When David Hollister introduced a seat belt bill in Michigan in the early 1980s that imposed a fine for not buckling up, the state representative received hate mail comparing him to Hitler. At the time, only 14 percent of Americans regularly wore seat belts, even though the federal government required lap and shoulder belts in all new cars starting in 1968.
Drivers and passengers were arguing that seat belts were uncomfortable and restrictive, but the uproar was mostly ideological.
Similarly, growing up in Northern Europe in the 1990s, I constantly heard kids on my block say that only stupid dorks wore helmets when riding their bikes. "What, can't you drive?", they'd ask, preparing a heavy barrage of insults.
But just like seat belts, this gear is often the deciding factor that separates life and death. To remind you that putting on a helmet is the smartest thing you can do, we at Bored Panda compiled a list of scary accidents that could've been much worse if it wasn't for them.
Continue scrolling to check out the pics, and if you need more proof, fire up our earlier publication on the topic here.
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The Soldier Receives His Mounted Helmet That Took A 7.62 Round At 20 Feet While Wearing It
Another Reason To Wear A Helmet
"It's uncomfortable and hot." "It messes up my hair." "It isn't cool." "I'm only going a short distance." "I'm not going to fall, so I don't need one."
These are just a few of the reasons people name for not wearing a helmet while roller skating, riding a bicycle, scooter o,r motorcycle, or engaging in other potentially risky outdoor activities.
But Nicole Boniquit Levy, MD, a primary care sports medicine specialist at Rush University Medical Center, said there are no valid excuses for not strapping on this vital piece of protective gear.
German-Supplied Helmet Stopped A Ricochet 7.62x54mm Bullet Used By Various Russian Weapons - Not All Donated Equipment Is Junk, Even If It's Old By Modern Nato Standards
Reminder To Always Wear A Helmet
I'll never understand why people don't wear helmets when riding motorcycles. They clearly save lives.
Wear a helmet and get a full face one. But be warned if you do, you will never enjoy the thrill of a dragonfly or junebug to the face or having your face peeled off on the roadway.
Load More Replies...Admittedly, I HATE motorcycles ( friend died on his way to my house.) But, the people who decide to ride w/out a helmet, & crash, deserve the pancake head & scrambled brains ( that they scrape off the road ) for breakfast. Plum stupidity !! Jmo.
Why is this downvoted? Here is my up-again-vote for you. --- I hate motorcycles for exact the same reason: a friend of mine, an only child, died at 31yrs old while motorbiking because a car driver overlooked him. Friend himself had the right of way. & Everyone who willingly ignores gut feeling & common sense & laws ("because it's cooler/freeing" or whatever b******t reason they come up with) is a proud recipient of Darwin Award. I. Just. Don't. Get. It. --- The only ones I'm sorry for are the first responders for what they have to endure & look at, and a little bit for the relatives (but they not-educated them in the first place, soooo.....)
Load More Replies...If you ride motorcycles, wear leathers or protective clothing as well!!! My dad got rear-ended on a motorcycle and now has bad scars on his back because he wasn’t wearing the right clothes.
A friend's boyfriend was in a horrible motorcycle accident when we were teens, breaking both arms agains a guardrail. His helmet and leathers meant that he was spared many more injuries. I've never forgotten that.
Load More Replies...I'd be dead if I hadn't been wearing a helmet the day my horse fell after a jump. I hit the ground head first and then my horse flipped over completely on top of me. As she went to stand up she scrambled and stepped right on my head. The helmet was wrecked and I had a nasty concussion, but it was better than having my skull caved in by a 1000 pound animal. And yet there are still riders who refuse to wear a helmet because it will mess up their hair or it's "too hot". I'll gladly take sweaty hair over brain damage.
Remember to never try to remove a helmet from someone who has been in an accident - leave it for the ER doctors to remove. Was riding on Skyline Drive, an experienced rider was rear-ended by an inexperienced rider who was following too closely. Volunteer EMTs tried to take his helmet off and didn't even try to unstrap it first. Guy was unconscious and they're shaking his head all around trying to get a strapped on helmet off. We intervened, started to get pretty heated, then an experienced paramedic arrived and quickly put a halt to any attempts to remove the helmet. I know I'll get down voted for this, but too many volunteer EMTs are just in it for the adrenaline rush and don't have enough training to really understand what they're doing. Leave the helmet on - the ER will remove it in a safe manner.
Like Head_on_a_Stick said: in some cases, you should definitely take the helmet off (if! you know how to do it safely)
Load More Replies...All the latest riding gear may not save you but it will leave a much better looking corpse than if you had chosen otherwise.
I always wear a helmet. It makes the passengers on the bus a little nervous but I figure it's best to be prepared!
If you ride a motorcycle, please indicate on your license that you are willing to be an organ donor. Even if (God forbid) your helmet doesn't save your life, your body can save the lives of other people. Please also notify your next of kin that you want to be a donor.
Feels like a bunch of angry cat mob has tried to do a number on his face.
I love it when I see someone riding a motorcycle with the helmet strapped to the seat.
Helmet Donated From Community Non-Profit Saved TDF Member From Sniper Shot
Trauma to the brain can occur as a result of an impact, which can cause a concussion or open skull fracture, or a jarring motion, such as a quick turn or sudden stop.
Even seemingly mild head injuries, where you don't even lose consciousness, can cause permanent behavioral and cognitive problems, such as memory loss, inability to concentrate, sleep disorders, and, in some cases, permanent disability or death.
Parents, Please Make Sure Your Children Wear Helmets! They Do Work
My Son just got his new bike for his 7th BD and guess who's getting a new helmet for him tomorrow morning?!?! He can't ride it until we get him one... My God... Edit: I need to remember it's bike... NOT hike! Hehehe...
This Is Why You Wear A Helmet
Always Wear A Helmet
I saw a video a few years ago in which some guys were messing around on their motorcycles in a parking lot, maybe 5-10 MPH. None were wearing helmets. One of them hit something that caused him to lose his balance and the way he went down his head was basically like the end of a whip and when his head hit the ground he was instantly dead. A helmet would have saved his life.
The Guy Wearing This Survived (Wear Your Helmet On Your Motorcycle, Kids)
What did you hit that bent it like that? Also, how much of a headache did you have when you woke up?
There are different helmets for different activities, and each type of helmet is designed to protect your head from the impact common to a particular activity or sport.
You should always wear a helmet that is appropriate for the activity you're involved in because other types of helmets may not protect you equally well.
"Some helmets can be worn for multiple activities, but don't assume," Levy said. "Check the manufacturer's instructions for guidelines before buying a helmet."
Kevlar Helmet Of An Orlando Police Officer Who Was Hit In Today's Shooting
This Helmet Saved A 5-1/2 Year Old Involved In A Collision Saturday From A Significant Brain Injury Or Worse. Helmets Are Good
This Is Why You Should Wear Helmets. The Helmet Took The Hit And I Am Okay. Live To Ski Another Day
Can Anyone Tell Me Why Anything Other Than Full Face Helmets Are A Good Idea?
To ensure optimal protection, your helmet should:
- Feel comfortable but snug;
- Sit evenly on your head (not be tilted back on the top of the head or pulled too low over your forehead);
- Not move in any direction, back to front or side to side;
- Have a secure buckle to keep it from moving or falling off on either a first or second impact. So if you are riding your bike and collide with something (first impact), the helmet will still be firmly in place if you then fall onto the pavement (second impact);
- Be easy to adjust and fit properly without a lot of adjustments. And once adjustments have been made, they should stay put.
Guy Survives Round To The Head Thanks To A Kevlar Helmet
Motorcycle Helmet Post Crash
Romain Grosjean Showed How His Helmet Turned Out After The Accident In Bahrain
Cyclist Arrived In ED With This Helmet - Surprisingly Fine. Imagine His Skull Without A Helmet
Had he not been wearing this...I don't think there would've been a skull left by the looks of that helmet.
According to Levy, it can be especially challenging getting kids to always wear a helmet, so it's up to parents to set hard and fast rules.
"Be consistent and firm," she said. "Don't negotiate. Don't compromise. Don't give them a choice: Either they wear the helmet or they don't ride their bike, scooter, etc. That way, they know you take it seriously they make it a habit."
Parents should also lead by example and always wear their helmets.
Two Years Ago Today, This Dot Certified Helmet Absorbed A 50mph Impact And Saved My Life
On this day two years ago, this DOT-certified helmet saved my life. It successfully absorbed the majority of a 50mph impact on pavement. There is an indent on the front left that would have surely been a fractured skull without it, and numerous scrapes around the top and chin that would have left me maimed if it did not stay on my head throughout the entirety of the crash. Fortunately, my mind and body are working properly today because of this life-saving equipment.
If you are a rider, I encourage you to own and wear one of these every time you ride. I recommend one with a face shield or guard. If you know someone who rides, please encourage them to wear one.
Guys, why the downvotes for Linda? They haven't said anything bad. If they're religious, they can praise their God for saving other's lives. I'm not religious myself, but I don't agree with downvotes for it. Also, downvotes are really only for spam/mean comments, cause they can get the account banned.
Here Is The Helmet Of A Guy Who Went Head-First Into The Base Of A Lift Tower And Walked Away With A Minor Concussion. Wear A Helmet
Is Your Life Worth More Than $40?
When it comes to the helmets themselves, while it's OK to purchase your child's clothes in a size larger than he or she wears, the same is not true of helmets; helmets should fit perfectly when you purchase them.
Test your children's sizing by having them try on a variety of helmets. When fastened and tightened, the helmet should not move from side to side or front to back, and your child's forehead should be properly covered to keep it protected.
Helmets for children or toddlers should also have a buckle that holds firm in a crash but releases after five seconds of steady pull to avoid potential strangulation. A child's helmet will usually fit for several years, and most models have removable fitting pads that can be replaced with thinner ones as the child's head grows.
Daily Reminder To Always Wear A Helmet
Will Always Wear A Helmet From Now On
Was biking on the 4th of July and people were setting off fireworks. The next thing I know I hear a massive explosion in my ear and my head feels hot. Turns out a pretty big firework somehow went off right above my head. Had minor hearing loss for a day.
There Were A Few Bugs On My Ride Tonight
Wear Your Helmet
Those guidelines apply to children who are at least 1 year old. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children under 1 year of age should not be on bicycles at all.
"It's simply not safe to take a baby on a bicycle," Levy highlighted. "Babies haven't developed sufficient bone mass and muscle tone to enable them to sit unsupported with their backs straight. And, just as important, their necks aren't strong enough to support the weight of even the lightest helmets. So even though baby-sized helmets are available, they are not advisable."
Just A Friendly Reminder To Wear A Helmet. Better The Helmet Crack Open Than My Skull Is How I See It
Broken Elbow, But Helmet Saved My Noggin! Grateful I Was Wearing One
Always Wear Your Helmets Cheese Bags And Never Trust Ice Patches
This Helmet Was Shot By A Tear Gas Grenade During The Protest In Iraq
But you also have to remember that helmets aren't forever. Some are manufactured to withstand one impact, while others are made to withstand multiple impacts.
Bicycle helmets, for example, are designed to protect against a single severe impact, such as a fall onto the pavement. The foam material in the helmet will crush to absorb the impact energy during a fall and can't protect you again from a subsequent impact. So even if there are no visible signs of damage, you must replace it.
Other helmets are often designed to protect against multiple moderate impacts, including football and hockey helmets. However, you may still have to replace these helmets after one severe impact, particularly if the helmet has visible signs of damage, such as a cracked shell or a permanent dent.
This Is Why I Wear A Helmet
A Helmet Will Save A Life Or A Face
Flying Debris Broke My Visor
I'll bet that scared the you know what outta you! You know, the, oh my , $hit out of you!
Wear Your Helmets. This One May Have Saved My Life
Wear Your Helmet Kids
Here's The Helmet That Saved My Life
Daily Reminder To Wear Your Gear, My Buddy's Helmet After His Crash. No Head Injuries
Guy Fell 20m In Scotland A Few Weeks Ago. Helmet Saved His Life, Only Needed 4 Stitches In The Back Of His Head, Broken Ribs, Broken Vertebrae, Bruised Lungs, And Some Bumps. Wear A Helmet
Reminder To Always Wear A Helmet
From _Captain_Future_ : " This lad saved my life. I somehow managed to slip off the left pedal with my left foot and slipped in to my front wheel, got stuck, mad a looping and went full speed kissing the asphalt road. Without the helmet my head probably would have sayed goodbye. Luckily besides massive pain nothings broken or anything i have to be worried about. But this accident showed me one more time how fast u can get into to life dangerous situations just by yourself. Stay healthy folks"
This Helmet Saved My Life On The Brooklyn Bridge When I Crashed Into Wandering Tourists On The Bike Lane
It’s a Giro Cormick MIPS. It did it’s job but I did pass out (docs thought no concussion). Is there an even safer helmet? I’m thinking maybe Giro Aether or Bell Z20 both MIPS. Thoughts?
Wear A Helmet
My Mom Braked For 60 Foot And Then Had A Stroke. She Tumbled And Rolled 70 Feet After And Got Scratches, But That Could Have Been So Much Worse
Daily Reminder To Wear A Helmet
Idk what it is about these and the bug ones that tell me to run away
My Friend Also Was Saved By His Helmet Recently
This Helmet Saved My Life This Weekend. I Only Bought And Started Using A Helmet Two Weeks Ago. Please Always Wear One
This, Kids, Is Why We Wear Helmets. Stacked It At 43 Km/H, Helmet Took The Brunt
Aussie slang, Aussie measurements, Aussie porch in the background. Loving it.
I'm Glad I Got A Full Face Helmet
Some helmet companies will send you a replacement if yours is destroyed in an accident and it saved your life. Take a picture and send it to them. A couple minutes could save you the cost of buying a new one.
Wear Your Helmets People
I was out riding on a road I have been on many times before. But last Thursday 5/16 I was hit by a pickup truck. I do not remember the accident but someone who witnessed it said I flew a ways and landed on my back and head. I spent a day in the hospital and now just a little banged up. I believe if it wasn't for the helmet it would have been much worse.
Friendly PSA To Wear Your Helmet Kids. Trees Are Hard. That Would've Been My Skull
It may not look like much but imagine that on your skull. Imma copy Linda rq. Mothers would rather see that than a coffin.
Always Wear Your Helmets, I Don’t Want To Think About What Would Have Happened If I Wasn’t Wearing Mine. Stay Safe
Making screenshots to show to my boys. Because they think they're invincible 😢
My Helmet Just Saved My Life
See what it takes to make this happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69DzW7RJLW8
So Uhhh Helmets Yeah?
I used to work in a motorcycle store, I mostly sold clothing and helmets there. I always encouraged bikers to invest in the best helmet they could afford. If you’ve got a $30 head then buy a $30 helmet! Our cheapest was £25 and the most expensive custom helmet was £750-950 depending on spec. Always look for quality / testing certification and always make sure the chin strap is fitted snugly. A loose chin strap may LOOK cool but it’ll tear through your neck in a split second should you encounter a kerb or solid object when you are sliding down the road. Wear as much protective clothing as you can and stop wearing T-shirts and shorts, sliding down tarmac strips skin and muscle from bones in a split second. Someone wants you home tonight, ride safely eh?
Thank you! The lack of protective clothing is terrifying. People have lost limbs because the bones were there but the muscles were being hosed off a road surface. Safety first!
Load More Replies...Before we met, my partner got into it with a deer one day one his way to work, outside of town, at dawn. He was not speeding, he was aware of the risk, he was specifically checking the treeline for deer, and still, that enormous animal just appeared out of nowhere and it was way too close for any manoeuvre to have a chance. BAD crash, totalled bike, rather serious injuries for my love, some still bothers him up to this day. Even with a helmet, his glasses were shoved into his eyes so hard he looked like he hit a brick wall. But because of that helmet his smart, beautiful head was saved, and we could meet and now I have the best pair I could've asked for. It is NOT cool to ride without a helmet, there's no allure to it. Same with seat belts in a car. They crease your shirt and ruin the look? Imagine brain matter on them! They are uncomfortable? Imagine full body brace or a casket!
I hit a deer with my CAR and totaled the front end - horrifying to think of a soft, plushie human body absorbing that impact.
Load More Replies...If you do have an accident and you end up in A+E, emergency room etc, take your helmet with you as the damage on it can help the medics understand the mechanism of injury.
When I had my accident, my helmet was still on my head when I got to A+E, it was all that was holding my head together.
Load More Replies...As a person who experienced an accident during riding my bike PLEASE WEAR A HELMET!!! I wont be able to write this if I didn't wear one, my skull would already be cracked open. It SAVE your life
When I had my near fatal motorcycle accident my helmet was so badly damaged that the Paramedics and Air Ambulance Doctors didn't even remove it during the flight to the hospital. They just removed the visor and cut the chin guard so they could intubate me. It wasn't removed until I was in the operating theatre. I ended up spending 2 weeks in an induced coma with a badly fractured skull and a diffuse axonal brain injury, as well as numerous other breaks and fractures. There was no possibility I would have survived the accident if I wasn't wearing a helmet.
PLEASE, PLEASE wear a helmet! Just last week I woke up to sirens 3 blocks away. 28 year-old guy on a motorcycle got hit by an SUV. He wasn't wearing a helmet. Died on the scene. I drive by the spot everyday and you can still see where the cops spray painted to mark the accident.
being an old fart now, i wish when i was younger there were bike helmets as i had two accidents: first one broke one leg in 7 places & the other resulted in fractured clavicle and concussion. i later started riding motorcycles and always wore a helmet. but, make sure no one but you selects the brain bucket so you get what you want & it fits correctly. my ex bought me one. the only thing he got right was i wanted a full face helmet but it lacked the netting under the chin area. because of this i had a bee/wasp get under & in the helmet while going 55. the thought of getting stung in my eye/face was terrifying. my ex never wore a helmet which ticked me off. he would ridicule me wearing helmet, leathers & gloves when it was 90 degrees out. i spent too many years in school to leave my brains on the pavement. when it would get real hot i would wear a bikini top under my jacket. better that than having a permanent road rash.
When you said "old fart" i pictured a guy in his 50s with a greying beard. The bikini top was a surprising accessory for a chap like that.
Load More Replies...Not a helmet, but at work we have a pair of safety glasses with 1 inch chunk of cutoff wheel embedded in them. They're mounted on a wooden sign that says "Follow OSHA guidelines".
As a former motorclothing manager at a Harley dealership I always suggested full face. Then at least a DOT approved half or at very least a skull cap style for those being picky or wanting biker looking style. Number one...in 99% of all crashes the rider is ejected off the bike. And they lead with their head like an arrow. 99%. And they become a rag doll. Their isn't time to tense up. You shouldn't. You should try to project yourself into the impact not away. Away can be into traffic or trees or dividers and guardrails. Try to aim to land on the hood or into the side of the object as you will stop your momentum. Otherwise you are a slingshot bullet projectile with no control. If you have to push away from the bike go upwards. Maybe you (lose or ) break your legs or hips or back but you can survive. If you can handle it try to watch accident footage of bikes and understand you are always driving defensively on the road. Empty roads are worse. Animals ice trees unknown hazards.
the temptation to say ‘ Mother's would rather see that, than their child in a coffin !!!’ on every post was very strong
The quality and price of the helmet always directly corresponds to the value of the brain it is protecting...that's what I always say.
CHECK THE DATES ON YOUR HELMET! Modern helmets (at least good ones) have a production date and a date when it is to be thrown away. Materials loose their strength over time. A 15 year old helmet may not be as strong as when it was new.
And a helmet that has been in a crash may not be as strong either. Invest in a new one.
Load More Replies...There's one: You die. Here's two: You end up on life support for rhe remainder of your life. Here's three: You want an open casket at the funeral. OK? OK.
I live in a state that doesn't require helmets for motorcyclists (Pennsylvania) and it drives me insane when I see people riding without them. Freedumb, indeed.
People are so stupid! It doesn't matter how long you've been riding, you need to wear a helmet! (Also PA)
Load More Replies...Guess who just got over their fear of biking? Me. Guess who is now scared again- me! 😅
Wish I had a picture of my friend Kong's helmet. He had a full-face Bell so when the car that turned into his motorcycle *ran over his head*, he was able to walk away from the accident. One side had all the paint scraped off and the other had an enormous tire print.
I used to play roller derby and one time I decided to get a little solo practice time in. So I'm just skating around, by myself, practicing maneuvers, when my skate catches either a pebble or a crack in the rink (outdoor concrete rink) and I go flying forward, landing on my face. I was wearing my helmet and my mouth guard, so I thankfully suffered minor injuries. However, since I did land on my face/forehead, I did feel my brain rattling around my skull. Very unpleasant feeling. I didn't lose consciousness, but I'm still sure that it was a minor concussion. Without my helmet, it would have been much worse. There's only a little sliver taken out of the edge of the helmet, but there's no telling what that mark would have looked like on my head.
You still get weirdos riding wearing just jeans and a T or even shorts. I don't understand why. If you rub your hand on concrete it's sore, but full body weight with naked skin, sliding X amount of feet one wonders if the paramedics just get a jet wash and hose them away instead of the trip to A and E.
Actually, I've seen firefighters hose the sidewalk. So, yeah. You hear "get a hose" and you know it's been ugly.
Load More Replies...It's not only bikes and bicycles. I see so many horse riders go without protection either, especially on trails. It doesn't matter how good you are, how well you know your horse. I had a friend die in a fall, her head hit some rocks, riding her horse she had been riding for more than 10 years. I also had a girl lease my horse once, told her not to go outside without riding in the arena first to get to know the horse. She didn't listen to me, my horse is notorious for testing its rider, she fell and only got a concussion because at least she was wearing a helmet (barn requirement). She would be dead otherwise.
A horseback riding helmet saved my life about 20 years ago. My horse fell while we were jumping and I hit the ground head first. The horse fell on top of me and ended up stepping on my head. I got knocked out and had a concussion, but that's way better than a caved in skull!
I work in the medical field and a transplant special just told me a few days ago that the supply of donated organs has dropped substantially since a local state passed a helmet law. Young healthy adults are dying at a significantly lower rate.
OK, you've convinced me. You've shown me that doing certain things without a helmet is very dangerous. But you've also shown me that even doing them with a helmet is too damn dangerous for me!
I prefer to just avoid any activity that would require head protection.
Only been knocked out once. Coming down a newly paved hill in San Francisco about 20 years ago a car pulled out of a parking space on the other side of the street and cut across 4 lanes to make a turn in front of me. My last thought was, "This is going to HURT." I must have cleared her car and landed on my head. I was out for at least 20 minutes, only waking up as they were putting me in an ambulance. If I hadn't been wearing a bicycle helmet, one of those with a thin plastic cover over a styrofoam body, I'd have been made into a turnip or killed.
Personally I have met with some dead guys that would still life and tell their story today if wearing helmet. Even a $5 helmet will save your life.. Damn it.. I hate to treat people with head injury..
Do the strap up!! If the helmet flies off your head in a crash then it's not going to do its job. Also, why do riders of trikes think they are immune?
That was an amazing post. All those impacts. Thank goodness they all faired well.
During my ER days we got a bad trauma they brought to us to stabilize. The poor motorcycle driver lost it on some loose gravel on the side of the road and ended up slamming into a mailbox that was cemented to a metal pole. It severed his brachial artery in his left arm and he essentially bled to death while waiting on the ambulance. We were not able to stabilize him :( he was 33.
My father was a volunteer fireman and paramedic for 25 years...he made me promise to never ride a motorcycle. He saw so many accidents and most were not the fault of the motorcycle driver either. He would always call them donor cycles. I've ridden dirt bikes and I have a 4 wheeler but I never ride on the road and I always wear a helmet.
Yes, wear a helmet, and please do not let your dog ride in the car with his head sticking out the window.
I built up a crazy/fun/scary 40+ mph mountain e-board. I ride bikes and motos, snowboard and surf, love to carve. But wheels are not metal edges nor surfboard fins/rails. On an evening ride, just a nice heelside turn...into the dreaded hidden patch of loose pea gravel. (riding "regular") Board came out and the back of my helmet..and head..smacked asphalt so hard I saw stars and was concussed, just laid there for a minute lol. All in under a second. Helmet just had a few scratches, no foam damage/compressed. Without it I'm sure I would've cracked my skull like a melon. Wear your helmet kids.
I used to do track cycling on a velodrome many years ago. This was when those foam helmets with lycra covers were the latest thing. In one sprint race, the two competitors touched wheels and crashed. Pieces of foam helmet flew all over the track as one guy went down. He sat for a minute on the banking to recover, shook the remaining pieces of styrofoam out of his hair, and then resumed racing. vintage-gi...26533e.jpg
My husband went mountain biking once not long after we were married (wasn't very experienced at it, he went with a friend) and, I think it was, tipped over a root in a bumpy area and fell down a hill! His helmet was missing a chunk from the top and he got a few stitches next to his eye 😱 I've always been so thankful he was wearing that helmet when I remember it! (and that whatever injured his face was only NEXT to his eye! 😨)
Years ago, I saw a guy rolling down the freeway. I only noticed him because I thought he was nude. He was wearing tan sneakers, tan shorts, no shirt, and a full-face helmet. I thought, there will not be an inch of skin left on your body, and you'll be conscious through it all.
I just want to say that even though I read this post in the morning, it's almost 10PM WAT and I still cannot get the pictures of many little insects plastered to a helmet visor. I am still irked about it even just by remembering the imagery. Please put some kind of warning
I used to work in a motorcycle store, I mostly sold clothing and helmets there. I always encouraged bikers to invest in the best helmet they could afford. If you’ve got a $30 head then buy a $30 helmet! Our cheapest was £25 and the most expensive custom helmet was £750-950 depending on spec. Always look for quality / testing certification and always make sure the chin strap is fitted snugly. A loose chin strap may LOOK cool but it’ll tear through your neck in a split second should you encounter a kerb or solid object when you are sliding down the road. Wear as much protective clothing as you can and stop wearing T-shirts and shorts, sliding down tarmac strips skin and muscle from bones in a split second. Someone wants you home tonight, ride safely eh?
Thank you! The lack of protective clothing is terrifying. People have lost limbs because the bones were there but the muscles were being hosed off a road surface. Safety first!
Load More Replies...Before we met, my partner got into it with a deer one day one his way to work, outside of town, at dawn. He was not speeding, he was aware of the risk, he was specifically checking the treeline for deer, and still, that enormous animal just appeared out of nowhere and it was way too close for any manoeuvre to have a chance. BAD crash, totalled bike, rather serious injuries for my love, some still bothers him up to this day. Even with a helmet, his glasses were shoved into his eyes so hard he looked like he hit a brick wall. But because of that helmet his smart, beautiful head was saved, and we could meet and now I have the best pair I could've asked for. It is NOT cool to ride without a helmet, there's no allure to it. Same with seat belts in a car. They crease your shirt and ruin the look? Imagine brain matter on them! They are uncomfortable? Imagine full body brace or a casket!
I hit a deer with my CAR and totaled the front end - horrifying to think of a soft, plushie human body absorbing that impact.
Load More Replies...If you do have an accident and you end up in A+E, emergency room etc, take your helmet with you as the damage on it can help the medics understand the mechanism of injury.
When I had my accident, my helmet was still on my head when I got to A+E, it was all that was holding my head together.
Load More Replies...As a person who experienced an accident during riding my bike PLEASE WEAR A HELMET!!! I wont be able to write this if I didn't wear one, my skull would already be cracked open. It SAVE your life
When I had my near fatal motorcycle accident my helmet was so badly damaged that the Paramedics and Air Ambulance Doctors didn't even remove it during the flight to the hospital. They just removed the visor and cut the chin guard so they could intubate me. It wasn't removed until I was in the operating theatre. I ended up spending 2 weeks in an induced coma with a badly fractured skull and a diffuse axonal brain injury, as well as numerous other breaks and fractures. There was no possibility I would have survived the accident if I wasn't wearing a helmet.
PLEASE, PLEASE wear a helmet! Just last week I woke up to sirens 3 blocks away. 28 year-old guy on a motorcycle got hit by an SUV. He wasn't wearing a helmet. Died on the scene. I drive by the spot everyday and you can still see where the cops spray painted to mark the accident.
being an old fart now, i wish when i was younger there were bike helmets as i had two accidents: first one broke one leg in 7 places & the other resulted in fractured clavicle and concussion. i later started riding motorcycles and always wore a helmet. but, make sure no one but you selects the brain bucket so you get what you want & it fits correctly. my ex bought me one. the only thing he got right was i wanted a full face helmet but it lacked the netting under the chin area. because of this i had a bee/wasp get under & in the helmet while going 55. the thought of getting stung in my eye/face was terrifying. my ex never wore a helmet which ticked me off. he would ridicule me wearing helmet, leathers & gloves when it was 90 degrees out. i spent too many years in school to leave my brains on the pavement. when it would get real hot i would wear a bikini top under my jacket. better that than having a permanent road rash.
When you said "old fart" i pictured a guy in his 50s with a greying beard. The bikini top was a surprising accessory for a chap like that.
Load More Replies...Not a helmet, but at work we have a pair of safety glasses with 1 inch chunk of cutoff wheel embedded in them. They're mounted on a wooden sign that says "Follow OSHA guidelines".
As a former motorclothing manager at a Harley dealership I always suggested full face. Then at least a DOT approved half or at very least a skull cap style for those being picky or wanting biker looking style. Number one...in 99% of all crashes the rider is ejected off the bike. And they lead with their head like an arrow. 99%. And they become a rag doll. Their isn't time to tense up. You shouldn't. You should try to project yourself into the impact not away. Away can be into traffic or trees or dividers and guardrails. Try to aim to land on the hood or into the side of the object as you will stop your momentum. Otherwise you are a slingshot bullet projectile with no control. If you have to push away from the bike go upwards. Maybe you (lose or ) break your legs or hips or back but you can survive. If you can handle it try to watch accident footage of bikes and understand you are always driving defensively on the road. Empty roads are worse. Animals ice trees unknown hazards.
the temptation to say ‘ Mother's would rather see that, than their child in a coffin !!!’ on every post was very strong
The quality and price of the helmet always directly corresponds to the value of the brain it is protecting...that's what I always say.
CHECK THE DATES ON YOUR HELMET! Modern helmets (at least good ones) have a production date and a date when it is to be thrown away. Materials loose their strength over time. A 15 year old helmet may not be as strong as when it was new.
And a helmet that has been in a crash may not be as strong either. Invest in a new one.
Load More Replies...There's one: You die. Here's two: You end up on life support for rhe remainder of your life. Here's three: You want an open casket at the funeral. OK? OK.
I live in a state that doesn't require helmets for motorcyclists (Pennsylvania) and it drives me insane when I see people riding without them. Freedumb, indeed.
People are so stupid! It doesn't matter how long you've been riding, you need to wear a helmet! (Also PA)
Load More Replies...Guess who just got over their fear of biking? Me. Guess who is now scared again- me! 😅
Wish I had a picture of my friend Kong's helmet. He had a full-face Bell so when the car that turned into his motorcycle *ran over his head*, he was able to walk away from the accident. One side had all the paint scraped off and the other had an enormous tire print.
I used to play roller derby and one time I decided to get a little solo practice time in. So I'm just skating around, by myself, practicing maneuvers, when my skate catches either a pebble or a crack in the rink (outdoor concrete rink) and I go flying forward, landing on my face. I was wearing my helmet and my mouth guard, so I thankfully suffered minor injuries. However, since I did land on my face/forehead, I did feel my brain rattling around my skull. Very unpleasant feeling. I didn't lose consciousness, but I'm still sure that it was a minor concussion. Without my helmet, it would have been much worse. There's only a little sliver taken out of the edge of the helmet, but there's no telling what that mark would have looked like on my head.
You still get weirdos riding wearing just jeans and a T or even shorts. I don't understand why. If you rub your hand on concrete it's sore, but full body weight with naked skin, sliding X amount of feet one wonders if the paramedics just get a jet wash and hose them away instead of the trip to A and E.
Actually, I've seen firefighters hose the sidewalk. So, yeah. You hear "get a hose" and you know it's been ugly.
Load More Replies...It's not only bikes and bicycles. I see so many horse riders go without protection either, especially on trails. It doesn't matter how good you are, how well you know your horse. I had a friend die in a fall, her head hit some rocks, riding her horse she had been riding for more than 10 years. I also had a girl lease my horse once, told her not to go outside without riding in the arena first to get to know the horse. She didn't listen to me, my horse is notorious for testing its rider, she fell and only got a concussion because at least she was wearing a helmet (barn requirement). She would be dead otherwise.
A horseback riding helmet saved my life about 20 years ago. My horse fell while we were jumping and I hit the ground head first. The horse fell on top of me and ended up stepping on my head. I got knocked out and had a concussion, but that's way better than a caved in skull!
I work in the medical field and a transplant special just told me a few days ago that the supply of donated organs has dropped substantially since a local state passed a helmet law. Young healthy adults are dying at a significantly lower rate.
OK, you've convinced me. You've shown me that doing certain things without a helmet is very dangerous. But you've also shown me that even doing them with a helmet is too damn dangerous for me!
I prefer to just avoid any activity that would require head protection.
Only been knocked out once. Coming down a newly paved hill in San Francisco about 20 years ago a car pulled out of a parking space on the other side of the street and cut across 4 lanes to make a turn in front of me. My last thought was, "This is going to HURT." I must have cleared her car and landed on my head. I was out for at least 20 minutes, only waking up as they were putting me in an ambulance. If I hadn't been wearing a bicycle helmet, one of those with a thin plastic cover over a styrofoam body, I'd have been made into a turnip or killed.
Personally I have met with some dead guys that would still life and tell their story today if wearing helmet. Even a $5 helmet will save your life.. Damn it.. I hate to treat people with head injury..
Do the strap up!! If the helmet flies off your head in a crash then it's not going to do its job. Also, why do riders of trikes think they are immune?
That was an amazing post. All those impacts. Thank goodness they all faired well.
During my ER days we got a bad trauma they brought to us to stabilize. The poor motorcycle driver lost it on some loose gravel on the side of the road and ended up slamming into a mailbox that was cemented to a metal pole. It severed his brachial artery in his left arm and he essentially bled to death while waiting on the ambulance. We were not able to stabilize him :( he was 33.
My father was a volunteer fireman and paramedic for 25 years...he made me promise to never ride a motorcycle. He saw so many accidents and most were not the fault of the motorcycle driver either. He would always call them donor cycles. I've ridden dirt bikes and I have a 4 wheeler but I never ride on the road and I always wear a helmet.
Yes, wear a helmet, and please do not let your dog ride in the car with his head sticking out the window.
I built up a crazy/fun/scary 40+ mph mountain e-board. I ride bikes and motos, snowboard and surf, love to carve. But wheels are not metal edges nor surfboard fins/rails. On an evening ride, just a nice heelside turn...into the dreaded hidden patch of loose pea gravel. (riding "regular") Board came out and the back of my helmet..and head..smacked asphalt so hard I saw stars and was concussed, just laid there for a minute lol. All in under a second. Helmet just had a few scratches, no foam damage/compressed. Without it I'm sure I would've cracked my skull like a melon. Wear your helmet kids.
I used to do track cycling on a velodrome many years ago. This was when those foam helmets with lycra covers were the latest thing. In one sprint race, the two competitors touched wheels and crashed. Pieces of foam helmet flew all over the track as one guy went down. He sat for a minute on the banking to recover, shook the remaining pieces of styrofoam out of his hair, and then resumed racing. vintage-gi...26533e.jpg
My husband went mountain biking once not long after we were married (wasn't very experienced at it, he went with a friend) and, I think it was, tipped over a root in a bumpy area and fell down a hill! His helmet was missing a chunk from the top and he got a few stitches next to his eye 😱 I've always been so thankful he was wearing that helmet when I remember it! (and that whatever injured his face was only NEXT to his eye! 😨)
Years ago, I saw a guy rolling down the freeway. I only noticed him because I thought he was nude. He was wearing tan sneakers, tan shorts, no shirt, and a full-face helmet. I thought, there will not be an inch of skin left on your body, and you'll be conscious through it all.
I just want to say that even though I read this post in the morning, it's almost 10PM WAT and I still cannot get the pictures of many little insects plastered to a helmet visor. I am still irked about it even just by remembering the imagery. Please put some kind of warning