Teenager Gets Tired Of Grandmother’s ‘Ignorant’ Facebook Posts, Publicly Shuts Her Down
Different people from different places with different views sharing the same food can be tricky. Especially if you’re passing around a bowl of mashed potatoes sitting next to a dressed up tree. This time, however, a teenage girl and her grandma have spared the rest and had their argument on Facebook. It had politics, it had religion, so you know it escalated quickly. Continue scrolling to check out which of their views clashed, and let us know in the comments if you manage to escape the holiday season without a single awkward family conversation!
Image credits: AP
After Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar became the first Muslim women elected to Congress, one grandma shared her opposing thoughts on Facebook
Image credits: Reuters
People applauded the parents who raised such a well-spoken daughter
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
There are people living in this country who are a threat to our way of life. They are called violent criminals and they are male and female, every race, every physical description etc. To assume that one group is a threat is not only ignorant it is ineffective policy.
There is one group that's stood out as a threat to the general public: white men. They are the overwhelming majority of serial killers and perpetrators of mass shootings. If you don't believe me, publicly available crime statistics will back me up.
Load More Replies...They are the majority, so statistically they should be the majority. In St. Louis, I'm not concerned about being shot by the white male...
Before looking at the basic numbers, you need to look at the percentages. White males are more likely to be shooters of schools and public places, while non-white people are more likely to shoot up neighborhoods. When it comes to violence in public, the percentages are the same. And there are just as many white male serial killers in the USA as there are hispanic and latino serial killers in Mexico and Central American. But here..our law enforcement is some of the best at tracking down serial killers..Mexico and CA, not so much. The other percentage to look at is the number of killings at the hands of serial killers and mass shooters compared to the entire population of the USA. When you do that..you realize that the chance of this happening to you is very very low..especially if you live out away from the big cities. Your more likely to be murdered by a member of your own family or a friend than you becoming a victim of public violence.
I think the point that most of you that are up in arms about is that her comment is from her perspective. And she is 100% correct. As a woman in the United Sates, you are more likely to be raped, sexually abused, and/or murdered by a white male then ANY other demographic. As far as you trying to skew the statistics, yes, the highest percentage of gun violence is crime committed by African Americans, but this is black on black violence, from the inner city and has no bearing on what she is implying. Domestic Terrorism in the United States is most definitely a white male led statistic.
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It’s the White Mans Fault? You do know “White” Men ENDED Slavery Right? You do know muslims Own Slaves Even In 2019. You obviously live in America and haven’t Educated yourself on the things going on in Europe. Pick a county where “Whites” aren’t the People That set up the Government. Tell me What you see! Why do these people from NonWhite Countries, want to go to live Where Whites are the Majority? Go to a Muslim country and Tell Them YOU are Anything but “muslim” ... see what response you get. Try looking up the “Available Statistics” On countries that aren’t run by “Whites” Or at least Started by Whites.... tell us the Welfare Programs established over there. Tell us Who is ALLOWED to go to School. Try Rewriting your History Without Said “White Man” And You’ll get a Great Glimps Of Your Future!! Or you can go visit a 3rd world country.. they Usually haven’t had much “White Man” Influence .. other than to Sell their Own Country and Countrymen Out To Whichever Race Offered The Most $
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The fbi, statistics also state that 21 times more crimes are prevented by armed citizens than by armed police officers , and guess what that predominant race of individuals is it even mattered , but it does to you finger pointers who distinguish crimes in any reference to hue of skin pigments !! just guess if you think that there is more than one race of melanin covered skin of many varying degrees . but race pigment is not the real issue and mentioning that every year there is a majority of milions of white men armed to the teeth in every county of multiple states from dawn till dusk and vary rarely if ever is any crime , murder , deliberate harm to fellow man committed by these guns in the hands of hunters at these times . But if you want crime to increase by that same 21x more that those legally armed men prevent (white or otherwise) than policemen do , then taking those legal guns away from (white and otherwise men) will leave the same armed police force we now have.+21x cr
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Remember what mom said? About "if you can't say something nice . . . " That was to keep you from saying something ridiculously stupid.
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what a fake comment - it is not difficult to project one's own truth onto the world - you only have to choose how you look at statistics and how to gain the statistics we wish to see
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Um, they're not called violent criminals, John. If they're a threat, then they usually haven't followed through on the threat yet. You're not a criminal until you commit a crime.
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John is correct. For example, black males commit vastly disproportionate amounts of violent crime. That's why they're profiled when violent crimes are investigated. Cause and effect. Common sense. Thanks John!
"I am afraid of immigrants, they are suicide bombers!" According to my search, but please do correct me if I'm wrong, there have been no major terrorist attacks from Islamists in the US during 2018, but "“There have been 262 American mass shootings (4+ shot or killed in the same incident, not including the shooter) in the 263 days of 2018,” the Gun Violence Archive tweeted.", so...Even if there had been a few suicide bombings, the shootings are clearly taking the cake here, but nooo forbidding guns won't solve anything right...
In order to know these things, one would have to be educated and very well-informed. The sad reality is that a lot of people don’t have the mental capacity to understand certain things.
Load More Replies...In my experience, it's not lack of mental capacity but a thorough brainwashing from Fox News etc. If you can get past all of that (which is very very difficult) then more often than you'd think, a person can be convinced to change their mind on one specific topic. But you have to come in armed with a *ton* of facts and even more patience.
Guess I should take that as a compliment that I am educated enough to know how to google things despite not even finishing High school? So theres really no excuse for people to not research things, google exists peeps.
Exactly. Like leftists, millennials, and people who watch CNN all day.
Unfortunately Debbie, criminals wouldn't follow any law that restricts the use, sale, purchase or anything else limiting gun usage (if such a thing happened) in the USA. So forbidding guns does nothing to control gun associated crimes. Criminals by nature do not follow laws.
I see your point Mama Panda everywhere during firearm restriction discussions however I have yet to see school any mass shootout conducted using illegal firearm. So all those "Criminals" bought their firearms legally while they were "Law abiding, god fearing perfect citizens". Thus its a very mute point.
Hard 2 Guess can you tell me what data supports your claim? How do you know they didn't purchase them illegally? Also, here in the states, if one has committed a felony, one cannot ever own or have in their possession, a firearm, therefore making said firearm illegally gained. Also, the kids who have shot up their schools have stolen the guns or have had someone purchase them for them, again making their firearms illegal. Sure, I will grant you that there might be a small percentage that originally purchased their firearms legally but it's a very small percentage. Show me your data site and I will show you mine haha
However...If guns are restricted, not any hormonal incel teen can get their hands on them, yes people will still have guns, but way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less people will, aka, less shootings, how can people still deny that fact???
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Mama you have numerous dense replies here on BP. But this one I can get behind. MAGA !
It’s not necessarily that banning guns will magically fix things, it’s that people need to know how to use them. My niece (13) has a gun. She definitely uses it correctly. It’s who uses the guns. And where. I do feel like there should be some restraint on where you can use the guns, but definitely not ban them. I love to go shooting. Maybe there could be something to ban owning a gun, but still being allowed to use one. So that way if you really wanted to go shooting, you could go to a designated place where they could provide one? I’m not sure, but those are my thoughts.
Why your niece, 13yo need a gun? A child? In my country, if you want own a gun, you need to have psychotest done and need to have licence for it. Also if you want just hunting in the woods. And guess, how many mass shooting we had in 2018? ZERO! 2017,16,15???? Zero! In last 15 years? Only one!!!
Your term 'guns' means what? Machine guns? Pistols? If you like to go shooting use an air rifle!
IWishIWasBob Noone is asking for ban. I just want some kind of restrictions and limits on guns and ammunitions a person can have. Nobody needs to small battalion worth of firepower. A per person limit on guns and ammo nothing more. It wont solve much but it will save some lives since shooters will run out of ammo faster.
They afraid of Trump, many of them immigrate to Canada.... But just look at Europe where Islam is much stronger at France, Sweden etc. just check voiceofeurope.com
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I’m sure if the victims of 9/11 could speak they would tell a different story.
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..knives, improvised guns, homemade bombs etc.? you remove the tool but not the cause. everybody will be "whooooh, finally over!" and it won't be over.
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drugs are illegal. they are used, abused, dealed, people die and people make money. prostitution is illegal. people f**k for money, use the "services", make money, get STDs, get beaten, go to jail. both of these things are illegal and forbidden, but people still use them, do them, die from them, no matter how hard or easy it is to get to them. no, forbidding guns would solve nothing cause the guns aren't the cause of that violence, the mental and ethical state of mind of the whole nation is. a person that wants to get a gun will get it no matter what, yes, if it's easier it'll be easier, but they'd have done it with a sharp pencil if they had to. I'm not calling the personal defense card here, I don't know the stats on how many people saved their or their families' lives with a gun. I'm talking about how it usually goes - you forbidd something and expect the problem is solved, just like that. forbidd guns = no shooting and violence. what about when kids start using poisons, knives...
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You have a point. Look at some western countries with really strict gun policy and yet rising crime rate. Unfortunately a lot of libtards still see only wrong equation no guns = no crime, really sad.
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There have not been 262 mass shootings this year Debbie. (shakes head...sighs) Debbie isn't the brightest bulb and believes everything she reads.
https://www.businessinsider.com.au/how-many-mass-shootings-in-america-this-year-2018-2?r=US&IR=T https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting But I suppose you know better 'John Smith'. Not sure why I'm bothering to respond to you, but maybe a source will aid others reading this.
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Debbie's intensive search didn't include 9/11. F**k Radical Islam! MAGA !
If you reread her comment, she is quoting the Gun violence Archive who tweeted this information. Also, 9/11 didn't happen this year so it can't be included in the 2018 stats. Again, still not the brightest bulb are ya John
What a pathetic defense to try to make herself look admirable. "All of my racist views are just because I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"
Knowing the amount of unresolved stigma in the older crowd it isn't really surprising that she thinks this way. I think that it is more an issue of ignorance rather than apathy.
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Unfortunately the "Grandma" is basically right, Islam is a form a government whose objectives run counter to our U.S. Republic freedom-based tenants.
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Interesting response. You respond to bigotry by sharing your own bigotry. The grandparent here shows her ignorance by assuming all those of one race, one religion, one background are bad people. You show your own ignorance by assuming all older "crowd" members are ignorant and prejudiced. Of-course, you don't see your own bigotry do you?
Exactly! And Allah means God! Ugh I'm leaving this article, too much ignorance. I did appreciate what the young lady said to her grandmother though. 😊
There are people living in this country who are a threat to our way of life. They are called violent criminals and they are male and female, every race, every physical description etc. To assume that one group is a threat is not only ignorant it is ineffective policy.
There is one group that's stood out as a threat to the general public: white men. They are the overwhelming majority of serial killers and perpetrators of mass shootings. If you don't believe me, publicly available crime statistics will back me up.
Load More Replies...They are the majority, so statistically they should be the majority. In St. Louis, I'm not concerned about being shot by the white male...
Before looking at the basic numbers, you need to look at the percentages. White males are more likely to be shooters of schools and public places, while non-white people are more likely to shoot up neighborhoods. When it comes to violence in public, the percentages are the same. And there are just as many white male serial killers in the USA as there are hispanic and latino serial killers in Mexico and Central American. But here..our law enforcement is some of the best at tracking down serial killers..Mexico and CA, not so much. The other percentage to look at is the number of killings at the hands of serial killers and mass shooters compared to the entire population of the USA. When you do that..you realize that the chance of this happening to you is very very low..especially if you live out away from the big cities. Your more likely to be murdered by a member of your own family or a friend than you becoming a victim of public violence.
I think the point that most of you that are up in arms about is that her comment is from her perspective. And she is 100% correct. As a woman in the United Sates, you are more likely to be raped, sexually abused, and/or murdered by a white male then ANY other demographic. As far as you trying to skew the statistics, yes, the highest percentage of gun violence is crime committed by African Americans, but this is black on black violence, from the inner city and has no bearing on what she is implying. Domestic Terrorism in the United States is most definitely a white male led statistic.
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It’s the White Mans Fault? You do know “White” Men ENDED Slavery Right? You do know muslims Own Slaves Even In 2019. You obviously live in America and haven’t Educated yourself on the things going on in Europe. Pick a county where “Whites” aren’t the People That set up the Government. Tell me What you see! Why do these people from NonWhite Countries, want to go to live Where Whites are the Majority? Go to a Muslim country and Tell Them YOU are Anything but “muslim” ... see what response you get. Try looking up the “Available Statistics” On countries that aren’t run by “Whites” Or at least Started by Whites.... tell us the Welfare Programs established over there. Tell us Who is ALLOWED to go to School. Try Rewriting your History Without Said “White Man” And You’ll get a Great Glimps Of Your Future!! Or you can go visit a 3rd world country.. they Usually haven’t had much “White Man” Influence .. other than to Sell their Own Country and Countrymen Out To Whichever Race Offered The Most $
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The fbi, statistics also state that 21 times more crimes are prevented by armed citizens than by armed police officers , and guess what that predominant race of individuals is it even mattered , but it does to you finger pointers who distinguish crimes in any reference to hue of skin pigments !! just guess if you think that there is more than one race of melanin covered skin of many varying degrees . but race pigment is not the real issue and mentioning that every year there is a majority of milions of white men armed to the teeth in every county of multiple states from dawn till dusk and vary rarely if ever is any crime , murder , deliberate harm to fellow man committed by these guns in the hands of hunters at these times . But if you want crime to increase by that same 21x more that those legally armed men prevent (white or otherwise) than policemen do , then taking those legal guns away from (white and otherwise men) will leave the same armed police force we now have.+21x cr
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Remember what mom said? About "if you can't say something nice . . . " That was to keep you from saying something ridiculously stupid.
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what a fake comment - it is not difficult to project one's own truth onto the world - you only have to choose how you look at statistics and how to gain the statistics we wish to see
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Um, they're not called violent criminals, John. If they're a threat, then they usually haven't followed through on the threat yet. You're not a criminal until you commit a crime.
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John is correct. For example, black males commit vastly disproportionate amounts of violent crime. That's why they're profiled when violent crimes are investigated. Cause and effect. Common sense. Thanks John!
"I am afraid of immigrants, they are suicide bombers!" According to my search, but please do correct me if I'm wrong, there have been no major terrorist attacks from Islamists in the US during 2018, but "“There have been 262 American mass shootings (4+ shot or killed in the same incident, not including the shooter) in the 263 days of 2018,” the Gun Violence Archive tweeted.", so...Even if there had been a few suicide bombings, the shootings are clearly taking the cake here, but nooo forbidding guns won't solve anything right...
In order to know these things, one would have to be educated and very well-informed. The sad reality is that a lot of people don’t have the mental capacity to understand certain things.
Load More Replies...In my experience, it's not lack of mental capacity but a thorough brainwashing from Fox News etc. If you can get past all of that (which is very very difficult) then more often than you'd think, a person can be convinced to change their mind on one specific topic. But you have to come in armed with a *ton* of facts and even more patience.
Guess I should take that as a compliment that I am educated enough to know how to google things despite not even finishing High school? So theres really no excuse for people to not research things, google exists peeps.
Exactly. Like leftists, millennials, and people who watch CNN all day.
Unfortunately Debbie, criminals wouldn't follow any law that restricts the use, sale, purchase or anything else limiting gun usage (if such a thing happened) in the USA. So forbidding guns does nothing to control gun associated crimes. Criminals by nature do not follow laws.
I see your point Mama Panda everywhere during firearm restriction discussions however I have yet to see school any mass shootout conducted using illegal firearm. So all those "Criminals" bought their firearms legally while they were "Law abiding, god fearing perfect citizens". Thus its a very mute point.
Hard 2 Guess can you tell me what data supports your claim? How do you know they didn't purchase them illegally? Also, here in the states, if one has committed a felony, one cannot ever own or have in their possession, a firearm, therefore making said firearm illegally gained. Also, the kids who have shot up their schools have stolen the guns or have had someone purchase them for them, again making their firearms illegal. Sure, I will grant you that there might be a small percentage that originally purchased their firearms legally but it's a very small percentage. Show me your data site and I will show you mine haha
However...If guns are restricted, not any hormonal incel teen can get their hands on them, yes people will still have guns, but way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less people will, aka, less shootings, how can people still deny that fact???
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Mama you have numerous dense replies here on BP. But this one I can get behind. MAGA !
It’s not necessarily that banning guns will magically fix things, it’s that people need to know how to use them. My niece (13) has a gun. She definitely uses it correctly. It’s who uses the guns. And where. I do feel like there should be some restraint on where you can use the guns, but definitely not ban them. I love to go shooting. Maybe there could be something to ban owning a gun, but still being allowed to use one. So that way if you really wanted to go shooting, you could go to a designated place where they could provide one? I’m not sure, but those are my thoughts.
Why your niece, 13yo need a gun? A child? In my country, if you want own a gun, you need to have psychotest done and need to have licence for it. Also if you want just hunting in the woods. And guess, how many mass shooting we had in 2018? ZERO! 2017,16,15???? Zero! In last 15 years? Only one!!!
Your term 'guns' means what? Machine guns? Pistols? If you like to go shooting use an air rifle!
IWishIWasBob Noone is asking for ban. I just want some kind of restrictions and limits on guns and ammunitions a person can have. Nobody needs to small battalion worth of firepower. A per person limit on guns and ammo nothing more. It wont solve much but it will save some lives since shooters will run out of ammo faster.
They afraid of Trump, many of them immigrate to Canada.... But just look at Europe where Islam is much stronger at France, Sweden etc. just check voiceofeurope.com
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I’m sure if the victims of 9/11 could speak they would tell a different story.
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..knives, improvised guns, homemade bombs etc.? you remove the tool but not the cause. everybody will be "whooooh, finally over!" and it won't be over.
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drugs are illegal. they are used, abused, dealed, people die and people make money. prostitution is illegal. people f**k for money, use the "services", make money, get STDs, get beaten, go to jail. both of these things are illegal and forbidden, but people still use them, do them, die from them, no matter how hard or easy it is to get to them. no, forbidding guns would solve nothing cause the guns aren't the cause of that violence, the mental and ethical state of mind of the whole nation is. a person that wants to get a gun will get it no matter what, yes, if it's easier it'll be easier, but they'd have done it with a sharp pencil if they had to. I'm not calling the personal defense card here, I don't know the stats on how many people saved their or their families' lives with a gun. I'm talking about how it usually goes - you forbidd something and expect the problem is solved, just like that. forbidd guns = no shooting and violence. what about when kids start using poisons, knives...
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You have a point. Look at some western countries with really strict gun policy and yet rising crime rate. Unfortunately a lot of libtards still see only wrong equation no guns = no crime, really sad.
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There have not been 262 mass shootings this year Debbie. (shakes head...sighs) Debbie isn't the brightest bulb and believes everything she reads.
https://www.businessinsider.com.au/how-many-mass-shootings-in-america-this-year-2018-2?r=US&IR=T https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting But I suppose you know better 'John Smith'. Not sure why I'm bothering to respond to you, but maybe a source will aid others reading this.
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Debbie's intensive search didn't include 9/11. F**k Radical Islam! MAGA !
If you reread her comment, she is quoting the Gun violence Archive who tweeted this information. Also, 9/11 didn't happen this year so it can't be included in the 2018 stats. Again, still not the brightest bulb are ya John
What a pathetic defense to try to make herself look admirable. "All of my racist views are just because I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"
Knowing the amount of unresolved stigma in the older crowd it isn't really surprising that she thinks this way. I think that it is more an issue of ignorance rather than apathy.
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Unfortunately the "Grandma" is basically right, Islam is a form a government whose objectives run counter to our U.S. Republic freedom-based tenants.
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Interesting response. You respond to bigotry by sharing your own bigotry. The grandparent here shows her ignorance by assuming all those of one race, one religion, one background are bad people. You show your own ignorance by assuming all older "crowd" members are ignorant and prejudiced. Of-course, you don't see your own bigotry do you?
Exactly! And Allah means God! Ugh I'm leaving this article, too much ignorance. I did appreciate what the young lady said to her grandmother though. 😊