“That’s It, I’m Pregnancy Announcement Shaming”: 30 Cringy And Embarrassing Ways Parents Announced They’re Expecting (New Pics)
Pregnancy announcements have become a creative endeavor on social media. For many parents, making a simple statement about their new family member is no longer enough. They feel the pressure to come up with something unique and engaging to make their message stand out. However, the more desperate these attempts are, the bigger the likelihood that they will turn out cringy and offensive.
The Facebook group 'That's It, I'm Pregnancy Announcement Shaming' is a true testament to this. Since the publication of our first article, the group has seen plenty of new ridiculous content. From tastelessly-staged images that make light of serious issues to pictures that objectify the expectant mother, the group continues to showcase the worst of the worst.
But it's also important to remember that these announcements, as bad as they may be, represent real people so we at Bored Panda want to stress that it's their communication that's being critiqued here, not them — we do not know these people or how they approach parenting. All we're certain of is that they probably could've put a little more thought into their posts.
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Oh God, It Does!
That's An Odd Way To Announce A Pregnancy, Or.. An Abortion?
As you can see from the pictures, these announcements come at different stages of pregnancy. But experts think that there is actually no wrong time to make one.
"Patients ask me all the time, 'When is it safe to tell everyone we're expecting?'" Heather Bartos, an OB-GYN in Cross Roads, Texas, told Today's Parent. "And I always tell them the same thing: 'Use your discretion. The decision is entirely up to you.'"
It can also be a slow roll-out, if you want to. "Announcing your pregnancy to one person—or one group of people—does not mean you need to tell everyone all at once," Bartos added. So your boss doesn't need to know at the same time as your mom or your best friend.
At Least There Is No Pee Stick
Oh Noooo
I... I Have No Words
A Brazilian couple is in hot water after they dyed a local waterfall bright blue on to announce the birth of their son during a gender-reveal party. The expectant parents are now being investigated by the local government and could be charged with an environmental crime.
With that being said, "It's usually pretty traditional to wait until the end of the first trimester, around 12 weeks, when miscarriage risks greatly decrease," Bartos said. “But there are several good reasons to share earlier." For instance:
IVF babies
"I shared the news with family at six weeks,” Bartos, who is also a mother of two, said. "We had IVF pregnancies. In fact, most of the earlier announcers in my own practice have gone through IVF, too."
When everyone close to you already knows you’re going through in vitro (which often requires daily blood work, many months—or years—of treatment, and lots of medical appointments), it’s almost unnatural not to disclose the latest developments.
Seriously, Stop With The Pee Stick Popsicles, Ew
Christmas Cringe
Subtly Calling Your Kids C*ckblockers
Extreme morning sickness
"This kind of physical burden coupled with not sharing the news can be quite isolating for some women," Shara Brofman, a clinical psychologist specializing in reproductive and perinatal mental health at the Seleni Institute in New York, said. "Telling early is a means to garner support."
Remember that if you’re unable to work, or feeling ill all day (and all night) long, coworkers and family are bound to notice. One way to deal with extreme morning sickness is to discuss accommodations with your workplace.
Imagine Putting Your Precious Infant In The Middle Of All The 💉☣️ Hazardous & Sharp Medical Waste 💉☣️ You’ve Been Hoarding For Months/Years!
Their Spelling Is Criminal
A Girl From High School Posted This Today
Past miscarriage
This might seem counterintuitive, but for some women who have experienced pregnancy loss in the past, informing others early on is exactly what they need.
Pregnancy after miscarriage can be a roller coaster of emotions, and some couples know they will want support and extra check-ins from loved ones, no matter what happens. "Ask yourself how you tend to cope with stressful situations," Brofman said. "If, for you, it often helps to have a few friends and family to safely share your feelings with, you might want to announce to some early.”
This Is A Lot To Unpack
This was me…two under two was easy…it’s the 3yo and the 2yo that are killing me.
I Feel Sorry For The Baby Already
In Case You’re Allergic
Early ultrasound
While The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) recommends that women have their "dating" ultrasound—meaning the scan when you find out your due date—from 11 to 14 weeks, some get their scans earlier. (This might be recommended, for example, if you have irregular periods or aren't sure of the date of your last period.) Practitioners can often determine gestational age via ultrasound (either using a traditional abdominal ultrasound or an internal vaginal probe) after seven weeks.
It Hurts My Head
Terrible Pregnancy Announcement! It Looks Like The Baby Died
The term rainbow baby is pretty messed up. Calling your child that when they are old enough to understand will constantly remind them of your loss and the kid will grow up feeling like they have to compensate, like they're some kind of replacement or trophy. It's called survivors guilt and it's horrible to push that on a child.
Bad Puns & Pinterest Fails
Some genetic screening is back
Some pregnant women receive non-invasive prenatal testing (sometimes called cell-free DNA or cfDNA, or the Harmony test) as early as 10 weeks (depending on your age, whether the pregnancy is a high risk, and other factors).
Here, parents-to-be can learn whether there are any indications of Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities a bit earlier than the more traditional screening that’s typically completed between weeks 11 and 14.
As a bonus, if you choose, the NIPT can also determine the sex of the baby, without waiting for the anatomy scan. (If you do not do the NIPT, you’ll get a nuchal translucency scan, an ultrasound that measures the fetus’s neck fluid—see below.) "For some, getting more information helps them feel more confident to announce," Brofman explained.
We Get It, You Screwed During Quarantine
That’s It, I’m Cake Shaming
Had A Stroke Reading This
Translation (with heavy editing): “I hate when women are lying to me. She’s talking about being pregnant and how the baby is mine. My Mom was right when she said that I better take a test. Who looks like a fool now? Because I just finished peeing on it. So she ain’t pregnant to say the least. Just trying to trap me”
Thank you. I felt like I was having a stroke
Load More Replies...Please tell me that this person isn't walking around loose in day to day society. 😳
This is a gross attempt at making fun of the way some people speak. Saying they are so stupid they wouldn't know how to spell or realize the woman has to take the pregnancy test. It's disgusting and racist.
Wtf did I just read… grammar, spelling and punctuation do exist, right
She should count her blessings...if she is really not pregnant by this guy that clearly has the number of braincells of a lemming.
Reading this made me question if I was dyslexic or not. Jesus Christ that spelling is horrible
i really feel sorry for that kid, growing up with parents that stupid
Then they would home school him because the school made him follow rules. Yes I live in a county where people actually do this.
Load More Replies...would have been really sad if it came back possitive... testicular cancer
Primetime for pregnancy announcements is around the end of the first trimester and the start of the second. This is because:
Miscarriage rate drops
Come trimester number two, most women's chances of a miscarriage drop to roughly 1-5%. “[At this stage], many couples now feel more comfortable bringing people in on their excitement—and even allowing themselves to feel their own excitement more fully,” Marissa Long, a licensed clinical and reproductive health psychologist in Southern California, said.
Oh Lord The People Continue To Reproduce
Kind of funny I guess? Not too terrible compared to others. That’s just my opinion, don’t downvote
*stares Into Empty Cauldron*
Some genetic screening is back
Between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, most women receive a blood test and/or an ultrasound that, together, look for markers that could indicate an extra or missing chromosome, such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), trisomy 18, and trisomy 13. “Getting the results can be reassuring; parents-to-be have more info that can encourage them to share their news,” Brofman added.
Sick Burn On Dad, Though
I love this. My spouse always teases he did the hard work and I just had to lay there. 😉
Just No!
Overdosed On D
Morning sickness and exhaustion may reduce
Most women generally start to feel less sick right about this time too. So they might be excited to share the news because they’re no longer bogged down with nausea or feeling cruddy.
Also- What’s With The Terrible Spacing On That Text?
Yeah, he also planted tomato seeds. What a good man, growing his own food organically /s
They Banged, You Guys
I'm Trying To Figured Out If They Already Have One, And Are Adding Another, Or What
There are, however, reasons why couples may want to wait even longer.
Feeling ambivalence
Whether your pregnancy was planned or not, many women are unsure of their feelings about becoming a parent. "When you’re aware that others will react with excitement and they’ll expect the same from you, it can be easier to avoid that pressure rather than pretend or force an emotion that you don’t have," Long said. Additionally, a pregnancy announcement often puts the spotlight squarely on the mom-to-be. If you’re attention-shy, you may simply want to savor your privacy for as long as you can.
The anatomy scan
Between weeks 18 and 20, women get their anatomy scan (also known as a level two ultrasound), at which they can learn their baby's sex (if they desire to). At the same time, a clinician checks to see if the baby's size and position are on target and if the baby’s brain, heart, lungs, and other organs are developing as expected. "For those who have a very real concern about genetic disorders, they may not share their news until this scan offers some reassurance," Long noted.
Victimized With An Ultrasound And A Disney Font
Some of these are truly awful, some are cheesy but cute. I don't think it's fair to lump them all in as "cringy and embarrassing."
Exactly, sometimes threads like these have posts that just don't fit in with the theme...
Load More Replies...I just learned that I consider all pregnancy announcements extremely annoying
I don't know why we just can't announce normally these days, everything has to be a production so we can compete for likes
My announcement was just not drinking and smoking.
Load More Replies...I struggle with stuff like this myself. On the one hand who am I to judge people for the way they announce " a coming attraction." If they are genuinely happy good for them! On the other hand a little bit of class concerning the execution of the announcement wouldn't hurt.
C**p! I should have put a period after "this."
Load More Replies...Not all of them are that bad. I think you don’t always have to do the old “pink or blue” theme. I think character themes or other themes work too. Like a 20s theme or a BATIM theme.
ThAnK GoD i WiLl NeVeR hAvE cHiLdReN, ThAnK yOu bP fOr MaKiNg Me ReAlIzInG tHaT
Stupid and tasteless birth announcements aside, it's also pretty damn gross to call parents "breeders".
Load More Replies...Some of these are truly awful, some are cheesy but cute. I don't think it's fair to lump them all in as "cringy and embarrassing."
Exactly, sometimes threads like these have posts that just don't fit in with the theme...
Load More Replies...I just learned that I consider all pregnancy announcements extremely annoying
I don't know why we just can't announce normally these days, everything has to be a production so we can compete for likes
My announcement was just not drinking and smoking.
Load More Replies...I struggle with stuff like this myself. On the one hand who am I to judge people for the way they announce " a coming attraction." If they are genuinely happy good for them! On the other hand a little bit of class concerning the execution of the announcement wouldn't hurt.
C**p! I should have put a period after "this."
Load More Replies...Not all of them are that bad. I think you don’t always have to do the old “pink or blue” theme. I think character themes or other themes work too. Like a 20s theme or a BATIM theme.
ThAnK GoD i WiLl NeVeR hAvE cHiLdReN, ThAnK yOu bP fOr MaKiNg Me ReAlIzInG tHaT
Stupid and tasteless birth announcements aside, it's also pretty damn gross to call parents "breeders".
Load More Replies...