After attending a Pixar Animation masterclass and being extremely inspired by Matt Luhn and Andrew Gordon I decided to work on an art project based on Disney movies. I watched every single animated feature on the list (excluding direct to video ones) and created a unique artwork based on each one.
My goal was to work on my drawing techniques, but also to learn a bit about animation and how Disney films are done. To go with the beautiful drawings I made a blog in which I would post a short review of the film and some interesting facts about the making of.
The result was a series of 54 Disney drawings that took one and a half years to complete.
More info: Facebook |
Big Hero 6
Little Mermaid
Wreck-It Ralph
Winnie The Pooh
Princess and the Frog
Brother Bear
Lilo & Stitch
Lion King
Jungle Book
Peter Pan
Alice in Wonderland
Share on FacebookWow, these are stunning. Great interpretations! Baloo reminds me slightly of the Charmin bears, haha.
Wow, these are stunning. Great interpretations! Baloo reminds me slightly of the Charmin bears, haha.