It’s no secret that workplaces can be incredibly exhausting: toxic environments, colleagues that won’t miss an opportunity to throw you under the bus, frequent burnout, greedy management, you name it.

Although it might seem that we’re slowly aiming towards bettering these cultures and continue to believe that someday soon employers will be able to provide a healthier atmosphere for their staff – we still have a long way to go.

Of course, not all organizations are guilty of having poor conditions; however, the majority struggle with a couple of things. This man, for instance, took to TikTok to share his thoughts regarding emails that folks send despite being aware that the recipient is out of the office, perhaps busy sipping on some margaritas.

More info: TikTok


    The email culture in the workplace can be pretty strangling, especially when you’re trying to enjoy your time off

    Image credits: @tanneremc

    “‘No really, you should use as much PTO as you can!’ This is what I get for attending to my mental health in corporate America. I truly and sincerely hate everyone” – this man turned to social media to share his frustration with corporate life and the way it’s treating employees who go on vacations. The TikTok video has managed to receive over 424K views, 72.4K likes and 2083 comments discussing the audacity of some individuals.


    Guy rants about people emailing employees when they’re out of office, goes viral with 424K views

    Image credits: @tanneremc

    Image credits: The Irish Labour Party

    The TikToker began his video by saying that there’s nothing quite like going on vacation in the United States. He revealed that before heading off, he set up an out-of-office message that provided his colleagues and clients with a return date, and also warned them about not having any access to his email or his laptop.

    He then began to vent about how he received “17 contentious emails [and] hundreds of others” that said something along the lines of “Hey, we emailed you but didn’t get a response back”. The man said that there should be zero expectations that he would be answering on his vacation, even if the emails got to his phone.


    Image credits: @tanneremc


    Image credits: Images Alight

    It seems that an alarming number of employees don’t get what “out of office” means; surely when a person is taking some time off you wouldn’t bombard them with random work-related requests while being fully aware that you’re probably not going to get a reply? In fact, why are you even emailing them in the first place?

    Moreover, the author of the video gave a couple of examples that carried a pretty negative undertone. For instance, “Mr. McIntosh, we will need to escalate the request if we do not hear back from you within 24 hours” – unless the person responsible for this likes to argue with themselves, there’s simply no explanation as to why this email even had to exist.


    You can watch the video here:

    @tanneremc “No really, you should use as much pto as you can!” 🙃 This is what I get for attending to my mental health in corporate America. I truly and sincerely hate everyone. #corporatelife #pto #mentalhealthmatters #ReadyForHell #outofoffice #leavemealone #fyp #tiktokswithtanner ♬ original sound – tanneremc

    Fellow TikTok users shared their opinions on the issue