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Dogs Reunite With Long Lost Littermate Through Popular Online Dog Dna Testing Provider (Dna Results Included)
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Dogs Reunite With Long Lost Littermate Through Popular Online Dog Dna Testing Provider (Dna Results Included)


Biological siblings Gendry and Gypsy are just two of a large brood of puppies from rural Virginia. Adopted from an accidental litter, the two were fortunate enough to stay in touch with the majority of their littermates.

More info: Instagram


    Gendry (Brown) and Gypsy (White)

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    Living within visiting distance of each other, Gendry and Gypsy visit with their siblings often. The owners have a Facebook group chat where they plan meetups, share updates, and training tips.

    Even though the majority of the owners stay in touch, they always wondered what happened to the absent littermate. Last they had heard, the puppy had a home but they did not know where or with who.

    Fig and Gypsy chasing Gendry

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    When the dogs’ were adopted, the owners were told that the puppies were “Border Collie/Pitbull mixes”. This breed profile didn’t quite make sense to the owners because of the extreme variations of the puppies’ coat lengths, the body builds, sizes, and colors. Some owners even speculated that another father could have contributed to the litter.


    Siblings happy to be reunited


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    Their curiosities getting the better of them, a few of the owners decided to have their dog’s DNA tested through Embark.

    Embark Dog DNA is the leading online company specializing in Dog DNA testing. To test a dog, consumers order a DNA kit through the Embark website then they send back a swab of their dog’s DNA to the lab to be tested for 350 breeds, types, and varieties.

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    Potentially, dogs that have their DNA tested by Embark can find their relatives through the site’s “Relative Finder” feature. The owners were aware of this feature when they had their dogs tested, but weren’t going to wager on the test finding the ONE littermate they were looking for.

    Gendry’s Embark Dog DNA Results


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    A month after submitting the dogs’ test, the owners received their dog’s DNA results. The puppies were in fact not “Border Collie/Pitbull” mixes, they were actually a mix of Pitbull, Australian Shepherd, Collie, and an assortment of other breeds. Furthermore, much to the owners’ surprise, all the puppies shared the same father.

    Embark Relative Finder

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    Later that summer, long after the excitement of discovering the dogs’ DNA had passed, Gendry and Gypsy’s owners received an email notification from Embark that a potential relative had been found.

    Immediately logging into their account, their owners excitedly wondered if the notification was about the missing sibling.



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    Sure enough, upon quick examination, the potential relative was indeed the long lost littermate!

    Her name was Fig, and although she had a short coat she greatly resembled Gendry, Gypsy, and the rest of their siblings.


    On the sites messaging platform there read a message from her new owner, explaining that Fig had been picked up off the street by a rescue and that she was originally her foster mom, but that Fig had become a foster fail.

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    Coincidentally, she lived only an hour away from the rest of the owners and she was interested in meeting Fig’s siblings!
    After connecting, the owners quickly made plans to reunite the siblings, and within a day the puppies were reunited.

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    On the day of the reunion, Fig met her siblings Gendry, Gypsy, Goose, and Findlay. She was timid at first, but after her nerves settled, the puppies exuberantly got reacquainted.

    Fig happy to be reunited with her family


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    They played ceaselessly for hours; wrestling, chasing, digging, and running together. It was evident, whether they remembered each other or not, that the littermates shared a kinship.

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    Today, Fig’s owner is a part of the Facebook group chat and has connected and met with the rest of the family. The owners are all overjoyed and grateful to Embark for having reunited them with their dogs’ sibling.

    The pack is officially back together!

    Fig and Gendry’s littermates


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    Left to right: Goose, Domino, Fig, Gendry, Marley, Jojo, Goku, Lia, and Captain.

    **You can find Littermates: Gendry, Gypsy, Jojo, Lia, Goku, Mulan, Goose, Stella, and Findlay on Instagram!

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    Aelita Senvaitytė

    Aelita Senvaitytė

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    My name is Aelita and I have been an Editor for Bored Panda since 2019. I spend my days working with my amazing team and making articles the best they can be. Fantasy and magic have always ruled over my world, from movies to TV shows, to Video Games to tabletop games like Dungeos and Dragons, I try to find magic in every part of my life. Writing is a big part of me too, I hope to publish a fantasy novel one day. I also enjoy playing guitar and singing, as music always help me to get in a great mood. I have an adorable German Shepherd named Hela and we get into all kinds of adventures together.

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    Aelita Senvaitytė

    Aelita Senvaitytė

    BoredPanda staff

    My name is Aelita and I have been an Editor for Bored Panda since 2019. I spend my days working with my amazing team and making articles the best they can be. Fantasy and magic have always ruled over my world, from movies to TV shows, to Video Games to tabletop games like Dungeos and Dragons, I try to find magic in every part of my life. Writing is a big part of me too, I hope to publish a fantasy novel one day. I also enjoy playing guitar and singing, as music always help me to get in a great mood. I have an adorable German Shepherd named Hela and we get into all kinds of adventures together.

    What do you think ?
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    Lexi Mitchell
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dog genetics are so weird! I’ll have to do this for my dogs. One of them had five littermates and I only know what two of them look like now, but it’s just like with the dogs in this post - SO VARIED.

    Lexi Mitchell
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dog genetics are so weird! I’ll have to do this for my dogs. One of them had five littermates and I only know what two of them look like now, but it’s just like with the dogs in this post - SO VARIED.

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