The 8-year-old Chihuahua named Bentley was adopted by his current owner three years ago. His previous owner moved overseas and left him behind. The tiny Chihuahua has brought much happiness to his new family. He is fond of following his new family members around all day long as they make him feel warm and safe.

“Bentley is the most loyal little guy; he follows me and his human dad around the house trotting behind us to see what we are doing,” Melanie Barr, Bentley’s mom, said.

Bentley is surely a very happy guy, but one of the most fearful things for him is thunderstorm.

Bentley becomes very nervous and has great difficulty in sleeping whenever a thunderstorm comes.

“Chihuahuas react to all emotions by shaking; their little bodies shudder uncontrollably,” Barr said. “Bentley has big wide eyes that get concerned. I think secretly he does like storms because he knows he gets extra special treatment!”

Barr found Bentley hadn’t slept for the whole night after a recent storm. The dog was quite tired and obviously restless. To help him calm down and get a good sleep, the woman thought of the best idea.

“The next day he was exhausted; we have old wooden window frames which bang, so it gets quite noisy and he jumps a lot at the sound,” Barr said. “He was really tired and unhappy. The sun was shining through the window so I popped a pillow there which he instantly was drawn to, his little blanket (a baby’s blanket) was close by so I tucked him in with his favorite Chewbacca teddy and he slept there like that for about three hours!”


The dog eventually managed to relax himself and have a good rest in the wake of the storm when he slept on the special, homemade bed.

“You could instantly see his comfort and relief the next day to just have a cozy place to rest,” Barr said. “He was content and knew he was safe.”


    Meet the 8-year-old Chihuahua named Bentley and her human mom Melanie Barr

    Bentley becomes very nervous and has great difficulty in sleeping whenever a thunderstorm comes

    Bentley sleeps with his favorite Chewbacca teddy

    Bentley The dog eventually managed to relax himself and have a good rest in the wake of the storm when he slept on the special, homemade bed