I Make Art To Highlight The Disposable Plastic Cases That Come With Lead Pencil Refills (12 Pics)
Every time you refill a pencil, there is a plastic case that is thrown away. These non recyclable plastic cases end up in landfills and pollute the earth. They will still be there when we are not. This series of pencil sketches support a Kickstarter for Zero waste lead pencil refills.
More info: kickstarter.com
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Draw Hokusai - The Great Wave - Without Plastic Waste
Draw Penguins Without Plastic Trash
Draw Surfing Dude Without Plastic Trash
Draw A Kitten Without Plastic Trash - If It Fits, I Sits
Draw Mice Without Plastic Trash
Draw Kites Without Plastic Trash
Draw Bees Without Plastic Trash
Draw The Giant Squid And The Nautilus Without Plastic Trash
Draw Leaf Cutter Ants Without Plastic Trash
Draw Fire Flies Without Plastic Trash
Draw Manta Rays Without Plastic Trash
Draw The Devils Ivy Without Plastic Trash
This makes me want to start drawing again with pencils. Thank you. These are so clever. So simple but the details and attention to movement and personalities is spot on.
This makes me want to start drawing again with pencils. Thank you. These are so clever. So simple but the details and attention to movement and personalities is spot on.