35 Times ‘Karens’ Acted So Entitled, The Internet Had To Call Them Out For It In This Online Group
Acting like an entitled, spoiled brat won’t win you any favors and won’t make you any new friends. In fact, you’re bound to lose a few if you don’t tone it down and continue making other people’s lives a living hell.
To you and I, these people are simply huge jerks who are best left ignored. But to the internet, they’re known as ‘Karens,’ no matter their actual gender or real name. Shaming ignorant Karens has become so huge, it’s even spawned its own subreddit, the ‘Eff You Karen’ community that shows everyone how not to act if you want to be a good person.
In the mood for some more examples of unearned entitlement and outrage? Once you’re done upvoting the pics that made your jaw drop in this list, check out Bored Panda’s previous article about the ‘Eff You Karen’ community right over here.
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Just Do It
Karen Time
Karen Alley Is Out Of Her Mind
The ‘Eff You Karen’ subreddit, founded in late 2017, is now homing in on the 1.2-million-member mark. Some of the subreddit’s rules include avoiding political topics, avoiding witch hunts, and censoring social media identities in order to protect the people being poked fun at.
They might be in the wrong and be way too entitled, but there are very few people who actually deserve being spammed by a bunch of angry internet users. Everyone makes mistakes and we need to leave enough room for people to grow and become better. Though, of course, that’s not an excuse for acting like a horrible, entitled person in the first place.
A Celebrity Karen
Anti Vaccine Karen
Damn It Karen
In a previous interview, I spoke about Karen memes and the context surrounding them with Matt Schimkowitz, Know Your Meme’s Senior Editor. According to him, there’s lots of potential for the meme to be insensitive and even offensive to women, so care must be taken when using this type of humor. He put it very plainly that we should all meme with caution, whatever the meme might be.
The Logic This Karen Has Is Very Small
This Karen Is Being Racist Against A Dog
Uno Reverse
“As [the meme] grows from a parody of a common social experience of someone demanding to speak to a manager to a statement about white privilege, the stakes over the meaning of the meme grow as well,” Matt told Bored Panda.
The Og Karenavirus
Karen Didn’t Do Her Research
Seems like Bozo needs to reevaluate his life choices and the validity of his presence on this earth.
Ran Into The Most Entitled Male Karen At The USPS Today
“I think that users of the meme should be cognizant that what they're meme-ing might not be their intent anymore. It's very possible that the meme could grow even farther to exhibit misogynistic tendencies, which are somewhat already present,” Matt warned those who use Karen memes to be aware of the context.
I’d Like To Speak To The Manager Of Mocha Coffee Please
Karen Decides That Children’s Fun Isn’t Enough Of A Reason To Have A Tree House
Takes Being A Karen To A New Level
At the core of using memes for humor lies intent. Know Your Meme’s Senior Editor Matt pointed out that the Karen meme, something that’s used and enjoyed by many people, could eventually become connected to something that many would find offensive if people with sexist beliefs started using the term as a “catchall for all women.”
Definitely Must Be A Karen
If something made you ill why go there again at all let alone order the same item?
"Taking A Picture Of Me???" - Woman Changing Her Baby's Dirty Diaper On Top Of An Old Navy Clothing Display
Karen Doesn't Like The Way You Had Your Baby
Though we can’t expect memes to be completely neutral. “Meme-ing can be nihilistic artform and rewards really ugly behavior in some cases. Sometimes, what starts as a fairly inoffensive meme can grow into something really hateful, like Pepe the Frog. I could see that happening to Karen—though, I'm not really sold one way or the other on the debate."
Friend Told Me To Post This Here After She Found It - Male Karens?
I Karen't Even
Pulled The Ole Switcheroo
According to Matt, it’s hard to find the exact origin of the Karen meme. However, he personally believes that the most convincing origin story is a bit from Dane Cook's 2005 comedy special , "The Friend That Nobody Likes" where Karen is given this title. "This is one of the earliest examples that we have to using a specific name to stand in for a whole type of person, and it's a comedic trope that we've seen dozens of times over the last 15 years," Matt explained the possible origins of the meme to Bored Panda.
Karen Gatekeeping Motherhood
Poor Starbucks Employee...
Now This Is New Type Of Karen
Why Tho?
Yes because my brother was totally demonically possessed when he was suffering from schizophrenia ;)
Enjoy This One. Dumbest One Yet
No “Bear” Gig For Karen’s Son
Such A Karen Thing To Do
Ivan the Terrible killed another 10,000 peasants to stop calling him Ivan the Terrible.
Грозный doesn't mean terrible in the sense you think. It means like great and awe inspiring, think Oz the great and powerful. English just doesn't have a great translation
Load More Replies...She is not wrong. Nameshaming is not the answer to the very serious issue of this entitled behavior. And yes, my name is Karen - and no, I am not complaining to the manager. Simply stating the obvious: that there is absolutely no need to link personality traits to a common first name. Just as it stupid to link personality traits to a hair color, height, weight or other aspect of someone’s existence.
I definitely agree! I hate that Karen thing not only because it causes bullying for all Karens but also cause it's basically an attack to women!! I work in customer service and believe me it's not only women that are bad!! And i don't want to hear about Kyles cause that never worked! Everyone is talking only about Karens! So basically talking about women complaining
Load More Replies..."Karen" isn't offensive to you unless you're behaving like a Karen. Do you see "Richards" starting petitions to save the name "D**k?" 😊
Load More Replies...I get her point. They really should come up with a term that isn't an actual name for many people.
Mews. I'll call them Mews from now on. "M.E.Ws". "Middleclass Entitled Whites". It's even gender-neutral. (On second thought - it really sounds similar to Jews, and that would totally not be good... I'll think of something better)
Load More Replies...I think I've mentioned in on here before. My friend Karen, started a group called 'Karen's against Karen's who are against Karen's being called Karen's'.
Actually I don’t think this is pulling a karen .. I get it , I laughed at the karen thing in the beginning too .. but it’s gotten out of hand .. people named karen are now being bullied and it’s become a bad word .. i don’t think asking people to stop using your name as an insult is being entitled any more than any other person asking to not be insulted by name calling
I HATE that a common name has come to stand for such an insult. I have a friend called Karen, who is in no way similar to the stereotypical ‘Karen’. She is young (for a start!) funny, hardworking and has overcome a lot, sadly she is working in a toxic environment with colleagues who ostracise her based on their choice of victim daily lottery. I hate that those people get to sneer and laugh at her because the whole world hates a Karen. That’s unfair.
It is astonishing how the 'woke' will support just about anyone who they percieve as being bullied, *unless* that person's name is Karen, in which case they will jump right on the bandwagon with abuse.
I'd be pretty peed off if my name became a negative meme, not gonna lie. But, I guess you need to roll with these sorts of punches. I am not aware of any memes that have been quashed by petitions, so why even put yourself out there as a target?!
I actually kind of agree with her a bit, I wish that the make it “Karen” wasn’t demonized
Ok, but I guess it must be pretty bad to be called Karen, and it was made into a big issue because of being called Karen
wow the pathetic apes are...EVOLVING, or maybe not because from what I recently heard, there still pathetic brain dead morons
the Donald managed to kill 500,000 people while playing golf... our very own little Nero. Felt inclined to add that here...since he's the biggest 'Karen' of them all
This one shouldn't even be on this list, there are a lot of people who have been bullied and harassed just because their name is Karen
May i remind eeryone that not all blonde women in ther 20`s are karens
I had a sister-in-law named Karen. Every time I hear about "Karen" stuff I think of her face...yup. Accurate.
My daughter in law is named Karen. She finally says enough, so family does not say this. Must be unbearable for the good Karens.
Have to admit it does wear thin from time to time having your name associated with every bitchy, nasty or ignorant person and totally unlikeable traits. The looks you get when you introduce yourself as Karen however are often entertaining. :) Would suggest just changing names - we ain't ever going to win this one!
This lady is right though, people are using just a name as a joke (even though she followed the guidelines for the joke herself)
Someone needs to formally name an unpleasant creature Karen. Like a flying venemous jellyfish spider ant that feeds on cerebral tissues and craves pumpkin spiced lattes
Both parties to this are being extra AF. Karen for making a big stink about it, and the non-Karens for not having a shred of understanding. Like.. I don’t care about us calling people Karens but I also won’t rub it in either.
Well in Germany is a totally inappropriate and blacklisted song by a punk band about some Claudia and her dog. People named Claudia were made fun of for years after that. So, now Karen doesn't sound too bad, right?
Err I think you just proved why ‘Karen’ as a derogatory term is so bad.
Load More Replies...All downers may be called Debbie, not every Debbie is called a downer...you’re quite simple.
Load More Replies...New Definition Of “Communism” Just Dropped
Military Spouse Counts As Service Now
Found One In The Wild!
Brace Yourselves
Ya we mess with the ice after it comes directly from the ice machine, but we don’t mess with the water after it comes out of the tap
Karen Wants To Know Where She Can Complain About The Hospital Helicopter Used In Emergency Situations Because It Interrupts Her Sleep
Good To Know, Karen
How Dare You Have Dandelions
My mother (who has asthma btw) has been wearing a mask out for the entire pandemic. Even now after she's been vaccinated she still wears a mask for the safety of others. If my mother can do it these idiotic dungbags can do it.
My little brother has terrible asthma and a number of allergies. We grew up in a farm - the kid was always masked. Now he's a successful personal trainer who owns his own gym and wore a mask all through the pandemic.
Load More Replies...About this "Karen" trend in general. It sucks. Like all name callings suck. I can't imagine how little girls named Karen must feel these days, or anyone named Karen for that matter.
My mother in law is named Karen and she thinks it's funny bc she's not like those crazy people as far as kids being named Karen it's been the most unpopular name for over a decade not many new Karen's running around. It's a shame that this is even a thing that's for sure
Load More Replies...Some of these were just people complaining about real stuff! Like the BLTch sandwich. If I got a slur on my food I would also be kinda pissed
i didnt realize that blt ch looks like bitch till i read your comment LMAO
Load More Replies...I love these karen posts. It make me feel like a much happier person.
I went to pay for some items I wanted to purchase at a museum store. As I took out my cash, the gentleman at he register asked me to please use a card, since they couldn't safely disinfect cash. I apologized and told him that I was sure that I was told that and I had simply forgotten. As I took out my card, I apologized again and said, " I'm sure that you get enough "Karens" in here, I would hate to be another one!" The look of sheer joy on his face was priceless! I like to think that we had made each others' day at that moment.
Work at a butchers shop, and had a lady coming in wanting chicken to make soup. So I was like "oh we have these special soup parts!" (a 5 kg chicken chopped in 4 pieces). She just stared at me and said "uh I always get a normal whole chicken". I was like oh that also works, not everyone knows about the soup chicken blah blah. She suddenly gets mad at me because she always got a whole chicken whilst we had something else she didn't know about. Almost screaming at me how we scammed her and that we have horrible service. She bought the chicken anyways and then stormed off yelling she would tell everyone how we are disgusting scammers. Lady, it just a piece of chicken
She didnt even want the cut apart chicken, anyway. She sounds like she needs a chill pill
Load More Replies...We should rename make Karens after Tucker Carlson. Tucker and Karen: a match so horrible even Satan himself cringed.
I just don’t get why people won’t wear the stupid mask. My FIVE year old little brother with asthma and a bajillion health problems happily wears his mask inside and outside whenever he needs to. Btw, a group of Karens is called a Homeowners Association (at least some of the times)
I've got a theory, and hear me out, people who claim they can't wear a mask just can't stand the smell of their own breath.
I actually just got some disposable masks (kids size) and I was kinda really happy to get them because they were going to fit properly. Now here’s the odd part. They don’t smell good. It’s not like a plastic smell. I can’t even identify it. Can still wear them. Just think it’s bizarre.
Load More Replies...I am getting my covid shot in about an hour and this makes me feel good bc I'm gonna rub it in all these anti-vaxxers faces
Congrats! I'm looking forward to getting mine as soon as the govt releases them for my 'group' (they divvied the rollout into four groups/stages)
Load More Replies...Covid is real people! Wake up!!! Wear the mask. It's not gonna hurt you. I have a legit medical reason to not wear the mask as advised by my doctors but I wear it anyway. I have about 40 stitches in and outside of my nose and it is really painful. Oh well.... I prefer to not be sick or dead!
This insult needs to die. Why do people salivate at the chance to tear strips off each other for tearing strips off each other. Mob justified bullying! It’s mean!
The internet is such a toxic place that when a woman expresses her opinion that someone doesn’t like, she’s gonna hear “ Ok, KAREN” or something like “awwww can I get u a manager? Oh wait I am the manager !” I’m gonna cry soon because of how toxic these posts are
I am sick of the Karen name trend. Pick on someone else you entitled pricks.
A ton of these aren't just "honest opinions," they're blatant & harmful misinformation, especially regarding Covid & vaccines. I will always advocate for the stifling of dangerous conspiracy theories, lest more imbeciles take the bait & kill more innocent people.
Load More Replies...Y'know there are similar articles dissing men for bad behavior too, right? Ever heard of "nice guys"? Different breed, but still entitled people getting roasted online. Besides, there are several men on the article too. You're seeing problems where there are none.
Load More Replies...But we can. That is how we designed our language. You can't control how people use their words. I can do the same thing with any name/word I want.
Load More Replies...My mother (who has asthma btw) has been wearing a mask out for the entire pandemic. Even now after she's been vaccinated she still wears a mask for the safety of others. If my mother can do it these idiotic dungbags can do it.
My little brother has terrible asthma and a number of allergies. We grew up in a farm - the kid was always masked. Now he's a successful personal trainer who owns his own gym and wore a mask all through the pandemic.
Load More Replies...About this "Karen" trend in general. It sucks. Like all name callings suck. I can't imagine how little girls named Karen must feel these days, or anyone named Karen for that matter.
My mother in law is named Karen and she thinks it's funny bc she's not like those crazy people as far as kids being named Karen it's been the most unpopular name for over a decade not many new Karen's running around. It's a shame that this is even a thing that's for sure
Load More Replies...Some of these were just people complaining about real stuff! Like the BLTch sandwich. If I got a slur on my food I would also be kinda pissed
i didnt realize that blt ch looks like bitch till i read your comment LMAO
Load More Replies...I love these karen posts. It make me feel like a much happier person.
I went to pay for some items I wanted to purchase at a museum store. As I took out my cash, the gentleman at he register asked me to please use a card, since they couldn't safely disinfect cash. I apologized and told him that I was sure that I was told that and I had simply forgotten. As I took out my card, I apologized again and said, " I'm sure that you get enough "Karens" in here, I would hate to be another one!" The look of sheer joy on his face was priceless! I like to think that we had made each others' day at that moment.
Work at a butchers shop, and had a lady coming in wanting chicken to make soup. So I was like "oh we have these special soup parts!" (a 5 kg chicken chopped in 4 pieces). She just stared at me and said "uh I always get a normal whole chicken". I was like oh that also works, not everyone knows about the soup chicken blah blah. She suddenly gets mad at me because she always got a whole chicken whilst we had something else she didn't know about. Almost screaming at me how we scammed her and that we have horrible service. She bought the chicken anyways and then stormed off yelling she would tell everyone how we are disgusting scammers. Lady, it just a piece of chicken
She didnt even want the cut apart chicken, anyway. She sounds like she needs a chill pill
Load More Replies...We should rename make Karens after Tucker Carlson. Tucker and Karen: a match so horrible even Satan himself cringed.
I just don’t get why people won’t wear the stupid mask. My FIVE year old little brother with asthma and a bajillion health problems happily wears his mask inside and outside whenever he needs to. Btw, a group of Karens is called a Homeowners Association (at least some of the times)
I've got a theory, and hear me out, people who claim they can't wear a mask just can't stand the smell of their own breath.
I actually just got some disposable masks (kids size) and I was kinda really happy to get them because they were going to fit properly. Now here’s the odd part. They don’t smell good. It’s not like a plastic smell. I can’t even identify it. Can still wear them. Just think it’s bizarre.
Load More Replies...I am getting my covid shot in about an hour and this makes me feel good bc I'm gonna rub it in all these anti-vaxxers faces
Congrats! I'm looking forward to getting mine as soon as the govt releases them for my 'group' (they divvied the rollout into four groups/stages)
Load More Replies...Covid is real people! Wake up!!! Wear the mask. It's not gonna hurt you. I have a legit medical reason to not wear the mask as advised by my doctors but I wear it anyway. I have about 40 stitches in and outside of my nose and it is really painful. Oh well.... I prefer to not be sick or dead!
This insult needs to die. Why do people salivate at the chance to tear strips off each other for tearing strips off each other. Mob justified bullying! It’s mean!
The internet is such a toxic place that when a woman expresses her opinion that someone doesn’t like, she’s gonna hear “ Ok, KAREN” or something like “awwww can I get u a manager? Oh wait I am the manager !” I’m gonna cry soon because of how toxic these posts are
I am sick of the Karen name trend. Pick on someone else you entitled pricks.
A ton of these aren't just "honest opinions," they're blatant & harmful misinformation, especially regarding Covid & vaccines. I will always advocate for the stifling of dangerous conspiracy theories, lest more imbeciles take the bait & kill more innocent people.
Load More Replies...Y'know there are similar articles dissing men for bad behavior too, right? Ever heard of "nice guys"? Different breed, but still entitled people getting roasted online. Besides, there are several men on the article too. You're seeing problems where there are none.
Load More Replies...But we can. That is how we designed our language. You can't control how people use their words. I can do the same thing with any name/word I want.
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