30 Times Brazen Companies Shrunk Their Products For The Same Or Higher Price And People Exposed Them Online (New Pics)
No, it’s not your mind playing tricks on you or another unexpected growth spurt, dear Pandas—those products you’re buying at your local supermarket or fast food restaurant are genuinely getting smaller. Welcome to the weird world of shrinkflation, where ethics goes out the window, your purchasing power takes a nose-dive, and everyone’s grumpy about corporate decisions once they figure out what's happening behind the scenes.
The r/shrinkflation subreddit collects some of the most egregious examples of product sizes shrinking but the prices staying the same (or, in some cases, rising). Scroll down to check out the very worst offenders that people spotted out in ‘the wild.’
Bored Panda reached out to Matt Johnson, Ph.D., a consumer psychology specialist, host of the human nature blog, and the author of ‘Branding that Means Business,’ to learn about shrinkflation. You'll find our full interview with him, including why it's so important for businesses to be transparent with their customers, as you scroll down below.
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Pret A Manger Taking Out The Main Bit
Consumer psychology specialist Johnson explained to us why businesses might choose to reduce package size instead of raising the sticker price.
"The temptation for companies to engage in shrinkflation is clear. While customers will generally notice a price increase, and are sensitive to that change, they’re much less likely to notice a reduction in the volume they’re actually consuming," he told Bored Panda via email.
"Consumers will feel as if they’re still receiving the same value, when in reality, they’re paying the same amount for less product."
The Shrink Flation Of Quality Street Over The Years Is Truly Embarrassing
The fact that you keep their package since the 80s should put you in the brand's vip list
Apparently 15oz Is "Bigger Size, Better Value" Than 18oz
However, Johnson noted that shrinkflation is, in many ways, a high-risk tactic. "If they pull it off and consumers don’t notice it, they’re able to increase their margins while maintaining the same sales, and thus, increasing their profitability," he said.
"But if consumers catch on to it, it can reflect very poorly on the brand, and risks damaging long-term sales. Consumers aren’t fans of higher prices, but at least the transaction is made transparent—they know what they’re paying, and what they’re getting," the consumer psychology specialist said.
"Shrinkflation is more subverted. It intentionally misleads consumers into thinking they’re getting more than they are actually are. Should consumers catch on to this, this dishonesty will be reflected in a much more negative perception of the brand."
Spotted Mid Changeover
The Way They Switched The Millilitres And Grams Almost Tricked Me
Attraction Of Unprecedented Generosity From S7. Chicken Sandwich
According to the specialist, transparency is almost always the best practice. "To help consumers come to terms with this, they could attempt to be upfront about this downsizing and even to frame 'less' as positive," Johnson pointed out that creativity can help turn these tough situations into opportunities.
"For example, framing a smaller volume product as 'minimalist,' or in the case of perishable goods like milk, to emphasize how it’s less likely to spoil. There are many ways to attempt a more positive framing, but transparency to the consumer is paramount," Johnson told Bored Panda.
It might have been your fave packet of crisps getting slightly smaller (hi!) or a fancy brand of chocolates that seem to have fewer tasty treats that first tipped you off about the existence of shrinkflation.
Or maybe it was the sudden realization that it’s just 10 delicious double-glazed donuts you’re buying, not the usual dozen… or the fact that your top burger place (you know, the one you recommend to everyone) seems to have added a Shrink Ray(™) in the kitchen. Shrinkflation can be subtle. And it's infuriating if it's kept secret.
On The Right The Normal Toblerone And On The Left The New Shrinkflated Toblerone
My Allergy Pills I Still Have To Pay The Same Price
Chocolate Digestives Disappeared Off The Shelves For 2 Months, Then Came Back 27% Smaller
The r/shrinkflation online community is home to nearly 64.2k internet users who discuss the murky practice of corporations reducing the size of their products while still charging customers the previous price.
The photos they share are real-life evidence that this effect is actually happening in stores and isn’t just some theory. And most of you Pandas reading this probably have anecdotal evidence of shrinkflation in action from your own trips to the grocery store.
Investopedia attributes the coining of the term shrinkflation (also known as ‘package downsizing’ in business) to British economist Pippa Malmgren. Shrinkflation is a response to rising production costs or increased market competition, and this subtle tactic is most often used by companies that sell food and beverages. However, there is the risk that consumers will be put off by the brand if they notice this happening.
Nothing Is Sacred
Just Opened This Pack Of Pringles It's Just Disappointing
Yeah but at least it shows the weight, not amount, so it's not like it changes anything
Why Shrinkflate The Package If You Can Just Put Less Product In The Same Box
According to Investopedia, shrinkflation is a form of hidden inflation, and companies rely on the fact that many of their customers won’t spot a decrease in package size, even if they might spot rising sticker prices. All of those reductions in size and quantity quickly add up, resulting in more savings and profit for the business.
The fact of the matter is that most shoppers don’t check the size of a product and, instead, focus mostly on its price. It’s only after a few rounds of shrinkflation (and possibly some of your friends grumbling about how there’s even more air than crisps in the pack) that we might finally grasp what’s going on.
Costco Kirkland Signature Toilet Paper, Sheet From 2023 vs. 2022
David’s Tea, Such A Dramatic Difference…
Shrinkflation At Its Finest
They try to say it's healthier for peeps .... prob true, but even healthier (£$) for the manufacturers and retailers.
Based on the findings of the UK’s Office for National Statistics, a jaw-dropping 2,529 products decreased in size between 2012 and June 2017. During that same period of time, merely 614 products became bigger. This shows just how common package downsizing is among food and beverage businesses.
Shiny Stickers Can’t Fool Me
New Cottee’s Jam!
Added A Roll From A New Package Of Toilet Roll
It can’t be understated just how tiny some of these changes are. The Guardian reported back in 2021 that Walkers cut two packets of crisps from its 24-bag multipacks while keeping the price stable at £3.50. Meanwhile, KP peanut bags, which cost £2.50 at the time, were reduced in size from 250g to 225g. These are all changes that your regular shopper, who’s rushing about, might not spot in their day-to-day visits to the supermarket.
New 'Xl Pack' Fabric Conditioner
The Fries Are Thicker Than The Burger. Burger King, Jr. Whopper
My Dad Sent Me This, He’s Very Passionate About Shrinkflation
Probably the most obvious way to protest against shrinkflation is to stop buying brands that reduce their product size. You can, instead, buy their competitors’ products (which, hopefully, haven’t been getting smaller either!) or decide to boycott the product entirely. However, it’s far easier for most people to switch to a cheaper brand of crisps or chocolates, or peanuts than it is to give up these guilty pleasures altogether.
Life Brand Long Panty Liners Used To Be Wide Enough To Cover The Width Of Your Panty Crotch. If You Have A Period, Don’t Worry About Pink Tax Any Longer. Shrinkflation Is Doubling Down On You From The Other Side
How much of a corporate POS do you have to be to do this? Shows that it's nothing but a puerile, pathetic company putting the needs of it's fat, bloated shareholders first.
you forgot to add Male, although I guess some men could find a use for them. I would like to think women wouldn't do this to someone in the wake of the red tide.
Load More Replies...Whoever decided this change was a good idea was probably also the person who decided no bras over cup size B could be cute.
It's the same person that decided the bigger the cup size, the fewer options you can find. I drive 150 miles to buy my bras because I can't go without one (36H).
Load More Replies...Shouldn't this be blurred? How will anyone recover from seeing a sanitary napkin.
Another commenter downvoted and hidden for literally no reason. Added to say thanks for the comment Molly, I use a cup and cloth pads and they're both great!
Are they genuinely? Or have they changed underwear during that time too?
There are soooo many good alternatives to pads/panty liners/tampons these days.Cups, cloth pads (that can custom made to size). Or there are Period Panties which hold up to two tampons worth of blood, and are washable so you don't need to wear any other period products on light days. So many choices!
What $15usd Buys You At Dominos In Australia Now. This Is A "Large"
Not The Oreo Filling! Damn Shrinkflation!!!
Though if you feel like most or even all businesses are, at this moment in time, being exceptionally sneaky, it might be best to cut back. At least for a while, until they come to their senses. Vote with your wallet!
With people paying the same (or more) for less, money can feel tight for many families. We’ve covered on Bored Panda before how everyone can cut back and budget better when it comes to their groceries. You could, for instance, cut back on red meat to help balance your spending, and choose to go for other sources of protein.
That Packaging
Oreo Changed Their Row Direction And Decreased Net Weight. Price Had Been Steadily Increasing As Well
The Amount Of Cinnamon Toast Crunch That Comes In The Box Now
Audi is much like this cereal-- lacking weight, but plenty of volume.
Next, choose to buy items in bulk and at a large discount. Of course, your fridge might not be able to fit all the groceries, but if you cooperate with your family, friends, and neighbors, you can all stand to save some dough. Meanwhile, keep in mind that so long as you freeze food the right way so it doesn’t spoil, you won’t be sacrificing its nutritional value. And remember, just because a fruit or a vegetable might not look ‘presentable’ doesn’t make it less delicious if you plop it in a stew or throw it into your wok.
Does This Count?
Shrinkflation Combined With Price Bump = Absolute Greed
It's slightly concerning how close that is to "Back stabbing fish". I don't know, maybe it's just me...
Definitely No Water Added To This Ground Beef To Increase Weight /S. Not Sure If This Fits But It’s A Crappy Practice Either Way
The one that’s annoyed me the most, and I only found out from somewhere online, is Whiskas’ cat food. They have gone down from 100g packets to 85g. And hidden the number on the back somewhere so it’s much harder to find.
Anyone-for-tea; You have no idea how outraged I am about that. It's not like you can explain to cat's that they have to tighten their belts. I'm so tempted to right to the manufacturers; they're taking the living p**s 🤬
Load More Replies...The worst one I have seen was somebody who could not figure out why their epensive cream seemed to run out too fast. They removed the label only to see that the container did infact hide a much smaller container inside holding the cream, and then a lot of air, surrounding it, by in fact being doublewalled like a thermos bottle.
Time to fight back and question our food choices for healthier fare. Comfort foods are great, but these companies are pushing food budgets out of reach of hard working people! We rarely go out to eat anymore.
F**k shrinkflation and the companies who think it's a viable strategy! Why dont they just come out and say they think we're all too stupid to notice? Might as well start adding insults to all the "new" packaging. I'd rather they up the price than insult my intelligence. Yes, I do notice when 1/4 of my cereal bar package is now empty or most of the nuts have suddenly dissappeared from my ice cream cone!
A lot of this appears to be junk food and c**p cereals. Because they are non essential items; a boycott appears to be in order. Make s****y products for the same or more then we won't buy them.
True, when I saw sugar filled cereals or additive powered Frozen food, yeah, the issue is in the consumer side too.
Load More Replies...It's hitting healthy food too. A bag of apples at Aldi (Midwest, fore cost-of-living-comparison) has gone up 58 cents and there are fewer apples inside. Same with sweet potatoes and clementines.
Stop calling it "shrinkflation". That makes it sound like it's an economic factor that can't be controlled. Call it what it is, Corporate Greed.
Or we can just call it "Shrinkflation". Corporate Greed make us sound like real estate agents
Load More Replies...I stopped buying most of these products years ago. but I know there are more incidents of corporate greed just waiting to be discovered.
My late grandma left me her recipe book. She often refers to a "block of butter" in her recipes - when she wrote them, it was always sold in 250 gram blocks. Some ten years ago, butter was downsized to 200 grams. Now it's mostly 170-180, if you don't pay attention you can get150 as well...
As a shareholder in some of these companies, I really wouldn’t mind getting a smaller dividend so they could keep the customers satisfied. After all, if they p**s off enough customers, the company will be out of business. How stupid do they have to be to think nobody would notice this?
Went to get a pack if mince (hamburger) from the supermarket the other day. I used to be able to get 1.5kg or 2.5 pounds for approximately $10, 12 months ago. Now I found a pack barely 695g or roughly a pound for $18.00. I swear they weigh it once its packaged. Food generally has gone up so much that a small head of broccoli was costing $14. Apparently the supermarket don't realize we noticed. I saw an article saying in New Zealand to be considered wealthy you need to own a supermarket.
We need to just say the quiet part out loud: the world is running out of resources and this is them trying to stop people from noticing. Keeping us calm till the inevitable end.
People seem to forget that resource prices go up too. I work at a printer, and energy prices, paper prices, ink and machine parts go up. We have to raise our prices too, if we want to exist. I understand the outrage, but if you think that things will get better, prepare to be disappointed.
Load More Replies...I always use Doritos as the worst example. A regular bag was once 16 oz. Then it shrunk to 15, then 13, then 11, then down to 9.6 oz a few years ago. It just shrunk again...to 9.25 oz. The "party size" is currently 14.5 oz (1.5 oz smaller than the regular bag used to be). That, and the regular bag was now costs $5.99 (it was $4.99 last year, and $3.99 a few years ago...when the bags were larger). Lay's are even worse. They also started out at 16 oz., and are down to 7.75 oz.
This stuff is annoying and part of the reason some people think wages don't need to go up. Look. A can of corn is 1.10 and 20 years ago it was 1.00. only 10% increase over that time...except they shrink the sizes gradually so you can't remember the original size of 16oz or whatever. So you're really paying like 20% if the can size hadn't changed. Better to just straight increase the prices so people know how little their wages are now in comparison and can be taken more seriously about wages not keeping up with inflation
The bread we buy started 1in 4 slices were smaller by 1/3 of the usually size. At first I thought just a slicer needed to be adjusted. A couple of weeks later it was 2 smaller slices. It has now been 2 months and all are the smaller slices. Went up 85 cents to boot!
Exposing these cretins online is all well and good as long as people stop buying the damn stuff.
What happens when things have shrunk too far? In my area its even worse than anything in the above post. One that got me was a chocolate bar that was made to feel big through the foil wrapper, but when you opened it, you realise its was a cardboard shell, and a pencil thin stick of chocolate bar slid inbetween.
I want to say that I am utterly disappointed by this article as I was expecting to find something funny about shrinks. You know psychiatrists...well, well, well
The one that’s annoyed me the most, and I only found out from somewhere online, is Whiskas’ cat food. They have gone down from 100g packets to 85g. And hidden the number on the back somewhere so it’s much harder to find.
Anyone-for-tea; You have no idea how outraged I am about that. It's not like you can explain to cat's that they have to tighten their belts. I'm so tempted to right to the manufacturers; they're taking the living p**s 🤬
Load More Replies...The worst one I have seen was somebody who could not figure out why their epensive cream seemed to run out too fast. They removed the label only to see that the container did infact hide a much smaller container inside holding the cream, and then a lot of air, surrounding it, by in fact being doublewalled like a thermos bottle.
Time to fight back and question our food choices for healthier fare. Comfort foods are great, but these companies are pushing food budgets out of reach of hard working people! We rarely go out to eat anymore.
F**k shrinkflation and the companies who think it's a viable strategy! Why dont they just come out and say they think we're all too stupid to notice? Might as well start adding insults to all the "new" packaging. I'd rather they up the price than insult my intelligence. Yes, I do notice when 1/4 of my cereal bar package is now empty or most of the nuts have suddenly dissappeared from my ice cream cone!
A lot of this appears to be junk food and c**p cereals. Because they are non essential items; a boycott appears to be in order. Make s****y products for the same or more then we won't buy them.
True, when I saw sugar filled cereals or additive powered Frozen food, yeah, the issue is in the consumer side too.
Load More Replies...It's hitting healthy food too. A bag of apples at Aldi (Midwest, fore cost-of-living-comparison) has gone up 58 cents and there are fewer apples inside. Same with sweet potatoes and clementines.
Stop calling it "shrinkflation". That makes it sound like it's an economic factor that can't be controlled. Call it what it is, Corporate Greed.
Or we can just call it "Shrinkflation". Corporate Greed make us sound like real estate agents
Load More Replies...I stopped buying most of these products years ago. but I know there are more incidents of corporate greed just waiting to be discovered.
My late grandma left me her recipe book. She often refers to a "block of butter" in her recipes - when she wrote them, it was always sold in 250 gram blocks. Some ten years ago, butter was downsized to 200 grams. Now it's mostly 170-180, if you don't pay attention you can get150 as well...
As a shareholder in some of these companies, I really wouldn’t mind getting a smaller dividend so they could keep the customers satisfied. After all, if they p**s off enough customers, the company will be out of business. How stupid do they have to be to think nobody would notice this?
Went to get a pack if mince (hamburger) from the supermarket the other day. I used to be able to get 1.5kg or 2.5 pounds for approximately $10, 12 months ago. Now I found a pack barely 695g or roughly a pound for $18.00. I swear they weigh it once its packaged. Food generally has gone up so much that a small head of broccoli was costing $14. Apparently the supermarket don't realize we noticed. I saw an article saying in New Zealand to be considered wealthy you need to own a supermarket.
We need to just say the quiet part out loud: the world is running out of resources and this is them trying to stop people from noticing. Keeping us calm till the inevitable end.
People seem to forget that resource prices go up too. I work at a printer, and energy prices, paper prices, ink and machine parts go up. We have to raise our prices too, if we want to exist. I understand the outrage, but if you think that things will get better, prepare to be disappointed.
Load More Replies...I always use Doritos as the worst example. A regular bag was once 16 oz. Then it shrunk to 15, then 13, then 11, then down to 9.6 oz a few years ago. It just shrunk again...to 9.25 oz. The "party size" is currently 14.5 oz (1.5 oz smaller than the regular bag used to be). That, and the regular bag was now costs $5.99 (it was $4.99 last year, and $3.99 a few years ago...when the bags were larger). Lay's are even worse. They also started out at 16 oz., and are down to 7.75 oz.
This stuff is annoying and part of the reason some people think wages don't need to go up. Look. A can of corn is 1.10 and 20 years ago it was 1.00. only 10% increase over that time...except they shrink the sizes gradually so you can't remember the original size of 16oz or whatever. So you're really paying like 20% if the can size hadn't changed. Better to just straight increase the prices so people know how little their wages are now in comparison and can be taken more seriously about wages not keeping up with inflation
The bread we buy started 1in 4 slices were smaller by 1/3 of the usually size. At first I thought just a slicer needed to be adjusted. A couple of weeks later it was 2 smaller slices. It has now been 2 months and all are the smaller slices. Went up 85 cents to boot!
Exposing these cretins online is all well and good as long as people stop buying the damn stuff.
What happens when things have shrunk too far? In my area its even worse than anything in the above post. One that got me was a chocolate bar that was made to feel big through the foil wrapper, but when you opened it, you realise its was a cardboard shell, and a pencil thin stick of chocolate bar slid inbetween.
I want to say that I am utterly disappointed by this article as I was expecting to find something funny about shrinks. You know psychiatrists...well, well, well