50 Times People With Disabilities Perfectly Executed Their Costumes And “Won” Halloween (New Pics)
There are some who patiently and excitedly wait all year for that magical and macabre time of year, Halloween, to don costumes and go collect candy from their neighborhood. Some portion of this group are undoubtedly people with disabilities.
We’ve gathered some of the most clever and creative costumes put together by people with disabilities. These folks have ingeniously put together outfits to suit their interests and needs, so get comfortable as you scroll through and be sure to upvote your favorite posts. Comment your thoughts and ideas below.
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I Am More Of A My Body Is Half There Instead Of Half Gone Type Of Girl
This Elderly Woman Dressed As Olenna Tyrell. Her Wheelchair Was Turned Into The Iron Throne And She Even Had An Assistant In Costume. As The Queen Of Thorns, She Looked Perfect
My Grandma Found A Clever Way To Incorporate Her Walker Into Her Halloween Costume
If you believe that trying to trick or treat while disabled is a niche issue, think again. According to the World Health Organization, there are around 1.3 billion people out there with some form of disability. That's about 16% of the world’s population. You may not notice that many of them simply because mobility issues can and do limit the time disabled people might spend in public.
Regardless, people with disabilities like trick or treating and creating costumes as much as the next person. So there are a few things you can do to make your home more accessible if you are the type of person who hands out candy.
Amputee Halloween Is The Best Halloween! And You Cannot Change My Mind
Happy Halloween
My Sister's Boyfriend Was Born With An Underdeveloped Hand. This Was Their Halloween Costume
While this doesn’t just apply to people with disabilities, it can be worth it to consider a few non-candy alternatives for people with various dietary restrictions. On top of that, as is pretty visible with some of the costumes here, trick-or-treaters might not be able to properly see or access your goodies, so also think about ways to make your stash easier to reach and see. It never hurts to be able to explain what exactly you have on offer.
Jeremy’s Back To The Future DeLorean Wheelchair Costume - Halloween 2020
Volunteers Gathered At The Offices Of RS&H In Deerwood Park To Reveal And Deliver The Adaptive Halloween Costumes Requested By Wheelchair-Bound Children
My Halloween Costume This Year. Have To Be Creative With My Walker. Rubber Ducky In The Bath
I'm not someone who throws this around a lot so I really mean it, but she is actually so pretty. Her smile is adorable and her face reminds me of a friend who also had to use a walker but died earlier this year :)
While it might seem obvious in retrospect, also consider just how accessible or inaccessible your front door is. Is the driveway steep, are there multiple stairs before the door, questions that are all worth looking at if you want to be more helpful come Halloween. There is nothing wrong with placing your bowl, bag, or other container closer to street level.
Astronaut Emmy
Diver In The Shark Cage Costume
My grandson is in the shark cage. He is a special needs child who can't walk or talk. His father has been making these costumes since he was little. His father makes him a part of everyday life events and Halloween is his best. Materials used are cardboard cut for the theme he wants, glued, painted, and tied to hold onto the wheelchair. The idea came from his mother and brother because they like anything to do with the ocean.
Limited Edition Barbie Costume
However, not everyone in a costume is trick-or-treating. Halloween parties are a pretty common excuse for people to break out their creative skills and make something. While these days, fan-favorite characters and pop culture icons dominate, historically, the Halloween costume was intended to scare.
Blackjack Dealer At The Max Grand
Happy Halloween. This Was Made With Sweat, Tears And One Giant Meltdown
I'm An Amputee And I Usually Make Cosplays Around My Bionic Arm, But Trading It Out For The Chainsaw This Time Was Worth It
The modern version of Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating isn’t actually that modern. It was first recorded in 1911, in Kingston, Ontario. At the time, it was still an activity mostly related to children and in general, people at the time saw it as more of a children's holiday. As Victorian norms dissipated, adults began to feel more comfortable celebrating as well.
My 5-Year-Old Going As A “Pile Of Crayons” For Halloween. They’re Made From Pool Noodles, Hockey Tape And Construction Paper And Tied Together So They Can Be Hung On Her Walker
E.T. Phone Home
Am I Worthy To Wield This Costume? This Halloween I’m Dressing As Jonathan, Ahem, Mjölnir
As always, as soon as businessmen saw a market, mass production, and marketing followed. By the 1930s, multiple companies across North America were making standardized costumes for children, mostly focused on the most common monsters, from werewolves to skeletons, vampires, and ghosts.
Halloween, We Are So Ready For You
I’m An Amputee. Here’s My Halloween Costume This Year
Sushi Roll
In the 21st century, superheroes have supplanted monsters, for better or worse and adults tend to enjoy dressing up as their favorite characters from movies and television. Now, even celebrities and politicians are fair game, particularly if they have some recognizable physical feature or mannerism that can be reproduced easily.
Yesteryear, When Things Were "Normal". I Miss Those Times
I Promised These Girls The Most Epic, Coolest, Fastest Car They Could Drive On Halloween
Dad Builds His Son An Oilers' Zamboni Over His Wheelchair For Halloween
Unsurprisingly, the Halloween costume market, alongside the Halloween decoration market is quite large, sitting at about $3.2 billion in 2019. By 2022, this number had almost tripled, to $10.6 billion, showing that, perhaps, the macabre, spookier nature of Halloween was on people’s minds more than ever.
Payton Sure Looks Handsome Sitting In His Adaptive Halloween Costume. Cutest, Most Stylish Maverick
Incorporating A Wheelchair Into A Costume Properly. She Always Pays Her Debts
My Prince Charming Surprised Me With This Cinderella Carriage Wheelchair Costume
Statistically, at least half of US consumers report that they would probably buy a costume and decorations. Predictably, adult costumes were considerably more expensive than children's costumes, as they are generally larger and adults who are really into Halloween are happy to spend more on a premium-tier costume.
Each Year My Wife Builds A Costume For My Son's Wheelchair. This Year He's The Zombie Monster Truck
Halloween 2020 Was A Little Less Spooky And A Whole Lot Weirder. Fitting For The Year
While the costumes in this list are truly incredible, disabled people have been going above and beyond every year to make something cool for Halloween. So if you want to see more creative costumes, look no further, Bored Panda has gathered the best examples from 2021 and 2022.
Grateful For A Sprinkling Of Magic That Turns Wheelchairs Into Spaceships. For Babies In Fuzzy Costumes And Big Kids In Spookier Ones
For Years I’ve Been Talking About Fully Incorporating My Scooter Into A Halloween Costume And This Year I Finally Did It
My New Arms Complete The Costume! Happy Halloween
It Was So Fun To Dress Up And See All The Little Kids In Their Costumes
I would like to order a hotdog with mustard, chilli, and onions please!
Without The Ruby Red Slippers, I Doubt I’ll Be Headed Back Home To Alberta Anytime Soon. Nonetheless, Happy Halloween Everyone
EDIT: Folks tell me on the reddit page he makes it clear he is joking and in on it. == I hope he is more okay with that costume than he looks. His face reminds me of when some people put their little dog in a costume and take photos and the dog looks like he is sort of pissed and tolerating it. Maybe they just caught him at a serious face moment.
"It's A-Me, Mario, Luigi And Princess Peach." Happy Halloween
My Right Leg Had To Be Amputated About A Month Ago, So This Year’s Halloween Costume Was A Cinch
That is one pimped out scooter he has. I don't think I've seen one with 2 wheels in the front like that. Looks like he legit just got his ride detailed. (Probably to wash away the blood from the shark bite) Love it!
This Cute Firefighter
Had A Great Time At A Halloween Costume Party. Won 2nd Place For Best Costume
My First Amputee-Themed Costume - Baby Shark Attack
Chef Mo Doing Her Best Gordon Ramsay This Halloween
Ghostbusters' Car Wheelchair Costume
Winners Of The Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital Fall Festival Contest
We Had A Great Evening At Avon Valley Park For Their Last Halloween Event. We Even Dressed Up The Wheelchair, Harmonie Had Great Fun Zooming Around
Halloween Costume Of 2022! Sam Made It Easy For Mom This Year
Ernie Taking A Bubble Bath With His Rubber Duckie, 2018
My son’s wheelchair was wrapped with some really thin styrofoam and I made gelatin bubbles along with balloons and batting and claw feet out of mug root beer bottles. School contest winner for originality... It was hard to beat the previous costumes!
This Buzz Lightyear Costume Came As A Set With The Wheelchair Spaceship Attachments
Halloween Present And Past - What Should Next Year Be?
Absolutely The Most Awesome Costume
Loved all of these! Very creative and it's good to see a wholesome post :) will mention that someone was downvoting most of the comments, not sure why someone was so against fun?
Loved all of these! Very creative and it's good to see a wholesome post :) will mention that someone was downvoting most of the comments, not sure why someone was so against fun?