They are on the red carpet, in ballads, parades, or, even at home. The artist Andhika Muksin gave life to the Disney characters.
Editor's note: Andhika Muksin is a Jakarta-based artist who creates modern fairytales by Photoshopping Disney characters into real life situations.
Have you ever seen Pocahontas at Coachella, Aurora running through an airport, or the evil stepmothers sitting in the first row of a fashion show? We'll, you're about to.
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Their outfits are actually soooo fitting to these Disney characters
Should have done a better job machine skin tones. Arial and Belle are fair skinned while Jasmine and Pocohantas are more olive/copper.
whatever dad i like collecting forks and stalking this one guy ugh whatever
This guy copy Gregory Masouras lol did it first sorry.... not!
This guy copy Gregory Masouras lol did it first sorry.... not!