Many parents want to spark their kids’ interest in something that they themselves were—or still are—interested in.
But this redditor made sure that her children knew that they didn’t have to take part in an activity that they were not interested in. In her daughter’s case, it was cheerleading—something that the girl’s dad’s new partner—his affair partner, as the OP calls her—really wanted her to take part in. Unsurprisingly, the woman pressuring the girl into cheerleading became a problem and even led to the OP wondering if she was a jerk for how she handled the dispute.
While some parents try to force their kids into taking up certain activities, others let them make such decisions themselves
Image credits: Getty Images (not the actual photo)
This woman found herself at war with her ex’s “affair partner,” who was pressuring her daughter into taking up cheerleading
Image credits: Getty Images (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Getty Images (not the actual photo)
Image source: Competitive-Let-8254
It’s important to know your child well before encouraging them to take up some sort of activity
Image credits: CDC (not the actual photo)
It’s no secret that forcing your child—especially a teenager—to do something will likely result in acts of rebellion, whether it’s washing dishes, doing homework, or maybe even something fun that they refuse to do for one reason or another. Unsurprisingly, trying to put them up for activities they’re not interested in might also not be met with great enthusiasm.
While forcing a child to do something they loathe is not good, what about forcing them to push through something when it gets tough? For instance, when they’ve always loved basketball, but all of a sudden, it becomes too much and they want to quit. Should parents support their decision or encourage them to keep going? Also, where is the line between forcing and encouraging?
These questions have likely run through the heads of many parents. And it will probably come as no surprise, but there is no right answer to them. What works for one child might not work for another, so it’s important to know your kid well.
Dr. Janine Domingues, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, suggests that encouraging children can have a positive impact on their confidence. “I think it gives them a sense of confidence to know that if there is a challenging moment, as a parent, you’re helping them to problem solve it through as opposed to completely removing it or taking the problem away,” Dr. Domingues commented on a piece for the Child Mind Institute. “A child really does feel accomplished and good about the fact that they were able to get through it.”
However, the expert continued to point out that in such situations, it’s important to know your child well, especially when it comes to extracurriculars. “If they’re not into sports, then pushing them into team sports may not be the best thing,” she said, adding that it might be better to look for an alternative that might tick the boxes of what you, as a parent, would like your child to take part in and what they themselves would enjoy.
Parents have to remember that even if they enjoyed something as kids, their children might not enjoy it equally as much
Image credits: Ave Calvar (not the actual photo)
Delving deeper into the topic, another expert, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, suggested that if an activity is met with resistance from the child, it might be necessary for the parent to reevaluate their motivations. “Are we encouraging or pushing our kids because it’s in their best interest, or is it something we’re doing for ourselves?,” he commented for the Child Mind Institute.
That is another problem that tends to stand in the way of kids choosing an activity they enjoy. While some parents eagerly advertise their beloved activity in the hopes that their offspring will enjoy it as much as they do (or did), others tend to live vicariously through their children. Needless to say, that can lead to additional pressure, especially if the child doesn’t enjoy it nearly as much.
In the OP’s daughter’s case, it was cheerleading that her dad’s partner pressured her to take upon. But despite its popularity—according to last year’s data, over 3.8 million Americans aged six and older participated in cheerleading—the activity didn’t appeal to the OP’s daughter the slightest bit.
That was one of the reasons the girl’s mother didn’t appreciate her ex’s “affair partner” pushing her daughter. She was also seemingly worried about the likelihood of cheerleading-related injury. Some research points out that high school cheerleaders experience an average of 3.8 injuries throughout their careers. The mom shared her concerns in the comments, where fellow netizens shared their varying opinions on the situation, too.
The woman provided more details in the comments
Fellow netizens shared their thoughts on the situation; many didn’t think the mom was a jerk
Some people believed everyone involved was being jerks to each other
A few netizens weren’t willing to side with the OP
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Ngl it really rubs me the wrong way that people are saying the AP should have/adopt her own child if she wants a cheer buddy. No, she shouldn't, your kids are not extensions of you, they are not objects through which you try relive your glory days or otherwise vicariously enjoy life. The AP - and parents in general - needs to acknowledge and accept that children are human beings with their own thoughts and feeling on what they find enjoyable. OP's daughter said she didn't want to do cheer and no f*****g means NO. The same goes if it were the AP's biological or adopted child. Stop forcing kids to do things so you can relive your youth.
As a child who was adopted "just" so my parents' bio daughter could have a sibling and so that my adoptive mother could live her "famous actress" dreams vicariously through me - 100% agree. My mom forced me to so many dance, acting, cheerleading, singing, etc. classes and I was miserable. She would drive me to Los Angeles to go on auditions for acting parts because she wanted SO bad to have me be a famous child actor and make tons of money (so she'd never have to work again.) I didn't want to be an actor and it was years of absolute misery and outright abuse from my mother (she would beat me if I tried to beg to not go on auditions.) I'll be 43 next month and my relationship with my mother is still godawful and I've never forgiven her for the physical abuse. I am honestly just glad that I AM adopted, so I can at least have the comfort of knowing I don't have any of her narcissist DNA.
Load More Replies...The side piece can't have kids so they should adopt if she wants them bad enough. She won't like it if any girls don't want anything to do with cheerleading but there's no guarantee she would get that if she was able to get pregnant.
The YTA crowd are insane. OP is selfish and cruel?! Welp, guess who was selfish and cruel first. Sometimes, very few unfortunately, karma does work.
The YTA crew are usually unhinged in one way or another, lol. It seems like the AP (perhaps because she can't conceive) was playing the long game from the get-go. She found what she thought she deserved and went for it naively assuming OP would just step aside. The AP needs professional help to come to terms with the fact that OP's kid is not hers and will not be hers so the vision she has will not come to fruition. Men like the OP's ex make me want to vomit because they are more concerned with the lay they're getting than the fact that there is a tug-of-war going on he's not going to come out looking good. That child will resent him for not taking her part in all of this and HE will be posting the "woe is me, what have I done to deserve this" on reddit when the kid gets older and can distance herself from that clusterfuck.
Load More Replies...Marying a man with children DOES NOT automatically give you the right to be a 'second mom' or tell them what to do. Especially not if you have an affair with this man and manipulate your way into the family.
Does OP have an attorney? If not, she should get one ASAP. It may take a judge telling both bio dad and AP to back the hell off. In fact, limiting time the kids spend with them is a good option. Also, OP should check with the other kids to see if they're being harassed in any way to do something that they're not comfortable with. It could be considered parental alienation, justifying the court ruling that the AP is to have absolutely NO contact whatsoever with the children. Any manner of breech should result in no visitations. (BTW, I wouldn't recommend adoption for those toxic people. AP will most likely pull the same stunt on an unsuspecting child, while at the same dismissing the bio kids as insignificant.)
She didn't attack the woman for being infertile. That's ridiculous. She defended her child against a woman who is trying to co-opt her relationship with said child and force the child to do things against her will. The mum has every right to defend her child against someone who is only using the child for self-gratification.
Sounds like it's time to reevaluate the custody arrangement.
Kids only spend 6 days a month with dad and stepmom. That is generally not enough time to develop a close relationship, especially since stepmom is demanding it and not letting it develop naturally. If stepmom got daughter into cheerleading, bio mom would be stuck with getting her there during all of the time that daughter was with her.
One commenter said it's ok to force kids into activities they don't want to do. Such b******t! Kids have the right not to put their bodies through pain and misery in something they don't enjoy doing because some adult says they have to and they then have NO BODY AUTONOMY. Kids have the right to say no and have that respected. Parents (or quasi-parents) do NOT have the right to remove a child's body autonomy.
In general, it's true.There are some exceptions (like, one may insisit that the child learn swimming,) one may insist that the child try out one sport or another (just once, and def. not forcing skydiving, cheerleading or cave exploration), one may expect that the child pick some form of physical activity that is necessary for their development and wellbeing, but one shall never force into any high-risk and demanding sport activity.
Load More Replies...It would be different if the daughter wanted to do cheer. She said no and had to go to her mother to get them to stop. Other than making sure the kids are provided for she owes nothing to the horrible, cheating, absentee dad and affair partner.
I guess the plan to snag an established man and get an instant family didn't work out so hot. Should've tried a widower.
It makes me feel a little better that even the YTAs didn't try to justify forcing the kid into cheerleading against her will. Makes me feel like we might have at least come to some general cultural consensus that forcing your own dreams on unwilling children is wrong and an a-hole move.
So, OP is being unfair, depriving JEN of a relationship with OP''s children - or with this 1 particular child - OP's daughter would allow Jen to fulfill her life's dream: sharing 'cheer' with a daughter. Wow! Did/does she have lofty ambitions. The fact that both parents have to agree on decisions like this should have made the whole thing a non-starter since OP will never agree to force her daughter into an activity she doesn't want to do. OP is not taking this stance to punish Jen (yes, everything is about her) - she's making the best decision for her daughter. I would be afraid that when the children are with their dad & AP, they will continue to put pressure on the girl & it may be necessary to go back to court to put a stop to any kind of harassment. (Yes, the courts will entertain things like that that seem incredibly minor but are not in the best interests of the child. Ex, a well-known politician in this state - & he got some national notoriety for something disgusting & stupid he did - was divorced by his wife who then, after the custody agreement had been worked out, had to go back to court numerous times on specific issues. The one I remember best is that he was to be prohibited from flying remote-controlled airplanes AT the children.) OP doesn't badmouth Jen or their dad in front of the children - she wouldn't have to - they can see perfectly clearly what she's like when they have to spend that 6 days a month with their dad & can see what the dynamic is between the 2 of them: he backs up AP rather than thinking of his children.
So OP is sworn at and harassed in public by someone who wants to force her daughter into doing something she doesn't want to but somehow she's TA? What that lot smoking?
This is simple. The girl doesn't want to do cheer, so she doesn't do cheer, period. Step mommy's feelings about any of it are entirely irrelevant and are not a consideration. I see no reason to pretend to be friends with low character liars, nor would I encourage my children to bond with such people and trust them, when I know they are not trustworthy. If dad's wife wasn't trying to shove her desires down the poor kid's throat, there would be no issue here.
It's true that the child shouldn't be forced into an activity because the step mom wants to fulfill her own dreams, but the insult about the sterility only serves to distract from the issue and prevent OP from getting them to understand why it's harming the child. Once you make it personal they'll just believe your refusal is because you hate them. If you can be calm and explain how this is actually HARMING their relationship with the child it's better for everyone and also gives you better ammo in court. My response would have been : but it's not the kids dream to do cheer and you forcing her into it will only make her resent you!
So funky cootchie step mom steals husband, tries to steal kids and OP is in the wrong? Bull sh!t I would have loudly in the middle of the store yelled what is wrong with your cootchie? Oh that's right it is a dried up old prune that you have to steal others husband and kids. I am a petty b!tch. Bite me!
Man, so many people hate on step-parents and think they should have no role in their step-kids' lives. I can't believe the poll results that most people think a step-parent should have no input in deciding a step-child's activities... that shocks me as someone with a step-parent. I am so grateful to my step mom for loving and caring for me and really value her opinion and input. She's not my mom, only my mom is my mom, but she is a unique type of parent to me and I am so glad that she's a part of my life.
I agree with the commenter who said, If AH + his 2nd p**sy had been able to have kids, OP 's kids would've been forgotten. I'd go NC with "Jen" cuz she's not the parent, the AH-ex is.
Jen is an AH, you shouldn't force kids into activities, but she's the step parent and if she was doing it appropriately, mom shouldn't interfere with the kids having whatever relationship with her they want. The affair and subsequent marriage is not the problem and it shouldn't be on the kids to avenge their mother's relationship. But she's obviously not listening to the kids, and that is a problem.
As a step mum three times in bad marriages I add in no way shoe of form did I ever try to go over the mother ok none where affair husbands! But I also had two step mothers myself after my farther when I was 8 mths old killed my mother my kids father I’m 60 f kids 23f -20 m left us for another woman from another country china to be exact he left uk n we ain’t heard from him since nor have his other two kids my much loved step kids ! Op is NOT THE A H , that skank didn’t just want her husband she wanted her life end off and all those that scum clearly have not had to live this ! She can adopt she can get a surrogate etc taking another woman’s kids is sick twisted and vile and op is well rid of her ex cos it appears he’s to dam dumb to see what new wife is up to thankfully my kids want nothing to do with their Chinese step mother never even met her their choice not mine ! Unlike the father n stepmother in this story I’d never force my kids to do anything if they want to see him
(Highly unlikey ) turned up it’s totally up to them not me ! I never once tied to take my step kids away from their mother that’s just cruel all the ones going at op for this GET OVER YOURSELVES walk a mile in her shoes then blame her 🤬
Load More Replies...Nothing in the world makes cheating ok. It is disgusting and only insecure cowards do it. However, suggesting the loser AP should be dead is really tasteless and gross.
Load More Replies...Step parents, in divorce situations should have and legally, do have few rights. Cannot even legally be a guardian w/o living parents’ consent. And that’s a good thing. If stepmother wants a cheer puppet, she should adopt. NB: in US real parents MUST put natural children in wills and in insurance policies. Stepchildren, unless adopted, have no legal rights if natural parents die intestate. Both natural parents must talk w/attorney and make provisions ASAP.
No, children do not HAVE to be in their parents will, nor a beneficiary on their life insurance (assuming this is what you mean by insurance policies). Anyone planning a will should speak with an attorney to ensure that their wishes are honored. Attorneys can advise you on the ways you can avoid any pitfalls that may allow a challenge to your will. Naming insurance beneficiaries are subject to state law that vary from state to state. (US here.)
Load More Replies...Ngl it really rubs me the wrong way that people are saying the AP should have/adopt her own child if she wants a cheer buddy. No, she shouldn't, your kids are not extensions of you, they are not objects through which you try relive your glory days or otherwise vicariously enjoy life. The AP - and parents in general - needs to acknowledge and accept that children are human beings with their own thoughts and feeling on what they find enjoyable. OP's daughter said she didn't want to do cheer and no f*****g means NO. The same goes if it were the AP's biological or adopted child. Stop forcing kids to do things so you can relive your youth.
As a child who was adopted "just" so my parents' bio daughter could have a sibling and so that my adoptive mother could live her "famous actress" dreams vicariously through me - 100% agree. My mom forced me to so many dance, acting, cheerleading, singing, etc. classes and I was miserable. She would drive me to Los Angeles to go on auditions for acting parts because she wanted SO bad to have me be a famous child actor and make tons of money (so she'd never have to work again.) I didn't want to be an actor and it was years of absolute misery and outright abuse from my mother (she would beat me if I tried to beg to not go on auditions.) I'll be 43 next month and my relationship with my mother is still godawful and I've never forgiven her for the physical abuse. I am honestly just glad that I AM adopted, so I can at least have the comfort of knowing I don't have any of her narcissist DNA.
Load More Replies...The side piece can't have kids so they should adopt if she wants them bad enough. She won't like it if any girls don't want anything to do with cheerleading but there's no guarantee she would get that if she was able to get pregnant.
The YTA crowd are insane. OP is selfish and cruel?! Welp, guess who was selfish and cruel first. Sometimes, very few unfortunately, karma does work.
The YTA crew are usually unhinged in one way or another, lol. It seems like the AP (perhaps because she can't conceive) was playing the long game from the get-go. She found what she thought she deserved and went for it naively assuming OP would just step aside. The AP needs professional help to come to terms with the fact that OP's kid is not hers and will not be hers so the vision she has will not come to fruition. Men like the OP's ex make me want to vomit because they are more concerned with the lay they're getting than the fact that there is a tug-of-war going on he's not going to come out looking good. That child will resent him for not taking her part in all of this and HE will be posting the "woe is me, what have I done to deserve this" on reddit when the kid gets older and can distance herself from that clusterfuck.
Load More Replies...Marying a man with children DOES NOT automatically give you the right to be a 'second mom' or tell them what to do. Especially not if you have an affair with this man and manipulate your way into the family.
Does OP have an attorney? If not, she should get one ASAP. It may take a judge telling both bio dad and AP to back the hell off. In fact, limiting time the kids spend with them is a good option. Also, OP should check with the other kids to see if they're being harassed in any way to do something that they're not comfortable with. It could be considered parental alienation, justifying the court ruling that the AP is to have absolutely NO contact whatsoever with the children. Any manner of breech should result in no visitations. (BTW, I wouldn't recommend adoption for those toxic people. AP will most likely pull the same stunt on an unsuspecting child, while at the same dismissing the bio kids as insignificant.)
She didn't attack the woman for being infertile. That's ridiculous. She defended her child against a woman who is trying to co-opt her relationship with said child and force the child to do things against her will. The mum has every right to defend her child against someone who is only using the child for self-gratification.
Sounds like it's time to reevaluate the custody arrangement.
Kids only spend 6 days a month with dad and stepmom. That is generally not enough time to develop a close relationship, especially since stepmom is demanding it and not letting it develop naturally. If stepmom got daughter into cheerleading, bio mom would be stuck with getting her there during all of the time that daughter was with her.
One commenter said it's ok to force kids into activities they don't want to do. Such b******t! Kids have the right not to put their bodies through pain and misery in something they don't enjoy doing because some adult says they have to and they then have NO BODY AUTONOMY. Kids have the right to say no and have that respected. Parents (or quasi-parents) do NOT have the right to remove a child's body autonomy.
In general, it's true.There are some exceptions (like, one may insisit that the child learn swimming,) one may insist that the child try out one sport or another (just once, and def. not forcing skydiving, cheerleading or cave exploration), one may expect that the child pick some form of physical activity that is necessary for their development and wellbeing, but one shall never force into any high-risk and demanding sport activity.
Load More Replies...It would be different if the daughter wanted to do cheer. She said no and had to go to her mother to get them to stop. Other than making sure the kids are provided for she owes nothing to the horrible, cheating, absentee dad and affair partner.
I guess the plan to snag an established man and get an instant family didn't work out so hot. Should've tried a widower.
It makes me feel a little better that even the YTAs didn't try to justify forcing the kid into cheerleading against her will. Makes me feel like we might have at least come to some general cultural consensus that forcing your own dreams on unwilling children is wrong and an a-hole move.
So, OP is being unfair, depriving JEN of a relationship with OP''s children - or with this 1 particular child - OP's daughter would allow Jen to fulfill her life's dream: sharing 'cheer' with a daughter. Wow! Did/does she have lofty ambitions. The fact that both parents have to agree on decisions like this should have made the whole thing a non-starter since OP will never agree to force her daughter into an activity she doesn't want to do. OP is not taking this stance to punish Jen (yes, everything is about her) - she's making the best decision for her daughter. I would be afraid that when the children are with their dad & AP, they will continue to put pressure on the girl & it may be necessary to go back to court to put a stop to any kind of harassment. (Yes, the courts will entertain things like that that seem incredibly minor but are not in the best interests of the child. Ex, a well-known politician in this state - & he got some national notoriety for something disgusting & stupid he did - was divorced by his wife who then, after the custody agreement had been worked out, had to go back to court numerous times on specific issues. The one I remember best is that he was to be prohibited from flying remote-controlled airplanes AT the children.) OP doesn't badmouth Jen or their dad in front of the children - she wouldn't have to - they can see perfectly clearly what she's like when they have to spend that 6 days a month with their dad & can see what the dynamic is between the 2 of them: he backs up AP rather than thinking of his children.
So OP is sworn at and harassed in public by someone who wants to force her daughter into doing something she doesn't want to but somehow she's TA? What that lot smoking?
This is simple. The girl doesn't want to do cheer, so she doesn't do cheer, period. Step mommy's feelings about any of it are entirely irrelevant and are not a consideration. I see no reason to pretend to be friends with low character liars, nor would I encourage my children to bond with such people and trust them, when I know they are not trustworthy. If dad's wife wasn't trying to shove her desires down the poor kid's throat, there would be no issue here.
It's true that the child shouldn't be forced into an activity because the step mom wants to fulfill her own dreams, but the insult about the sterility only serves to distract from the issue and prevent OP from getting them to understand why it's harming the child. Once you make it personal they'll just believe your refusal is because you hate them. If you can be calm and explain how this is actually HARMING their relationship with the child it's better for everyone and also gives you better ammo in court. My response would have been : but it's not the kids dream to do cheer and you forcing her into it will only make her resent you!
So funky cootchie step mom steals husband, tries to steal kids and OP is in the wrong? Bull sh!t I would have loudly in the middle of the store yelled what is wrong with your cootchie? Oh that's right it is a dried up old prune that you have to steal others husband and kids. I am a petty b!tch. Bite me!
Man, so many people hate on step-parents and think they should have no role in their step-kids' lives. I can't believe the poll results that most people think a step-parent should have no input in deciding a step-child's activities... that shocks me as someone with a step-parent. I am so grateful to my step mom for loving and caring for me and really value her opinion and input. She's not my mom, only my mom is my mom, but she is a unique type of parent to me and I am so glad that she's a part of my life.
I agree with the commenter who said, If AH + his 2nd p**sy had been able to have kids, OP 's kids would've been forgotten. I'd go NC with "Jen" cuz she's not the parent, the AH-ex is.
Jen is an AH, you shouldn't force kids into activities, but she's the step parent and if she was doing it appropriately, mom shouldn't interfere with the kids having whatever relationship with her they want. The affair and subsequent marriage is not the problem and it shouldn't be on the kids to avenge their mother's relationship. But she's obviously not listening to the kids, and that is a problem.
As a step mum three times in bad marriages I add in no way shoe of form did I ever try to go over the mother ok none where affair husbands! But I also had two step mothers myself after my farther when I was 8 mths old killed my mother my kids father I’m 60 f kids 23f -20 m left us for another woman from another country china to be exact he left uk n we ain’t heard from him since nor have his other two kids my much loved step kids ! Op is NOT THE A H , that skank didn’t just want her husband she wanted her life end off and all those that scum clearly have not had to live this ! She can adopt she can get a surrogate etc taking another woman’s kids is sick twisted and vile and op is well rid of her ex cos it appears he’s to dam dumb to see what new wife is up to thankfully my kids want nothing to do with their Chinese step mother never even met her their choice not mine ! Unlike the father n stepmother in this story I’d never force my kids to do anything if they want to see him
(Highly unlikey ) turned up it’s totally up to them not me ! I never once tied to take my step kids away from their mother that’s just cruel all the ones going at op for this GET OVER YOURSELVES walk a mile in her shoes then blame her 🤬
Load More Replies...Nothing in the world makes cheating ok. It is disgusting and only insecure cowards do it. However, suggesting the loser AP should be dead is really tasteless and gross.
Load More Replies...Step parents, in divorce situations should have and legally, do have few rights. Cannot even legally be a guardian w/o living parents’ consent. And that’s a good thing. If stepmother wants a cheer puppet, she should adopt. NB: in US real parents MUST put natural children in wills and in insurance policies. Stepchildren, unless adopted, have no legal rights if natural parents die intestate. Both natural parents must talk w/attorney and make provisions ASAP.
No, children do not HAVE to be in their parents will, nor a beneficiary on their life insurance (assuming this is what you mean by insurance policies). Anyone planning a will should speak with an attorney to ensure that their wishes are honored. Attorneys can advise you on the ways you can avoid any pitfalls that may allow a challenge to your will. Naming insurance beneficiaries are subject to state law that vary from state to state. (US here.)
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