28 Brilliant Comebacks People Had To These Dumb Reasons Why Some People Don’t Want The Minimum Wage Raised In The US
For those living in a metropolitan city, $7.25 may feel like a small snack and a drink at best, but for many Americans, this is the reality of the federal minimum hourly wage.
The amount has been exactly the same since 2009, so no wonder that boosting it to $15/h became one of the Biden administration’s priorities. "No one should work 40 hours a week and live in poverty," he announced previously.
But right now, Biden is facing resistance in Congress as he acknowledged that the proposal will likely have to be omitted from the $1.9 trillion coronavirus financial relief plan. And while raising the wage would reduce the number of people in poverty and increase the pay for 27M workers, it will likely increase the federal budget deficit.
Many Americans are feeling cheerful about the prospect, but some are less than impressed. Armed with somewhat questionable arguments, the critics took it to Twitter to share why they don’t want the long-awaited increase of average minimum pay to happen.
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Wait, so you mean if someone works every waking minute then that should give them enough money to afford the basic necessities of life? That’s insanity!! /s 🙄
The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour and it has stayed the same since 2009, making it an unlivable income in most parts of the US. In late January, Democrats introduced the Raise the Wage Act of 2021, which would gradually increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 by 2025.
But the White House acquiesced to a Senate parliamentarian's ruling that a minimum wage increase to $15 an hour could not be included in the Covid-19 relief bill working through Congress. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, on whom 27M workers rely right now, promised to not give up and try again.
Vermont also Sen. Bernie Sanders stated on Friday: “If anybody thinks that we're giving up on this issue, they are sorely mistaken," and added: "If we have to vote on it time and time again, we will and we're going to succeed. The American people understand that we cannot continue to have millions of people working for starvation wages."
Traditionally, the divide in Washington has been seen between labor and its Democratic allies, and business and its Republican allies. However, according to NBCNews, this time, the minimum wage fight is now “divided into three camps, none of which neatly conform to expected ideological or business groupings: There are those who support a full $15 minimum wage, those opposed to raising the wage at all and a large group in the middle open to raising the minimum to, say, $10 an hour but not all the way to $15.”
Meanwhile, various polls have been showing that a majority of Americans support raising the minimum wage. And while others are waiting for a nationwide decision, a number of cities and states have already lifted the floors of their own wage to $15.
Seven states (Alaska, Florida, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, South Dakota, and Vermont) automatically increased their rates based on the cost of living and 14 states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, and Washington) increased their rates due to previously approved legislation or ballot initiatives.
Value is created when people stop being complicit with those who exploit.
Moreover, Florida voters approved Amendment 2, raising the state minimum wage to $15.00 per hour by 2026. The amendment raises the minimum wage to $10.00 per hour effective September 2021, with a continuing annual increase until reaching $15.00 per hour.
It’s funny how so many toss teens under the bus with labor, but do the math: college is extremely expensive and to pay tuition at the uni I work at you need 83 hours a week all summer. In 1980 you could pay tuition in 20 hours a week all summer. Many Americans are cobbling together a life on 2-4 of these jobs that for some reason were vital during the pandemic, but not valuable enough to pay adequately.
Bettie Douglas, a cashier at Which Wich Superior Sandwiches in St. Louis, Missouri who makes $10 an hour, told CNN that her salary barely covers rent, bills, and food.
She commented: "I deserve a liveable wage. Anyone who works deserves to take care of their families, feed their families, pay their bills, afford the necessities of life. I'm not asking for a handout, I'm working as much as I can. $10 is just not making it, and $15 isn't going to really make it either but at least it'll help."
lets count the ways Ned messed up here... I have; 1/ Australia isn't in Europe; 2/ they don't use Euros; 3/ if their currency is higher that makes a "European" $20 even more then an American $20, meaning the Aussies would be paid more then US$20/hr; 4/ this guy is the one that needs to learn. Not bad for just 26 words.
Minimum wage debate. Blue responded to the “just get a better job” argument by comparing it normal people being expected to just play in the NFL if they wanted a better job despite their mental or physical limitations.
"Just get a better job". Fine, let those w minimum wages all just quit and get better jobs. Then there's no movie theaters, no burger joints, no public restrooms and what not. How is this even a discussion? Especially in the states where EVERYTHING costs 😱
The amount of people in the US that are against other US citizens making a living wage is shocking... Instead of fighting to keep your neighbors wages low why not fight to increase your own? If you are upset that you went to school for years and now make the same as someone that didn't you need to fight to increase the wage in your field, not fight to keep yours the same and someone elses lower.
It's the same people that don't want universal healthcare even if it means lowing the cost of healthcare for everyone -- I don't know when Americans started hating other Americans so much that they'll vote down any measure that helps everyone because they think someone might get some advantage from it without "earning" it.
Load More Replies...The mentality of 'I don't want to see someone doing well for themselves' regarding wages and healthcare in USA is disturbing...
well, they loves to see people suffer while they think they are better. when, in fact they are so stupid and arrogant
Load More Replies...And the thing is, more poor people making more money is so much better for the economy. Think about it -- what creates more jobs, one billionaire buying a Ferrari or 40 ordinary people buying Chevy Sparks?
" Communist! ". It's a joke of course, i totally agree but dumb antisocialists would say it.
Load More Replies...The amount of people in the US that are against other US citizens making a living wage is shocking... Instead of fighting to keep your neighbors wages low why not fight to increase your own? If you are upset that you went to school for years and now make the same as someone that didn't you need to fight to increase the wage in your field, not fight to keep yours the same and someone elses lower.
It's the same people that don't want universal healthcare even if it means lowing the cost of healthcare for everyone -- I don't know when Americans started hating other Americans so much that they'll vote down any measure that helps everyone because they think someone might get some advantage from it without "earning" it.
Load More Replies...The mentality of 'I don't want to see someone doing well for themselves' regarding wages and healthcare in USA is disturbing...
well, they loves to see people suffer while they think they are better. when, in fact they are so stupid and arrogant
Load More Replies...And the thing is, more poor people making more money is so much better for the economy. Think about it -- what creates more jobs, one billionaire buying a Ferrari or 40 ordinary people buying Chevy Sparks?
" Communist! ". It's a joke of course, i totally agree but dumb antisocialists would say it.
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