50 Times People Saw Real Glitches In The Matrix And Had To Look Twice (New Pics)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a twin? If you were identical, you might be able to play tricks on strangers who don’t realize there are two of you. And you would finally get to experience the magic of twin telepathy yourself!
But if you’re looking for the next best thing to having an actual twin, we’re happy to inform you that, somewhere out there, you definitely have a doppelganger. Below, you’ll find photos Bored Panda has gathered from around the web of people who have found their doppelgangers in the most unexpected places. Enjoy scrolling through these entertaining and confusing pics, and be sure to upvote the ones that appear to be glitches in the Matrix!
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Two Stranger Twins Met At A Hockey Game, And The Third One Found Their Picture Online
I Wasn’t Convinced Until Now. We Are Definitely In A Simulation. Today I Randomly Swam Past My Doppelgänger At The Flamingo Pool In Vegas
A Girl From My School And I. The More I Look, The Weirder It Gets
We all have that one celebrity that everyone swears we look just like. “Have you seen [insert film]? You should dress up as [insert character] for Halloween!” And while this can be annoying, we have to admit that it’s a bit amusing to find someone who looks extremely similar to ourselves. We share a bond with these random strangers just by knowing that the world perceives us in the same way.
According to the BBC, there’s only a one in 135 chance that you have an exact doppelganger, but when it comes to someone who shares a striking resemblance to you, there’s a much better chance they’re out there. Especially if you’re someone who has an “average face,” meaning you have features that are common, you shouldn’t have a hard time finding your twin stranger.
Yes Dani, Tell Us How
Perhaps the kid's mom watched too much of his movies and shows while pregnant..
Blud just submitted 2 photos of Woody Harrelson and thought we wouldn't notice
My Family's Friend Is A Persian Replica Of Jeff Goldblum. They Finally Met
She Is Nowhere Near As Thrilled As Her Father
But, but .... it. I S her replica. Dad is right. 😍 (and both are cute)
For example, the BBC reports that one in ten people have round faces, and 55% of the world’s population has brown eyes. If you’re a man and you have a beard, that increases your chances of encountering a doppelganger as well, especially if you live in the UK, where most men have some form of facial hair. If you’re a guy with short hair, you also fall into the majority, making it easier to find a doppelganger.
But why are we so interested in finding our twin strangers anyway? Well, according to Francois Brunelle, who has photographed over 200 pairs of doppelgangers, “If you meet someone that looks like you, you have an instant bond because you share something.” It can be hard enough to strike up a conversation with a stranger nowadays, but looking alike is an excellent ice breaker!
Pretty Sure I Saw Robin Williams's Identical Twin While On Vacation In Germany
Met My Doppelganger
10 Years Ago, I Went Off To College And People I Didn't Know Kept Coming Up To Me And Calling Me "Brian". My Name Is Josh. Then, A Few Weeks Later, I Met Brian, And We Took This Picture
But just because you look similar to a random person you encounter at a theme park or come across online doesn’t mean that you actually share any common DNA. “It is entirely possible for two people with similar facial features to have DNA that is no more similar than that of two random people,” Lavinia Paternoster, a geneticist at the University of Bristol, told the BBC. That shouldn’t deter you from seeking out your doppelganger if you want to though! Just don’t try to frame them as the suspect of a crime you committed if you left DNA at the scene.
The French Gentleman Spawn Is Broken
Spotted A Glitch In The Matrix Today
I Found This Random Painting In A Thrift Store That Looks Unsettlingly Similar To Me
If you are interested in finding your very own twin stranger or strangers, we’re living in the perfect age to do so. With social media and the internet at our fingertips, we have access to billions of people we could have never met in previous generations. And lucky for us, Make Use Of has even shared some online tools that can help you find your doppelganger even faster than usual. One site you can try is actually called Twin Strangers, and it allows users to chat and plan meet-ups with their doppelgangers.
You're Not My Grandmother
So It Turns Out I Have A Twin In Israel. Either That Or There's A Glitch In The Matrix
I Have Worked Here For 2 Years. I Have Only Seen Them Individually. Had A Major "What Is This" Moment Today When I Realized It Was Two Different People
According to the site’s FAQs, users can upload a passport style image of themselves which will be compared to up to 2 million other users of the site. Your closest 100+ matches will then be dropped into your AI search folder for you to scroll through. If you and one of your potential doppelgangers both choose to connect, you’ll have access to one another’s emails and have the opportunity to video chat or even meet in real life.
Casually Met My Doppelganger At A Boat Party
Jack Black's Twin? I’ve Been Called Him My Entire Life! If Someone On Here Knows Him, Tell Him I’m A Huge Fan And That He Looks Like Me
Server At The Restaurant Said: "Hey, There's A Guy In The Kitchen That Looks Just Like You. Can I Bring Him Out?"
Another tool Make Use Of recommends for finding your doppelganger is to use Google’s reverse image search option with a photo of yourself. Results might yield photos of other people who look strikingly similar, and you might have an image of your very own doppelganger in seconds. Of course, they might not be interested in connecting, especially if they’re not registered on any sites that are specifically for finding twin strangers. But at least you’ll know that you’re not the only “you” out there!
Googled My Name The Other Day And Found My Doppelganger From 70 Years Ago, Who Just Happened To Have My Same Name
Andrew Zimmern And Myself At The 2019 South Beach Food And Wine Festival
I Always Get "You Look Like The Guy From The Mummy". What Do You Think?
Not everyone believes that finding a doppelganger is a good thing, though. While some might be overjoyed to find a twin and others might believe that the existence of them proves we’re living in a simulation, others actually consider them to be frightening. According to Bustle, doppelgangers have long been seen as a bad omen, as they have been seen as an evil twin rather than an innocuous one.
Einstein's Doppelganger Found In A Random Supermarket, Egypt
Guys I'm tired. For a hot second I thought the person on the right was the doppelganger and to their left was the real Einstein.
My Parents (On The Left) Matching With Strangers From Their Cruise
These Two People Had Such A Similar Look It Was Uncanny
Doppelgangers have also been seen as an omen of death in some cultures. German folklore says that seeing your twin, especially more than once, means that your time is running out. And apparently, Abraham Lincoln saw two faces in the mirror on the night of his first election, which his wife Mary believed meant that he would fall ill or die during his second term. Sure enough, she was right.
In 1981, My Mom Had A Nanny Who Looked Like Mrs. Doubtfire
At this point somebody had to have thrown a badly aimed Frisbee
Found My Slimmer Alter Ego On The Bus Stop Commercial
Are you feeling inspired to go in search of your own doppelganger, pandas? I guarantee they’re out there, but finding them in real life might be a bit unsettling. Keep scrolling through these pics that show that we’re not so unique after all, and let us know in the comments if you’ve ever found someone who shares an uncanny resemblance to yourself. Then, if you’re interested in going even deeper down the doppelganger rabbit hole, we recommend checking out this Bored Panda article next!
Even Their Bags Are The Same. Not Enough Non-Player Character Design In The Matrix
Two Of My Friends Are Doppelgängers. They Lived 700 Miles Apart But Both Moved To Denver. Now They Are Adventure Buddies. DoppelDaves Do Denver
It Happened
We had never met before this photo. Same glasses. Same facial expressions. Everything. This was taken in the hall of our dorm. We actually live on the same floor out of 6 different building possibilities. Weird.
My Boss's Girlfriend Knows Bernie's Doppelganger, Who's The Bass Player At Their Church
I Look Creepily Similar To The Guy In This Poster
I Have Been Told I Was Bryan Cranston's Doppelganger Since Breaking Bad Started
I went to San Diego for the Comic Con this past summer so I could see him and see for myself. I wasn't disappointed. I am the op of this picture, that's me on the left.
My Little Cousins Wanted To Know Why The Art Museum Had A Painting Of Their Uncle
I'm Actually A Vampire And Here's A Picture Of Me From The 40s. Just Joking, Just My Doppelganger Great Uncle
Drove 10 Hours Alone To A Concert And Met My Doppelganger
I've Been Looking For Her Ever Since
If my teeth were straighter i would have thought this was me 12 years ago.
Glitch In The Mirror
My Son Matches The Placemat At Chic-Fil-A
I Found Mine. We Are Not Related, I Found Him In NYC, It Was Very Freaky
Glitch In The Matrix
I Have An Uncanny Resemblance To The Freya Carving At Epcot’s Stave Church
Steve Jobs' Lookalike In Egypt
Steve Jobs was biologically half Syrian, so not to far away from Egypt.
That Is Too Funny
Two Random, Yet Almost Identical, Boomers
An Old Friend Of Mine On The Left, And A Guy I Work With On The Right. Not Only Do They Look Alike, But All Their Mannerisms Are The Same, Same Voice, Laugh, Smile, And Eyes
Guy on the right is wearing boots otherwise they'd be the same height as well.
I Found This While Looking For A Picture Frame
Found My Double Today
I Present To You: Doppelgangers, Couple Edition. This Is My Friend's Husband (Top Left Corner) With A Friend (Left-Hand Side Corner) And Their Befriended Couple
Found My Dad's Doppelganger On A Trip To Jamaica
I enjoyed each and every post of this thread because of the genuine joy or surprise of these people. (Don't come at me with "only vaguely similar/ the hairline doesn't match..." etc. I'm no forensic expert.)
I wonder how many of these people are actually related and just unaware.
My brother passed away in 2017, unexpectedly. Last week I told my husband that I would very much love to find my brother's doppelganger so I could see him one last time...maybe even get a hug.
My Dad died 9years ago & last week I saw a man that just look like him. That was so weird. I couldn't even say anything, I just stood there & watched him. He was in front of me on a checkout.
Load More Replies...I have this friend who I'm convinced is the product of some kind of cloning experiment, because I keep stumbling across her doppelgangers all over the country. (Or y'know, being adopted, she just has a bunch of half-siblings/cousins that she's unaware of, but I like my explanation better)
An interesting thought experiment implies how likely it is we actually do live in the matrix. Think about it... Eventually we'll figure out how to upload ourselves into a computer. Then we'll make virtual realities (VRs) to live in. Network us and our VRs and there's the matrix. Now, if we can do it once, we can do it twice, hundreds or thousands of times. Eventually, we'll do the same *inside* those VRs. So there could be millions of VRs people - we - live in. But there's only *one* *real* world. So the odds of us living in the real world are very, very tiny. Hence, it's very likely we *do* live in the matrix. Now if I can just figure out how to fly like Neo...
Yes, I remember that one. There are a few problems with it however, one being that if we are living in a simulation, at one point or another there would be a glitch, which as far as we can tell hasn't happened yet. We also simply don't know if we could create a lifelike simulation that could be fully immersive, so I would say that we can only know the true odds of us living in a simulation when/if we manage to make one.
Load More Replies...I was on vacation in middle New York state (from Ohio), a group of ladies stopped me on a hiking trail to gawk that I looked exactly like someone they knew. Had to ask where I'm from etc to make sure I wasn't their friend. Actually, I've been told I have a twin probably 4-5 times. Ironically, I have identical twin daughters, but not a twin myself.
Well you know what they say about genes. What comes around goes around.
I enjoyed each and every post of this thread because of the genuine joy or surprise of these people. (Don't come at me with "only vaguely similar/ the hairline doesn't match..." etc. I'm no forensic expert.)
I wonder how many of these people are actually related and just unaware.
My brother passed away in 2017, unexpectedly. Last week I told my husband that I would very much love to find my brother's doppelganger so I could see him one last time...maybe even get a hug.
My Dad died 9years ago & last week I saw a man that just look like him. That was so weird. I couldn't even say anything, I just stood there & watched him. He was in front of me on a checkout.
Load More Replies...I have this friend who I'm convinced is the product of some kind of cloning experiment, because I keep stumbling across her doppelgangers all over the country. (Or y'know, being adopted, she just has a bunch of half-siblings/cousins that she's unaware of, but I like my explanation better)
An interesting thought experiment implies how likely it is we actually do live in the matrix. Think about it... Eventually we'll figure out how to upload ourselves into a computer. Then we'll make virtual realities (VRs) to live in. Network us and our VRs and there's the matrix. Now, if we can do it once, we can do it twice, hundreds or thousands of times. Eventually, we'll do the same *inside* those VRs. So there could be millions of VRs people - we - live in. But there's only *one* *real* world. So the odds of us living in the real world are very, very tiny. Hence, it's very likely we *do* live in the matrix. Now if I can just figure out how to fly like Neo...
Yes, I remember that one. There are a few problems with it however, one being that if we are living in a simulation, at one point or another there would be a glitch, which as far as we can tell hasn't happened yet. We also simply don't know if we could create a lifelike simulation that could be fully immersive, so I would say that we can only know the true odds of us living in a simulation when/if we manage to make one.
Load More Replies...I was on vacation in middle New York state (from Ohio), a group of ladies stopped me on a hiking trail to gawk that I looked exactly like someone they knew. Had to ask where I'm from etc to make sure I wasn't their friend. Actually, I've been told I have a twin probably 4-5 times. Ironically, I have identical twin daughters, but not a twin myself.
Well you know what they say about genes. What comes around goes around.