This Online Group Shames People Who Deserve A Special Place In Hell For Being Annoyingly Entitled (50 Pics)
There are always people who think they deserve to get their own way. Like cutting in front of you at a coffee shop or demanding a table at a fully seated restaurant without a reservation. They imagine that the world owes them something without giving anything in return, or that the rules don't apply to them. Well, they do.
There's a special place for such individuals, a Reddit page called Entitled People. This online community is dedicated to shaming those who think they are better than everyone else. Members of this subreddit post stories you would not believe: demanding to enter a store even after closing time, complaining about the ambulance blocking their driveway, or asking to reschedule... the sun.
This time, Bored Panda has collected examples of people whose ego is just too big to be overlooked, so check them out below! And after you’re done, make sure to read our previous posts about entitled people here, here and right here.
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Karen Doesn't Care About Your Cancer
As the moderators state, this subreddit is the place for "stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want." It is a sister subreddit of a similar page called Entitled Parents, which is dedicated to sharing specific stories of moms and dads who think that having kids gives them the right to everything.
Since its creation in 2016, Entitled People has reached more than 200K members. Most of them had the "pleasure" of meeting such individuals in real life and decided to share their experiences with the rest of us. It might be difficult to know how to react to specific situations when people think they deserve special treatment and might not understand that their actions are hurting someone else.
How To Fight Back Entitlement 101
One of the biggest characteristics that entitled people have is the "you owe me" mentality. It seems that they fundamentally believe in their superiority over others; they see themselves as more important, smarter, and overall better in life. So naturally, they expect bigger benefits from life which are often upsetting for those surrounding them.
While we're not yet sure why some people have this kind of attitude, there could be a few explanations. We are all affected by social factors such as the environment we grew up in or how our parents and other adults treat us. According to psychotherapist and psychoanalyst F. Diane Barth, L.C.S.W., it's "a normal part of a child’s psychological development to think that he or she is the center of the world." So it all comes down to the parent who should help their kid recognize that the wants and needs of others are just important as their own.
Karens Never Win
A 13 year old boy bloody working to bloody pay his BLOODY SCHOOL CLOTHES? WTF is wrong with you guys?
I Miss Him Too
Another reason for entitlement might come from feeling mistreated. You might think you have the right to more gifts from the world because you were deprived of the things you needed earlier on. "Often, individuals who have been mistreated or disrespected exhibit a sense of entitlement when they start to feel that they deserve better than they have been getting. This is part of a healthy shift towards self-respect. Yet they, too, eventually need to find a way to balance self-respect with respect for others," Barth said.
I Love It When These Stories Of Entitled People Pop Up On My Facebook Feed!
I've done something similar yesterday in the supermarket. An old woman (no, not a lady) hit me with her shopping cart and freaked out on me that I got in her way and that she NEEDED to get to the piccolos (sparkling wine in small bottles), pushing her bloody cart against my leg again. Guess who walked out of the store with the last two bottles, a happy smile and bad karma points?
Entitled Boss Is Mad The Employees Won't Work Extra Hours
What people expect of the world varies widely. And there's a special kind of people who think their time is worth more than others'. Cruising through life choosing ways that make life easier is definitely more comfortable for them. People who show up when they feel like it, not even apologizing for making others wait, state that other peoples' priorities are not worth taking into account. "By keeping others in suspense, individuals high in this quality demand that others follow their schedule rather than comply with social niceties," Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., a professor emerita of psychological and brain sciences, explained.
My Favorite Dedicated Gluten Free Bakery (That Also Has Nut Free, Vegan, And Dairy Free Options) And One Of The Only Bad Reviews I've Ever Seen For Them
Oh Ok, I'm Sorry
Everything Has A Price If You’re Rich Enough
"It’s just that, for whatever reason, they’ve come to adopt a style that has worked for them. If they can navigate the world according to their own time schedule, and no one has called them on that, then why should they change? Call them on it and let them know that this is not okay. Even more to the point, what would happen if you didn’t wait for them? Might they realize that you’re a person who can’t and won’t be treated this way?"
Terry Crews Calling Out An Ep
Get Up My Son Wants Your Seat!
Keep Your Kids Inside Or I'll Call The Cops
Officer! This PERSON has been letting their child run around and play in their own backyard EVERY SINGLE DAY this week! It's really disrupting my routine of staring into my neighbour's property every day!
Load More Replies...OK kids! Who wants to play in the yard? Well, of course you do! Don't forget your 3 cans of Red Bull each and WOW!!! Look what I found! A 5lb bag of mixed chocolates and other sugary treats! Now, go have fun
"And look!! I found a complete drum set at a garage sale that fits perfectly on our porch! Lessons? Nah"
Load More Replies...This has to be a joke. “My bird who sits in the window and likes to look in to your yard” ?!
I'd send back a note like "here's the police's number, all the best"
I love how they described the perfectly non-disruptive things this treacherous child is doing in their OWN backyard. It really lets me know just how awful this monster is
"Your use of your own yard is ruining my use of your yard." F**k off, Karen.
Oh please, do call the police on a child being a child in their own back yard. But, first give me a warning because I want to pull up a chair and get some popcorn. It's going to be quite a show.
Please, call the police, I'm sure they will appreciate you reporting such a terrible crime.
The writer of the letter is also a big coward. If you can't say this in person it means you know you are wrong, but don't want to admit it.
I'd be tempted to give the kids musical instruments, and tell them to practice outside!
you buy a house so your children can play outside. Neighbour claims that the children upset her dogs. So the neighbour wants the children to stay inside.
Load More Replies...You let your child laugh, and, dare i say it, RUN FREE IN YOUR GARDEN!? i expected better from a independent adult.
This is absolutely ridiculous, are people actually this stupid? What did she expect her reply to be “oh sorry I’ll just tell my son to stay inside infront if the TV all day and lack vitamin D so you and your dogs can feel better about yourselves” jeez
My boss had a dispute with neighbors about them disrupting her dogs..but it was because 4 of the neighborhood kids decided that, since she had no kids, that they could play in her back yard whenever they choose driving the dogs crazy inside the house. She told them to stay out of their back yard, but they ignored her. She finally had it out with their father who said the kids should be allowed to go where ever they choose and for her to suck it up. She finally called a cop friend that helped her install cameras on her property and told the father that, if the kids trespassed, they would be arrested and fined. They finally stayed out of her yard.
Ok son run outside the whole day and see how the neighbors react the son “okay”
We had a neighbor like this that complained about my kids playing in my yard on the opposite of my property from our shared property line. I called the police on her and told them that my husband traveled a lot at the time and I was afraid having someone like her next to us. The police paid her a little visit :)
The author of this letter should move to a forest and turn over his dogs and bird to a living person. The pets are probably starving for interaction.
The neighbor should absolutely call the police… and then get a proper telling -off for abusing police time, and for being so terrible in general hopefully.
Next thing, the child will have a playdate, and if it's good weather, they might go out in the yard and kick a ball around, and there will be TWO of them laughing and giggling as children do!
Like you never played outside as a kid. Perhaps you were raised in a cage where you belong.
Oh, pahleeze call the police. If I had received that nasty note, I'd send my kid out with my pots/pans to bang on.
I have seen this several times- I still cannot believe it is real..
Oh, I sympathise! The brat next door, the kids in the next shreeeeek like being skinned alive. The school 3 streets has screeeeeming kids, also. It is unbearable, like being "ear raped!"
i mean, i dont particularly like kids either, but come on
Go right ahead. We will take it to Court and have you charged with Stalking or some such thing equally disruptive.
So basically... "child fun? No! Bad! Me good! Me king of world!"
If the neighboring kids run and scream in their own yard and not in yours, you have no voice in this 'problem'. Your animals will get use to the noise. Ever hear spring time birds chirping during mating season ? They can interrupt sleep. I think you are a cranky fuss budget who has created this issue by yourself and for yourself. Build a bridge and get over it.
I think you meant putting "dear" in quotation marks. Dumbass
Some people call the police even just for stubbing their toe and flip out when the officer tells them they cannot press charges on their coffee table.
Just, people, ugh. Why be that way??? Hell, until I broke my back last month, I would go outside and play basketball and skateboard with my neighbors kids! I'm 50 years old tomorrow and hope I never get to be like that person!
Send a note back: My young child is very disturbed by you, your dogs and your bird watching them every day. They are having nightmares about it and we have consulted a child psychologist. As they believe this will cause permanent damage we are suing you. You will be hearing from our attorney.
There's nothing better than little kid giggles. I'd love to live next door to that.
With this one I would going my munchkin in the backyard for a full day of shenanigans. And let them call the cops lol
I feel like if anyone calls the police, it should be the recipient of this stupid letter. Whoever typed that little memo up is the harasser.
Do it do it do it do it!!! Let them call the police! Please let us know how it went!!!
I would go out and play with my child and encourage even more happiness! This whinger gives me the impression of some shrivelled-up, wizened old crone from some old fairy tale! Please call the police, let's make it a party, you miserable git!
They might also consider building a taller fence so that person, their dog and their bird can no longer look into their yard.
I'd say "Go ahead". I have 2 dogs. AND 2 kids. I would never expect this of someone. Nut job.
Please. Call the police. They and I will surely get a good laugh for the day.
Imagine that!?! Children are actually running around and having fun in their own backyard on a nice day, mind you - instead of being cooped-up inside all day.🤦♀️
Erm, call the police. You’ll literally get the dispatcher saying, “*sigh. Ma’am, noise complaints should be directed to the non-emergency number” because this is literally not 1952 Mayberry.
Dear Neighbour... Why don't you call the police and then I will call animal control and we see who wins?
errrr my little brother runs around naked in our FRONT yard and the neighbours love him a lot
Not only do such people waste others' time and don't consider their needs, but they also can't seem to control their anger. In a series of studies, researchers found that those who have higher levels of psychological entitlement actually felt victimized when they experienced bad luck. They examined about 200 participants by asking them if they feel things should go their way.
Just Found This On Facebook. I Think This Counts?
I’m sure they’re thousands of dogs in shelters who would be happy to be adopted by that household 😊
Psa: There Is Extra Space For A Reason
When Being An Influencer Has No Perks
After measuring levels of entitlement, psychologists gave them a task. "The participants then were told that they had been “randomly” assigned to complete a dull task (counting letters in a paragraph) rather than a fun one (rating a comic strip). Before beginning the boring task, participants indicated the degree to which it felt unfair that they had to complete this task, rather than rate the comic strip, and the amount of anger they felt in response," they explained.
Entitled Fan Thinks Their Entitled To An Nba Player's Photo
Perfectly Fair Reason To Give A One Star Review
Imagine Feeling This Entitled
"As predicted, we found that more entitled people expected better luck, and felt cheated, and in some cases angry, that they had been given the dull task." After conducting several similar studies with even more people, the researchers found that "the greater the entitlement, the greater the self-reported anger, but only when the participant himself was impacted. When it was another person’s hardship, highly entitled people were no angrier than those who were less entitled."
From My Local Police Department. Karen Calls 911 Cause The Pizza She Ordered Was Wrong
Family Takes Over Kids Playground (The Beach Is Right Below Them)
I Can Break Merchandise Because They Are Slow....
Saw this happen once. Manager put all the broken items in her trolley and had a security guard make sure she paid for the lot and banning her from the store as she left
We all have met a person like this at one point or another. Whether it was your co-worker, relative or a good friend, you need to know how to deal with such attitudes. When it comes to ill-temper, "it’s best to remember that the entitled person’s anger doesn’t necessarily mean that you or anyone else has wronged them. Although we can sympathize, their sense of victimization and outrage may simply be due to getting dealt a bad hand rather than the great one they feel they deserve."
The Nerve Of This Lady
Bros.... Don't Be Like This...
Goth Girls Bad
All of this may seem like a never-ending cycle. First, thinking that the world owes you certain things, then getting angry when certain expectations are not met. Finally, fixing the situation you're in which will only give you more self-confidence that you really deserve everything you've ever wanted. The good news is that this is easily changeable and we can think of a few ways on how to break this pattern.
Wow, This Is Another Level Of Entitlement
Was Almost Surprised By The Level Of Entitlement
Medical workers already go through enough and this entitled woman just added unnecessary work for them 🤦♀️
You can start by practicing treating others the way you would like to be treated. Take a step back, evaluate the situation from a different point of view, and think: is it really fair for other people to drop everything that they're doing because you need it? It's not, right? Well, most importantly, remember to have respect for others and treat them kindly because you might be unaware of the struggles they have to deal with on a daily basis.
Entitled Commissioner Thinks The Artist Should Keep The Project In Her House And Work On It There So She Can Personally Track Work Hours
You Want Me To Pay You?
Em Wants My Partner To Change Their Name
Is This The Krusty Krab?
Entitled Person Thinks They Can Take Up A Tiny Cafe's Only Large Table During Lunchtime With One Cup Of Tea Because Baby
I hate people that use their kids for sympathy points - "me and my little baby", my man you mean you, your wife and three suitcases and there happened to be a baby as well.
People Like This Aren’t Real.. Are They ?
This Bar Has Seen Its Share Of Entitled People
Phillip Defranco Has To Put Up With This Bs Too
You Can’t Advertise Your Company For 40 Days, Because Catholics
Found This Little Gem
Entitled Military Spouse
The U.S obsession with the military, and this "thank you for your service" mentality is pathetic. Let me get this straight - better than minimum wage, free clothing, accommodation and meals, free dental and health care, free travel and paid vacation time, and lower risk of being shot dead than a grocery store cashier, and yet somehow the military must be revered for service to their country while people busting their balls in all weathers to repair infrastructure, or teach children, or doing any other job and paying taxes don't deserve the same respect? What a sick, twisted society.
Did Somebody Say Karen?
Why, Just Why?
Insane Daughter Wants To Commit Murder To "Save" Her Siblings From Vaccines
This Lady Too Entitled To Respect Disabled People And Their Medical Equipment
Man Flips A Person Out Of His Wheelchair For A Parking Spot
If You Do This In The Theatre, You're A Major Jerk
Okay Then Damn
I want tickets to see this one get arrested in front of her kids as they joyfully fling food around
Decades Of "The Customer Is Always Right" Has Created The Most Entitled Idiots In Human History
Note Left On Ambulance Windshield While They Were Responding To An Emergency
Isn't interfering with the emergency services while responding a criminal offence? If not, then it should be
Why Would You Think Putting Your Foot There Is Okey?
Grubhub Driver Cancels My Mom's Order Due To Not Tipping On The Online Payment System
Because Who Cares If They Are Disabled?
She Stood There The Whole Time In The Way Of 3 Old Ladies In Wheelchairs, And Didn't Move When We Asked
Reading lists of shitty people being shitty is a form of self-harm.
The Nintendo fans harassing Nintendo for delaying their games due to their workers' mental health ticked me off. It reminded me of all those Pokémon fans harassing the Gamefreak workers on Twitter, their "Hang Masuda" Twitter hashtag, and harassing the creator of Pokémon on a tweet about one of his friend's wedding all because they didn't like Pokémon Sword and Shield. And this was all before Sword and Shield even came out. Nintendo fans need to chill out. It's just a game. 🤦
At a baseball game, a Karen on her cell phone kept complaining that my son was making too much noise and obstructing her view by cheering. I had even tried foolishly to work with her a little bit, but I was hardly going to punish my son for cheering. I finally responded, "It's a baseball game, you psycho (oops), you're supposed to cheer!" Security came by and moved us up to empty seats in the front row. Everyone clapped... but probably because of the baseball game.
This happened to me and my kids at Sea World. They were still pretty little-5 and under. We did what their height/age allowed and then went to the whale show. We got there early to get good seats out of the Texas sun. Sat there about 30 minutes waiting for the show to start. Right when it was starting and most seats were filled in walks this rich guy and his wife and kids. Told me to move down to accommodate his group. He wanted my seats. I told him no and went back to watching the show. It would have put us behind a column where we could not see. He felt he had the right to take our seats from us as I was a woman alone with two little kids and just because he felt entitled to have them.
AN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY PRIVILEGED CHARACTER: there was a rock/pop music star I liked to follow until he did this... He was the lead singer in a boy-band 10 years ago. He was the stock "pretty boy" of the group. His big ego has only gotten worse as he grows older while struggling with a solo career. The man is really impressed with himself. Too bad for him that the music/entertainment industry doesn't share his glowing self-estimate. He never responds to fan Tweets or FB posts/comments. He took the message tab off his FB page and put up a link to This means that if you expect a long-delayed, two-sentence answer to any question, you will get it, but only if you pay him $100 for his effort. After tour concerts, he never goes out to visit with the fans. He should learn from more popular stars who make themselves more available to the fans, and their increasing music sales or movie ticket sales show it. He hasn't figured it out yet that the fans are paying for any/all of his successes, however small they may be. Sorry, but it seems a little too arrogant for me that he won't reply to an email or FB post/comment/reply/message unless someone pays him $100. His popularity would triple if he would take a lesson from the examples of Tim Chalamet or Danny Radcliffe who love their fans & interact with them as much as possible. And p.s., I don't expect a personal response on FB, Twitter, or whatever from entertainment or media figures.
It sounds like you're the entitled one. Nobody owes you social-media interaction.
Load More Replies...I'm not a violent person, but seeing all these makes me want to commit one and killing all those _______ people
I relate to the service dog one as I use a non-traditional breed. People can be such jerks. It is sad that such people exist.
I like to "play" with rude people. If I notice them trying to talk to me, I point to my ear and mouth the word "deaf". I always keep paper and pen in my purse. I hand them to them, if they do write something, I look at what they wrote and shake my head to let them know I don't understand. Usually they give up. I have had a few that will continue but usually they give up. This started when a guy pulled into the parking lot and almost ran over a pedestrian. I saw it, as I had just parked. As I approached the ped, he thought I was the one who tried to run him over. Rather than a confrontation, I pretended I couldn't hear or understand him. Pi$$Ed him off even more, but he left me alone.
Is it just me or everybody seem to encounter rude women only? Hardly any male culprits to be listed here? I wonder, why. Is it safer to critisize women or is male rudeness just default behaviour, hence excusable?
If only there is a way to reliably test people before allowing them to breed. We don't need more human stains.
Well, there is this thing called eugenics, but it's kind of Hitler-y.
Load More Replies...Some one in economy class smelled of cheap aftershave. And the fight attendant refused to open a window to air out the plane.
I made it through the whole list.... *shudders*... I need to go watch some cute baby animal videos now.
Oh good, more public shaming. Just what we needed as a society. If only we could bring back the stocks...
Reading lists of shitty people being shitty is a form of self-harm.
The Nintendo fans harassing Nintendo for delaying their games due to their workers' mental health ticked me off. It reminded me of all those Pokémon fans harassing the Gamefreak workers on Twitter, their "Hang Masuda" Twitter hashtag, and harassing the creator of Pokémon on a tweet about one of his friend's wedding all because they didn't like Pokémon Sword and Shield. And this was all before Sword and Shield even came out. Nintendo fans need to chill out. It's just a game. 🤦
At a baseball game, a Karen on her cell phone kept complaining that my son was making too much noise and obstructing her view by cheering. I had even tried foolishly to work with her a little bit, but I was hardly going to punish my son for cheering. I finally responded, "It's a baseball game, you psycho (oops), you're supposed to cheer!" Security came by and moved us up to empty seats in the front row. Everyone clapped... but probably because of the baseball game.
This happened to me and my kids at Sea World. They were still pretty little-5 and under. We did what their height/age allowed and then went to the whale show. We got there early to get good seats out of the Texas sun. Sat there about 30 minutes waiting for the show to start. Right when it was starting and most seats were filled in walks this rich guy and his wife and kids. Told me to move down to accommodate his group. He wanted my seats. I told him no and went back to watching the show. It would have put us behind a column where we could not see. He felt he had the right to take our seats from us as I was a woman alone with two little kids and just because he felt entitled to have them.
AN ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY PRIVILEGED CHARACTER: there was a rock/pop music star I liked to follow until he did this... He was the lead singer in a boy-band 10 years ago. He was the stock "pretty boy" of the group. His big ego has only gotten worse as he grows older while struggling with a solo career. The man is really impressed with himself. Too bad for him that the music/entertainment industry doesn't share his glowing self-estimate. He never responds to fan Tweets or FB posts/comments. He took the message tab off his FB page and put up a link to This means that if you expect a long-delayed, two-sentence answer to any question, you will get it, but only if you pay him $100 for his effort. After tour concerts, he never goes out to visit with the fans. He should learn from more popular stars who make themselves more available to the fans, and their increasing music sales or movie ticket sales show it. He hasn't figured it out yet that the fans are paying for any/all of his successes, however small they may be. Sorry, but it seems a little too arrogant for me that he won't reply to an email or FB post/comment/reply/message unless someone pays him $100. His popularity would triple if he would take a lesson from the examples of Tim Chalamet or Danny Radcliffe who love their fans & interact with them as much as possible. And p.s., I don't expect a personal response on FB, Twitter, or whatever from entertainment or media figures.
It sounds like you're the entitled one. Nobody owes you social-media interaction.
Load More Replies...I'm not a violent person, but seeing all these makes me want to commit one and killing all those _______ people
I relate to the service dog one as I use a non-traditional breed. People can be such jerks. It is sad that such people exist.
I like to "play" with rude people. If I notice them trying to talk to me, I point to my ear and mouth the word "deaf". I always keep paper and pen in my purse. I hand them to them, if they do write something, I look at what they wrote and shake my head to let them know I don't understand. Usually they give up. I have had a few that will continue but usually they give up. This started when a guy pulled into the parking lot and almost ran over a pedestrian. I saw it, as I had just parked. As I approached the ped, he thought I was the one who tried to run him over. Rather than a confrontation, I pretended I couldn't hear or understand him. Pi$$Ed him off even more, but he left me alone.
Is it just me or everybody seem to encounter rude women only? Hardly any male culprits to be listed here? I wonder, why. Is it safer to critisize women or is male rudeness just default behaviour, hence excusable?
If only there is a way to reliably test people before allowing them to breed. We don't need more human stains.
Well, there is this thing called eugenics, but it's kind of Hitler-y.
Load More Replies...Some one in economy class smelled of cheap aftershave. And the fight attendant refused to open a window to air out the plane.
I made it through the whole list.... *shudders*... I need to go watch some cute baby animal videos now.
Oh good, more public shaming. Just what we needed as a society. If only we could bring back the stocks...