We all make fools out of ourselves every now and then. Nobody is safe from that unwelcome sense of anxiety once you realized the thing you just said makes zero sense. But things that leave your mouth, whether IRL or online, do stay there, oftentimes forever.
And there’s a whole corner of Reddit, r/S***AmericansSay, dedicated entirely to the mission of collecting the stupidest, funniest, and sometimes embarrassing cases of people being so convinced they know better when they couldn’t be further away from the truth.
So let’s ready ourselves for the ensued hilarity, ‘cause we are about to have a fair share of it, trust me.
This post may include affiliate links.
“I Get That Native Americans Are Upset, I Get It”
“Who Was The First Country On Planet Earth To Ban Slavery? That’s Right, America”
There’s an abundance of scientific evidence that shows humans are poor judges of their own abilities, whether it’s their sense of humor or grammar. In fact, psychologists believe that we are more blind to our own failings than we realize. This idea comes from the 1999 study in which David Dunning and Justin Kruger from Cornell University, New York, tested if people who lack skills and abilities are also more likely to lack awareness of their lack of ability.
You're On The Internet, Which Is American
America Is The Reason You Have Cars
The results of the tests led the authors to the interpretation that accurately assessing one's skill level relies on some of the same core abilities as actually performing that skill. It led them to the conclusion that the least competent maybe suffering a double deficit.
Should Ask Them If Jews Matter Too
Well Allocated Funds
“Not only are they incompetent, but they lack the mental tools to judge their own incompetence,” Kruger and Dunning thought. During the course of four individual tests run on participants, the scientists discovered that “People who scored in the lowest percentiles on tests of grammar, humor, and logic also tended to dramatically overestimate how well they had performed (their actual test scores placed them in the 12th percentile, but they estimated that their performance placed them in the 62nd percentile).”
Homosexuality is illegal in Liberia. Maybe it was deliberate? *reaching*
'People Who Leave Their Phones Set To Military Time Are War Criminals'
Dunning shared his impressions in an article for Pacific Standard: "In many cases, incompetence does not leave people disoriented, perplexed, or cautious. Instead, the incompetent are often blessed with an inappropriate confidence, buoyed by something that feels to them like knowledge." The phenomenon is known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect and most of us have surely encountered numerous cases of it in real life.
Go To Panama, This Is America
How Do You Prevent People From Jumping Off Like Idiots?
“More People Use Imperial Than Metric”
“He Is (Your President)”
People Engaging Me In German Because I Look German
The Ambulance Is Not Your Taxi To The Hospital
Where Does It Say In The Constitution Or Any Of The Amendments That Eating Is A Human Right?
"More People Know About Our Smallest State Vermont Then The Amsterdam"
“We Will Never Rewrite The Constitution”
Your Haircuts Are Un-American
Wishing "Evil" On A Country Is Pretty Mean
Why Is Munich Spelled "München" On Signs In Germany?
“...your Hip Would Break Because Their Medical Staff Is Garage...”
I know people who have travelled to other countries to get medical/dental care because the air fair and other expenses plus cost of treatment were cheaper than in US. It is literally true.
Do You Guys Have Refrigerators?
"Offended By Our Patriotism, Wattpad Girl?"
The Titanic Is Just A Movie, Right?
Can’t Compare Those Other Cities To The Us
“I Am In Rhode Island”. “Nice, Ever Been To The USA Before”?
Biden's America
"At Least American Toilets Aren't Just Holes In The Ground"
Doesn't Angel Merkel just pee in the Spree ? Doesn't the queen's butler empty her chamber pot in the Thames every morning ?
What Does He Care? He's Not A Us Citizen, He's Not Effected
I didn’t realise that the US was global, oh wait, they do have the World Series which only the US plays in. so I guess it makes sense lol.
I am so glad I am not the only one who thinks the 'world series' is ridiculous
Load More Replies...I'm not a native in English and apparently I knew this better than the native who wrote the post (self high-five)
Load More Replies...To write such a pile of crap, it takes being twice stupid : first you need to think that only the USA are affected by global warming, second you need to assume that other people are so self-centered they do not care about problems which do not impact them personally.
Thrice stupid. They used effected instead of affected.
Load More Replies...Like how he's also not a Pisces either? I mean, just about as relevant.
Load More Replies...No. No we don’t. This is why I hate these type of articles. You all assume every American is exactly like the ones being mocked. In reality, most Americans are actually well informed about life outside our borders.
Load More Replies...Everyone is affected by global warming. Did you miss the global part?
Oh this is just perfect. G L O B A L... I can't even fathom the stupidity. As if there is nothing outside the USA. Oh lord.
What's there not to understand about GLOBAL warming? It ain't LOCAL warming is it now?
This comment has so much truth in it as to why fighting global problems does not work. The bitter truth is that political readers just have the same attitude.
A. Global. Global warming and climate change - he is a global citizen... B. Affected.
no wonder so many people are in denial....the stupidity is winning
What?! How much of a navel-gazer do you have to be to think climate change is not a planet-wide issue? (and that's "affected", you twit.)
Yeah because obviously GLOBAL warming only affects USA. (God sometimes I wish...) can we just have the smart and hardworking people from USA evacuate beforehand
Idiots like this person are why it's nearly too late to do anything about global warming.
Likewise, Rod's brain is not affected (not effected) by your stupidity.
Um that’s not how that works. It’s the whole 🌎 doesn’t just affect on place hence the global part.
My guess is that the commentator has no idea what global warming is, they think it's some lie invented by US Democrats.
Do people seriously think that this is just a U.S. problem? Like, oh yeah, we have completely isolated the entire atmosphere around the U.S.
He fears we are too late to stop global warming. This is coming from a guy who's carbon footprint is thousand times bigger than the average person in the west. Next he will be telling us how we the common plebs need to reduce our carbon footprint so he and his family can continue to jet set around the world while all his mansions are lit brightly 24/7. I love how the rich and famous are trying to save the planet for their own benefit.
Would Love To See Some Of These Countries Try To F With Us
“The White House Is Bigger Than All The Countries You Named”
"I'd Rather Receive False Information..."
Being Broke In American Is 100% On You
Commie Divas
(Sad) Mistake A North Korean Flag For A Texan Flag
But We Can Pock Whatever Doctor Or Healthcare Insurer We Want! We Win
We can pick whatever doctor or hospital we want to be in debt to for the rest of our lives!
“They Started Faking An Accent”
Some people believe that the Earth is 2000 years old. This one thinks it's 200 yo apparently
"[...]although My Ancestry Dna Gives Me Zero Italian Dna On My Dad's Side, I'll Stick With Being 1/4 Italian!"
"It's Amazing To See How Few Countries Know That "Soccer" Is The Correct Term"
“We Savez Nations Not Destroy Them”
Is Mediterranean A Slur To Italians?
Are We Acting Like That's Not Possible?
"American Deaths Are Worth More"
European Countries Don't Have Elections As They Are Too Poor To Pay For The Patent Rights
Wait Other Countries Didn't Have To Sing Their National Anthem Everyday At School For 12 Years???
The Real Heros Are The Ones Who Served The Us Military
"Uniquely American"
"USA Is Less Racist Than Those Scandinavian Ethnostates''
My Ancestors Are American And They Came From America
I know it is popular to take the mickey out of the US coz there is just a lot of fair game but I would like to see some posts like this of other countries, including Australia. Every country has their issues and idiots, so let’s share it around. Can’t have the US always hogging the spotlight lol.
same. it's always the same hot take of what Americans fought about or found interesting.
Load More Replies...American here. I apologize for all of these and I promise you, we aren't all this stupid. Unfortunately the dumb ones tend to be the loudest.
Like everywhere in the world. Here in Germany as well
Load More Replies...The ignorant idiots in America tend to be the loudest, because they want to correct everyone else who is obviously "wrong"... and of course one of them was our President for four years, so now they've come out of the woodwork even more. :-/
Brits are the same, if my in-laws are an indication. Nobody is correct unless British, preferably English, and preferably "their sort"....
Load More Replies...I'm an Aussie and I happen to love America and its people. I lived over there for a couple of years and I visit frequently (well, I did until COVID). All I wanted to say is that there are idiots and ignorant people in every country and America is no different. In a way, they've been a bit sheltered in terms of education and travel, and that's not entirely their fault. They're also brought up to be blindly patriotic and to not speak ill of their country. Sure, there are some who question, some who travel and experience the world. But Americans are pretty unique and they're lovely people.
Thank you. Even those of us who haven't been lucky enough to travel the world know there are really good things and people out there. And the US is pretty f****d up. But some of us do our best to keep it moving into the 20th century.
Load More Replies...Please stop talking crap about Americans. Not all of us are idiots. There are a suits everywhere.
Well 99% of post here are usa centric. So it makes sense that the negative posts are about usa too.
Load More Replies...British. Lived in USA 21 years. This is exactly what I found out about some people.
My UK in-laws are Brexiting racist a--hats who love BoJo and Trump. So..... it's everywhere.
Load More Replies...Yes, please! I am tired of 'being an idiot because I'm American.
Load More Replies...Now now, there are plenty of Trump hating morons and plenty of Trump loving smart people. A difference in politics is the end-all sign of intellect.
Load More Replies...OH, hey, I'm feeling really frustrated with my country right now. I'll go to BP to escape a bit and feel better and.......nope. Thanks for lumping us all in together, yet again. It's not like there are 300 million of us or anything. We must all be represented by the worst of us. Look, it's a big place. There are a lot of people. Some of us are idiots, and frankly, that terrifies the rest of us as much as it bothers you. Our country is going down the toilet. Can we move on?
We can’t move on, because our country is going down the toilet. I agree, it’s not all of us. The problem is, however, extreme. These people vote.
Load More Replies...In any society, there will always be a scale ranging from the village idiots to the rocket scientists. The reason these imbeciles in the US becaming the brunt of jokes on the internet, is how proud they tend to display that ignorance like a medal of honor.
I'd say it's more like we now have nowhere to hide our idiots. Cursed internet! (That's only half-sarcastic, btw.)
Load More Replies...For the same reason some people act like Americans in Berkeley, California think the same as Americans in Chickamauga, Georgia?
Load More Replies...I don't want to mock all Americans for being stupid an ignorant. But it's clear what happens when an educational system only teaches about its country's own history. I don't know everything about other countries but they do give us some.basic knowledge in Denmark..
It does not...in my soc studies unit, we learn about ancient civilizations, including Ancient Egypt, the Maya Civilizations, Cavemen, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome among many others...I will not say I know a lot about other countries, but I know more than the American whose only history schooling is their social studies class.
Load More Replies...To be fair, there are clueless people like this all over the world, it's not just the USA.
being an American, same. i just want to sink into a hole of embarrassment
Load More Replies...You are showing the worst of America, but this could be the worst of any country. And this is not all of America. As a Canadian, I have had nothing but good experiences when I head down south. Even my favourite boyfriends were American. They were just very kind and sweet.
thank you. I've met racist Canadians, amazing Canadians, etc. ----- and it's true in any country I've been. Admitting we are ALL flawed might be the best way to finding unity, instead of fighting over who is *most* flawed, y'know?
Load More Replies...This is so sad and painful to read. Glad I left that place. Beautiful, filled with kind people, but so many fûckn morons... Too many, most of them beyond help.
hopefully i'll be leaving soon too. the only reason that i haven't is the many wonderful people i met there that i can't bear to leave, at least not yet.
Load More Replies...Why does BP act tolerant and open but hates USA so much?I don't get it,this isn't mocking anymore,this is pure hate.Every week we see 1-2 posts like this.Why don't you go after countries that force women to wear certain kind of clothes or countries with basically no human rights?
Just be glad that the world is seeking revenge by poking fun at you rather than killing you by the million, as the USA has been doing over the years. I would say you are getting away lightly by having a few comments by your citizens publicized on Bored Panda!
Load More Replies...It's like one on those TV shows where the moderator asks people on the street quite easy questions and their answers are just dumb, hurtful and wrong in every aspect. I know it's the opposite of cherry-picking done here - choosing the worst of the worst for entertaining purposes - but it still hurts reading this shite. For every genius being born, there has to be someone that just does/gets everything wrong.
Of course this is everywhere duh just that these type of americans are the loudest on social media
Can i just say something? The use of the term "American" enfuriates me, big time. I'm from Argentina...so I'm just as American. So is someone from Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua...how about calling the U.S citizens? I'd be a good start...
Right? I always try to say USA or people from usa. It feels so egocentric to refer to one country as if they are the whole continent.
Load More Replies...It feels like it's becoming a sport to make fun of Americans. There are problems in the US for sure, more so, in many ways, than other western countries. But there are ignorant people in all countries - see the comment section of the Daily Mail. In any case, I just don't think having an entire post about things people of one country posted, so that other people can make fun of them, is a good thing.
“It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.” – Bill Murray
Reminds me of the time my cousin had an American exchange student over and she asked if we didn't have any electricity in Germany because she couldn't see the power lines over the houses. I wish I was kidding!
I think this is a great example of what my mom (and other parents in my whole country) told us about "If you know nothing, please just shut up". Or the rest of the world laughing at you.
Only 50 times? I wish I could screenshot the window lickers I see daily, but I'd run out of memory too fast.
Am I the only one who is a bit tired of these posts: "Americans are ______", "some people made tweets about times Americans were _______". I know the U.S. has a lot of problems, every country has its fair share of morons.....
These people are worryingly thick, people like that shouldn't breed, without passing some kind of exam first :-D
I'm reasonably certain that other countries have idiots, too, but snarking on Americans is like catnip for the internet.
The United States is one of the most populace English speaking countries and it has good access to the internet. So it's difficult to tell if it actually has MORE idiots per capita or whether it's just because there's more of them overall. Having had several conversations online I think it's the case that the DEPTH of stupidity is different..
It is wrong to generalise, but sometimes you're faced with such unrefutable evidence... My personal experience of such Americans has been punctuated by foreigners living and working there, but on the whole, those US citizens who have been educated in the state system and not travelled are really very insular and ill/uniformed about the rotw, yet there is an arrogance accompanying that ignorance and an unwillingness to be corrected or learn, as typified in these posts.
Perfect observation. Agree wholeheartedly. The arrogance, the unwillingness to acknowledge failure.
Load More Replies...I'm honestly getting sick of these 'let's make fun of America' posts. Yeah, our country has been a hot mess. That is not a true representation of our citizens . Most people here are good people. Our government is a corrupt mess, that has nothing to do with American citizens. We do not agree with the behavior and attitude of our government . We aren't all racist ego maniac rednecks. I've loved Bored Panda for years , but honestly if this is going to turn into 'look at the ugly Americans' I've got better things to do with my time and there are plenty of other apps I can spend time on .
The United States is not full of 300 million idiots. It is, however, currently suffering the inevitable effects of de-funding EDUCATION and letting people use frigging internet sites as source material for TEXTBOOKS. If you must mock America, mock the fact people don't seem to realize they've been made ignorant for someone else's profit -------- you can fix ignorance with information and educaiton, after all. Meanness and stupidity, however, are universal and found in any given country. (Yes, even Canada!)
Ignorance like this is one reason I've become increasingly unsocial.
Why does BP always choose the US to make fun of?? I agree there are fools there. But why not just drop the "idiot" American rhetoric and find something else to make fun of?? Or just move on. You do realize that there are fools in every country..? Yes?
Because you give great material every second of every day
Load More Replies...Enough. Enough of the ‘haha America bad funny pls upvote!1!!1!’. It’s so played out. Making “Americans” synonymous with “A few clueless idiots” is an egregiously inaccurate act; you could do this with literally any country. I’m not sure why people only look at the bad stuff/people about/in the US, we’re 4th in the world for percent of population vaccinated, and doing much better in terms of vaccine rollout than almost all of Europe.
Yes, of course, 4th in the world for vaccinated. And the 1st (30 Million) victims means the highest ignorance for social distancing/health protocol.
Load More Replies...God, as an American, this makes me sick. Please know that not all of us are complete idiots.
This was supposed to be a fun post, I guess, but it actually made me angry. All other countries are supposed to know about Americans, the US, their states, presidents, national tragedies and what not, while many idiots there think that the rest of the world is one big (but not bigger than the US) third world country that sh!ts in the yard and has no running water or electricity. I am happy that the few Americans I know are not brainless idiots like the ones above.
Based on these posts and responses, I am embarrassed to be an American.
I did not think it was possible to be this stupid. These people proved me wrong
I was walking on a beach on a cove of Long Island Sound one day. A woman passed by me and shouted to her friends "Welcome to the Atlantic Ocean!!!" One of the friends seeing Darien, Connecticut about 1/2 mile away across the water shouts in total awe, "Is that EUROPE?" I was so embarrassed to be an American that morning...
This is just a snap shot of the idiotic comments that we all see regularly where overly patriotic Americans make fools out of themselves in front of the rest of the world. Unfortunately it gives the USA a bad reputation for stupidity. I know people complain that America is given a hard time by those from other countries and that all countries have their issues; the problem is that America shouts loudly and endlessly about how wonderful it is, and denounced the rest of the world whilst also struggling with basic issues that don't affect the rest of the first world.
Related to this I've noticed that some articles about (in my opinion) US problems tend to be described as being problems of "this world". These are mostly things about crimes, racism and woman being treated poorly or unfairly. While I do not say that these are problems only in the US, the things that are mentioned are either very extreme (in my opinion) or ... mind blowing (for me). These are things like women being always afraid and having to carry some kind of weapon because something might happen to them and guys who don't understand no or don't believe a woman might be in charge anywhere. I am a woman. I have NEVER felt this kind of afraid anytime in my life and I NEVER met men who treated me like that. And I lived in several places across Germany, including Hamburg. I WALKED and took the Metro AT NIGHT! ALONE!!!! I went to bars and Discos, took Taxis and drove a bysicle in the dark, alone. I worked in a "mens field", I worked in stores, I worked with elderly.
What I want to say: some articles that are in my opinion just about the situation in the US tend to generalise. It's like they think their situation is the norm all over the world, while it isn't. Women do not feel threatened left right and center all over the world. They don't have to. And men do not treat women like this everywhere either. And it doesn't have to be like this in the US as well. I feel like they do not know that this isn't normal. My guess is, it is US culture in some way. And probably the upbringing of their children. Male AND female!
Load More Replies...Hey, sane, logical and human Americans, how do you manage not to pull out your hair living in your country? Or at least how do you resist leaving? I'm outside of it and I find it so crazy!
I can only speak for myself. I am from the First Nations, meaning I am Indigenous to the United States. My tribe and culture is my home. My tribe is classified to be a sovereign nation inside the U.S. Like any where, there is not just bad but much love and beauty. I some times do pull out my hair when I look around (please no scalp jokes, which origins are not from where you think). I manage to still live a happy life because of my family and freedoms. I just want to stay on my homeland and perpetuate my tribe, through tribal ceremony and belief as well as continuing education. I do not want to become so jaded and cynical that I miss the reason for life, and love of homeland.
Load More Replies...A lot of that is ignorance coupled with propaganda. There is no reason to believe US citizens have lower intelligence than the rest of the world. The sabotage of the US education system and the resulting dumbing down of the population is a crime against humanity. Defund the army and private prison system. Build schools and free universities.
Ok so first of all you guys gotta know I’m practicing my British accent (gosh I do sound weird) and I’m very sorry for my country. Our country is a mess right now (t) (r) (u) (m) (p) (supporters) and I will be trying my hardest. Oh my gosh would I be better off in Australia? ... no I love the UK. (Btw I’m American for the crazy Americans who think I’m not)
I needed this laugh this evening. But - boy do we have some uneducated people in this country. No wonder....
Dear rest of the world, pllllllease don’t paint all Americans with the same stereotypical brush. Some of us love our country without the need to wear the flag as underwear or get online to rage at anyone else for using Celsius.
American here speaking for myself and many I know, we are incredibly embarrassed for most of our population and their ridiculousness as seen by everyone else. Understandably it's easier to lump everyone in the same category but please know not everyone here is a complete arrogant dumbass and I'm ashamed to live in the same country as these kind of people. #imnotwithstupid
Yeah I hate it when my whole country is lumped together with dipshits. I dare any other country to all be geniuses.
After years in the underfunded American Education System we produce this :I
A couple of these are sarcasm, or obvious trolling. Sarcasm is very common in the U.S., and I've noticed that my European relatives often don't recognize it.
Hi, European here (geographically, at least). Sarcasm is something we're great at. In fact, if I could earn a living from just being sarcastic, I'd be a billionaire by now. And I've yet to meet anyone from mainland Europe who doesn't understand sarcasm, either. I recommend watching some clips of German comedian Henning Wehn. You'll see he understands sarcasm as much as anyone.
Load More Replies...This is so profoundly embarrassing. A lot of us paid attention in school.
i mean..technically we're shaming idiots that think the sun and the rest of the planet revolves around America...
Load More Replies...You must really like that comment, since you posted it twice.
Load More Replies...LOL. your comment should be an example in the original post. Irony anyone?
Load More Replies...I know it is popular to take the mickey out of the US coz there is just a lot of fair game but I would like to see some posts like this of other countries, including Australia. Every country has their issues and idiots, so let’s share it around. Can’t have the US always hogging the spotlight lol.
same. it's always the same hot take of what Americans fought about or found interesting.
Load More Replies...American here. I apologize for all of these and I promise you, we aren't all this stupid. Unfortunately the dumb ones tend to be the loudest.
Like everywhere in the world. Here in Germany as well
Load More Replies...The ignorant idiots in America tend to be the loudest, because they want to correct everyone else who is obviously "wrong"... and of course one of them was our President for four years, so now they've come out of the woodwork even more. :-/
Brits are the same, if my in-laws are an indication. Nobody is correct unless British, preferably English, and preferably "their sort"....
Load More Replies...I'm an Aussie and I happen to love America and its people. I lived over there for a couple of years and I visit frequently (well, I did until COVID). All I wanted to say is that there are idiots and ignorant people in every country and America is no different. In a way, they've been a bit sheltered in terms of education and travel, and that's not entirely their fault. They're also brought up to be blindly patriotic and to not speak ill of their country. Sure, there are some who question, some who travel and experience the world. But Americans are pretty unique and they're lovely people.
Thank you. Even those of us who haven't been lucky enough to travel the world know there are really good things and people out there. And the US is pretty f****d up. But some of us do our best to keep it moving into the 20th century.
Load More Replies...Please stop talking crap about Americans. Not all of us are idiots. There are a suits everywhere.
Well 99% of post here are usa centric. So it makes sense that the negative posts are about usa too.
Load More Replies...British. Lived in USA 21 years. This is exactly what I found out about some people.
My UK in-laws are Brexiting racist a--hats who love BoJo and Trump. So..... it's everywhere.
Load More Replies...Yes, please! I am tired of 'being an idiot because I'm American.
Load More Replies...Now now, there are plenty of Trump hating morons and plenty of Trump loving smart people. A difference in politics is the end-all sign of intellect.
Load More Replies...OH, hey, I'm feeling really frustrated with my country right now. I'll go to BP to escape a bit and feel better and.......nope. Thanks for lumping us all in together, yet again. It's not like there are 300 million of us or anything. We must all be represented by the worst of us. Look, it's a big place. There are a lot of people. Some of us are idiots, and frankly, that terrifies the rest of us as much as it bothers you. Our country is going down the toilet. Can we move on?
We can’t move on, because our country is going down the toilet. I agree, it’s not all of us. The problem is, however, extreme. These people vote.
Load More Replies...In any society, there will always be a scale ranging from the village idiots to the rocket scientists. The reason these imbeciles in the US becaming the brunt of jokes on the internet, is how proud they tend to display that ignorance like a medal of honor.
I'd say it's more like we now have nowhere to hide our idiots. Cursed internet! (That's only half-sarcastic, btw.)
Load More Replies...For the same reason some people act like Americans in Berkeley, California think the same as Americans in Chickamauga, Georgia?
Load More Replies...I don't want to mock all Americans for being stupid an ignorant. But it's clear what happens when an educational system only teaches about its country's own history. I don't know everything about other countries but they do give us some.basic knowledge in Denmark..
It does not...in my soc studies unit, we learn about ancient civilizations, including Ancient Egypt, the Maya Civilizations, Cavemen, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome among many others...I will not say I know a lot about other countries, but I know more than the American whose only history schooling is their social studies class.
Load More Replies...To be fair, there are clueless people like this all over the world, it's not just the USA.
being an American, same. i just want to sink into a hole of embarrassment
Load More Replies...You are showing the worst of America, but this could be the worst of any country. And this is not all of America. As a Canadian, I have had nothing but good experiences when I head down south. Even my favourite boyfriends were American. They were just very kind and sweet.
thank you. I've met racist Canadians, amazing Canadians, etc. ----- and it's true in any country I've been. Admitting we are ALL flawed might be the best way to finding unity, instead of fighting over who is *most* flawed, y'know?
Load More Replies...This is so sad and painful to read. Glad I left that place. Beautiful, filled with kind people, but so many fûckn morons... Too many, most of them beyond help.
hopefully i'll be leaving soon too. the only reason that i haven't is the many wonderful people i met there that i can't bear to leave, at least not yet.
Load More Replies...Why does BP act tolerant and open but hates USA so much?I don't get it,this isn't mocking anymore,this is pure hate.Every week we see 1-2 posts like this.Why don't you go after countries that force women to wear certain kind of clothes or countries with basically no human rights?
Just be glad that the world is seeking revenge by poking fun at you rather than killing you by the million, as the USA has been doing over the years. I would say you are getting away lightly by having a few comments by your citizens publicized on Bored Panda!
Load More Replies...It's like one on those TV shows where the moderator asks people on the street quite easy questions and their answers are just dumb, hurtful and wrong in every aspect. I know it's the opposite of cherry-picking done here - choosing the worst of the worst for entertaining purposes - but it still hurts reading this shite. For every genius being born, there has to be someone that just does/gets everything wrong.
Of course this is everywhere duh just that these type of americans are the loudest on social media
Can i just say something? The use of the term "American" enfuriates me, big time. I'm from Argentina...so I'm just as American. So is someone from Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua...how about calling the U.S citizens? I'd be a good start...
Right? I always try to say USA or people from usa. It feels so egocentric to refer to one country as if they are the whole continent.
Load More Replies...It feels like it's becoming a sport to make fun of Americans. There are problems in the US for sure, more so, in many ways, than other western countries. But there are ignorant people in all countries - see the comment section of the Daily Mail. In any case, I just don't think having an entire post about things people of one country posted, so that other people can make fun of them, is a good thing.
“It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.” – Bill Murray
Reminds me of the time my cousin had an American exchange student over and she asked if we didn't have any electricity in Germany because she couldn't see the power lines over the houses. I wish I was kidding!
I think this is a great example of what my mom (and other parents in my whole country) told us about "If you know nothing, please just shut up". Or the rest of the world laughing at you.
Only 50 times? I wish I could screenshot the window lickers I see daily, but I'd run out of memory too fast.
Am I the only one who is a bit tired of these posts: "Americans are ______", "some people made tweets about times Americans were _______". I know the U.S. has a lot of problems, every country has its fair share of morons.....
These people are worryingly thick, people like that shouldn't breed, without passing some kind of exam first :-D
I'm reasonably certain that other countries have idiots, too, but snarking on Americans is like catnip for the internet.
The United States is one of the most populace English speaking countries and it has good access to the internet. So it's difficult to tell if it actually has MORE idiots per capita or whether it's just because there's more of them overall. Having had several conversations online I think it's the case that the DEPTH of stupidity is different..
It is wrong to generalise, but sometimes you're faced with such unrefutable evidence... My personal experience of such Americans has been punctuated by foreigners living and working there, but on the whole, those US citizens who have been educated in the state system and not travelled are really very insular and ill/uniformed about the rotw, yet there is an arrogance accompanying that ignorance and an unwillingness to be corrected or learn, as typified in these posts.
Perfect observation. Agree wholeheartedly. The arrogance, the unwillingness to acknowledge failure.
Load More Replies...I'm honestly getting sick of these 'let's make fun of America' posts. Yeah, our country has been a hot mess. That is not a true representation of our citizens . Most people here are good people. Our government is a corrupt mess, that has nothing to do with American citizens. We do not agree with the behavior and attitude of our government . We aren't all racist ego maniac rednecks. I've loved Bored Panda for years , but honestly if this is going to turn into 'look at the ugly Americans' I've got better things to do with my time and there are plenty of other apps I can spend time on .
The United States is not full of 300 million idiots. It is, however, currently suffering the inevitable effects of de-funding EDUCATION and letting people use frigging internet sites as source material for TEXTBOOKS. If you must mock America, mock the fact people don't seem to realize they've been made ignorant for someone else's profit -------- you can fix ignorance with information and educaiton, after all. Meanness and stupidity, however, are universal and found in any given country. (Yes, even Canada!)
Ignorance like this is one reason I've become increasingly unsocial.
Why does BP always choose the US to make fun of?? I agree there are fools there. But why not just drop the "idiot" American rhetoric and find something else to make fun of?? Or just move on. You do realize that there are fools in every country..? Yes?
Because you give great material every second of every day
Load More Replies...Enough. Enough of the ‘haha America bad funny pls upvote!1!!1!’. It’s so played out. Making “Americans” synonymous with “A few clueless idiots” is an egregiously inaccurate act; you could do this with literally any country. I’m not sure why people only look at the bad stuff/people about/in the US, we’re 4th in the world for percent of population vaccinated, and doing much better in terms of vaccine rollout than almost all of Europe.
Yes, of course, 4th in the world for vaccinated. And the 1st (30 Million) victims means the highest ignorance for social distancing/health protocol.
Load More Replies...God, as an American, this makes me sick. Please know that not all of us are complete idiots.
This was supposed to be a fun post, I guess, but it actually made me angry. All other countries are supposed to know about Americans, the US, their states, presidents, national tragedies and what not, while many idiots there think that the rest of the world is one big (but not bigger than the US) third world country that sh!ts in the yard and has no running water or electricity. I am happy that the few Americans I know are not brainless idiots like the ones above.
Based on these posts and responses, I am embarrassed to be an American.
I did not think it was possible to be this stupid. These people proved me wrong
I was walking on a beach on a cove of Long Island Sound one day. A woman passed by me and shouted to her friends "Welcome to the Atlantic Ocean!!!" One of the friends seeing Darien, Connecticut about 1/2 mile away across the water shouts in total awe, "Is that EUROPE?" I was so embarrassed to be an American that morning...
This is just a snap shot of the idiotic comments that we all see regularly where overly patriotic Americans make fools out of themselves in front of the rest of the world. Unfortunately it gives the USA a bad reputation for stupidity. I know people complain that America is given a hard time by those from other countries and that all countries have their issues; the problem is that America shouts loudly and endlessly about how wonderful it is, and denounced the rest of the world whilst also struggling with basic issues that don't affect the rest of the first world.
Related to this I've noticed that some articles about (in my opinion) US problems tend to be described as being problems of "this world". These are mostly things about crimes, racism and woman being treated poorly or unfairly. While I do not say that these are problems only in the US, the things that are mentioned are either very extreme (in my opinion) or ... mind blowing (for me). These are things like women being always afraid and having to carry some kind of weapon because something might happen to them and guys who don't understand no or don't believe a woman might be in charge anywhere. I am a woman. I have NEVER felt this kind of afraid anytime in my life and I NEVER met men who treated me like that. And I lived in several places across Germany, including Hamburg. I WALKED and took the Metro AT NIGHT! ALONE!!!! I went to bars and Discos, took Taxis and drove a bysicle in the dark, alone. I worked in a "mens field", I worked in stores, I worked with elderly.
What I want to say: some articles that are in my opinion just about the situation in the US tend to generalise. It's like they think their situation is the norm all over the world, while it isn't. Women do not feel threatened left right and center all over the world. They don't have to. And men do not treat women like this everywhere either. And it doesn't have to be like this in the US as well. I feel like they do not know that this isn't normal. My guess is, it is US culture in some way. And probably the upbringing of their children. Male AND female!
Load More Replies...Hey, sane, logical and human Americans, how do you manage not to pull out your hair living in your country? Or at least how do you resist leaving? I'm outside of it and I find it so crazy!
I can only speak for myself. I am from the First Nations, meaning I am Indigenous to the United States. My tribe and culture is my home. My tribe is classified to be a sovereign nation inside the U.S. Like any where, there is not just bad but much love and beauty. I some times do pull out my hair when I look around (please no scalp jokes, which origins are not from where you think). I manage to still live a happy life because of my family and freedoms. I just want to stay on my homeland and perpetuate my tribe, through tribal ceremony and belief as well as continuing education. I do not want to become so jaded and cynical that I miss the reason for life, and love of homeland.
Load More Replies...A lot of that is ignorance coupled with propaganda. There is no reason to believe US citizens have lower intelligence than the rest of the world. The sabotage of the US education system and the resulting dumbing down of the population is a crime against humanity. Defund the army and private prison system. Build schools and free universities.
Ok so first of all you guys gotta know I’m practicing my British accent (gosh I do sound weird) and I’m very sorry for my country. Our country is a mess right now (t) (r) (u) (m) (p) (supporters) and I will be trying my hardest. Oh my gosh would I be better off in Australia? ... no I love the UK. (Btw I’m American for the crazy Americans who think I’m not)
I needed this laugh this evening. But - boy do we have some uneducated people in this country. No wonder....
Dear rest of the world, pllllllease don’t paint all Americans with the same stereotypical brush. Some of us love our country without the need to wear the flag as underwear or get online to rage at anyone else for using Celsius.
American here speaking for myself and many I know, we are incredibly embarrassed for most of our population and their ridiculousness as seen by everyone else. Understandably it's easier to lump everyone in the same category but please know not everyone here is a complete arrogant dumbass and I'm ashamed to live in the same country as these kind of people. #imnotwithstupid
Yeah I hate it when my whole country is lumped together with dipshits. I dare any other country to all be geniuses.
After years in the underfunded American Education System we produce this :I
A couple of these are sarcasm, or obvious trolling. Sarcasm is very common in the U.S., and I've noticed that my European relatives often don't recognize it.
Hi, European here (geographically, at least). Sarcasm is something we're great at. In fact, if I could earn a living from just being sarcastic, I'd be a billionaire by now. And I've yet to meet anyone from mainland Europe who doesn't understand sarcasm, either. I recommend watching some clips of German comedian Henning Wehn. You'll see he understands sarcasm as much as anyone.
Load More Replies...This is so profoundly embarrassing. A lot of us paid attention in school.
i mean..technically we're shaming idiots that think the sun and the rest of the planet revolves around America...
Load More Replies...You must really like that comment, since you posted it twice.
Load More Replies...LOL. your comment should be an example in the original post. Irony anyone?
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