Human-Animal Doppelgangers: 30 Captivating Photographs Of A “Dog Dad” And His Pup Companion In Matching Outfits (New Pics)
Have you ever noticed that some people and their pets seem to share an uncanny resemblance? It's like a real-life case of "copycat" that goes beyond just living in the same house. From the curve of their smiles to the twinkle in their eyes, the connection between humans and their furry companions sometimes extends to a surprising physical similarity.
Meet Topher Brophy, a New York-based artist who proudly wears the "Dog Dad" badge. He has gained international attention for his captivating work. Through photographs featuring himself and his dog companion, Rosenberg, dressed in matching outfits, he not only highlights their distinctive similarities but also showcases their unbreakable bond. Scroll down to see the heartwarming pictures yourself!
More info: Instagram | topherbrophy.com | twitter.com | Facebook
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Before becoming a dad, Topher was going through a tough time. He realized he felt empty because he wanted to take care of someone. That's when he adopted Rosenberg, who surprisingly looked a lot like him.
I picture The Red Sea parting, Moses throws stick, mini Moses retrieves stick, Red Sea unparted. Exercise done for the day.
Topher and Rosenberg currently dedicate their efforts to spreading positivity and supporting organizations that promote "compassion, tolerance, and sustainability". They collaborate closely with their photographer and creative director, The Dog Styler, to create their art, which serves as a means to inspire and uplift as many people as they can reach.
here is my fave thing to say *ahem* SLAY TO BE GAY BITCHES
In the beginning, Topher didn't realize that Rosenberg looked like him. He only figured it out when they began going places together. Children would happily comment, noting the similarity between the man and his dog. Adults would also come up to him and mention that it's a bit strange, but they thought he looked somewhat like his dog.
Idk why but the more I look at him the more I’m starting to see gigachad
Whenever they went on trips as a pair, they would create excitement. One day, Topher and Rosenberg wore similar denim button-down shirts, and this caused quite a stir. Topher mentioned that people gathered around them and got really excited, especially the kids.
As a result, dressing alike became their special thing. It became such a big deal that Topher even hired a skilled dog photographer named Chantal Adair, who is known as The Dog Styler on Instagram. He wanted her to take pictures of them since they looked so much alike.
Nowadays, Topher's Instagram page is full of photos where the two of them are dressed alike. These outfits are chosen and styled by Chantal. Sometimes they look stylish, other times they're funny on purpose, and occasionally they're even kind of ironic. Topher believes these playful pictures can make the world seem a bit brighter, especially when it feels gloomy.
The dog dad explained that he realized people became happy when Rosenberg and he dressed in the same way. They wanted to share this positive feeling. Topher pointed out that animals don't judge us based on money, our political choices, or the color of our skin. Instead, they care about how we treat them. He thinks that humans could learn a valuable lesson from this.
If you like these photographs, make sure to check out our previous article here!
I wait for the first scream to "cultural appropriation !" ... ? :) the fabrics are beautiful