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    Source: YouTube

    James Mongrain is an American artist who dedicated his life to glass. To create this dragon, James teamed up with the Corning Museum of Glass‘ team and together they explored traditional Venetian and Italian forms. “A lot of [my] animals come from traditional Venetian goblets,” James said. “They always have these little dolphins and swans, sea horses, and dragons, so I started making them larger and sticking them on the outsides of vessels. I think this one turned out pretty good.”

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      Source: YouTube

      James Mongrain is an American artist who dedicated his life to glass. To create this dragon, James teamed up with the Corning Museum of Glass‘ team and together they explored traditional Venetian and Italian forms. “A lot of [my] animals come from traditional Venetian goblets,” James said. “They always have these little dolphins and swans, sea horses, and dragons, so I started making them larger and sticking them on the outsides of vessels. I think this one turned out pretty good.”