth grade, in order to pass the year I had to take a language. So I took latin, and the teacher was an average man- late 50s, glasses, short ginger hair, fairly soft spoken. (for some odd reason i also remeber thinking he looked like a koopa from the OG super mario bros.) he was a nice guy, i passed the year. on the day of my graduation from 8th grade, he walked up to me, and gave me a letter. it was about how he had been glad to see me change and grow out of bad habits during the year (i had been rather....misguided at the beginning of the year, smoking, skipping, and hanging out with the wrong sort of people.) and I was quite happy to recieve such a kind letter. anyways, during my freshman I found out that he had been struck and killed in a car accident. then, junior year, i feel into a deep depression caused by the death of a close friend and began to lapse back into old habits- i once again began to smoke, skip, and drink. since I was once again failing
i was informed that in order to pass the year, i needed to take a language again. (my hs and middle school required at least one language credit per year) so once again, I put in for latin. the first day, i walk in and almost do a double take. the guy looks EXACTLY like my old latin teacher, which didn't make any sense because my old teacher (lets call him Mr S to differentiate) had been killed in a car accident two years prior. Additionally, Mr. S had been childless and widowed young. So of course I ask him if he knows my old teacher, and he responds that he's never heard of that man before. I thought this was weird, but brushed it off. anyway, I graduated senior year and the Mr. S doppelganger was still working there. at graduation, he walked up to me and gave me a letter detailing how happy he was to see me change and graduate. idk if that made sense, but it's the weirdest thing i've ever experienced.
Load More Replies...My friends and I got stuck in a glitch once on our annual road trip to Cedar Point. Passed by the same decrepit farmhouse and silo like 6 times, somehow lost 3 hours of our lives and no one knows how (like the drive was 3 hours longer thab it should have been even though we didnt take any pit stops or hit any traffic) and after our trip on the way home our car was followed by vultures from the time we left our hotel until we got back to the main highway. Ohio road trips just hit different
I don't know if my story belongs here, because I believe it can be explained. 20 years ago I was in hospital in intensive care and in danger of my life, but I distinctly remember being at my sisters silver anniversary. I was in a wheelchair so I had to sit in their kitchen because it was to wide to enter their living room. In short I remembered lots of details from a party I couldn't possibly have been to.
Re:#6. The necklace somehow ended up in the light globe of a ceiling fan. Yet the author can’t be bothered to find, somewhere on the internet, a stock picture of a ceiling fan with a light kit. How thorough. But I’d expect no less from this site.
Some people have fanciful imaginations, memory issues, and/or drug-related problems. Deja vu is also a fairly well understood physical phenomenon; people also tend to remember the coincidences when things happen, but forget the thousand of times when similar random circumstances happen but don't lead to something memorable. Sorry, not convinced.
My mother has answered the phone before it rang. My brother has a doppelganger. My father lived in another state; I woke up at 3:15am and could smell his cologne, he had passed away. I had a dream about walking on crunchy leaves in the cold, crisp air, one my favorite things to do, but I was incredibly sad, it made no sense. Years later, I walked through those crunchy leaves to visit my son's grave.
I’ve seen maybe two pairs of doppelgängers. One is a woman, my English teacher. Her doppelgänger is my OTHER teacher, for tap. And then my English teacher’s son has a doppelgänger. Guess where the son’s doppelgänger is? Also at my dance studio. One of the students.
Load More Replies...So, I went to high school with a girl named Tessy Arcoby-Basset. Her nickname was Tabby, for her initials T A B . I went to a small highschool in a small town, and she was the only person I have ever met or known with the name Tessy, and her last name is not common either. She had light blonde, curly hair, was tall and athletic, and had very distinct ice blue eyes. She was quiet spoken, and grew up Catholic but was did not practice and was pretty vocal about being an atheist. She loved, I mean loved basketball and ended up getting a scholarship to play for a very nice and popular college in southern California, where she was going into their nursing program, as she had always wanted to be a nurse. We weren't close, but we were friendly and hung out every once in a while. The last I heard about her was she graduated nursing school, was getting married to a surf shop owner, and was an ER nurse. Well, I move to the big city 300 miles away right after highschool, and have lived here ever since, 24 years now (I am old). When we bought our house 7 years ago, about a month after moving in, I get a visit from the neighborhood JWs. Well, I was talking to one of the ladies, saying I wasn't interested, when a second lady walked up. She looked at me with recognition and said "Jenna?! " This woman is a petite woman of Hispanic heritage, long straight black hair, and dark brown eyes. She also had a booming voice that surprise me because of her small stature. I absolutely did not recognize her. She sees my confusion then says" it me, Tessy, Tessy Arcoby-Basset, well, Tessy Marrow now, from highschool. I can't believe I ran into you, how have you been?" I honestly did not know what to say because I was so f*****g confused. I started asking questions like "do you still play basketball?" ? " when did you move here?" And "where are you working? I am a nurse too". She looked at me like I was crazy (at this point, I felt I was going crazy) and told me I should now she never played basketball, only soccer and track. She then told me how she didn't go to college at all, worked as a receptionist at a real estate office, got married right a year after highschool, had 3 children, became a SAHM, and lived in our home town until she moved up here 5 years ago when her husband (who did not own a surf shop) job got transfered. She also told me she had always been JW, and was shocked I didn't remember that because " we had a lot of discussion about it, and how I would always debate it with her (which is totally something I would do). She remembered all sorts of stuff about me, that was all true. I was trying to be calm and polite and play along that I remembered, but I was flipping out. After she left (and left me some Guideposts, lol) I got my old year books, and sure enough, Tessy was a petite Latina who played soccer. I called highschool friends, and no one remembers the Tessy I did. I thought I was going insane, but when I pulled out my highschool memory box, and went through all the senior pictures I was given by classmates, I found the Tessy I knew. Tall, blond curly hair, holding a basketball. On the back was I little note signed " Tabby". I still to this day cannot figure out what the actual f**k happened and who the real Tessy is or if the Tessy I remember and knew even existed.
Are you okay. Did you run out of room, or did you get kidnapped??
Load More Replies...I woke up one night to go to the bathroom, didn’t turn the lights on. When I came back, 1 min later, i could smell smoke. I turned the light on and smoke was POURING out of a plate-sized hole in my mattress - it looked like someone had dropped a large red hot ember onto the mattress, right around where my knees were, and it was burning its way down. I freaked out and threw a bunch of water on it, which woke up my roommate. Neither of us could figure it out - there was an electrical socket 2 feet away, but nothing was plugged in and my blankets weren’t touching it. It was 3am so all lights were off, I hadn’t been smoking in bed or anything. To this day I’m still stumped (hippie roommate decided it was demons and saged/salted the whole house before we went back to bed lol, I helped because ain’t nobody go time for demons)
When I was early in my career with the Royal Canadian Navy, I lived in barracks and had a large locker for all my gear. I was going home for thanksgiving and I remembered there was a box I was supposed to give my mother. I emptied my locker and couldn’t find it. I even put everything back piece by piece carefully looking for the box (which was half the size of a shoebox) and couldn’t find it. Well I went home then came back couple days later and when I opened my locker the box was sitting there on top of the pile. (The locker was locked and I had the only key).
I woke up and told my husband I had a crazy dream. He asked, so I told him I dreamed I was sitting in a bright red car. I was staring at my feet and out the window, just sitting there and someone got in and we drove off. To which my husband said that really doesn’t sound weird. It just felt weird at the time. An hour later my mom calls and tells me she had a crazy dream about me and just had to tell me. She was lost in a strange town, wandering around. She said she turned a corner where I was sitting in a bright red car. She got in the car and I drove her off. That’s weird. No one can tell me that’s not strange. I mean a bright red car, it was just so specific. This really happened.
Derren Brown explains stuff like this really well. Yes you really did dream about an old friend you hadn't seen in years and you really did then see them again the very next day for the first time in ten years. But there's nothing psychic or supernatural going on. In the intervening ten years you also dreamed about thousands of other people but you don't place any significance on those dreams because they didn't "come true". Anyway, go for it vote me down.
2002: driving county car for work, miles from home. Hear my mom scream *Change lanes NOW!* Startled, I did exactly that as a flatbed semi swung onto the freeway and lost load of 40-foot pipe (~12.5m). Pipe would have skewered me. After work, I drove back to her place... opened the door and heard her say *How many times have I told you to stay away from those semi s?!* I didn't even get a chance to say hello or mention what happened. She just knew. Dang, I miss her.
Driving home from a weekend at my aunt's house. My grandfather was driving, and my mom, brother, and grandmother were all in the car. About 45 minutes from home, my grandfather randomly exited the highway for no reason. We navigated the roundabout and got back on the highway. There was a horrendous accident, and we would have been right in the middle of it if my grandfather hadn't exited. He had no explanation for why he did.
The City Admin building is four floors, two elevators, the public one and freight elevator. The freight elevator dings at each floor as you pass it, so from the first floor three dings (second, third and fourth floor). However, when you ride down the freight elevator from the fourth floor, it dings four times and takes slightly longer to reach the first floor. The public elevator dings three times up or down and the stairs only go up four floors. Where is this secret floor the freight elevator passes on the way down?
Ask the maintenance if they have additional or bad contactor in the elevator tunnel :)
Load More Replies...Another instance was that my family drives to the shore a lot and since I've gone ever since I was a baby I have the route fairly well memorized despite not knowing how to drive yet. So one time I was in the car with my family like normal and we're on a a major highway-type road with trees on either side. There are lots of trees but they grow thin and up instead of wide and out. So anyway I look out my window at exactly the right moment to see a random white door standing up in the middle of the trees with nothing else around it to suggest that it was part of a structure. It definitely was standing up on its own and the only houses/structures nearby were a good distance away because no one wants to live twenty feet from a loud highway.
I point it out to my family but we had already passed it so no one else saw it. I thought it was weird but cool and since I love to write creative I started to sort of daydream a story around the door. Anyway the next time I was on that road (going home) I didn't see the door, and then next time I was on the road (going to the shore) I didn't see the door either, but I've looked every time. I've mentioned it before to my sister and she remembers when I pointed it out but has never seen it herself because she sits on the other side of the car. It's possible I've missed seeing the door again because much of the drive is on a continuous highway that all looks the same with the trees and the long wide lanes of traffic and the minimal signs of civilization.
Load More Replies...Idk if it counts as a glitch but it's sorta weird. Sometimes I'll be sitting and doing something that doesn't have anything to do with tech that would have a clock, (like reading or crafting or whatever) and I'll get the idea in my head that it's a certain time without really knowing if it actually is that time, and then I'll check my watch and it is either that exact time or very close to it. This may have something to do with me forgetting that I had looked at a clock more recently than I had thought, or I have a better perception of time passing than I thought (which doesn't make much sense as being ND I lose track of time easily).
Once when I was little, I pulled out some art supplies but then when I went to go actually do the art, they were gone. I looked everywhere, all over my room, and then I went downstairs to my sister to see if she had taken them to play a trick. She said she hadn’t, she was downstairs the whole time. I went back upstairs and there they were, on my bed and plain as day. It’s possible I missed them somehow when I first looked but I looked *everywhere* and the art supplies were colorful and would have stood out on my white bed cover. So weird.
A friend and I were headed into the city from my house. Just before entering the highway we saw a large semi-trailer painted with the very distinctive artwork Silicon Graphics had commissioned coming off the highway heading away from the city. We both remarked on it, because each of us had messed around with the computers onboard on different occasions. The highway traffic into the city was at a standstill, so I opted to cut through a residential area instead. After ten minutes of driving we saw another truck with the exact same artwork driving past us heading away from the city. We were puzzled because as far as we knew only one of these these trucks existed - something I confirmed about a year later when it visited our college and I spoke to the driver. It's been 30 years, and I still cannot fathom how the truck could go from behind us, travelling away from the city, to in front of us, still heading in the opposite direction when there is literally no route that would allow it.
I'm severely nearsighted and as a kid my vision was c**p but I didn't have glasses yet. I'm four houses down from my house playing with friends outside and I see my aunts car pull up to my house. They were a bit blurry but i see them getting out of the car; I saw my aunt, uncle and his niece who was about 4 years old and she was wearing a bright yellow dress and had bright red hair. I get excited they are visiting so i run home. They were already in my house and I say hello to my aunt and uncle and ask where the niece was. She wasn't there, they didn't bring her. I know I saw the bright yellow and red hair follow my uncle but she just wasn't with them. No clue what I saw because the angle wouldn't have allowed me to see anything behind the car and my neighbors house doesn't have any access on that side because they are the last house and face the cross street (property is fenced with no access so a person would've had to jump the fence)
I really didn’t need to read these so late… some of these are insane tho
Recommended GITM read. You can highlight and search: REDDIT: Repost: A Parallel Life / Awoken By A Lamp
I emailed my website designer like 3 times. No reply back. Finally I call annoyed. I've sent you several emails and you've never gotten back to me. He says I never got an e-mail. Now I keep almost every e-mail. Esp. when waiting for a reply. And I never delete my sent, trash or drafts box. So I look. And look. Scouring 3 different accounts. Every permeation I could think of. Going through one by one. Not a single e-mail. Did I dream I e-mailed him? I swear I did it.
I've had things happen. Dream of a place and so specific I describe to people. Months later I'm actually there with the person and say didn't I tell you of the dream I had of this moment and their eyes went super wide. Places over never been I've dreamed of then seen irl. I'd know who was calling before it was answered. Call out the lotto numbers as it's being drawn on tv with people watching it happen. They said I just sorta stopped an glowed like light was behind me and I just spoke what was happening a few seconds a head of it (.the numbers) so at least it was confirmed. I'd like to be hypnotized some day to see what was my past life like. I know the future one. I get theirs dream that continues. I'm me but in another body of me in like 300-400 years from now in a space ship like a big one an I just step into my new body an marvel at the universe in the windows and talk to people about vague stuff. I haven't found a mirror yet. You never find those in dreams.
Yes! That's a regular thing for me, or I quit OTR. Most profound was dream of small town park and local baseball game. One guy in particular: tall, blonde, white knee socks with stripes, baseball uniform pants. When I walked across America months later, I stopped in a little town and went to the park. That game in progress. That man dressed exactly in dream. So startled I fell over park bench and face planted in grass. He saw me and ran over to help. That's how I met the man I've loved since the 1990s. Loved him before I met him. Also:, you're right about the mirrors.
Load More Replies...When I was in eighth grade, in order to pass the year I had to take a language. So I took latin, and the teacher was an average man- late 50s, glasses, short ginger hair, fairly soft spoken. (for some odd reason i also remeber thinking he looked like a koopa from the OG super mario bros.) he was a nice guy, i passed the year. on the day of my graduation from 8th grade, he walked up to me, and gave me a letter. it was about how he had been glad to see me change and grow out of bad habits during the year (i had been rather....misguided at the beginning of the year, smoking, skipping, and hanging out with the wrong sort of people.) and I was quite happy to recieve such a kind letter. anyways, during my freshman I found out that he had been struck and killed in a car accident. then, junior year, i feel into a deep depression caused by the death of a close friend and began to lapse back into old habits- i once again began to smoke, skip, and drink. since I was once again failing
i was informed that in order to pass the year, i needed to take a language again. (my hs and middle school required at least one language credit per year) so once again, I put in for latin. the first day, i walk in and almost do a double take. the guy looks EXACTLY like my old latin teacher, which didn't make any sense because my old teacher (lets call him Mr S to differentiate) had been killed in a car accident two years prior. Additionally, Mr. S had been childless and widowed young. So of course I ask him if he knows my old teacher, and he responds that he's never heard of that man before. I thought this was weird, but brushed it off. anyway, I graduated senior year and the Mr. S doppelganger was still working there. at graduation, he walked up to me and gave me a letter detailing how happy he was to see me change and graduate. idk if that made sense, but it's the weirdest thing i've ever experienced.
Load More Replies...My friends and I got stuck in a glitch once on our annual road trip to Cedar Point. Passed by the same decrepit farmhouse and silo like 6 times, somehow lost 3 hours of our lives and no one knows how (like the drive was 3 hours longer thab it should have been even though we didnt take any pit stops or hit any traffic) and after our trip on the way home our car was followed by vultures from the time we left our hotel until we got back to the main highway. Ohio road trips just hit different
I don't know if my story belongs here, because I believe it can be explained. 20 years ago I was in hospital in intensive care and in danger of my life, but I distinctly remember being at my sisters silver anniversary. I was in a wheelchair so I had to sit in their kitchen because it was to wide to enter their living room. In short I remembered lots of details from a party I couldn't possibly have been to.
Re:#6. The necklace somehow ended up in the light globe of a ceiling fan. Yet the author can’t be bothered to find, somewhere on the internet, a stock picture of a ceiling fan with a light kit. How thorough. But I’d expect no less from this site.
Some people have fanciful imaginations, memory issues, and/or drug-related problems. Deja vu is also a fairly well understood physical phenomenon; people also tend to remember the coincidences when things happen, but forget the thousand of times when similar random circumstances happen but don't lead to something memorable. Sorry, not convinced.