Women Are Sharing The Most Ridiculous Things They’ve Heard Men Say About Their Bodies (30 Tweets)
High school biology doesn't teach guys how to understand women. But it at least gives them an idea of how their bodies work. Pass that and you won't infuriate your girlfriend by telling her to "keep it in" when she asks you to buy her some tampons. Recently, Twitter user @brownandbella asked women to share the most ridiculous things they've heard men say about "sex, reproductive health, menstruation, etc" and BOY did they deliver! As of this article, the thread already has nearly 20K upvotes and over 3.5K comments, many of which will make you wonder if men are really that stupid or are they just being dicks. Maybe the first, maybe the latter, maybe a bit of both.
Image credits: brownandbella
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Almost a quarter of men have admitted that they have "no idea" what a pelvic floor is or what it is supposed to do. About 1 in 20 believe it's just another name for your pelvis and some even think it's a dance move. A new study has confirmed that men really are clueless when it comes to their female partner's body.
Erm...but if on the pill..actually you can do that? I know girls that control to ensure it doesn’t coincide with holidays, dates, weekends even.
Ho yeah ofc i'll fuckup my body with more hormons so you can enjoy your birthday sex ...
Load More Replies...My cousin literally "rescheduled" hers so it didn't coincide with her honeymoon. Lol
And exactly what difference did he think that would make? Unless he planned on having sex because it was his birthday? Time to dump that creep.
Back atya THEY.WERE.DATING!!! If you don't want to do it you shouldn't have to do it. You may not agree with me but I don't believe in having s*x before marriage. End of story.
Load More Replies...Men get out of anything even remotely uncomfortable. We have to have periods every month where it feels like our guts are being shredded, we have to give birth which entails pushing something the size of a cantaloupe out of an opening the size of a lemon. We get stuck with high heels that make our feet ache and blister. We're stuck wearing bras that bind and are generally uncomfortable. We get stuck with thongs that feel like we're flossing our butt and bits. All men's fashion is designed with comfort in mind and when it comes to women, they figure we're used to pain and discomfort and can pull off anything as long as it looks good. Don't even get me started on corsets.
I shuder to think how old this guy was. How do you be that ignorant? If you're sexually active you should know.
It comes when it comes, for me it always comes just in time for my birthday, my holiday, Christmas, music festivals, anything where I want to enjoy myself
Next time when someone asks you that, ask them to hold their breath for the rest of their lives...
I don't think I would have made it through the end of that conversation.
Actually, I did re-schedule my period for my honeymoon. Not for my husband but for me. My periods were horrible and I wanted to have a great time on my honeymoon. So I took the pill for one month, big deal!
If u take birth control u can reschedule with no problem, I don't find this question dumb.
I know/know of a few of women who actually do this, they keep taking the pill months on end, and have their period when their boyfriends are out of town - to save them from facing the harsh realities of life. Frankly, I don't know if it's sad or ridiculous. I lean towards sad.
I would have been up front and said, "yeah, it doesn't work that way..."
you can skip your period if you are on the pill, just don't take the sugar pills and go straight to the next packet. I would go for years without a period, it's quite safe to do this
I am pretty sure he joked but that man must have huge balls to joke like that since it's not very good piece after all
Here's the science on it. Let's see how many dumbasses downvote this because they don't like facts. https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/the-secret-about-birth-control-pills-that-every-woman-should-know
Idk if it was bc of sex I’d count it as a win. Like well if only there was some other way...
It's not that hard if you're on the 21 day pill, you skip the 7 day break and go directly onto the pill for the next cycle. We women do it all the time so we don't get our periods on special occasions. :p (Just don't do it too often, it messes with your hormones.)
The bleeding is not necessary from medical point of view https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/yw3p4g/why-you-have-your-period-on-birth-control-withdrawal-bleeding
Load More Replies...That isn't rescheduling that's just not bothering with the 'withdrawal bleed' and isn't what this fool was thinking.
Load More Replies...Based on this idiotic comment, maybe the quality of your seeds decreasing wouldn't be a big loss for humanity? You don't get to demand anyone stop their period for your benefit, for the same reason you don't demand anyone starve themselves for your benefit. Nobody has to make completely unnecessary sacrifices for your pleasure. Also if you're so worried about the 'seeds', ever heard of a hand? Such bad reasoning on all fronts.
Load More Replies...The break between the pill causes a withdrawal bleeding. It isn't a proper period.
Load More Replies...The study, released by pelvic floor experts INNOVO, found that nearly 4 in 10 men don't feel comfortable talking to women about it, too. 4 in 10 men also admit they have no understanding about the health issues their wife or girlfriend faces and are stumped when it comes to the length of their period.
There should be mandatory sex-ed for everyone, that we wouldn't be oblivious for specifics of each gender
The same magical 4 in 10 men don't feel comfortable talking to women about intimate health issues and as a result, more than a third try to avoid all conversations with their partner about subjects such as periods, intimate screening tests, and even sex.
Damn monthly subscriptions. Never can stop them. I hear you can pause them for 9 months, but it is SO not worth it.
"Intimate health issues can be a difficult subject for many to discuss," Jane Wake, women's health and fitness expert, said. "'It may be funny to think men have no idea what a pelvic floor is or does, but it's a subject which needs to be taken seriously – especially as men also have a pelvic floor and can suffer the same problems as women."
Either he has a very small penis or thinks tampons are far bigger than they are. Either way.... wow.
Jane added that both men and women find it embarrassing to discuss their private health concerns with someone of the opposite sex, even if it is their own partner, but that being as open as possible with each other is the best way to gradually break down the taboo.
When I was about 14, over 20 years ago, I was reading the problem page in a teen magazine. A girl had written a letter, in a total panic, because her periods weren't blue. She thought she had some terrible disease.
how did ANYONE know how many she would need in space? how many women have had their periods in space? we know that the absence of gravity affects various body functions.
Why on earth should father express his opinions about daughters sexual life?
I think you dodged a bullet with that one. Just because you are in college, does not mean you are educated.
So to sum up: You girls/women don't only bleed from your vagina's, but also have to suffer from uneducated pains in the a*s.
Yep and the dozens of other symptoms that go with the bleeding. If it was just blood it honestly wouldn’t be so awful. Cramps, headaches, hormones etc are even worse.
Load More Replies...These are the reasons that Sex Ed and health should ALWAYS be taught in school. Lots of parents don't education their children; my mother never did.
My mom was pretty good, but also preached the "no sex before marriage" due to religious views. My son will be 11 soon and we have really good, open discussions about the good, the bad and the ugly of both male and female puberty and reproductive health. Some people might think he's too young to know about STDs, intercourse, and periods, but I say he's young enough that he won't hear it from someone else first so I can teach him the facts before he hears the myths.
Load More Replies...This just shows the lack of sexual education in general. It is scary to say the least. It ought to be mandatory that men receive education on the body of women...
Yes. And also women about the male body, and women about female bodies and men about male bodies.
Load More Replies...As a male, I will never truly understand the pain that women endure. But as someone who has been with the same woman for nearly 30 years, I have witnessed the monthly struggle, and I do my best to alleviate the suffering as much as possible.
why would someone downvote this??? you are very kind
Load More Replies...My high school daughter told me her friends think I am the coolest dad. I asked why. She told me because I was the only dad that had no issues with bringing pads or tampons to school for her a couple of times. I am not sure whether to be proud or sad that other dads don't do this.
i once had to explain to a man in his 20s that breasts are not hollow ziplock baggies constantly full of milk. you cannot, in an apocalypse situation, cut off a woman's breast to drink the milk inside.
I was dating this guy a few years ago and he got angry one afternoon because I didn't wanna have sex because I was on my period. He thought I was lying because we had sex that morning and I didn't have my period then. I tried to explain that it doesn't start in the morning and finish in the evening. The whole argument went so far that I pulled out my tampon to prove that I wasn't lying. Gross, I know but that was the only way to make him believe me.
PLEASE Bored Panda - don't cut this one down to 30. The subject matter is too important.
My mother was raised in an uber conservative Catholic home and attended Catholic school. She knew nothing, Her period scared her...he mother came and said "this happens once a month, this is what you do, the end." My brother and I were raised by this woman and when I started my cycle, I got a special dinner and celebration. And then she told my brother! GASP! But it didn't take long to understand the benefit. He was compassionate, caring, he would watch over my needs, go to the store, be extra nice that week. (He still is, his wife adores it). I was lucky enough to get a husband who had the same sort of unbringing. Whew.
Could someone please explain why the topic of sex education has gotten SO MANY DOWN VOTES? I'd like to know from the people who are down voting WHY they are doing so... because it seems like the majority of the comments are pro-education...
I don’t get it. I was in elementary school and junior high in the ‘70s. Starting in Grade 5 we had comprehensive sex educations taught by nurses (hats of to the VON, the Victorian Order of Nurses for doing this) that covered everything from a detailed description of the plumbing, what sex involves, how babies are made, what forms of birth control there were at the time, and how to use a condom. ...///... This was in public school, as a unit in science, and it was MANDATORY. no one was excused for any reason, including religious freakery.
Load More Replies...It is deeply disturbing to see how underdeveloped sex ed is in some countries. I believe a modern, civilized nation has the obligation to teach their children certain things, proper sex ed being one of them. What I read above is simply a confession of failure.
“Some countries“ in this case seems to be mostly the United States.
Load More Replies...Wow, I got about halfway through and had to stop... Depressing, infuriating, and astounding, in this day and age. I'm so sorry these girls had to go through this s**t.
Reads like a long and comprehensive list of arguments for better sex ed. Now, I haven't met every fellow nGerman, but I'm pretty sure I've never, ever heard some of the BS posted here. And I'm so, so thankful for that.
In USA it’s hard to get around the theocratic government to get things like basic education.
Load More Replies...And then, you have this: My family has been in healthcare since before I was born. We had a good family friend who was a family doctor. He told us about a male college student who came to him, very worried, because he was in his 20s and hadn't had his period yet.
That explains the downvotes so many sane and reasonable posts are getting... except for the downvote I gave Grumble O'Pug for the absurd reply to Just Curious. Talk about being terribly wrong. Women are often no less ignorant/misinformed... and equally so about men's bodies.
Load More Replies...My fiance. .. who is actually super intelligent, thought that sanitary towels went 'sticky side up' . I thought he was joking. But, no. He was deeply serious. I had to explain how the blood would not be absorbed... and let's not forget about the pain of 'waxing your pubes' . I still love to remind him of this 4 years later whenever I slip up.
I loved sex ed at my school. It was forthright, graphic, detailed, anatomical, and made people pass out. We had very low rates of teen pregnancy and STDs, as you can imagine...
Improved sex ed in the UK has reduced teen pregnancies. How can knowledge be a bad thing?
Load More Replies...My mother says her mother taught her that getting your period was called "the Bloody Mass." That sounds like something Carrie White's mom would come up with!
As a brother of 3 sisters, (a very honest group) I learned about periods when I was 10 or 11yrs old. I thank God now as an RN, that I was not sheltered from my sister's pains and bodily occurances. I am still shocked till this day of the number of men who accompany their wife's, GFs or daughter's to a gyn appointment and say the stupidist, most uneducated things. One of my "favorites" was when a husband after finding out his wife was pregnant said, "that's great honey, now you'll never have to worry about periods ever again!" The look on his face after I told him that her period would return after about 6 weeks after giving birth, was pure dumbfoundest uneducated confusion. He said, " "Why will she have them again when other women don't?" I left the room as his wife just stared at him.
I thought it was impossible for our politicians to be so clueless about rape, pregnancy, abortion...but it turns out, these guys are getting their entire sexual education from gum wrappers and their equally clueless buddies. I know it's not our responsibility to teach them what life has neglected to, but come on ladies, let's not hide this c**p. Tell you coworkers that you started your period or that you need to run to the store for some supplies or loudly says "Marge, I have an extra tampon if you need" at the lunch table. Before you know it, we are going to be worse off than those poor 3rd world country that lock girls in a menstural shed.
And men think they are smart enough to decide what we do with our bodies. Hah.
Don't talk about all men, not all of us are stupid like that. Being sexist is not a solution.
Load More Replies...This is not about sex ed. This is the basic functions of human biology from birth through puberty to death. It's essential. And separating boys from girls in the classes just reinforces the stigma that all these topics are somehow not appropriate for everyone. We all need to understand how our bodies work, male and female.
Do they separate girls and boys now? They didn't when I was at school...which is a very long time ago
Load More Replies...If you ever wanna discuss this with anyone, want to educate someone, possibly a child or simply educate yourself I highly recommend Sexplanations on youtube. It's a free sex-ed source with tons of great videos from a wonderful Dr. Lindsey Doe. Seriously. Go show them some love! :)
my parents never taught me sex ed, and my country's so conservative during my school years, I never learn them then. I had my first period very late too, so it was only at 16-17 I got to learn the whole thing by myself. people nowadays has no excuse; google is on everyone's phone. please learn them by now, and not had to rely on second hand knowledge from p0rn like I did.
Downside to using the internet as the only resource means that people might use porn to learn from. It happens and it's not a good idea. I don't know the answer for conservative countries but schools everywhere else need to step up. Parents should be the place children learn from but they aren't always going to be reliable - particularly if they are just passing on incorrect information they were given by their parents or leave it too late. Schools need to teach sex-education so that there is no way parents can get away with misinformation, by mistake or deliberately. Most parents are good but there are enough that fail abysmally.
Load More Replies...I had zero sex ed and had to figure it out all by myself. The same won't be said for any of my children. One month I was on my period and in quite a bit of pain and my 10 year old son asked if I was alright. I explained to him what a period was and what the symptoms were. What he said, "poor women, you shouldn't have to go through that much pain!" He didn't say "ew gross" like even a lot of men say.
Holy s**t... I'm clueless on these things. Utah sex ed is garbage; pretty much all they teach is abstinence.
My ex said the clitoris is a mutation that has occured within milleniums and his argument was that there is no need for women to enjoy sex hence why it hasn't always existed.
Overheard in my office. Two guys vs. two women. The guys were convincing these women that they naturally don't grow eyebrows, once it's "shaved" (they didn't even say "plucked"), it never grows back. *facepalm* I mean, it's absurd to think that, but one can also not know. But to keep convincing the actual subjects about the truth of their own bodies, that's an absurd above absurdities. Just admit you didn't know it and and say "oh, is it? Now I know". And you'll make a better impression as a man, trust me. A logical one.
sadly no.... a LOT of schools are in heavily conservative "christian" communities, who believe that teaching sex ed will encourage sex & unwanted pregnancies; despite decades of statistics across multiple cultures, countries, and religions, proving the exact opposite to be true.
Load More Replies...All this make me believe that our sex and body function education in Sweden is rather good. No chance what so ever that you make it thru school wothout knowing how menstruation works. You have to be dead to miss this elementary thing. Also, its quite unusual that Swedish guys shy away from buying tampoons etc for their ladies, when they are at the grocery store. At least that stands for guys born after 1970. Older generations can fluster a lot if it comes up.
No, Swedish men born in the 60's have no problem either.
Load More Replies...And this is what the religious communities avoidance of education leads to. I have often thought what you could say to someone to bring them to a stand still, I read some here today.
I am very sorry to start this topic but this is one of the bad things about USA. You stigmatise normal things. In most other countries its normal to talk about such things. We have sex ed for boys and girls together. EVERYONE learns how to use a tampon and a condom and everyone learns about menstruation cycles and how babys are made and how they grow in a womans womb. Also we can talk about it normally. We buy tampons in normal stores without getting embarrast. My husband buys them for me frequently.
While I was in college, I volunteered with a small group of middle school girls to discuss issues involving sex and reproductive health. I heard MANY horrifyingly wrong beliefs but this was by far the worst- One girl honestly believed that douching with Mountain Dew after sex was a valid form of contraception! Fortunately I was able to disprove this appalling belief for her, but it still shakes me to my core when I think of the lack of education about sexual health among men and women alike.
I have heard plenty from females too over the years. Once I knew a couple, Grandparents by the time I met them, and I was told the story of how much trouble they had getting pregnant after they were married (in the 50's). They finally saw a doctor. Turned out they were not officially "consummating" when they tried. They had no clue of the logistical placement of parts to attempt pregnancy.
I think it goes both ways of body ignorance of the opposite sex. Sex education was non existent when my husband and I were kids and it doesnt seem much better now. The internet is helpful and sometimes misleading. Parents need to have serious conversations with their kids. They are going to get the info from someone. Let’s get them the right info.
Freshman year of college. Friend and I were doing training for an upcoming tutoring job. They asked us to write down some information and I hiked up my sleeves to begin writing. He was dumbfounded I had blonde arm hair. He thought blonde women didn't grow hair anywhere other than their heads. Then proceeded to ask if my hair was blonde "down there." I can't blame him too much, our hair really is light enough to not notice, but............ really?
What happened to parenting? People are afraid to talk to their kids about rough subjects. They're afraid to tell their kids 'no' or discipline them in order to teach them ethics and boundaries. They're afraid to hurt their kids feelings and want to be their child's best friend. Here's the kicker...that may have been ok back 30-40 years ago..but you can't avoid being a parent to your kids these days. Because if you don't address certain topics with your kids, they will use the internet to find out on their own...and that's not a safe place for them to learn something as important as sex and life in general. It's better for parents to be that source of information and, if they are unsure about something, to seek out certified educators on the subject. Don't leave your kids to discover this stuff on their own. You might not like what they learn.
I honestly believe the first time one of these idiotic ideas fall out of a boys mouth, he should be immediately be given a vasectomy, because his parents are beyond stupid and need to have their genes stopped from spreading. (I am a male with 2 daughters)
A few years ago, I was at a birthday party for a friend's young daughter, wife had to ask husband to run to drug store for tampons. She even pulled out a flyer from the store to show him a picture of exactly what she needed, she asked him to grab two boxes of this particular type and kind, he looked her right in the eye and said" why do you need two boxes, don't you use just one a day", when we informed him that they were not vitamins and frequently required far more than one a day, he was completely mortified.
One of my friends in middle school used to claim that being kicked in the balls hurts "360 times more than giving birth"
wait why am i being downvoted I'm sharing my story of the exact same thing that these women are tweeting about
Load More Replies...In Bulgaria we study biology which explains all basic organisms, animals, plants, bacterias etc. As part of it, through the 5-6 years its included with the other basic subjects, we have full course on human anatomy, which lasts a whole year and covers everything including what is the purpose of the clitoris and how to find it. I think it's really scary a doctor doesn't know basic anatomy, bc in the university it is a basic must-know extremely detailed and tons of other sciences needed for medical education. It is a BASIC MUST KNOW, if you don't know that how on earth you can treat people as a medical specialist, you can kill someone ffs.
When I hit puberty around 11-12 my mom gave me a book "Dr talks to 12 year olds about puberty" I don't remember the section on periods, just the outer changes to boys and girls bodies. I went to high school between 83-87, we had health classes and sex ed. I don't remember an material covering menstruation, in fact I do remember the girls having a class without the boys and nobody would tell us what it is about. I learned about it and the struggles women have during and before their periods from secretly reading my moms women's magazines. I remember being about 13-14 and not knowing the difference between a pad and a tampon. I was 15 before my dad gave me the sex talk and it was all about not getting a girl pregnant, but not much else.
I honestly laughed for most of these idiotic statements and questions coming from grown men ( I would expect them from children, not grown people), but then I remembered that those were real people and unfortunately real situations and that is just scary ! How people can call themselves adults and not know basic biology of human bodies is beyond me!
I really can't stand the undertone of, "men are stupid, and we must shame them for their stupidity..." Why not take the time to explain why they're wrong? As a guy, in my late 40's, I can say, when I was younger, there were plenty of things I didn't know. Thank goodness I had an awesome wife who explained things to me, rather than making fun of how "stupid" I was...
It's arrogance combined with an ignorance that doesn't (or can't) recognize that stupidity and ignorance (which is mostly what these stories are about) are not the same thing.
Load More Replies...The amount of ignorance and stupidity displayed here is nothing short of frightning
.... raad eens vanuit welk land de meeste tweets komen?
Load More Replies...Why are people assuming all the respondents are American?
Load More Replies...I'm wondering where some of those doctors got the diplomas, or if they even actually went to med school.
Sadly, there are bad doctors out there just like there are bad teachers or bad plumbers. Plus, being a specialist in one medical field/discipline is no guarantee that one is expert in any other (even if he/she may have learned the basics in med school 100 years ago).
Load More Replies...the level of stupidity in man-kind makes me wonder how the hell we've survived as a species.
My wife often makes the point that we humans are continually riding on the coattails of a few exceptionally brilliant minds that have lifted the rest of us out of the primordial jungle...
Load More Replies...My ex husband, at the age of 23, asked me how I can pee with a tampon in... He had two sisters, and was a full grown man. He'd even had a live in girlfriend for five years... Thought we peed from our vagina. 🤦
In our house I have one boy and two girls and us ladies never hide our Sanitary products.... my reads the instructions on loo 😂 my husband came from a family where he didn’t learn anything about menstruation or other women’s problems and I am always giving him women’s problems education lessons My son at the age of 12 knows more than his dad did in his 40’s. I fact I’m still explaining things now, today he asked “what’s preparation H” some lady in queue asked the pharmacist for it” I told him it’s for hemoriods.... his response “wow I’d think she’s to young for them! Me “did she look old enough to have a child” him “yeah what’s that’s got to do it” Me 🙄.... we’ll remember when I squeezed out your 10lb son.........
I think men learn about sex from pornography and think that’s how it is for both partners. It’s just a movie or fantasy, silly man.
I've never thought there are so many idiot and /or not educated people in such a basic issue. At least some 101 knowledge. I don't know what to do, to lough or to cry, it's really sad.
Don't blame the guy for his lack of knowledge, blame the education system (or lack of education system). Don't blame the guy, blame the education system. Don't blame the guy, blame the education system. I'm gonna keep saying it. If no-one ever explained it to you, or they explained it wrong, then you can't help not knowing or knowing it wrong. And since these topics are barely talked about in public in detail, it can take a loooooong time before someone finds out their information is wrong. So don't shame people for not knowing, just educate them. By the way, are we gonna have one about women about male bodies too? I expect there's quite some things us girls don't know about men's bodies yet.
There's a WHOLE internet out there...ALL the information we didn't have back in the 1950's when I became a teen. Sorry, it's our JOB, one of our MAIN jobs in life, to educate ourselves!
Load More Replies...I once heard a guy in middle school say that girls are dramatic about periods because at least they get to shove tampons in their vagina and that it must feel good... I never wanted to murder someone more in my life
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To the men who attempt to be educated about this subject:Thank you so much for being considerate. To the idiots who don't know a damn thing about periods: They happen once a month, we can't control them or the blood flow, not all women have them at the same time, and we don't shoot out an actual egg. We are human beings and this is a natural part of being a woman.
The closest thing I've ever had was with my most recent ex. I naturally don't grow hair in my armpits (I know, genetic anomaly or something). We were talking about body hair on women and how he never minded it. Then he said "yeah, you're the only girl I've ever dated as an adult that shaved her armpits." We had been living together for over a year! When in the absolute hell did he think I was immaculately removing all the hair in my armpits?!
Tell me this is dudes elsewhere than England cuz we literally teach everything from the age of 8 to do with periods and puberty then see how a baby is born by 11 and then how sex works and how a baby grow by 14 then contraception and how to put condoms on by 16 ... like literally they're can't be people this dumb out there surely
After seeing these I honestly pity Americans for their educational system when it comes to this. Gotta say that as a 18 year old Czech women the school gave me and most of my male and female classmates what we needed so we won't ever asked each other such a stupid questions. Since being 11 years old we got at one point one day boys and girls seperated classes where an expert on pubescence told us everything we needed about our body change and menses + we got free pads. Me and my mom talk daily about everything our body, pregnancy + she tells me about men problems too, because it's important. And even now at high school going through a human anatomy and the reprodactive system. Also a lot of times the girls talk freely at school about this stuff and even the guys know, because there was one time when the biology teacher asked what ovulation is, and he correctly answered. There still some jerks, who knows only one thing, but I still feel enough educated and I'm glad for it.
I’m astonished with so much dumbassness! I mean, how can those guys can be THAT STUPID????
Men are stupid, literally, about women’s bodies and functions... the ones that aren’t, are the ones with all the chicks! And girlfriends!
Education Quality & Education Equality are Seriously Challenged here! Sex-Education should be part of Family Education, i.e. starting from childhood. Sex-Education also NEEDs to be Separated from Religion. Sex-Education should be even required to graduate high school and ... even to obtain marriage certificate!
For years we were thinking murica is the most advanced and liberal country. Now it proves one of the biggest shitholes to live. You lack basic education, basic skills and basic manners, your basic needs are not covered by your government. You failed at being basic humans. You can't even behave humaine enough, the biggest a******s I ever met are entitled, stupid, unskilled - useless and arrogant americans.
I actually have to stop reading these as I have lost my faith in the human race.....
Okay, I stopped reading about halfway through because this is not a problem of "idiot men". This is a problem of education. There were a lot of things I didn't know about men before I married one (and had gotten some very false information from an ex-boyfriend that I believed until the day I realized he was an emotionally abusive narcissist asshat). I think sometimes men get false information from friends and classmates/workmates who just want to yank their chains. The ones who ARE really disturbing are the Christians who emotionally beat their daughter/wife/sister/friend with the bludgeon of "Eve's sin." Yeah, that ain't the way it works anymore, dudes. Because Jesus. So if you're claiming to believe in Him, get your theology properly sorted, huh?
I was nursing my first baby soon after delivery and when the baby latched on I experienced let down in the opposite breast as well, which sprayed milk everywhere and simultaneously I had a postnatal contraction that was so painful tears leaked out of my eyes... My husband looked at me with something like horror and said, "my God, women do nothing but drip and leak out of every orifice!" At that moment it was too true.
Well, I had a class mate at high school who wondered if ladies had orgasm while puting a tampon in.
India's case is somewhat better because 1) We are educated about it through our textbooks and 2) You rarely do talk about it !
All of these posts are just proof of what a serious joke the American education system is. In Finland we learn all these things from age 11 in school.
That's your take away? This is more about how education, or lack thereof hurts women and men. Create a post about horrible things you've heard about your body.
Load More Replies...So to sum up: You girls/women don't only bleed from your vagina's, but also have to suffer from uneducated pains in the a*s.
Yep and the dozens of other symptoms that go with the bleeding. If it was just blood it honestly wouldn’t be so awful. Cramps, headaches, hormones etc are even worse.
Load More Replies...These are the reasons that Sex Ed and health should ALWAYS be taught in school. Lots of parents don't education their children; my mother never did.
My mom was pretty good, but also preached the "no sex before marriage" due to religious views. My son will be 11 soon and we have really good, open discussions about the good, the bad and the ugly of both male and female puberty and reproductive health. Some people might think he's too young to know about STDs, intercourse, and periods, but I say he's young enough that he won't hear it from someone else first so I can teach him the facts before he hears the myths.
Load More Replies...This just shows the lack of sexual education in general. It is scary to say the least. It ought to be mandatory that men receive education on the body of women...
Yes. And also women about the male body, and women about female bodies and men about male bodies.
Load More Replies...As a male, I will never truly understand the pain that women endure. But as someone who has been with the same woman for nearly 30 years, I have witnessed the monthly struggle, and I do my best to alleviate the suffering as much as possible.
why would someone downvote this??? you are very kind
Load More Replies...My high school daughter told me her friends think I am the coolest dad. I asked why. She told me because I was the only dad that had no issues with bringing pads or tampons to school for her a couple of times. I am not sure whether to be proud or sad that other dads don't do this.
i once had to explain to a man in his 20s that breasts are not hollow ziplock baggies constantly full of milk. you cannot, in an apocalypse situation, cut off a woman's breast to drink the milk inside.
I was dating this guy a few years ago and he got angry one afternoon because I didn't wanna have sex because I was on my period. He thought I was lying because we had sex that morning and I didn't have my period then. I tried to explain that it doesn't start in the morning and finish in the evening. The whole argument went so far that I pulled out my tampon to prove that I wasn't lying. Gross, I know but that was the only way to make him believe me.
PLEASE Bored Panda - don't cut this one down to 30. The subject matter is too important.
My mother was raised in an uber conservative Catholic home and attended Catholic school. She knew nothing, Her period scared her...he mother came and said "this happens once a month, this is what you do, the end." My brother and I were raised by this woman and when I started my cycle, I got a special dinner and celebration. And then she told my brother! GASP! But it didn't take long to understand the benefit. He was compassionate, caring, he would watch over my needs, go to the store, be extra nice that week. (He still is, his wife adores it). I was lucky enough to get a husband who had the same sort of unbringing. Whew.
Could someone please explain why the topic of sex education has gotten SO MANY DOWN VOTES? I'd like to know from the people who are down voting WHY they are doing so... because it seems like the majority of the comments are pro-education...
I don’t get it. I was in elementary school and junior high in the ‘70s. Starting in Grade 5 we had comprehensive sex educations taught by nurses (hats of to the VON, the Victorian Order of Nurses for doing this) that covered everything from a detailed description of the plumbing, what sex involves, how babies are made, what forms of birth control there were at the time, and how to use a condom. ...///... This was in public school, as a unit in science, and it was MANDATORY. no one was excused for any reason, including religious freakery.
Load More Replies...It is deeply disturbing to see how underdeveloped sex ed is in some countries. I believe a modern, civilized nation has the obligation to teach their children certain things, proper sex ed being one of them. What I read above is simply a confession of failure.
“Some countries“ in this case seems to be mostly the United States.
Load More Replies...Wow, I got about halfway through and had to stop... Depressing, infuriating, and astounding, in this day and age. I'm so sorry these girls had to go through this s**t.
Reads like a long and comprehensive list of arguments for better sex ed. Now, I haven't met every fellow nGerman, but I'm pretty sure I've never, ever heard some of the BS posted here. And I'm so, so thankful for that.
In USA it’s hard to get around the theocratic government to get things like basic education.
Load More Replies...And then, you have this: My family has been in healthcare since before I was born. We had a good family friend who was a family doctor. He told us about a male college student who came to him, very worried, because he was in his 20s and hadn't had his period yet.
That explains the downvotes so many sane and reasonable posts are getting... except for the downvote I gave Grumble O'Pug for the absurd reply to Just Curious. Talk about being terribly wrong. Women are often no less ignorant/misinformed... and equally so about men's bodies.
Load More Replies...My fiance. .. who is actually super intelligent, thought that sanitary towels went 'sticky side up' . I thought he was joking. But, no. He was deeply serious. I had to explain how the blood would not be absorbed... and let's not forget about the pain of 'waxing your pubes' . I still love to remind him of this 4 years later whenever I slip up.
I loved sex ed at my school. It was forthright, graphic, detailed, anatomical, and made people pass out. We had very low rates of teen pregnancy and STDs, as you can imagine...
Improved sex ed in the UK has reduced teen pregnancies. How can knowledge be a bad thing?
Load More Replies...My mother says her mother taught her that getting your period was called "the Bloody Mass." That sounds like something Carrie White's mom would come up with!
As a brother of 3 sisters, (a very honest group) I learned about periods when I was 10 or 11yrs old. I thank God now as an RN, that I was not sheltered from my sister's pains and bodily occurances. I am still shocked till this day of the number of men who accompany their wife's, GFs or daughter's to a gyn appointment and say the stupidist, most uneducated things. One of my "favorites" was when a husband after finding out his wife was pregnant said, "that's great honey, now you'll never have to worry about periods ever again!" The look on his face after I told him that her period would return after about 6 weeks after giving birth, was pure dumbfoundest uneducated confusion. He said, " "Why will she have them again when other women don't?" I left the room as his wife just stared at him.
I thought it was impossible for our politicians to be so clueless about rape, pregnancy, abortion...but it turns out, these guys are getting their entire sexual education from gum wrappers and their equally clueless buddies. I know it's not our responsibility to teach them what life has neglected to, but come on ladies, let's not hide this c**p. Tell you coworkers that you started your period or that you need to run to the store for some supplies or loudly says "Marge, I have an extra tampon if you need" at the lunch table. Before you know it, we are going to be worse off than those poor 3rd world country that lock girls in a menstural shed.
And men think they are smart enough to decide what we do with our bodies. Hah.
Don't talk about all men, not all of us are stupid like that. Being sexist is not a solution.
Load More Replies...This is not about sex ed. This is the basic functions of human biology from birth through puberty to death. It's essential. And separating boys from girls in the classes just reinforces the stigma that all these topics are somehow not appropriate for everyone. We all need to understand how our bodies work, male and female.
Do they separate girls and boys now? They didn't when I was at school...which is a very long time ago
Load More Replies...If you ever wanna discuss this with anyone, want to educate someone, possibly a child or simply educate yourself I highly recommend Sexplanations on youtube. It's a free sex-ed source with tons of great videos from a wonderful Dr. Lindsey Doe. Seriously. Go show them some love! :)
my parents never taught me sex ed, and my country's so conservative during my school years, I never learn them then. I had my first period very late too, so it was only at 16-17 I got to learn the whole thing by myself. people nowadays has no excuse; google is on everyone's phone. please learn them by now, and not had to rely on second hand knowledge from p0rn like I did.
Downside to using the internet as the only resource means that people might use porn to learn from. It happens and it's not a good idea. I don't know the answer for conservative countries but schools everywhere else need to step up. Parents should be the place children learn from but they aren't always going to be reliable - particularly if they are just passing on incorrect information they were given by their parents or leave it too late. Schools need to teach sex-education so that there is no way parents can get away with misinformation, by mistake or deliberately. Most parents are good but there are enough that fail abysmally.
Load More Replies...I had zero sex ed and had to figure it out all by myself. The same won't be said for any of my children. One month I was on my period and in quite a bit of pain and my 10 year old son asked if I was alright. I explained to him what a period was and what the symptoms were. What he said, "poor women, you shouldn't have to go through that much pain!" He didn't say "ew gross" like even a lot of men say.
Holy s**t... I'm clueless on these things. Utah sex ed is garbage; pretty much all they teach is abstinence.
My ex said the clitoris is a mutation that has occured within milleniums and his argument was that there is no need for women to enjoy sex hence why it hasn't always existed.
Overheard in my office. Two guys vs. two women. The guys were convincing these women that they naturally don't grow eyebrows, once it's "shaved" (they didn't even say "plucked"), it never grows back. *facepalm* I mean, it's absurd to think that, but one can also not know. But to keep convincing the actual subjects about the truth of their own bodies, that's an absurd above absurdities. Just admit you didn't know it and and say "oh, is it? Now I know". And you'll make a better impression as a man, trust me. A logical one.
sadly no.... a LOT of schools are in heavily conservative "christian" communities, who believe that teaching sex ed will encourage sex & unwanted pregnancies; despite decades of statistics across multiple cultures, countries, and religions, proving the exact opposite to be true.
Load More Replies...All this make me believe that our sex and body function education in Sweden is rather good. No chance what so ever that you make it thru school wothout knowing how menstruation works. You have to be dead to miss this elementary thing. Also, its quite unusual that Swedish guys shy away from buying tampoons etc for their ladies, when they are at the grocery store. At least that stands for guys born after 1970. Older generations can fluster a lot if it comes up.
No, Swedish men born in the 60's have no problem either.
Load More Replies...And this is what the religious communities avoidance of education leads to. I have often thought what you could say to someone to bring them to a stand still, I read some here today.
I am very sorry to start this topic but this is one of the bad things about USA. You stigmatise normal things. In most other countries its normal to talk about such things. We have sex ed for boys and girls together. EVERYONE learns how to use a tampon and a condom and everyone learns about menstruation cycles and how babys are made and how they grow in a womans womb. Also we can talk about it normally. We buy tampons in normal stores without getting embarrast. My husband buys them for me frequently.
While I was in college, I volunteered with a small group of middle school girls to discuss issues involving sex and reproductive health. I heard MANY horrifyingly wrong beliefs but this was by far the worst- One girl honestly believed that douching with Mountain Dew after sex was a valid form of contraception! Fortunately I was able to disprove this appalling belief for her, but it still shakes me to my core when I think of the lack of education about sexual health among men and women alike.
I have heard plenty from females too over the years. Once I knew a couple, Grandparents by the time I met them, and I was told the story of how much trouble they had getting pregnant after they were married (in the 50's). They finally saw a doctor. Turned out they were not officially "consummating" when they tried. They had no clue of the logistical placement of parts to attempt pregnancy.
I think it goes both ways of body ignorance of the opposite sex. Sex education was non existent when my husband and I were kids and it doesnt seem much better now. The internet is helpful and sometimes misleading. Parents need to have serious conversations with their kids. They are going to get the info from someone. Let’s get them the right info.
Freshman year of college. Friend and I were doing training for an upcoming tutoring job. They asked us to write down some information and I hiked up my sleeves to begin writing. He was dumbfounded I had blonde arm hair. He thought blonde women didn't grow hair anywhere other than their heads. Then proceeded to ask if my hair was blonde "down there." I can't blame him too much, our hair really is light enough to not notice, but............ really?
What happened to parenting? People are afraid to talk to their kids about rough subjects. They're afraid to tell their kids 'no' or discipline them in order to teach them ethics and boundaries. They're afraid to hurt their kids feelings and want to be their child's best friend. Here's the kicker...that may have been ok back 30-40 years ago..but you can't avoid being a parent to your kids these days. Because if you don't address certain topics with your kids, they will use the internet to find out on their own...and that's not a safe place for them to learn something as important as sex and life in general. It's better for parents to be that source of information and, if they are unsure about something, to seek out certified educators on the subject. Don't leave your kids to discover this stuff on their own. You might not like what they learn.
I honestly believe the first time one of these idiotic ideas fall out of a boys mouth, he should be immediately be given a vasectomy, because his parents are beyond stupid and need to have their genes stopped from spreading. (I am a male with 2 daughters)
A few years ago, I was at a birthday party for a friend's young daughter, wife had to ask husband to run to drug store for tampons. She even pulled out a flyer from the store to show him a picture of exactly what she needed, she asked him to grab two boxes of this particular type and kind, he looked her right in the eye and said" why do you need two boxes, don't you use just one a day", when we informed him that they were not vitamins and frequently required far more than one a day, he was completely mortified.
One of my friends in middle school used to claim that being kicked in the balls hurts "360 times more than giving birth"
wait why am i being downvoted I'm sharing my story of the exact same thing that these women are tweeting about
Load More Replies...In Bulgaria we study biology which explains all basic organisms, animals, plants, bacterias etc. As part of it, through the 5-6 years its included with the other basic subjects, we have full course on human anatomy, which lasts a whole year and covers everything including what is the purpose of the clitoris and how to find it. I think it's really scary a doctor doesn't know basic anatomy, bc in the university it is a basic must-know extremely detailed and tons of other sciences needed for medical education. It is a BASIC MUST KNOW, if you don't know that how on earth you can treat people as a medical specialist, you can kill someone ffs.
When I hit puberty around 11-12 my mom gave me a book "Dr talks to 12 year olds about puberty" I don't remember the section on periods, just the outer changes to boys and girls bodies. I went to high school between 83-87, we had health classes and sex ed. I don't remember an material covering menstruation, in fact I do remember the girls having a class without the boys and nobody would tell us what it is about. I learned about it and the struggles women have during and before their periods from secretly reading my moms women's magazines. I remember being about 13-14 and not knowing the difference between a pad and a tampon. I was 15 before my dad gave me the sex talk and it was all about not getting a girl pregnant, but not much else.
I honestly laughed for most of these idiotic statements and questions coming from grown men ( I would expect them from children, not grown people), but then I remembered that those were real people and unfortunately real situations and that is just scary ! How people can call themselves adults and not know basic biology of human bodies is beyond me!
I really can't stand the undertone of, "men are stupid, and we must shame them for their stupidity..." Why not take the time to explain why they're wrong? As a guy, in my late 40's, I can say, when I was younger, there were plenty of things I didn't know. Thank goodness I had an awesome wife who explained things to me, rather than making fun of how "stupid" I was...
It's arrogance combined with an ignorance that doesn't (or can't) recognize that stupidity and ignorance (which is mostly what these stories are about) are not the same thing.
Load More Replies...The amount of ignorance and stupidity displayed here is nothing short of frightning
.... raad eens vanuit welk land de meeste tweets komen?
Load More Replies...Why are people assuming all the respondents are American?
Load More Replies...I'm wondering where some of those doctors got the diplomas, or if they even actually went to med school.
Sadly, there are bad doctors out there just like there are bad teachers or bad plumbers. Plus, being a specialist in one medical field/discipline is no guarantee that one is expert in any other (even if he/she may have learned the basics in med school 100 years ago).
Load More Replies...the level of stupidity in man-kind makes me wonder how the hell we've survived as a species.
My wife often makes the point that we humans are continually riding on the coattails of a few exceptionally brilliant minds that have lifted the rest of us out of the primordial jungle...
Load More Replies...My ex husband, at the age of 23, asked me how I can pee with a tampon in... He had two sisters, and was a full grown man. He'd even had a live in girlfriend for five years... Thought we peed from our vagina. 🤦
In our house I have one boy and two girls and us ladies never hide our Sanitary products.... my reads the instructions on loo 😂 my husband came from a family where he didn’t learn anything about menstruation or other women’s problems and I am always giving him women’s problems education lessons My son at the age of 12 knows more than his dad did in his 40’s. I fact I’m still explaining things now, today he asked “what’s preparation H” some lady in queue asked the pharmacist for it” I told him it’s for hemoriods.... his response “wow I’d think she’s to young for them! Me “did she look old enough to have a child” him “yeah what’s that’s got to do it” Me 🙄.... we’ll remember when I squeezed out your 10lb son.........
I think men learn about sex from pornography and think that’s how it is for both partners. It’s just a movie or fantasy, silly man.
I've never thought there are so many idiot and /or not educated people in such a basic issue. At least some 101 knowledge. I don't know what to do, to lough or to cry, it's really sad.
Don't blame the guy for his lack of knowledge, blame the education system (or lack of education system). Don't blame the guy, blame the education system. Don't blame the guy, blame the education system. I'm gonna keep saying it. If no-one ever explained it to you, or they explained it wrong, then you can't help not knowing or knowing it wrong. And since these topics are barely talked about in public in detail, it can take a loooooong time before someone finds out their information is wrong. So don't shame people for not knowing, just educate them. By the way, are we gonna have one about women about male bodies too? I expect there's quite some things us girls don't know about men's bodies yet.
There's a WHOLE internet out there...ALL the information we didn't have back in the 1950's when I became a teen. Sorry, it's our JOB, one of our MAIN jobs in life, to educate ourselves!
Load More Replies...I once heard a guy in middle school say that girls are dramatic about periods because at least they get to shove tampons in their vagina and that it must feel good... I never wanted to murder someone more in my life
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To the men who attempt to be educated about this subject:Thank you so much for being considerate. To the idiots who don't know a damn thing about periods: They happen once a month, we can't control them or the blood flow, not all women have them at the same time, and we don't shoot out an actual egg. We are human beings and this is a natural part of being a woman.
The closest thing I've ever had was with my most recent ex. I naturally don't grow hair in my armpits (I know, genetic anomaly or something). We were talking about body hair on women and how he never minded it. Then he said "yeah, you're the only girl I've ever dated as an adult that shaved her armpits." We had been living together for over a year! When in the absolute hell did he think I was immaculately removing all the hair in my armpits?!
Tell me this is dudes elsewhere than England cuz we literally teach everything from the age of 8 to do with periods and puberty then see how a baby is born by 11 and then how sex works and how a baby grow by 14 then contraception and how to put condoms on by 16 ... like literally they're can't be people this dumb out there surely
After seeing these I honestly pity Americans for their educational system when it comes to this. Gotta say that as a 18 year old Czech women the school gave me and most of my male and female classmates what we needed so we won't ever asked each other such a stupid questions. Since being 11 years old we got at one point one day boys and girls seperated classes where an expert on pubescence told us everything we needed about our body change and menses + we got free pads. Me and my mom talk daily about everything our body, pregnancy + she tells me about men problems too, because it's important. And even now at high school going through a human anatomy and the reprodactive system. Also a lot of times the girls talk freely at school about this stuff and even the guys know, because there was one time when the biology teacher asked what ovulation is, and he correctly answered. There still some jerks, who knows only one thing, but I still feel enough educated and I'm glad for it.
I’m astonished with so much dumbassness! I mean, how can those guys can be THAT STUPID????
Men are stupid, literally, about women’s bodies and functions... the ones that aren’t, are the ones with all the chicks! And girlfriends!
Education Quality & Education Equality are Seriously Challenged here! Sex-Education should be part of Family Education, i.e. starting from childhood. Sex-Education also NEEDs to be Separated from Religion. Sex-Education should be even required to graduate high school and ... even to obtain marriage certificate!
For years we were thinking murica is the most advanced and liberal country. Now it proves one of the biggest shitholes to live. You lack basic education, basic skills and basic manners, your basic needs are not covered by your government. You failed at being basic humans. You can't even behave humaine enough, the biggest a******s I ever met are entitled, stupid, unskilled - useless and arrogant americans.
I actually have to stop reading these as I have lost my faith in the human race.....
Okay, I stopped reading about halfway through because this is not a problem of "idiot men". This is a problem of education. There were a lot of things I didn't know about men before I married one (and had gotten some very false information from an ex-boyfriend that I believed until the day I realized he was an emotionally abusive narcissist asshat). I think sometimes men get false information from friends and classmates/workmates who just want to yank their chains. The ones who ARE really disturbing are the Christians who emotionally beat their daughter/wife/sister/friend with the bludgeon of "Eve's sin." Yeah, that ain't the way it works anymore, dudes. Because Jesus. So if you're claiming to believe in Him, get your theology properly sorted, huh?
I was nursing my first baby soon after delivery and when the baby latched on I experienced let down in the opposite breast as well, which sprayed milk everywhere and simultaneously I had a postnatal contraction that was so painful tears leaked out of my eyes... My husband looked at me with something like horror and said, "my God, women do nothing but drip and leak out of every orifice!" At that moment it was too true.
Well, I had a class mate at high school who wondered if ladies had orgasm while puting a tampon in.
India's case is somewhat better because 1) We are educated about it through our textbooks and 2) You rarely do talk about it !
All of these posts are just proof of what a serious joke the American education system is. In Finland we learn all these things from age 11 in school.
That's your take away? This is more about how education, or lack thereof hurts women and men. Create a post about horrible things you've heard about your body.
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