A great reality check involves asking yourself whether you are dreaming or not, as opposed to focusing more on what you are actually doing. You are less skeptical of what is going on around you when you are dreaming. Therefore, the objective is to consider seriously what is happening and ask, "Am I dreaming?"

I asked the community of Bored Panda to tell me about times they seriously questioned whether they were dreaming or not, and a lot of people actually shared some very interesting stories!


These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not When an ex-TV show host declared that he was running for the presidency.


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bpbperic avatar
Night Owl
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That was traumatic. Even more traumatic as when he won. A nightmare the world is still trying to wake up from. I still wish there was time travel to somehow undo the whole thing or that it turns out it was just a bad dream

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Bored Panda reached out to S.D. (the specialist wished to remain anonymous), a certified sleep doctor as well as a trained lucid dreaming expert. Given that the current topic revolves around dreams, we asked S.D. to explain to us how one can distinguish between a very vivid dream and reality.

"The truth is that you can never truly be completely sure if you are dreaming or not, especially if you frequently have really vivid or lucid dreams. For this reason, it is important to use reality checks. I believe there are certain reality checks you can apply to tell dreams from reality.

First, I suggest looking at your hands and trying to breathe with your mouth and nose closed, another great tip is pushing your hand through something solid (if it goes through, it means you are dreaming). You can also try reading some text (it will look weird in a dream), or even flipping a light switch. Usually, something weird will happen, like it makes a sound."


These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not Definitely when I confessed my feelings to my now-wife and she told me that she feels the same way. Pretty much everything since that day has felt like it must be a dream...



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not I was driving at dusk down an enormous hill near where I grew up. All of a sudden the moon began to rise above the trees to the right of the road at the base of the hill below me. It was huge. It looked like a giant glowing orb rising out of the forest. It was so large it spanned my entire windshield. I had to pull over to watch it, just in complete shock. On my phone it would not show up the same so I just stopped trying to record it or take pictures and just watched it. As it kept rising it shrank smaller until it was normal sized. I looked it up not long after and apparently it’s called “The Moon Illusion.” Its a known optical illusion. I think the angle of the hill and horizon somehow exaggerated it. I’ve seen the illusion since then a few times but never anything even close to that size. It did not feel real at all.


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volksdroid avatar
Dan Buczynski
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had this happen as well; maybe not this dramatic, but it looked way too big to be normal. I pulled over and just stared, and people were out of their houses on their porches doing the same. Also same thing: tried to take a photo (with a digital camera) but it didn't look the same.

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"Finally, if you're skilled enough, you could even get a tattoo to aid you because it would stay in one place permanently.

Remember that certain reality checks can and will fail, so it's best to perform two or three just to be safe. As a longtime lucid dreamer, this can become a little strange at times, but it's preferable to being confused, and the lucid dreaming experience is worthwhile!"


These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not When my son was 6 days old and rushed to a large children's hospital (I will not give the name of the hospital and will say that I have lived in several states in the US). While trying to rest on a bench in a waiting room I was awoken by a doctor telling me that there was a mix-up in the pharmacy that was overlooked by nurses and though they apologize they needed to tell me that my son was given a concentrated dose of magnesium instead of the pediatric dose he was supposed to be given, effectively paralyzing his respiratory system. He was in a coma and put on life support. I had had an emergency C-section less than a week before and I thought for a few minutes that it was a dream caused by the high dose of painkillers I was on.

I wish I had been but am grateful that besides this total oversight the hospital DID save his life in the end (his calcium and magnesium levels were the lowest that his pedi had ever seen in a child that was still alive). He is now 14 years old.



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not Saturday morning, in bed. My dad told me to relax and not work too hard. He passed away 2 years before.



Since S.D. is a trained lucid dream expert, we were wondering if they had any tips for those of us who might want to start lucid dreaming as well.

“I suggest starting dream journaling, deep breathing exercises, and visualization of becoming lucid as you drift off to sleep. Sometimes, just that is sufficient. From my experience, for the majority of people, this at the very least enhances dream recall and vividness.”


These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not 9/11! My sister called me and told me to watch TV, some towers in NY were burning. It didn't look real, more like a bad dream...


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bpbperic avatar
Night Owl
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's natural and understandable. Brain trying to deal with something that was previously unthinkable happening

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not I was on a road trip with the family to attend a graduation in Colorado, and because there was a large number of us from out of town, we were staying at a rental house. We arrived at the subdivision late at night and we (there were two cars) had so much trouble finding the right street, but we finally somehow got there.

The next morning, my brother and I decided to drive to another town while everyone else slept to have breakfast with the family of the graduate. We left our subdivision and just as we were about to get to the main road, I made a wrong turn that led us into another subdivision that was still being built in the middle of open fields. Some houses were done, others were being worked on, and there were some construction guys around. There were only a few streets and blocks, probably 6 or 7, but for some odd reason, I couldn’t find our way back out! When I realized the street we were on wasn’t leading us through to get to the main road, I thought it would be simple to go around a block and find the way we had come in. But somehow it led me back into the inner streets! I tried going around another block, but kept ending up in the inner part of the subdivision.

So I thought I would drive through the outer streets, some of which were still under construction, but again, somehow they would lead us back in. I was getting frustrated at first, but each time we would end up in the inner streets, I started to freak out a little. My brother wasn’t saying much other than suggesting we go this way or that way. At one point I stopped by where some guys were working on a house, and sheepishly asked them how I could drive out of there to get onto the main road. They looked at me like I was nuts – after all, this was such a small subdivision. They directed me to go a way I had already tried twice, so I hesitated. I asked if that was the only way and they said yes. Got back in the car, went that way, and still got lost.

At this point, I stopped the car and asked my brother what the heck was going on. He didn’t know what to say but I could tell he kept trying to find a reasonable explanation and said to try going another way, which again, we had already tried. There were only so many combinations of turns we could make, and I felt like we had tried them all. I seriously was about to cry, and I’m someone who can keep my composure and think clearly in stressful times, but this was just not something I had experienced in real life, just in my dreams (or nightmares). Also, I’m pretty good with directions and aware of my cardinal points. At one point I saw one of the construction guys get in his work truck and drive off, so I figured he was going out of the subdivision. I followed him and sure enough, we were able to get out. The way he went had been one of the ways we had already tried!

To this day I cannot explain it and every time I’ve asked my brother about it, he always says that we must have just kept missing some street that led out. I’m just not so sure and I'll never forget the panic I felt!


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ohjojo62 avatar
Joanna Werman
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That happened to me in an underground parking garage. I thought I was going insane

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S.D. revealed to Bored Panda that a lot of their clients who come for help hope to experience lucid dreaming regularly, however, to some people, the thought is rather scary. We asked the lucid dream expert to name us some of the most popular reasons as to why people want to get into a state of lucid dreaming.

“From my experience and from what my clients told me, some of them do it for fun, while others do it to meet their deceased relatives and experience catharsis. Others do it to hone their physical abilities or even to study for exams. Some people use it as a sort of meditation, while others use it as a safe exposure treatment or therapy to face their fears. The reasons are endless and only limited by the mind itself.”


These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not I was 16 and got lost in the woods. As dark approached, I was getting nervous about being lost all night. Out of nowhere, I saw a dog. It came right up to me and was friendly. I decided to follow it, hoping it was going home and would lead me back to civilization. After some time, we stumbled out of the woods, onto a road with a house nearby. I got help. I never saw the dog again and no one nearby owned a dog or remembered a dog like that. I still wonder what happened to it. It's like it vanished the moment I had help. I didn't even get to thank him/her.



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not (I told this story in another thread before.)

Me and my friend go for a drink after work, once per week or so. We have our favorite pub - small, cozy place with one room on the ground floor and two rooms with a bathroom in the basement. Well... TWO rooms.

One day we went to 'our' pub. We were right after work and my friend never drinks alcohol anyway as he's usually driving, so we were both completely sober. We ordered a beer for me and cola for him and went down to the basement. And - to our incredulity - there was only ONE room, instead of two. For a second I thought there was something seriously wrong with me, but then my friend said: 'There were TWO rooms before, weren't there?'
We looked at the wall - no sign indicated that there was a door before. The paint was old (there were even scratches and stains in some places), there was no trace of the doorframe... Mind you, we were there one week ago, so the paint would still be fresh. We went as far as to ask the bartender what happened to the second room.

'What second room?' she asked incredulously.
We decided our minds were collectively messing with our memories, so we just finished our drinks and left. Of course, we came back one week later. And guess what?


And again, no traces of fresh paint, demolitions, new doorframe... nothing.

'You see it too?' my friend asked.

We are still going there for our drinks, at least when it's possible because of the pandemic. And the second room is always there. There was only this one instance when it vanished.

I'd think I just went crazy but my friend also remembers that. To this day, we still don't know what the hell that was.


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striepy avatar
Bubbles and sparks
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I swear, there is an alternate reality next to ours.... the same when you seem to have misplaced your keys. You look everywhere for them and when starting to look all over for them again, they are just right in front of you... just, how???

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not When the whole of New York City flooded...oh my god. Plus Greece and Italy wildfires. And to be honest, the whole of 2020.


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willowsweet_1 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yea, 2020 just felt like a dream the whole time.... wishing you'd wake up soon

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not My Mom passed away from breast cancer 22 years ago. I dreamed that she came to my bedroom. I stood and she wrapped her arms around me. I said, “Oh, Mom.” We stood there, her humming and swaying, and telling me it would be alright. So real I can still feel her hug.


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eglbukauskait avatar
Eglė Bukauskaitė
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ooh i do believe these dreams. I've had them twice in my life- full on conversation with my grandma who had passed away decades ago at that point. At a place, i presume is "paradise" - it shifts depending on your most happy memories. People shapeshift too so you could recognize them.

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not When I saw my sister on a Geico commercial when I was watching TV. She wanted to surprise us, and she did.



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not My husband passed away. I was devastated. I had dreams he came to rub my shoulders, it was so real.



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not When the first lockdown was enforced. We knew from international news that there was this new disease spreading fast, but in Mexico we kinda felt like I was so far away, that maybe we'd have some few cases but not as bad as the eastern part of the world.

I went one day to school and was told that the school would close for 3 days, as a preventive measure. Needless to say, those three days elapsed and things really went south. Almost two years later, school is still closed.


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lyuboiv avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Our country was pretty much the opposite - no lockdowns at all. The harshest measures we ever got was mandatory masks while being outdoors, but this only lasted for a couple of weeks. Masks remained mandatory only indoors and on buses/trains.

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not For not only myself, but for all the people living in Japan at the time, on March 11th, 2011, and the following days and weeks, the earthquake, the tsunamis, and everything felt like a nightmare.

Except it was real and sleep offered no respite from the grief and terror for a long time. Almost 11 years after, I still have bad dreams of earthquakes and tsunamis.


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lisahewes avatar
Lisa H
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow. I'm glad you survived. You can survive this again, too. To be clear, I mean survive the long term trauma.

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not When my GF asked me out. I was pinching myself every 30 seconds just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.



Highway 20 slices thru our farm in Oregon. Sitting at the kitchen table, years ago, a blustery fall morning.

I’m looking out the window and see a green rocking chair going by at about 50 mph, backward. The old mohair type with wooden arms and platform rocker. BLINK!

I proceeded out to the highway and saw nothing. About then I see my grandma, who lived across the road, coming up her drive, glancing around. I went across and we were both looking around. She asks, ”Are you looking for something?”

“Are you?” (I was pretty hesitant to admit what I’d seen, as it was nowhere in site) She quietly said she thought she’d seen a green rocking chair. GREAT! I wasn’t dreaming, but it was not to be seen!!! So after a while of looking, we found it had apparently pulled off the road into her half-circle front drive, hopped the curb, and ended up jammed between two old fir trees, partly under a rhododendron, just like it was planned decor!

Turns out it had lifted off a flatbed traveling north & landed at a clip, pulled in drive as it slowed. The only damage, slightly sanded the wooden base a little. We pulled it closer to the road & the folks that lost it, came back & reclaimed their traveling antique! Securing it better this time!

The most amazing thing I’ve seen going down the road!


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xeniaharley avatar
Xenia Harley
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Years ago, my sister and I met our cousin in the city for drinks. (We rarely saw her.) We're standing outside the restaurant, at some point, to say goodbye, while she had run to the restroom. My sister and I are tipsy, not drunk. We see a horse drawn carriage pass by with a couple who had a young llama in the back with them! it was standing in the "aisle" of the carriage. We just looked at each other and didn't say a word! You see everything in NYC!


These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not This one has always been pretty vivid and I'm still not sure but I'm too scared to ask. I have a weird memory of fighting with my sister. Halfway through I got smacked down the stairs...then I got up and went to take a nap because my body hurt from falling down the stairs. Woke up in my bed and couldn't remember if that had been part of my dream or if I'd actually been slapped down the stairs.


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deson avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Perhaps you had fallen out of bed and then got back in and didn't remember it?

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not The sound of my front door opening woke me from a sound sleep. I'm laying there my heart pounding and frozen with fear I can't move, thinking who came into my apartment? No one else had a key. As this is all going through my head the bedroom door opened and closed and someone laid down behind me and put an arm over me, spooning fashion. I felt the weight on the mattress and the arm across me, still not knowing who it could be. Then I really woke up. A dream within a dream?


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vanburensupernova44 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This could be sleep paralysis, it could happen when you are too tired or stressed. It happened to me a couple of times. The first one was quite intense when I thought someone was choking me, and I was floating above myself looking at myself being choked by something invisible. Well, I am open-minded with supernatural stuff (because I have heard many stories from people I trust and witness some pretty weird stuff happened to others too) but that wouldn't be my first explanation and I am generally not bothered/they leave me alone (as said, I went to weird 'risky' places but fortunately, never experience it), so I did some reading and research about it. The subsequent times it happened, they were not that intense because I have my awareness of what was happening. It was still very uncomfortable though, but I made it tolerable by challenging myself to 'fight' it. So, know what it is and hopefully it won't be scary anymore. Some experiences come with disturbing sounds as well.

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not I blinked while in bed. Before I blinked, it was 7:00 pm. When I opened my eyes, it was suddenly 5:00 am.


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katie4309 avatar
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I’ve always wondered if you could feel sleep (like you are aware that it is happening). Maybe this is proof that you don’t?

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not I was like 7 or something. I dreamt that I was in an empty room and an unknown woman comes to me, I never saw her in reality. The next day, I found my grandma cleaning a photo. The person I dreamt about was my long-dead aunt (father's sister).



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not I had a miscarriage. It was a dream, but it sure didn't feel like one. Spent the whole day mourning my nonexistent baby.


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trishahowson avatar
Fluffy mommy panda
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Each time I have lost a baby. I aways have a bad dream about losing the baby. It dieing or something it would seem so heartbreaking and realistic. And I had a dream about the way my first daughter would look. And she looked like the dream.

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not When my grandparents got a munchkin cat! He was so small I didn’t even think it was medically possible. He is my profile pic if you wanna see him.


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the_true_opifex avatar
Katie Lutesinger
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Hm, must be a different profile. But the post picture is friggin' adorable. (Also, why has everyone been reset to zero points?)

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not When the love of my teenage life asked me to be his girlfriend! :)



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not For a few months, I lived in a house that was plagued by paranormal activity. For example, one day I saw a lamp swiped off the top of a dresser and smashed into bits on the floor. The lamp just didn't fall off the edge, it was swiped off and thrown down with force. The floor was carpeted, so if it had just fallen it might have cracked, but not broken into bits. Anyway, on to the "dreaming" part.

I woke up one night sensing a heavy presence in a dressing area just off the main bedroom. I had a "freeze" reaction where I could not move.

The presence moved into the room and "sat" on the corner of the bed--I felt the mattress compress under its weight. My feeling was that it was a dense ball of energy that had it not been employing some means of supporting itself would have instantaneously sank to the center of the earth.

That's when I woke up and spun myself out of bed, throwing myself against the opposite wall. My arms were spread out like a cross as this dark ball of energy hovered on the bed. I looked down and my feet were a good six inches off the floor.

I started reciting, "In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit" as I was held suspended--hey, I'm not a religious person, but I figured if it worked in horror movies...! Gradually, I began sinking down until my feet finally touched the floor.

The next thing I knew, it was morning and I woke up in bed with no doubt in my mind that it had all actually happened. The only clue that it was a dream was that I had only recently moved into the house and there were still a couple of boxes I hadn't unpacked on the floor. In the "dream," those boxes weren't there.



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not I have a vivid memory to this day of my dad letting the dogs off the leash and letting them run away. I was even mad at him for it for years. My dad and my mom said it never happened. Still feels real to me.



These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not For months, I ordered tiny decorations for our home wedding celebration. I’m up all night and sleep all day (as an artist, easier to focus at night but I’ve done that since I was 7 years old).

The doorbell would ring several times a day, waking me up and I’d have to run down the stairs to get the parcels.

There were simply dozens of times when I would hear the doorbell, as usual, put clothes on, and run down to get the parcels only to discover the doorbell sound was just in my mind. I had literally trained my brain to imagine it and wake up to that somehow expectantly.. even when it wasn’t happening, at least several times a week.

It was 2-3 terribly exhausting months!


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sinaduehrsen avatar
Rosy Maple Moth
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would love some more information on the up all night and sleep all day part. How does that work when you’re 7 and need to attend school during the day?

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not Working, for months I was doing nothing but walkthrough metal detectors. I dreamt I was directing people through them. When I got cold, I remember thinking "I'm out of uniform." Very out of uniform, I was naked. I started to freak out because I thought I went to work naked, took a minute for reality to come back. I'd sat up in bed and thought my doorway was the metal detector, I really was cold and naked.


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brobinson2001 avatar
Balso Steele
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Whoever chose this pic for this entry needs moved to janitor duty til they learn about context. Entirely incorrect type of metal detector.

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not I went to the movie theater when I was little with my dad and grandma and we watched toy story. Neither of them remember it, and the memories I have sort of feel like dreams, but at the same time, it felt really real.

Another time I sat up in bed in my dark room and it looked like there were long strands of those plastic parade beads hanging from the ceiling. Blue, green and purple ones.

Again, it felt really real. Could have been a dream, or my eyes playing tricks on me. Still don’t know.


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eglbukauskait avatar
Eglė Bukauskaitė
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2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The movie was most likely a real memory. Don't question old people's memories - i keep arguing with my mom. She forgets everything menial within a month while i keep exact moments and dates stored in my database - so i remember things, she thinks i make everything up.

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These 30 Pandas Share Their Stories About When They Seriously Questioned Whether They Were Dreaming Or Not In this story, it was a dream I had. In the dream, I went to a rock climbing competition. I’ve never actually participated in one but it seemed so real. Anyways, I chalk up, and do my usual pre-climb routine, normal stuff. This specific event was bouldering, so I did not have my harness. I remember reaching the top, then falling. It felt real as I went down to the ground. I wake up from a dream in a hospital. Now I all think it was real, but turns out I just woke up from my operation and went back to sleep because it was 6 in the morning.


Note: this post originally had 32 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.