Someone Says To Refer To Your Pet As ‘The Drunk Guy At The Back Of The Bar’ And People Deliver (30 Posts)
Good boi. Pretty girl. Destroyer 3000. We call our pets a lot of names. Recently, however, a new one has emerged. A viral Internet challenge has people sharing what their pets are doing while referring to them as 'the drunk guy at the end of the bar', and it's getting funnier and funnier. Once your mind combines the images of a dark, dusty joint and a wasted dude going around licking people's heads, it's hard not to laugh at the absurd. But then again, everything's possible if there's enough alcohol, right? Continue scrolling and check out some of the most popular responses to the challenge and upvote your faves!
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The drunk guy at the end of the bar is licking fish.
My nayme iz dog
I do not wish
to drink stayle water
frum my dish
I multi-task
and with one splish
get drink while I
lick my fren fish
My name is fish
I swim about
Fren dog watches
from the side, out
but when she need
a little drink
I chase her tong
long, wide and pink
The collective gag got a major popularity boost on Monday, sparked by a tweet from actress and author Quinn Cummings, who posted a screenshot of an Instagram post by the Puerto Rico Dog Fund.
The organization made their Instagram post Sunday night, saying "Since we can't go to any bars, tell me what your pets are currently doing but refer to them as 'the drunk guy at the end of the bar...'" The Puerto Rico Dog Fund attributed the idea to one of its unnamed adopters.
The drunk guy at the end of the bar climbed up behind me and is licking the top of my head
So while the bars continue being closed because of the coronavirus-induced lockdown, let's appreciate these light-hearted parodies of a character who's all but disappeared from our midst: the drunk guy at the end of the bar. After all, do we even have another way to study this amusing archetype?
The drunk guy at the end of the bar just ate a bone, farted, then started snoring
The drunk guy at the end of the bar has become confused, as always
The drunk guy at the end of the bar just puked three times and ran to hide under the couch
The drunk guy at the end of the bar keeps licking my guitar case
The drunk gal at the end of the bar keeps occasionally spazzing out, running from one end of the bar to the other and occasionally yelling for us from the other end of the bar..... She needs help!
The drunk guy at the end of the bar really, really wants me to have his dismembered chicken foot
The drunk guy at the end of the bar won't stop staring at me
The drunk guy at the end of the bar keeps bringing me a mouse and expects me to throw it so he can fetch it and bring it back to me, and so on and so on
The drunk guy at the end of the bar keeps obnoxiously licking his nuts and pauses every few second to make weird eye contact...
The drunk guys at the end of the bar keep going outside and yelling at the lawnmower
The drunk guys at the end of the bar are eating lettice instead of shots
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is just blankly staring out the window, as if in a trance
It's only 5:30, and the drunk guy at the end of the bar has already passed out
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is trying to sleep in a tent after s**tting on the floor
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is currently sitting in a laundry basket
The drunk guy at the end of the bar decided to run away this morning. A lovely couple found him a few hours later and now he is safe at home
There are three drunk guys at the end of the bar all passed out around my bed...
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is passed out at my feet. He went outside to pee a few minutes ago, and then ate a baby carrot.
The drunk girl at the end of the bar has her lady parts on display for all to see
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is out cold. His right ear is hanging low over the bar
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is yelling at the mailman
The drunk guys at the end of the bar are eating a moosey and ripping his guts out...
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is snoring & sleeping in a very odd position on my dressing gown
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is sitting on my lap while I'm on the toilet and licking my knees.
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is sitting on my lap while I'm on the toilet and licking my knees.