Mom Mocks Dirty Man At Store In Front Of Her Daughter, So He Reveals His True Identity
Stopping at the grocery store on the way home from a long day at work is an everyday occurrence for many of us. For those who do physically demanding, outdoor work, that might mean rocking up to the supermarket looking a bit worn and shabby, and that’s understandable isn’t it?
One mom didn’t think so. Andy Ross of Vancouver, Washington, noticed a little girl staring at him at the store. The former special operations medic, who now works in the construction industry, was on his way home from a day at the site and had a bit of dirt on his face. He thought nothing of the little girl looking curiously at him, until her mother pointed in his direction and he overheard her say: “That is why you need to stay in school.”
Judgmental much? Needless to say, Andy wasn’t too impressed with the mom’s attitude, teaching her little girl to write somebody off based on nothing but outside appearances. He took the opportunity to introduce himself, and teach her a lesson she would do well to heed. “I spoke up because I didn’t feel it was right for a child to believe that because you’re dirty means you’re uneducated,” Andy told Bored Panda. “I know a lot of very dirty men and women and they are highly intelligent and educated.”
“It was just a spur of the moment kind of thing. The reaction is much more than I ever would have expected, I’ve heard many amazing stories of people who have been in similar scenarios. Very humbling to see how many people appreciate it and have shared it!”
Scroll down below to see how it unfolded for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments. Was Andy right to say what he said? Would you have done the same? Join the conversation!
This man with a dirty face is Andy Ross from Vancouver, Washington
A mom he met in a store assumed he was uneducated based on his appearance, so he decided to teach her a lesson
This is what he looks like with his face ‘clean’
People offered support for Andy’s response, and some related to him with their similar stories
I'm going to get a million down-votes for this, but I can't resist as I've been in a similar situation.... I think that he's over-compensating a little bit too much. It's fine to quietly say something like "actually, I have a PhD" and - if you really want to mess with their heads - "also, I am a multimillionaire", but leave the detailed resume for a job application. All that this extended ramble does is risk stirring antagonism to people who achieve, and it embarrasses a parent in front of a child, which is a serious thing to do for petty self-agrandisment... (Acknowledgement - I come from Australia where one of our largest companies had the byline "The Quiet Achiever", so perhaps this is an Aussie thing...Apologies to all the people that I'll probably offend.)
No downvote from me. My feeling was also that this read more than a justification, and it had a bit too much pride in it. A single, clever punchline might have done a better job. Probably addressing the little girl like this: "Yes, listen to your mother! See, I found a company and after having a college degree I can work as whatever I like, even if I want to get as dirty as today. Isn't that fantastic?"
Load More Replies...This sounds like one of those fake confrontations/dramas you make up in your head to kill time whilst waiting in line. You're supposed to keep them yourself though!
Tbh, there is bothing wrong with either of the two, but then again, who cares if he hunts and has guns? It’s Washington state, saying you have a gun is very redundant in that state.
Load More Replies...Yes I'm sure he didn't say any of it, just thought about it on his way home and wished he did say something.
Load More Replies...I gave this a down vote too as he just went on and on way too much and it became more like a self serving sermon to tell the world how brilliant he thinks he is and far less like teaching the mother the error of her ways. I would have just said to the mother "did you get a education?" She would probably have said an emphatic "yes". And I would have happily replied "Me too and one of the best things I was taught was never judge a book by its cover", and walked away.
This never happened people. Utter b******t. Its just an excuse for people like this to brag. Self absorbed k**b.
This looks like a bragging insecure idiot, more than any kind of hero or model to follow.
During the recession I worked three jobs, largely because I had to pay down student loans and I couldn't find a full time job that would pay my bills. I totally have a woman say to her kid "this is why you stay in school" when referring to me. I just said "Ma'am I have a Bachelors Degree, welcome to the recession".
I eye roll stories like this. It's like everyone is out looking for attention or their viral fame because they did something nice or told someone off. Good for him and all his accomplishments, but if I were the mom I'd roll my eyes and call him presumptuous.
Yep, mammals kill mammals every day, nothing to see here.
Load More Replies...I like this, but have a nitpick. He said, "experience, hard work, and dedication allow you to be successful in your career path". First off, I am a principal software engineer, and thus "successful". Second, "experience, hard work, and dedication" MAY allow you to be successful in your career path, but are no guarantee. It just isn't. It is a statement that allows well-off people to blame not-so-well-off people because of course they must not have been "experienced, hard-working, and dedicated". Such BS.
yes, of course, the lady and her girl silently stayed through all that 30 mins re-written lecture you gave them and then left educated without saying a word. seems legit.
oh god, more self-congratulating b******t going viral. Am I to understand she said *1* single thing before he went off on that massive tirade? Get over yourself, dude. The little girl probably thinks you're even more of a weirdo. Keep your self satisfactory c**p to yourself dude. Nauseating.
and yet instead of saying this to the woman he goes home and posts it to the net where that woman will never see it......
Most of you may not like this but: 1) you are not in the position to be an educator in another family life. 2) when you are a parent even the blue sky is a reason to say: remember to stay to school. 3) noody should judge another person from his apparence. May be the mother used him to teach the wrong lesson this time but how do you know she is not a mother of 10 and may be she was just tired? She could use him toto say: baby remember to wash your face. Man youmano are no supermanmoney... you dont have a secret identity
I don't buy for a a second that any of this happened. This is so clearly a made up story. Like any kid or mom would wait around for some stranger to recite paragraph after paragraph of "corrective" blather. Not in this day and age.
Education does not equal intelligence, it is merely a compliment to it.
Right. This story is in no way inspiring to me. It’s funny, because I am in no way an idiot, people have often assumed I am educated and not a fool... ;) I’m not a fool, but I’m a high school dropout. It had zero influence on my life. My ex husband has a degree. And did nothing with it. Anyone with intelligence can tell what’s important.
Load More Replies...It looks like a paid article for either his organization evergreen etc or his tattooer...
People (Americans) are going to hate me for this but I feel like too many people need to go to social media and complain and then get a pat in the back. Also, the need to take out the military card pisses me off. The only thing the US military does is put us in danger in Europe.
And talking about going on social media for the sole reason to complain...What exactly were you doing in0 your post.....?
Load More Replies...I am a PhD student and often dirty from field work. I realize that and do not get offended if people stare.
Soon we will share how awesome we are because we cook/clean the house / go to school or work and soon afterwards we'll be rubbing into other peoples faces that we breathe. Stop sharing just to be praised. Cause that's how this one looks. And if you brag, do it modestly.
I used to work at a public library, and come from a family full of blue collar educated workers. It's easy to tell the difference between a person who is dirty from today's work and someone who just doesn't follow good hygiene. For one thing, people who are covered in dirt but you can't smell from more than a couple inches away, probably got dirty working today.
Blondes are routinely treated like they're dumb. Stay at home moms are routinely treated like they're dumb. Hard of hearing people are routinely treated like they're dumb. The list goes on. Judgemental people are permanently stressed as they have no ability to know what really stands before them. Pity the fool that pre judges.
And if that story gets being made into a movie Adam Sandler will be playing the leading man.
All I got from this was "Actually, I think you'll find I'm extremely well educated. So much so that I'm able to outsmart dumb animals by shooting them from 1000 yards away with a high powered rifle, under cover of camouflage". What a hero.
I’m sorry is this a joke? This is like the mildest form of prejudice an immigrant or black American can hope for on a daily. Is this man upset because the mother wasn’t white?
I've known highly educated people who look down on anybody without a college degree just on principle, regardless of how well they're doing. They assume anybody in the trades is stuck there because they just weren't smart enough to go to school. Funny part is they often make more than the person laughing at them, and didn't go to 8 years of university to they are much further ahead financially.
Best article ever!! Thank you. Hope Many read it and take heart!....and learn a lesson.
I'm an old lady who walks with a cane. People assume, always, that I'm lost in a degraded brain. If they allow me to reply they can tell there is lots of good gray matter in my head and I know how to use it.
Those people are morons. What does having a cane have to do with intelligence???
Load More Replies...Frankly, the same thing goes for older people, or even older fat people. I happen to be both, but that doesn't make me stupid. I also have a college degree, and a lifetime of working with people in other jobs. Worse yet, because I have a Southern accent, my IQ drops ten points in some people's estimation when they hear it.
Those people aren’t worth your time! Be thankful they exposed who they are and how they think so you don’t waste a minute...
Load More Replies...Well, I would not assume that people are uneducated because they wear tattoos. Or that they are bad for said reason, although tattoos turn me off personally. I've been rejected and bullied because of first appearances too much to judge others by appearances.
Actually there's something called a first impression and you can't really blame them for thinking that way when even you, yourself think you're dirty.
He was a medic and saw all of the death, blood and guts. It blows my mind, he knows how fragile life is including animals. How can he kill them? What must he be thinking when he reads these posts. A little jab to his huuuuuge ego
Food. It is so nice that we live in such a prepackaged society. Most people couldn't live if it wasn't for a store or delivery. Food for him for knowing how to feed himself, and you, if it comea to that.
Load More Replies...So many people in the world need to learn to keep their stupid opinions to themselves. So someone you see on the street is big/small/tall/short/dirty/funnily dressed. What makes you think you have any right to come up to them and tell them that YOU think they are TOO anything?? Mind your own goddamn business. Anything you might be saying is just YOUR opinion, they didn't ask for it and you don't have enough information anyway. You don't know what's behind the appearance, you don't know their story. Say nice things to people or keep quiet. That's the only way to make world better, not by telling people they look somehow wrong by YOUR standards.
PREACH! I don't understand why people do this either.
Load More Replies...i was returning from 9 days fighting fires and we stopped for some groceries. We were still in our uniforms- yellow button down shirts and green pants. We had washed up. As we walked to the store, a kid asked his mom who we were. She said quite loudly, "they're convicts." -youre welcome for our service. would have felt worst if we were people of color. Assumptions
That's kinda hilarious... reminds me of the person n the zoo, who was standing with his kid in front of the moose. Kid asked what that animal was - person said "Donkeys". He was standing right in front of the sign where it said "European moose". Some people just ... aren't that bright. Don't mind them!
Load More Replies...I don't see why he addressed the mother at all. It wasn't as if he was ever going to see her again, at least not by choice, so why go to the lengths of "teaching her a "lesson"? All he did was reinforce that he could be a bit of a jerk, despite being well educated and having served his country. My younger younger brother has 3 degrees, two of them in criminal justice, and he built an amazing career once out of the Army. He's retired now, but he never once boasted to anyone about all his education, nor did he feel the need to "teach" a lesson to unknowing, but perhaps judgmental, outsiders. Just leave things alone---nobody really cares what you do for a living, nor how well (or not) educated you are so long as you don't bother others in any criminal manner.
This is what happens when you have thin-skin and are easily offended. As many, many other comments properly noted, this guy's response was completely over the top, all because he was terribly, terribly offended that someone thought he might be a homeless person. PS. Tats aren't a real problem, but they're also not an indication of success, either. They make people look tacky, and the more there are, the tackier it looks. You want to do that? Own it, and don't make excuses for it.
When my son was a baby in hospital I had an argument with the head of paediatrics, As he left he told the intern that they need to learn to ignore first time mothers from the hood. Ok dude I was a VP at a major bank with a degree. I was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt because my son vomited constantly. I laid the baby in his crib and headed out. I told the intern that he should learn to judge people after a conversation and not before. That judgement often is wrong when it comes to parents of sick children. He could choose to learn from an anchient imbisile or from educated parents, and that was his choice. This happened in the hallway of a major hospital. The interns and nurses were wonderful afterwards. The doctor I never saw again.
It happened to my mother, she is a cashier. She made him cry tears of blood
wow,, we all judge,,, i catch myself doing this but i have changed . this was a reminder od y .. my older child has tought me to be better
I get dirty pressure washing houses. I find women block me with their carts often in grocery stores after– I suspect it's an unconscious attempt to precipitate a confrontation- of a romantic sort. I figure they might be curious about me because a dusty labourer is an honest worker. It's not threatening for a woman to chat up 'the hard workin' man' she hired to work on her house, who obviously earned his pay while unsupervised today. Better than bars to meet, get yourself to a grocery store at supper time blue collar man! I don't think you can fake it tho, you have to feel proud, tired, work hard, and did your very honest best. And dint I hear somewhere that every woman wants a handyman? My guess is the story woman was disappointed with her ivy league dreadwinner. Perhaps there are some insecurities around actualizing her life which go with marrying/working merely for financial security. She really wants a workin' man.'s all he wishes he had say. Because there's NO way that woman would've waited him to finish his a**e-long monologue.
Lose-lose for all involved The stupidest part is the mother assuming going to school = success and good life, when give or take it’s usually the opposite
Nah, no one would be standing around to hear all of that. Brevity is key. That being said to equate smarts with formal education is elitist thinking on the mother's part, but she's hardly the minority. Remember when blue-color work was considered a good job in the US? Lets bring that back.
That will never happen until people like yourself stop giving everyone’s money away to billionaires.
Load More Replies...First of all, That mother needs to change her attitude in order to teach her daughter. But actually, Hans said it well !!!
Honestly, I wonder why a lot of stories are on this site, but that is not up to me, so I just try to enjoy and consider what I read in turn.
I do not agree with his actions. A child of 7 or 8 does not understand what he was saying. All she understood was a man saying something maybe mean which either scared or embarrissedsed her mama and that scared her. The best thing to do when a child stares is to smile friendly to them and move on.
To all these people commenting, he was dead wrong and could've been arrested for harassing a mother and child. That Mom was being responsible with her child and it's because of people like you teaching children of their age that they become a target for kidnappers, killers and child molesters. Children at these ages only need to know what their parents teach them. Perhaps her Mom had enough Discernment to know this was a working man and saw her daughter continued stares and used this moment to keep her on the narrow path. He said she quietly whispered and you applaud this man for manhandling this woman and now got a little girl thinking there's nothing wrong with dirty men? No wonder kids today don't have a fighting chance!
Where’s the applause? Have you read the comments?
Load More Replies...I stopped reading after he mentioned hunting. Started liking this man. Then stopped.
The dirty guy must have washed the dirt first, then go to grocery stores. It is normal and polite that we wipe asses, shower and wash the hands. If you did not wash the mud from you face - you are still a human, but dirty piggy one.
This is probably the kind of person who would also tell her kid to not playwith or have any association with kids of different races, sexual orientations, belief systems or social class. A clear example that people are not born bigots, but taught to be so.
Seems that you are the bigoted one making assumptions.
Load More Replies...People judge me too. I've got tattoos on my arms, leg and chest, I dye my hair bright colours and I work at a market and on eBay. What they don't know is that I have an Undergrad degree, and a Post-Grad in teaching. I'm disabled and have learning difficulties and mental health problems, my husband has depression (and a HND in Civil Engineering) and our son is on the Autistic Spectrum with ADHD. We chose to work part-time for ourselves and get topped up by benefits rather than claim full time sickness which we would be more than entitled to. My stall, which we do twice a month if I'm well plus eBay which I can do from bed when I get a flare up suit us just fine.
I think the mom saw an opportunity to teach her child and took it. It may not be that she was necessarily judging you but trying to be a good mom. I get that it may have been the wrong approach, however, but if that teaches her little one to educate herself and be the best she can be, her child won't remember the dirty, tattooed man as a bad person, but possibly she'll remember the man who made an impression on her to be better. As we grow, we can look back on the experiences and judge for ourselves and we may have a differing opinion. I believe you should take pride in what you do, what you have done and use this experience for your own self to reflect on what kind of person you are. I hope it can be a teaching moment for you as well as all of us; we should never overlook a chance to help make our little ones grow into successful adults who eventually exceed our expectations. I hope you have made a lasting impression in that young one's life for the better.
Everything's good. But you have medical diplomas and area successful guy so, go into the woods with a camera only and leave the animals alone.
Killing animals for any reason is trashy and dirty.
Load More Replies...Vancouver is in British Columbia Canada, next to Basically next to Washington, but not Washington lol!
His story makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak, my bladder is full to burst....this story sucks more then dracula
I think he has an important message. I also think that he left out an important point: it is rude to talk about other people when you can be overheard.
some moms are pure garbage,they raise their kids so wrong,no wonder some kids turn out to hate their parents,some are too stupid to be allowed to raise kids,moms aside,people really like to judge others based on how they look without knowing anything about them,we live in a superficial world full of fake people where looks are almost everything,we are a really sad species.Yes looks are important,but not as important to ignore someone's personality
What a novel idea, did you come up with that yourself? You mean what’s inside matters more? Well, I’ll be damned
Load More Replies...He lost me at "proud to hunt". As for as I am concerned, he kills innocent animals. And that is AWFUL. Everyone has a right to live and thrive even animals!!! Men are always killing someone or something and to be honest, I am SICK OF IT!! Stop killing and destroying everyone and everything humans!!
Animals kill other animals, thats the way of the world. Go tell all the other animals on the planet the same thing if you don't like it. Stop trying to tell humans that they are the only animal that arent allowed to kill other animals. If you don't like hunting, do do it, but don't tell others what to do.
Load More Replies...B******t just wash your face before leaving work. If you look like a tramp don't be surprised if people treat you as such.
I see a lot of :"why's he going on about one little incident". Has anyone heard of Aesop's Fables? He did the same thing using animals with deep life changing advice. This is a modern day example with real people. It was a way to pass along insight to the next generation without the embarassment of ignorance. And just because those of you say you don't need this kind of humble-bragging, or long-winded speech, I congratulate you on not being so isolated from the World. But there is still a generation living that equates filth with being dim, and college being the root of money/ happiness/intelligence.
I'm glad the woman got the lesson she needed and you taught that little girl right as well well done for standing up and opening her eyes up.
This happened to me, in a way. When we were living in Texas, I was doing some heavy gardening one day (turning composted manure and mushroom compost into flower beds) when one of the local church ladies (cheap perm dyed blond, fake pearls, prissy pumps) walked past me and rang the doorbell on my house. I asked her if I could help her, and she looked at me and said slowly and loudly (because she was a bigot and assumed I didn't speak English...I'm a green-eyed redhead), "Is the lady of the house in?" .... I was a little pissed off, so I said, "No. She's dead." ...... The woman ran back to her car as fast as her pumps would let her. .... Weeks later, I ran into her at an art opening and a friend introduced us. I said we'd met. She looked at me like I'd slapped her, so then I said, "And I'm not dead, am I?" ... Needless to say, the gawd botherers never bothered us again.
Lol, I'm sure it happened just the way you tell it too....
Load More Replies...the comment section show misandry its real,society caring less about a man than a woman,womens are treated better than mans and thatn's not the problem womens are getting treated good,the problem is mans are treated like c**p,and its getting worse
Oh god, a guntard. Types like that flock to eastern WA, ID, and Mt so they can shoot s**t. Sometimes we luck out and they shoot each other.
Of course, this is all my own opinion, borne from being in various versions of this situation throughout my life. I have dark blue hair, lots of visible tattoos, and am a parent and a step parent. I've had mothers yank their kids away from me in stores, parks, etc, telling them that if they ever thought of dying their hair/ getting a tattoo/ dressing like me they would disown them, or that it would lead to homelessness. I've had people loudly declare me as an obvious druggee/ alcoholic/ party girl/ uneducated lay about when I'm merely picking up dog food or dinner supplies. I have two degrees, one in Funeral Science, and am working on my 3rd. I am more likely to have a book in my hand than alcohol, and am a geek of the 1st order. Most of the time I ignore such comments, but if they are particularly nasty, bigoted, or threatening to the kid, you bet your sweet bippy I say something. Usually directly to the kid, and as gently as possible. Being tolerant of casual bigotry leads to being tolerant of overt bigotry, and that's not ok.
Load More Replies...I'm going to get a million down-votes for this, but I can't resist as I've been in a similar situation.... I think that he's over-compensating a little bit too much. It's fine to quietly say something like "actually, I have a PhD" and - if you really want to mess with their heads - "also, I am a multimillionaire", but leave the detailed resume for a job application. All that this extended ramble does is risk stirring antagonism to people who achieve, and it embarrasses a parent in front of a child, which is a serious thing to do for petty self-agrandisment... (Acknowledgement - I come from Australia where one of our largest companies had the byline "The Quiet Achiever", so perhaps this is an Aussie thing...Apologies to all the people that I'll probably offend.)
No downvote from me. My feeling was also that this read more than a justification, and it had a bit too much pride in it. A single, clever punchline might have done a better job. Probably addressing the little girl like this: "Yes, listen to your mother! See, I found a company and after having a college degree I can work as whatever I like, even if I want to get as dirty as today. Isn't that fantastic?"
Load More Replies...This sounds like one of those fake confrontations/dramas you make up in your head to kill time whilst waiting in line. You're supposed to keep them yourself though!
Tbh, there is bothing wrong with either of the two, but then again, who cares if he hunts and has guns? It’s Washington state, saying you have a gun is very redundant in that state.
Load More Replies...Yes I'm sure he didn't say any of it, just thought about it on his way home and wished he did say something.
Load More Replies...I gave this a down vote too as he just went on and on way too much and it became more like a self serving sermon to tell the world how brilliant he thinks he is and far less like teaching the mother the error of her ways. I would have just said to the mother "did you get a education?" She would probably have said an emphatic "yes". And I would have happily replied "Me too and one of the best things I was taught was never judge a book by its cover", and walked away.
This never happened people. Utter b******t. Its just an excuse for people like this to brag. Self absorbed k**b.
This looks like a bragging insecure idiot, more than any kind of hero or model to follow.
During the recession I worked three jobs, largely because I had to pay down student loans and I couldn't find a full time job that would pay my bills. I totally have a woman say to her kid "this is why you stay in school" when referring to me. I just said "Ma'am I have a Bachelors Degree, welcome to the recession".
I eye roll stories like this. It's like everyone is out looking for attention or their viral fame because they did something nice or told someone off. Good for him and all his accomplishments, but if I were the mom I'd roll my eyes and call him presumptuous.
Yep, mammals kill mammals every day, nothing to see here.
Load More Replies...I like this, but have a nitpick. He said, "experience, hard work, and dedication allow you to be successful in your career path". First off, I am a principal software engineer, and thus "successful". Second, "experience, hard work, and dedication" MAY allow you to be successful in your career path, but are no guarantee. It just isn't. It is a statement that allows well-off people to blame not-so-well-off people because of course they must not have been "experienced, hard-working, and dedicated". Such BS.
yes, of course, the lady and her girl silently stayed through all that 30 mins re-written lecture you gave them and then left educated without saying a word. seems legit.
oh god, more self-congratulating b******t going viral. Am I to understand she said *1* single thing before he went off on that massive tirade? Get over yourself, dude. The little girl probably thinks you're even more of a weirdo. Keep your self satisfactory c**p to yourself dude. Nauseating.
and yet instead of saying this to the woman he goes home and posts it to the net where that woman will never see it......
Most of you may not like this but: 1) you are not in the position to be an educator in another family life. 2) when you are a parent even the blue sky is a reason to say: remember to stay to school. 3) noody should judge another person from his apparence. May be the mother used him to teach the wrong lesson this time but how do you know she is not a mother of 10 and may be she was just tired? She could use him toto say: baby remember to wash your face. Man youmano are no supermanmoney... you dont have a secret identity
I don't buy for a a second that any of this happened. This is so clearly a made up story. Like any kid or mom would wait around for some stranger to recite paragraph after paragraph of "corrective" blather. Not in this day and age.
Education does not equal intelligence, it is merely a compliment to it.
Right. This story is in no way inspiring to me. It’s funny, because I am in no way an idiot, people have often assumed I am educated and not a fool... ;) I’m not a fool, but I’m a high school dropout. It had zero influence on my life. My ex husband has a degree. And did nothing with it. Anyone with intelligence can tell what’s important.
Load More Replies...It looks like a paid article for either his organization evergreen etc or his tattooer...
People (Americans) are going to hate me for this but I feel like too many people need to go to social media and complain and then get a pat in the back. Also, the need to take out the military card pisses me off. The only thing the US military does is put us in danger in Europe.
And talking about going on social media for the sole reason to complain...What exactly were you doing in0 your post.....?
Load More Replies...I am a PhD student and often dirty from field work. I realize that and do not get offended if people stare.
Soon we will share how awesome we are because we cook/clean the house / go to school or work and soon afterwards we'll be rubbing into other peoples faces that we breathe. Stop sharing just to be praised. Cause that's how this one looks. And if you brag, do it modestly.
I used to work at a public library, and come from a family full of blue collar educated workers. It's easy to tell the difference between a person who is dirty from today's work and someone who just doesn't follow good hygiene. For one thing, people who are covered in dirt but you can't smell from more than a couple inches away, probably got dirty working today.
Blondes are routinely treated like they're dumb. Stay at home moms are routinely treated like they're dumb. Hard of hearing people are routinely treated like they're dumb. The list goes on. Judgemental people are permanently stressed as they have no ability to know what really stands before them. Pity the fool that pre judges.
And if that story gets being made into a movie Adam Sandler will be playing the leading man.
All I got from this was "Actually, I think you'll find I'm extremely well educated. So much so that I'm able to outsmart dumb animals by shooting them from 1000 yards away with a high powered rifle, under cover of camouflage". What a hero.
I’m sorry is this a joke? This is like the mildest form of prejudice an immigrant or black American can hope for on a daily. Is this man upset because the mother wasn’t white?
I've known highly educated people who look down on anybody without a college degree just on principle, regardless of how well they're doing. They assume anybody in the trades is stuck there because they just weren't smart enough to go to school. Funny part is they often make more than the person laughing at them, and didn't go to 8 years of university to they are much further ahead financially.
Best article ever!! Thank you. Hope Many read it and take heart!....and learn a lesson.
I'm an old lady who walks with a cane. People assume, always, that I'm lost in a degraded brain. If they allow me to reply they can tell there is lots of good gray matter in my head and I know how to use it.
Those people are morons. What does having a cane have to do with intelligence???
Load More Replies...Frankly, the same thing goes for older people, or even older fat people. I happen to be both, but that doesn't make me stupid. I also have a college degree, and a lifetime of working with people in other jobs. Worse yet, because I have a Southern accent, my IQ drops ten points in some people's estimation when they hear it.
Those people aren’t worth your time! Be thankful they exposed who they are and how they think so you don’t waste a minute...
Load More Replies...Well, I would not assume that people are uneducated because they wear tattoos. Or that they are bad for said reason, although tattoos turn me off personally. I've been rejected and bullied because of first appearances too much to judge others by appearances.
Actually there's something called a first impression and you can't really blame them for thinking that way when even you, yourself think you're dirty.
He was a medic and saw all of the death, blood and guts. It blows my mind, he knows how fragile life is including animals. How can he kill them? What must he be thinking when he reads these posts. A little jab to his huuuuuge ego
Food. It is so nice that we live in such a prepackaged society. Most people couldn't live if it wasn't for a store or delivery. Food for him for knowing how to feed himself, and you, if it comea to that.
Load More Replies...So many people in the world need to learn to keep their stupid opinions to themselves. So someone you see on the street is big/small/tall/short/dirty/funnily dressed. What makes you think you have any right to come up to them and tell them that YOU think they are TOO anything?? Mind your own goddamn business. Anything you might be saying is just YOUR opinion, they didn't ask for it and you don't have enough information anyway. You don't know what's behind the appearance, you don't know their story. Say nice things to people or keep quiet. That's the only way to make world better, not by telling people they look somehow wrong by YOUR standards.
PREACH! I don't understand why people do this either.
Load More Replies...i was returning from 9 days fighting fires and we stopped for some groceries. We were still in our uniforms- yellow button down shirts and green pants. We had washed up. As we walked to the store, a kid asked his mom who we were. She said quite loudly, "they're convicts." -youre welcome for our service. would have felt worst if we were people of color. Assumptions
That's kinda hilarious... reminds me of the person n the zoo, who was standing with his kid in front of the moose. Kid asked what that animal was - person said "Donkeys". He was standing right in front of the sign where it said "European moose". Some people just ... aren't that bright. Don't mind them!
Load More Replies...I don't see why he addressed the mother at all. It wasn't as if he was ever going to see her again, at least not by choice, so why go to the lengths of "teaching her a "lesson"? All he did was reinforce that he could be a bit of a jerk, despite being well educated and having served his country. My younger younger brother has 3 degrees, two of them in criminal justice, and he built an amazing career once out of the Army. He's retired now, but he never once boasted to anyone about all his education, nor did he feel the need to "teach" a lesson to unknowing, but perhaps judgmental, outsiders. Just leave things alone---nobody really cares what you do for a living, nor how well (or not) educated you are so long as you don't bother others in any criminal manner.
This is what happens when you have thin-skin and are easily offended. As many, many other comments properly noted, this guy's response was completely over the top, all because he was terribly, terribly offended that someone thought he might be a homeless person. PS. Tats aren't a real problem, but they're also not an indication of success, either. They make people look tacky, and the more there are, the tackier it looks. You want to do that? Own it, and don't make excuses for it.
When my son was a baby in hospital I had an argument with the head of paediatrics, As he left he told the intern that they need to learn to ignore first time mothers from the hood. Ok dude I was a VP at a major bank with a degree. I was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt because my son vomited constantly. I laid the baby in his crib and headed out. I told the intern that he should learn to judge people after a conversation and not before. That judgement often is wrong when it comes to parents of sick children. He could choose to learn from an anchient imbisile or from educated parents, and that was his choice. This happened in the hallway of a major hospital. The interns and nurses were wonderful afterwards. The doctor I never saw again.
It happened to my mother, she is a cashier. She made him cry tears of blood
wow,, we all judge,,, i catch myself doing this but i have changed . this was a reminder od y .. my older child has tought me to be better
I get dirty pressure washing houses. I find women block me with their carts often in grocery stores after– I suspect it's an unconscious attempt to precipitate a confrontation- of a romantic sort. I figure they might be curious about me because a dusty labourer is an honest worker. It's not threatening for a woman to chat up 'the hard workin' man' she hired to work on her house, who obviously earned his pay while unsupervised today. Better than bars to meet, get yourself to a grocery store at supper time blue collar man! I don't think you can fake it tho, you have to feel proud, tired, work hard, and did your very honest best. And dint I hear somewhere that every woman wants a handyman? My guess is the story woman was disappointed with her ivy league dreadwinner. Perhaps there are some insecurities around actualizing her life which go with marrying/working merely for financial security. She really wants a workin' man.'s all he wishes he had say. Because there's NO way that woman would've waited him to finish his a**e-long monologue.
Lose-lose for all involved The stupidest part is the mother assuming going to school = success and good life, when give or take it’s usually the opposite
Nah, no one would be standing around to hear all of that. Brevity is key. That being said to equate smarts with formal education is elitist thinking on the mother's part, but she's hardly the minority. Remember when blue-color work was considered a good job in the US? Lets bring that back.
That will never happen until people like yourself stop giving everyone’s money away to billionaires.
Load More Replies...First of all, That mother needs to change her attitude in order to teach her daughter. But actually, Hans said it well !!!
Honestly, I wonder why a lot of stories are on this site, but that is not up to me, so I just try to enjoy and consider what I read in turn.
I do not agree with his actions. A child of 7 or 8 does not understand what he was saying. All she understood was a man saying something maybe mean which either scared or embarrissedsed her mama and that scared her. The best thing to do when a child stares is to smile friendly to them and move on.
To all these people commenting, he was dead wrong and could've been arrested for harassing a mother and child. That Mom was being responsible with her child and it's because of people like you teaching children of their age that they become a target for kidnappers, killers and child molesters. Children at these ages only need to know what their parents teach them. Perhaps her Mom had enough Discernment to know this was a working man and saw her daughter continued stares and used this moment to keep her on the narrow path. He said she quietly whispered and you applaud this man for manhandling this woman and now got a little girl thinking there's nothing wrong with dirty men? No wonder kids today don't have a fighting chance!
Where’s the applause? Have you read the comments?
Load More Replies...I stopped reading after he mentioned hunting. Started liking this man. Then stopped.
The dirty guy must have washed the dirt first, then go to grocery stores. It is normal and polite that we wipe asses, shower and wash the hands. If you did not wash the mud from you face - you are still a human, but dirty piggy one.
This is probably the kind of person who would also tell her kid to not playwith or have any association with kids of different races, sexual orientations, belief systems or social class. A clear example that people are not born bigots, but taught to be so.
Seems that you are the bigoted one making assumptions.
Load More Replies...People judge me too. I've got tattoos on my arms, leg and chest, I dye my hair bright colours and I work at a market and on eBay. What they don't know is that I have an Undergrad degree, and a Post-Grad in teaching. I'm disabled and have learning difficulties and mental health problems, my husband has depression (and a HND in Civil Engineering) and our son is on the Autistic Spectrum with ADHD. We chose to work part-time for ourselves and get topped up by benefits rather than claim full time sickness which we would be more than entitled to. My stall, which we do twice a month if I'm well plus eBay which I can do from bed when I get a flare up suit us just fine.
I think the mom saw an opportunity to teach her child and took it. It may not be that she was necessarily judging you but trying to be a good mom. I get that it may have been the wrong approach, however, but if that teaches her little one to educate herself and be the best she can be, her child won't remember the dirty, tattooed man as a bad person, but possibly she'll remember the man who made an impression on her to be better. As we grow, we can look back on the experiences and judge for ourselves and we may have a differing opinion. I believe you should take pride in what you do, what you have done and use this experience for your own self to reflect on what kind of person you are. I hope it can be a teaching moment for you as well as all of us; we should never overlook a chance to help make our little ones grow into successful adults who eventually exceed our expectations. I hope you have made a lasting impression in that young one's life for the better.
Everything's good. But you have medical diplomas and area successful guy so, go into the woods with a camera only and leave the animals alone.
Killing animals for any reason is trashy and dirty.
Load More Replies...Vancouver is in British Columbia Canada, next to Basically next to Washington, but not Washington lol!
His story makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak, my bladder is full to burst....this story sucks more then dracula
I think he has an important message. I also think that he left out an important point: it is rude to talk about other people when you can be overheard.
some moms are pure garbage,they raise their kids so wrong,no wonder some kids turn out to hate their parents,some are too stupid to be allowed to raise kids,moms aside,people really like to judge others based on how they look without knowing anything about them,we live in a superficial world full of fake people where looks are almost everything,we are a really sad species.Yes looks are important,but not as important to ignore someone's personality
What a novel idea, did you come up with that yourself? You mean what’s inside matters more? Well, I’ll be damned
Load More Replies...He lost me at "proud to hunt". As for as I am concerned, he kills innocent animals. And that is AWFUL. Everyone has a right to live and thrive even animals!!! Men are always killing someone or something and to be honest, I am SICK OF IT!! Stop killing and destroying everyone and everything humans!!
Animals kill other animals, thats the way of the world. Go tell all the other animals on the planet the same thing if you don't like it. Stop trying to tell humans that they are the only animal that arent allowed to kill other animals. If you don't like hunting, do do it, but don't tell others what to do.
Load More Replies...B******t just wash your face before leaving work. If you look like a tramp don't be surprised if people treat you as such.
I see a lot of :"why's he going on about one little incident". Has anyone heard of Aesop's Fables? He did the same thing using animals with deep life changing advice. This is a modern day example with real people. It was a way to pass along insight to the next generation without the embarassment of ignorance. And just because those of you say you don't need this kind of humble-bragging, or long-winded speech, I congratulate you on not being so isolated from the World. But there is still a generation living that equates filth with being dim, and college being the root of money/ happiness/intelligence.
I'm glad the woman got the lesson she needed and you taught that little girl right as well well done for standing up and opening her eyes up.
This happened to me, in a way. When we were living in Texas, I was doing some heavy gardening one day (turning composted manure and mushroom compost into flower beds) when one of the local church ladies (cheap perm dyed blond, fake pearls, prissy pumps) walked past me and rang the doorbell on my house. I asked her if I could help her, and she looked at me and said slowly and loudly (because she was a bigot and assumed I didn't speak English...I'm a green-eyed redhead), "Is the lady of the house in?" .... I was a little pissed off, so I said, "No. She's dead." ...... The woman ran back to her car as fast as her pumps would let her. .... Weeks later, I ran into her at an art opening and a friend introduced us. I said we'd met. She looked at me like I'd slapped her, so then I said, "And I'm not dead, am I?" ... Needless to say, the gawd botherers never bothered us again.
Lol, I'm sure it happened just the way you tell it too....
Load More Replies...the comment section show misandry its real,society caring less about a man than a woman,womens are treated better than mans and thatn's not the problem womens are getting treated good,the problem is mans are treated like c**p,and its getting worse
Oh god, a guntard. Types like that flock to eastern WA, ID, and Mt so they can shoot s**t. Sometimes we luck out and they shoot each other.
Of course, this is all my own opinion, borne from being in various versions of this situation throughout my life. I have dark blue hair, lots of visible tattoos, and am a parent and a step parent. I've had mothers yank their kids away from me in stores, parks, etc, telling them that if they ever thought of dying their hair/ getting a tattoo/ dressing like me they would disown them, or that it would lead to homelessness. I've had people loudly declare me as an obvious druggee/ alcoholic/ party girl/ uneducated lay about when I'm merely picking up dog food or dinner supplies. I have two degrees, one in Funeral Science, and am working on my 3rd. I am more likely to have a book in my hand than alcohol, and am a geek of the 1st order. Most of the time I ignore such comments, but if they are particularly nasty, bigoted, or threatening to the kid, you bet your sweet bippy I say something. Usually directly to the kid, and as gently as possible. Being tolerant of casual bigotry leads to being tolerant of overt bigotry, and that's not ok.
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