Hi, My name is Alicia Brown. I live in Melbourne Australia and design templates for people to make costumes out of cardboard.
I love cardboard, it’s completely underestimated. Most people throw away their cupboard boxes. But when I get a brand new crisp cardboard box in the house, I get really excited about the possibilities. It’s nothing new, kids have been playing with cardboard boxes for years. A cardboard box can be anything we want it to be, with just a little imagination.
You can visit my website and I also have a YouTube channel showing people how to put the costumes together.
More info: zygotebrowndesigns.com | youtube.com | Instagram
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Cardboard Skulls
Spaceship Umbrella
Dinosaur Head
Frankenstein Head
Frankenstein Head
Lion Headdress
Lion Headdress
Looks like she solved the visibility issue from the other photo. The kid with the ears is too adorable!