In this video I want to show you an easy way to do some beautiful painting even if you are a beginner in acrylic pouring.
You just have to pour some paint on surface ( I use plastic bag taped down on a table), dip your canvas and lift it. You can lift it in different directions, and you get different results.
You just have to be careful, that you don’t use paints together, that will create mud. Today I used some bright spring colours and they look just beautiful together.
Colours I used:
– Black
– Pearl white
– Permanent green light
– Yellowish green
– Gold yellow
– Briliant blue
– Permanent red violet light
– Dioxazine purple
My pearl white mixture:
1 part Vallejo pearl medium
1 part titanium white
2 parts pouring medium
All my paints are mixed with Boesner Guardi acrylic binder (60%) and acrylic emulsion (40%).
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Fiona Art
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