Jewish Aunt Tries To Convince Her Nephew To Dump His Non-Jew GF, And Here’s How He Responds
If you have a Jewish background you will definitely relate to this post. No matter choices you make in your own life, your Jewish family will never tire of reminding you of your heritage!
Imgur user SmileyMo, from New York City, now considers himself an atheist, as as such, considers himself free to date and marry any woman he chooses to. His Aunt quite strongly disagrees though. She would prefer that he keep it in the faith and find himself a lovely Jewish girl. “Looking for your happiness,” as she puts it. SmileyMo told Bored Panda that she is a lovely aunt and only means well. “She’s always been a big fan of mine, and treated me well since I was a kid,” he explained.
Needless to say though, SmileyMo doesn’t find this snippet of happiness searching on his behalf very helpful, and proceeds to state his case in a pretty logical way. Old auntie is a tenacious one though! She’s not letting this one go without a fight.
The entire conversation raises some really interesting questions about what being a Jew really means. Is it simply a religious choice? Or much more than that? Auntie states that SmileyMo is “Jewish for better or worse. That will never change.” So despite SmileyMo’s atheism and failure to follow the traditions and rituals of Judaism, for her it is something in the blood, a continuation of ethnic lineage.
Whatever you think on the matter, this conversation is a snapshot of the life of an atheist in a deeply religious family. Finding acceptance can be tough, but SmileyMo stayed calm and polite and managed to state his case without losing it with his pushy aunt. “I wouldn’t say my atheism is accepted by everyone in my family,” he told us. “but for the most part, people respect me despite my beliefs.”
Now SmileyMo and his gentile girlfriend have a dog named Pebbles together, which begs the question, as part of this family will Pebbles become Jewish too? “I’d say she’ll get to decide her religion when she’s older,” SmileyMo told Bored Panda. Pebbles is becoming somewhat of a celebrity in her own right, the 4-month-old has apparently gone viral and SmilyMo runs her Instagram page, which you can find here.
Scroll down below to see how the conversation unfolded, and let us know what you think in the comments. Do you have a similar story? Feel free to share!
Jews think they are the 'chosen' people. And guess what? Catholics, Muslims, Hindu's, Scientologists, Jehova's Witnesses & all the other stupid religions think they are also the chosen. That's the problem with religion, it's all b******t. Just be a good person. Don't be a prick.
Yeah don't be a calling billions of people's beliefs b******t...............and I'm an atheist.
Load More Replies...Somehow I found it disturbing. It´s like telling/forcing your kids to marry someone of the same religion, race, country, social class....I didn´t find it funny at all.
It is disturbing and DANGEROUS. This woman is discriminating against non-jew people. DISCRIMINATION, Period.
Load More Replies...Reminds me of a "The oatmeal" Comic I read the other day. It said forcing a religion onto your kids is like this: Kid: "My favorite color is blue." Parent: "No, it's green!" Kid: "But I like blue!" Parent: "YOUR FAVORITE COLOR IS GREEN AND THAT'S THAT!" Don't force religion on someone... Please...
It's called "How to Suck at your Religion" and it's hilarious. I've sent it to a lot of people.
Load More Replies...I do not understand why he continued to support this senseless discussion.
Muslims hate jews?? i didnt know i hated jews... thats a news for me though.
I haven't found being Jewish an issue with Muslims. That aunt is bloody ignorant.
Load More Replies...I hope that people realize that this is the only very orthodox Jews that would be so concerned about something like this. I'm Jewish, and my dad was raised Catholic and is now an atheist. My family doesn't care at all, as long as my partner and I love each other. Please don't think that all Jews shun non-jews, cuz we don't.
I've known lots of grandparents who wanted the Romanian girl to marry a Romanian (In Canada), and for the Italian to have an Italian. I once asked my Pakastani female friend why we never went to her house and she said if she brought a white boy over her dad would freak. Imagine that that other way around.
Load More Replies...Yeah as a Jew some of us are really racist, which goes against everything my boring-a*s religious school actually taught me. One of the great rabbis literally said that all Judaism really is is treating others the way you want to be treated and that the rest is commentary. Auntie, get over yourself. Yeah you love him but there's really no excuse for wanting to force religion on to a grown person who can make his/her own decisions
Actually shouted out WTF? When after spouting lots of racism, the aunt complained about anti semitism. What a hypocrite. They can dish out but can't take it or what?
Being Jewish is not a race. It is an ethnicity which shares a religious belief.
Load More Replies...her heart is sort of in the right place, but the fact he has grown up and chooses no religion surely means her words will fall on deaf ears? she doesn't paint a pretty picture of the jewish religion 'do as we say, there is no alternative'. but to be fair to the pair of them, it was a clear balanced discussion that at no point turned into an argument. shame the rest of the world can't do this when it comes to religion.
Did anyone else read the aunt's texts in a New York Jewish grandma voice?
I have relatives who say they will not set foot in Germany because "we had relatives die in the Holocaust". Okay? That was eighty years ago, way to hold a grudge. My mom's friend actually unfriended me on facebook for cheering for Germany to win the World Cup a few years ago. I also can't stand this "we're better than you because reasons" attitude. "God's chosen people". And the hatred for Muslims. I haven't been to temple services in twelve years and I don't plan to start again any time soon. I go to Seder and light the Hanukkah candles and acknowledge the CHAHCHSCHCH holiday of choice but that's pretty much it.
Reading this was like having an ad nauseam argument with my late grandmother. I'm Jewish on both sides of the family. My mom's side is more secular but my dad's is Orthodox. My grandmother gave me c**p whenever I dated a gentile, or a "goy" as she put it. Considering I lived in a town with a very small Jewish population, I dated absolutely zero Jews. Most were Roman Catholic. One guy, whom I was with for a year, was Muslim, she had a field day with him. She actually put a stipulation in her will that if any of her grandkids marry a non Jew they get nada. My dad doesn't intend to "honor" that but still...she'd come back and burn the church down. I have many issues with Judaism. Their tendency to focus on how persecuted we've been in the past. Yes, Jews have been through some s**t, okay? We've had everything from Jesus to the Black Plague to the Great War blamed on our asses but let it go.
We all have people like that in our family, and it is common for any people to want their children/relatives to stay "within the tribe". I don't like the idea of airing a family's or community's dirty laundry for the rest of the world to see, especially when there are so many people who have a bad impression of Jews as it is. I don't see the point of bringing it to the public/outsiders.
WTF?? So better to hide the discrimination that some religious people do against others? Are you f*****g kidding me??
Load More Replies...This sounds exactly like my grandmother. She is 'Christian' and is one of the most racist, judgmental people I know. If you are not wealthy and a 'good Church-going Christian', then you are evil and should be converted. I won't even go into her ridiculous ideas on sexual orientation. It's one of the reasons we can rarely have a decent conversation and I don't see or talk to her very often.
it's 2018 in America and this aunt makes an issue of this? irish marry italians, blacks marry whites, asians marry outside of their own kind. It's America.
And they ALL take c**p from family members about it. Ask anyone.
Load More Replies...The more you push, the more he'll resist. She obviously loves him to bits. And he obviously adores her too or this would be a much shorter and less civil text exchange. Lay off, Auntie or you'll lose him.
In dutch: "twee geloven op één kussen, daar slaapt de duivel tussen". Translation: "two religions on one cushion, the devil sleeps in between". There is some truth in it. However, it should be wiser to say: two cultures on one cushion. If you mix culture/creed in a relationship, you should be exploring the unsaid differences between your, or the devil could come in between and ruin your relationship. But, the good news is: be aware, explore it, and deal with it. Then it should be fine.
I respect all religions an no religion people an I honestly think she has hatred in her heart for people who are not in her religion an I feel sorry that she is like that! If he's happy with that girl an she respect his culture he should go one an ignore her! I'm a catholic and I love learning about others cultures an religions an I respect them an my boyfriend he does not belive in what I belive and I respect that! That just sad how his aunt feels.
Sounds like my mother. She is Christian and wants me to follow. Makes me uncomfortable, she doesn't care. And hates my fiance who is atheist.
My mother was like that. She yelled at me once for going out with an Atheist.
Load More Replies...can't believe the stubbornness and insistence of that woman! thumbs up for him remaining so calm! and seriously! hated in the middle east? maybe because of the crimes committed daily in Palestine in the name of Judaism! please do not mix anti Zionist with anti semetic it's getting really old and boring...arabic is semetic. if all Jewish parents teach this kids this there's no wonder there's much hate in the world
I actually read the whole thing. As bored as it was. But i find it quite interesting that they had a mostly reasoned and challenged discussion, with facts and arguments. The aunt is clearly kinda racist, in a religious way. But the guy truly has a point. Not only that is his live and he can do whatever he wants with it, but he sees over her religious racism and understands that the good and bad is in people, and not in religion. That's why he is an atheist in the first place and that's why he is free to see the good and bad in people and not be blinded by their religion. I also love the fact that he gave up on the religion but still keeps some traditions, as it means something good for him and not as he was imposed to keep them. This is the kind of people the world needs. Less people blowing up and hating each other because of religion, more people being good for themselves and not as a obligation for a higher (non existing for me) being.
I'm so glad he was able to respectfully argue his point and also be firm about the woman he loves that to me makes him much more of a man than yelling and screaming and cussing
I heard of one Jewish woman whose parents didn't want her to marry a non-Jewish man. So she never married any of the three fathers of her children.
Why fight over one abstract noun, 'religion' when it's doing no good to us? Does religion feed us? No. Does it provide for our families? No. And yet we won't stop barking about it. Religion is just being thrust on people who don't even accept it's terms, and if they disagree, the are scared or even threatened about hell and sin and other b******t, forcing them to follow something non existent. How is it better than terrorism? Terrorists force people to do their bidding at a gunpoint, threatening their lives. Religion does the same, but just the weapon changes. Grow up people, when are you gonna stop accepting lies for belief? Go with facts. We have better reasons to believe science than myths to follow any stupid-a*s religion, blindfolded.
this is why i chose to believe in God but not follow any religion. everyone thinks they are the chosen something,..
I've been raised a Catholic but by my 16, 17 years I stopped believing and have been atheist and agnostic since. I'm 46 now, married and with a daughter. A few days ago, my mother was insisting that I should take her to Sunday School. I responded that as I'm an atheist I wouldn't raise her in any religion but try to teach her about the main ones so she can opt if she wants. My dear mother retorted that I was baptised so I couldn't stop being Catholic. So it's sort of a slave mark... So little we came from the middle ages...
I would like to give this man a standing ovation. He knows that he has a choice and will stick to it
"If you have a Jewish background you will definitely relate to this post. No matter choices you make in your own life, your Jewish family will never tire of reminding you of your heritage!". This is a perfect example of BP hypocrisy. Here because it's Judaism they treat it like a cute little anecdote, but on anything not supported by SJW's that might be along the same lines they'd lose it and talk about the agenda and how awful it is to be prejudiced like this. I can't stand the hypocrisy.
I'm Greek Cypriot/ Greek Macedonian, and I can fully relate to this. People of the same background as myself tell me that I should be with "one of our own". It's not like I'm dating an animal, geez!
Load More Replies...I need to step up my text game, these two are texting statistic and everything. I'm not sure what else there is to add to this story it's good that the guy has a strong sense of self and can pursue who ever he likes/loves, his Aunt is a moron, the history between Muslims and Zionist/Israelis is bloody but it's not this one sided, Jewish people are innocent victims while Muslims are just driven by a random desire to kill Jews that she paints, this is part of the racist views that he was probably talking about.
Same circular "Logic" (lol) that you get from a person inside a Religions box mind. Constant contradictions.
Ummm, his grandmother is missing a major point. The guy identifies as an atheist, what Jewish woman that his mother finds appropriate is going to want to date him? That's assuming he even took her advice.
This discussion would have not taken place had the aunt actually listened (and accepted) that her nephew is no longer a Jew, and is Atheist. In terms of the what Religion or belief (if any) is right, including Atheism, Buddhism, Scientology etc. They all simply try to offer a guide of how to live life, and offer answers to questions no one can really answer. Where did life come from, who created Earth, where did the Universe come from etc. At the end of the day, each person has their Faith, and Religion is a little guide to how to look after your Soul, or if you are Atheist maybe you don't believe you have a Soul?? If you do, where did it come from, and who Created it?? Once you know how to look after your Soul, you don't need any Religious Book, building, or media, to be a good person.
It is same everywhere in this worlds. Parents always chocked their believe and ideology to the children. In Indonesia have the worst way for racism religion, they more prefer Islamic law for marriage. So like me who choose to marry girl with different religion, it got difficult ...fight my parents, public office, and my family.
Aunt Messy- just because *you* struggled with the "big words" doesn't mean I did ;)
Load More Replies...It´s easier to enter a religion then leaving one (partly because relatives like the one above will nag your brain out), so to raise children without religion is the better option, then they can choose whatever feels right for them.
You know this is not religion, no? This is about RACE, breeding and stuff. Puro blood, you know? Like the nazis? It it would be religion, the aunt would not mention the "jewish heritage lost" because she's not jewish.
Load More Replies...Wow! That Aunt is denser than a big bucket of cement. I had to scroll past down on her replies. She's too much of a prejudice and a racist.
Oh! A shiksa! I wouldn't mind a Gentile, although I respect her beliefs.
The couple is a photography of mine. You must give appropriate credit while using it.
Hey Bored Panda staff, the photography you are using is one of mine. You must give appropriate credit!!
Fake and not funny nor interesting... I wasted precious time on this article... ;(
I don't know why he wasted this much energy arguing with his aunt about his dating life. If it was an actual parent, sure - getting them to accept your girlfriend is important for a variety of obvious reasons, and merits lengthy discussion. But an aunt? Who cares if an aunt approves? I have lots of aunts. I love them but their approval of my life choices is not exactly high on my list of concerns. They didn't raise me, they didn't put me through school, they never put a roof over my head or clothes on my back. I see them a few times a year at family gatherings. They are of fairly minor importance in the grand scheme of things. If one of my aunts asked me to break up with a GF se of her religion, I'd probably laugh and say: "Aunt _____, I understand your concerns, and I love you, but you need to learn your place. There are things that factor into my choice of a partner, and the approval of my extended relatives isn't one of them. This is not a topic I will be discussing with you."
I thought it was very interesting, how you can inherit judgemental feelings for other religions, in your own religion. That's why, I suppose, religion always will end up as an fighting issue, no matter what religion it is. For me religion is so outdated, obsolete, it doesn't serve any purpose at all anymore, because all things you use religion as a facade for you can do without religion. You wish to be a good, kind, giving person? You don't need religion for that, you can be good and kind all on your own. You wish to feel good about yourself and other people? Yes, you can do that, too, without religion. You wish to belong to a group with a kind and good agenda? Yes, even that without religion! There are so many humanistic groups, who doesn't use any religious facades to do good for the world, they do it because it is the right thing to do. And that's all. No need for religion. Ever.
Wow. I come from a fairly non-religious background. My grandparents were Catholic and we went to Church a couple of times a year, but it was never anything forced on us. Unfortunately, if I had a relative this caught up with religion, I would probably cut ties. I know he says she's looking out for him. Maybe. But she's definitely not listening to him and respecting his choices. If he ends up marrying this girl, all she's going to get is Hell from this woman. I hope the relationship between Aunt and Nephew gets better in future!
Definitely boring. Mixes up Jewish ethnicity with Judaism, something I'd expect from non-Jews, not MOT ourselves. Also suggest they both read the Book of Ruth again, where a non-Jewish widow of a Jewish man devotes herself to her mother-in-law and Judaism. The racist line of thinking that the aunt has was refuted centuries ago in the Torah.
Some of her arguments are valid, but she shouldn't push him to date Jewish women exclusively. He's clearly happy in his relationship.
What kind of a BIG ASSSS Auntie is this!!! Am Christian and I can marry a non-christian if I want. She seems to be living in the 60s or something.... It's the 21st Century Mama... Get over it!!!
I was raced a catholic and is basically the same pressure from family to be with someone that has your same religion. I think it's a human thing to want to be with people alike, lees confrontation in the long run; people is afraid in any way of what they don't know/understand, therefore usually people marry with their same religion, race, nationality, etc. I believe all religions are based in the same thing: don't be an a**hole to your fellow human and try to be happy. Hope more people try to love/understand more and judge less in whatever mode this judgement comes.
I just have one questions for human: Would you rather have ghost of the past haunt you and your children to the end of time or start loving everyone and build a future full of love for everyone including your children?
Should have stopped texting from the get go. This woman had no understanding how racist she was being.
I hate that some people force their children to be a certain religion and marry certain people. It’s just sad. Also I hate how on these comments many people are criticizing the religions who believe in God, or follow a book. I know not all of them do but a good chunk does. I’m a catholic and I do not think that we are the “chosen ones”, actually, Catholics believe that everyone has an equal chance to be good, or go to wherever people go after death in their religion. The Bible is not something that forces us to be nice. We are good people, even without our “book”. We only use the Bible for additional morals and it’s just sacred to us. I’m sure other religions are like that too, but I only know mine. Please stop saying stuff about our religions like that, and just focus on your own. I know this article is about a Jewish family specifically, but it could’ve been any religion. So please don’t criticize religions, because no bodies is perfect. Sorry if I’m rude
I had a Jews friend who told me for them is normal to hate me and to hate, because of their past. Yes, they had a dark past, they were killed just because they were Jews, but then again, dont bring your past to explain your hate for me and for others. Im not agree with killing based on religion, im not agree with racism, im not agree with hate just because i dont share your religion or beliefs. I respect you as a human being, can you do the same for me?
If people didnt stop following traditions we would still be in the dark ages!!!
I could only read HIS responses. Glad he stayed consistent, level headed, and sane. But I wouldn't blame him for shutting her down from now on. Toxic aunt - needs a hobby.
Makes me angry. I probably wouldn't be able to discuss such matter with my relatives in calm way. I was, when they said I shouldn't date a certain much older guy (because I knew in my heart that he wasn't a good match at all and I wouldn't want any future with him in particular), or when they had problems with some of my boyfriends being pricks or immature. But to tell me I should just ditch my love because he/she doesn't have the same religion, and to pick another person just so they would...? It's not like picking a different piece of furniture to match colours, you're talking your close one out of happy relationship with a perfect person just to find another person with religion that you don't even have. Makes no sense. And how can somebody be so hypocritical? This is basically racism explained like not racism but reaction to other people's racism. B******t. If you think your race or religion makes you more than others, you are damn racist and should be ashamed.
How is correct for Jews to say things like these, but if you say the same against a Jew you are antisemitic? I'd love to see the reaction of jews if a non-jewish person would post a similar conversation about an Aunt asking her nephew to drop the jew girl... Hypocrites... Jews talking about antisemitism and holocaust while pushing non-jews away from them. They are pathetic and these kind of conversations should be deemed as illegal as negating the bloody holocaust. This is just disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!
I find it more humorous that the pictures used to portray him and his girlfriend (they are obviously fake pictures since a few times they've used different ones) they portray the girlfriend as having blonde hair, even though there are PLENTY of naturally blonde haired people (and redheads) in the world who are ethnically Jewish. But apparently according to BP "only" brunettes can be Jewish. Good grief.
I think I would have just said that's fine you think that but don't expect an invite. If its true its a shame though that someone felt that they could pass such a judgment on someone's choices for happiness.
He should have said, "We'll miss you at the wedding."
Load More Replies...I'm just wondering at which point do you let this lady know, that technically, Arabs are part of the Semitic people?
Also, don't say religious people make gross generalizations then make gross generalizations
I think such things like this not suitable to such forums like this. The mixed marriage is more complicated issue than some people writing here. The Orthodox Judaism wants hold their kinship relations. For the Reform Judaism this is not seriously important. Im living in mixed marriage, Iam Reform Jewish, but this question is private issue.
showing the world how jews are racist is a private issue? Rrrright.
Load More Replies...Like your name, photo, and the reason you're here? Or do you just come here to whine?
Load More Replies...god that was dull, could have ended that convo earlier by just saying butt out its none of your beeswax
Yeah, I cant read this through, I'd just tell her to f**k off and mind her own damn business...
Stop posting things like this! Your'e giving reasons to hate Jewish people and spreading the hate. It is known that most of the Jewish people are not bad as this aunt.
Jews are the biggest racists and bigots in the world. They only stick to their kind, such a sick and demented race.
The display picture showed an middle eastern looking man and a blonde girl? The real Jewish people can be traced back to Asian oriental people groups. Cheers!
Obviously written and not even well.. I hate these fake stories.. corny and boring
"Obviously written" Well, how else would you send a text message? ESP?
Load More Replies...I think it's totally made up, boring conversation.
Load More Replies...From the bit I read, SmileyMo is a SHMO! His aunt brought up all valid points. That said I am married to a non Jew but I didn't;t go looking for a non Jew to marry. It just happened. My wife did not convert but my brothers wife was a catholic and she DID convert to Judaism.
Teenage me would be %100 on his side, now that I am a mum...I see where she is coming from. You want to spare you child difficulties and this might be a big issue along the way. Having said that it would be more so if she was practicing another religion. If both are atheists then it is kind of a neutral zone for the kids to form their own opinions in beliefs.
It started like a probable talk but ended up like an improbable denying musslim antisemitism Jew (leftism syndrom) - please, just read the Quran. About half of this conversation is fake.
Amazing that this guy is saying he's atheist and his grandma is saying "but you can still be Jewish". No you can't, the 2 are not compatible. Judaism is not a race, it's a belief system.
@Perry there may be differing opinions on this, but the general consensus is that Jews are a race, according to their strict matrilineal record-keeping [] Of course it means next to nothing in reality, as humans are all decended from just a few different 'Mitochondrial Eves', if you could trace ancestry far enough, so unless you were the direct decendent of an invisible cloud-person, most people in the world are racially close cousins of most Jewish people, like it or not. Injecting a religious/cult aspect into it is unhelpful, and SmileyMo's aunt is wrong for using that as any kind of argument for him being with a Goy — it's all about the mother's mtDNA, which is only passed down from woman to child, so whether he was converted Jewish, born Jewish or Atheist makes zero difference in the end, she just wants more Jewish mtDNA in their family tree.
Load More Replies...How is it photoshopped? It looks like a normal text message to me
Load More Replies...Jews think they are the 'chosen' people. And guess what? Catholics, Muslims, Hindu's, Scientologists, Jehova's Witnesses & all the other stupid religions think they are also the chosen. That's the problem with religion, it's all b******t. Just be a good person. Don't be a prick.
Yeah don't be a calling billions of people's beliefs b******t...............and I'm an atheist.
Load More Replies...Somehow I found it disturbing. It´s like telling/forcing your kids to marry someone of the same religion, race, country, social class....I didn´t find it funny at all.
It is disturbing and DANGEROUS. This woman is discriminating against non-jew people. DISCRIMINATION, Period.
Load More Replies...Reminds me of a "The oatmeal" Comic I read the other day. It said forcing a religion onto your kids is like this: Kid: "My favorite color is blue." Parent: "No, it's green!" Kid: "But I like blue!" Parent: "YOUR FAVORITE COLOR IS GREEN AND THAT'S THAT!" Don't force religion on someone... Please...
It's called "How to Suck at your Religion" and it's hilarious. I've sent it to a lot of people.
Load More Replies...I do not understand why he continued to support this senseless discussion.
Muslims hate jews?? i didnt know i hated jews... thats a news for me though.
I haven't found being Jewish an issue with Muslims. That aunt is bloody ignorant.
Load More Replies...I hope that people realize that this is the only very orthodox Jews that would be so concerned about something like this. I'm Jewish, and my dad was raised Catholic and is now an atheist. My family doesn't care at all, as long as my partner and I love each other. Please don't think that all Jews shun non-jews, cuz we don't.
I've known lots of grandparents who wanted the Romanian girl to marry a Romanian (In Canada), and for the Italian to have an Italian. I once asked my Pakastani female friend why we never went to her house and she said if she brought a white boy over her dad would freak. Imagine that that other way around.
Load More Replies...Yeah as a Jew some of us are really racist, which goes against everything my boring-a*s religious school actually taught me. One of the great rabbis literally said that all Judaism really is is treating others the way you want to be treated and that the rest is commentary. Auntie, get over yourself. Yeah you love him but there's really no excuse for wanting to force religion on to a grown person who can make his/her own decisions
Actually shouted out WTF? When after spouting lots of racism, the aunt complained about anti semitism. What a hypocrite. They can dish out but can't take it or what?
Being Jewish is not a race. It is an ethnicity which shares a religious belief.
Load More Replies...her heart is sort of in the right place, but the fact he has grown up and chooses no religion surely means her words will fall on deaf ears? she doesn't paint a pretty picture of the jewish religion 'do as we say, there is no alternative'. but to be fair to the pair of them, it was a clear balanced discussion that at no point turned into an argument. shame the rest of the world can't do this when it comes to religion.
Did anyone else read the aunt's texts in a New York Jewish grandma voice?
I have relatives who say they will not set foot in Germany because "we had relatives die in the Holocaust". Okay? That was eighty years ago, way to hold a grudge. My mom's friend actually unfriended me on facebook for cheering for Germany to win the World Cup a few years ago. I also can't stand this "we're better than you because reasons" attitude. "God's chosen people". And the hatred for Muslims. I haven't been to temple services in twelve years and I don't plan to start again any time soon. I go to Seder and light the Hanukkah candles and acknowledge the CHAHCHSCHCH holiday of choice but that's pretty much it.
Reading this was like having an ad nauseam argument with my late grandmother. I'm Jewish on both sides of the family. My mom's side is more secular but my dad's is Orthodox. My grandmother gave me c**p whenever I dated a gentile, or a "goy" as she put it. Considering I lived in a town with a very small Jewish population, I dated absolutely zero Jews. Most were Roman Catholic. One guy, whom I was with for a year, was Muslim, she had a field day with him. She actually put a stipulation in her will that if any of her grandkids marry a non Jew they get nada. My dad doesn't intend to "honor" that but still...she'd come back and burn the church down. I have many issues with Judaism. Their tendency to focus on how persecuted we've been in the past. Yes, Jews have been through some s**t, okay? We've had everything from Jesus to the Black Plague to the Great War blamed on our asses but let it go.
We all have people like that in our family, and it is common for any people to want their children/relatives to stay "within the tribe". I don't like the idea of airing a family's or community's dirty laundry for the rest of the world to see, especially when there are so many people who have a bad impression of Jews as it is. I don't see the point of bringing it to the public/outsiders.
WTF?? So better to hide the discrimination that some religious people do against others? Are you f*****g kidding me??
Load More Replies...This sounds exactly like my grandmother. She is 'Christian' and is one of the most racist, judgmental people I know. If you are not wealthy and a 'good Church-going Christian', then you are evil and should be converted. I won't even go into her ridiculous ideas on sexual orientation. It's one of the reasons we can rarely have a decent conversation and I don't see or talk to her very often.
it's 2018 in America and this aunt makes an issue of this? irish marry italians, blacks marry whites, asians marry outside of their own kind. It's America.
And they ALL take c**p from family members about it. Ask anyone.
Load More Replies...The more you push, the more he'll resist. She obviously loves him to bits. And he obviously adores her too or this would be a much shorter and less civil text exchange. Lay off, Auntie or you'll lose him.
In dutch: "twee geloven op één kussen, daar slaapt de duivel tussen". Translation: "two religions on one cushion, the devil sleeps in between". There is some truth in it. However, it should be wiser to say: two cultures on one cushion. If you mix culture/creed in a relationship, you should be exploring the unsaid differences between your, or the devil could come in between and ruin your relationship. But, the good news is: be aware, explore it, and deal with it. Then it should be fine.
I respect all religions an no religion people an I honestly think she has hatred in her heart for people who are not in her religion an I feel sorry that she is like that! If he's happy with that girl an she respect his culture he should go one an ignore her! I'm a catholic and I love learning about others cultures an religions an I respect them an my boyfriend he does not belive in what I belive and I respect that! That just sad how his aunt feels.
Sounds like my mother. She is Christian and wants me to follow. Makes me uncomfortable, she doesn't care. And hates my fiance who is atheist.
My mother was like that. She yelled at me once for going out with an Atheist.
Load More Replies...can't believe the stubbornness and insistence of that woman! thumbs up for him remaining so calm! and seriously! hated in the middle east? maybe because of the crimes committed daily in Palestine in the name of Judaism! please do not mix anti Zionist with anti semetic it's getting really old and boring...arabic is semetic. if all Jewish parents teach this kids this there's no wonder there's much hate in the world
I actually read the whole thing. As bored as it was. But i find it quite interesting that they had a mostly reasoned and challenged discussion, with facts and arguments. The aunt is clearly kinda racist, in a religious way. But the guy truly has a point. Not only that is his live and he can do whatever he wants with it, but he sees over her religious racism and understands that the good and bad is in people, and not in religion. That's why he is an atheist in the first place and that's why he is free to see the good and bad in people and not be blinded by their religion. I also love the fact that he gave up on the religion but still keeps some traditions, as it means something good for him and not as he was imposed to keep them. This is the kind of people the world needs. Less people blowing up and hating each other because of religion, more people being good for themselves and not as a obligation for a higher (non existing for me) being.
I'm so glad he was able to respectfully argue his point and also be firm about the woman he loves that to me makes him much more of a man than yelling and screaming and cussing
I heard of one Jewish woman whose parents didn't want her to marry a non-Jewish man. So she never married any of the three fathers of her children.
Why fight over one abstract noun, 'religion' when it's doing no good to us? Does religion feed us? No. Does it provide for our families? No. And yet we won't stop barking about it. Religion is just being thrust on people who don't even accept it's terms, and if they disagree, the are scared or even threatened about hell and sin and other b******t, forcing them to follow something non existent. How is it better than terrorism? Terrorists force people to do their bidding at a gunpoint, threatening their lives. Religion does the same, but just the weapon changes. Grow up people, when are you gonna stop accepting lies for belief? Go with facts. We have better reasons to believe science than myths to follow any stupid-a*s religion, blindfolded.
this is why i chose to believe in God but not follow any religion. everyone thinks they are the chosen something,..
I've been raised a Catholic but by my 16, 17 years I stopped believing and have been atheist and agnostic since. I'm 46 now, married and with a daughter. A few days ago, my mother was insisting that I should take her to Sunday School. I responded that as I'm an atheist I wouldn't raise her in any religion but try to teach her about the main ones so she can opt if she wants. My dear mother retorted that I was baptised so I couldn't stop being Catholic. So it's sort of a slave mark... So little we came from the middle ages...
I would like to give this man a standing ovation. He knows that he has a choice and will stick to it
"If you have a Jewish background you will definitely relate to this post. No matter choices you make in your own life, your Jewish family will never tire of reminding you of your heritage!". This is a perfect example of BP hypocrisy. Here because it's Judaism they treat it like a cute little anecdote, but on anything not supported by SJW's that might be along the same lines they'd lose it and talk about the agenda and how awful it is to be prejudiced like this. I can't stand the hypocrisy.
I'm Greek Cypriot/ Greek Macedonian, and I can fully relate to this. People of the same background as myself tell me that I should be with "one of our own". It's not like I'm dating an animal, geez!
Load More Replies...I need to step up my text game, these two are texting statistic and everything. I'm not sure what else there is to add to this story it's good that the guy has a strong sense of self and can pursue who ever he likes/loves, his Aunt is a moron, the history between Muslims and Zionist/Israelis is bloody but it's not this one sided, Jewish people are innocent victims while Muslims are just driven by a random desire to kill Jews that she paints, this is part of the racist views that he was probably talking about.
Same circular "Logic" (lol) that you get from a person inside a Religions box mind. Constant contradictions.
Ummm, his grandmother is missing a major point. The guy identifies as an atheist, what Jewish woman that his mother finds appropriate is going to want to date him? That's assuming he even took her advice.
This discussion would have not taken place had the aunt actually listened (and accepted) that her nephew is no longer a Jew, and is Atheist. In terms of the what Religion or belief (if any) is right, including Atheism, Buddhism, Scientology etc. They all simply try to offer a guide of how to live life, and offer answers to questions no one can really answer. Where did life come from, who created Earth, where did the Universe come from etc. At the end of the day, each person has their Faith, and Religion is a little guide to how to look after your Soul, or if you are Atheist maybe you don't believe you have a Soul?? If you do, where did it come from, and who Created it?? Once you know how to look after your Soul, you don't need any Religious Book, building, or media, to be a good person.
It is same everywhere in this worlds. Parents always chocked their believe and ideology to the children. In Indonesia have the worst way for racism religion, they more prefer Islamic law for marriage. So like me who choose to marry girl with different religion, it got difficult ...fight my parents, public office, and my family.
Aunt Messy- just because *you* struggled with the "big words" doesn't mean I did ;)
Load More Replies...It´s easier to enter a religion then leaving one (partly because relatives like the one above will nag your brain out), so to raise children without religion is the better option, then they can choose whatever feels right for them.
You know this is not religion, no? This is about RACE, breeding and stuff. Puro blood, you know? Like the nazis? It it would be religion, the aunt would not mention the "jewish heritage lost" because she's not jewish.
Load More Replies...Wow! That Aunt is denser than a big bucket of cement. I had to scroll past down on her replies. She's too much of a prejudice and a racist.
Oh! A shiksa! I wouldn't mind a Gentile, although I respect her beliefs.
The couple is a photography of mine. You must give appropriate credit while using it.
Hey Bored Panda staff, the photography you are using is one of mine. You must give appropriate credit!!
Fake and not funny nor interesting... I wasted precious time on this article... ;(
I don't know why he wasted this much energy arguing with his aunt about his dating life. If it was an actual parent, sure - getting them to accept your girlfriend is important for a variety of obvious reasons, and merits lengthy discussion. But an aunt? Who cares if an aunt approves? I have lots of aunts. I love them but their approval of my life choices is not exactly high on my list of concerns. They didn't raise me, they didn't put me through school, they never put a roof over my head or clothes on my back. I see them a few times a year at family gatherings. They are of fairly minor importance in the grand scheme of things. If one of my aunts asked me to break up with a GF se of her religion, I'd probably laugh and say: "Aunt _____, I understand your concerns, and I love you, but you need to learn your place. There are things that factor into my choice of a partner, and the approval of my extended relatives isn't one of them. This is not a topic I will be discussing with you."
I thought it was very interesting, how you can inherit judgemental feelings for other religions, in your own religion. That's why, I suppose, religion always will end up as an fighting issue, no matter what religion it is. For me religion is so outdated, obsolete, it doesn't serve any purpose at all anymore, because all things you use religion as a facade for you can do without religion. You wish to be a good, kind, giving person? You don't need religion for that, you can be good and kind all on your own. You wish to feel good about yourself and other people? Yes, you can do that, too, without religion. You wish to belong to a group with a kind and good agenda? Yes, even that without religion! There are so many humanistic groups, who doesn't use any religious facades to do good for the world, they do it because it is the right thing to do. And that's all. No need for religion. Ever.
Wow. I come from a fairly non-religious background. My grandparents were Catholic and we went to Church a couple of times a year, but it was never anything forced on us. Unfortunately, if I had a relative this caught up with religion, I would probably cut ties. I know he says she's looking out for him. Maybe. But she's definitely not listening to him and respecting his choices. If he ends up marrying this girl, all she's going to get is Hell from this woman. I hope the relationship between Aunt and Nephew gets better in future!
Definitely boring. Mixes up Jewish ethnicity with Judaism, something I'd expect from non-Jews, not MOT ourselves. Also suggest they both read the Book of Ruth again, where a non-Jewish widow of a Jewish man devotes herself to her mother-in-law and Judaism. The racist line of thinking that the aunt has was refuted centuries ago in the Torah.
Some of her arguments are valid, but she shouldn't push him to date Jewish women exclusively. He's clearly happy in his relationship.
What kind of a BIG ASSSS Auntie is this!!! Am Christian and I can marry a non-christian if I want. She seems to be living in the 60s or something.... It's the 21st Century Mama... Get over it!!!
I was raced a catholic and is basically the same pressure from family to be with someone that has your same religion. I think it's a human thing to want to be with people alike, lees confrontation in the long run; people is afraid in any way of what they don't know/understand, therefore usually people marry with their same religion, race, nationality, etc. I believe all religions are based in the same thing: don't be an a**hole to your fellow human and try to be happy. Hope more people try to love/understand more and judge less in whatever mode this judgement comes.
I just have one questions for human: Would you rather have ghost of the past haunt you and your children to the end of time or start loving everyone and build a future full of love for everyone including your children?
Should have stopped texting from the get go. This woman had no understanding how racist she was being.
I hate that some people force their children to be a certain religion and marry certain people. It’s just sad. Also I hate how on these comments many people are criticizing the religions who believe in God, or follow a book. I know not all of them do but a good chunk does. I’m a catholic and I do not think that we are the “chosen ones”, actually, Catholics believe that everyone has an equal chance to be good, or go to wherever people go after death in their religion. The Bible is not something that forces us to be nice. We are good people, even without our “book”. We only use the Bible for additional morals and it’s just sacred to us. I’m sure other religions are like that too, but I only know mine. Please stop saying stuff about our religions like that, and just focus on your own. I know this article is about a Jewish family specifically, but it could’ve been any religion. So please don’t criticize religions, because no bodies is perfect. Sorry if I’m rude
I had a Jews friend who told me for them is normal to hate me and to hate, because of their past. Yes, they had a dark past, they were killed just because they were Jews, but then again, dont bring your past to explain your hate for me and for others. Im not agree with killing based on religion, im not agree with racism, im not agree with hate just because i dont share your religion or beliefs. I respect you as a human being, can you do the same for me?
If people didnt stop following traditions we would still be in the dark ages!!!
I could only read HIS responses. Glad he stayed consistent, level headed, and sane. But I wouldn't blame him for shutting her down from now on. Toxic aunt - needs a hobby.
Makes me angry. I probably wouldn't be able to discuss such matter with my relatives in calm way. I was, when they said I shouldn't date a certain much older guy (because I knew in my heart that he wasn't a good match at all and I wouldn't want any future with him in particular), or when they had problems with some of my boyfriends being pricks or immature. But to tell me I should just ditch my love because he/she doesn't have the same religion, and to pick another person just so they would...? It's not like picking a different piece of furniture to match colours, you're talking your close one out of happy relationship with a perfect person just to find another person with religion that you don't even have. Makes no sense. And how can somebody be so hypocritical? This is basically racism explained like not racism but reaction to other people's racism. B******t. If you think your race or religion makes you more than others, you are damn racist and should be ashamed.
How is correct for Jews to say things like these, but if you say the same against a Jew you are antisemitic? I'd love to see the reaction of jews if a non-jewish person would post a similar conversation about an Aunt asking her nephew to drop the jew girl... Hypocrites... Jews talking about antisemitism and holocaust while pushing non-jews away from them. They are pathetic and these kind of conversations should be deemed as illegal as negating the bloody holocaust. This is just disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!
I find it more humorous that the pictures used to portray him and his girlfriend (they are obviously fake pictures since a few times they've used different ones) they portray the girlfriend as having blonde hair, even though there are PLENTY of naturally blonde haired people (and redheads) in the world who are ethnically Jewish. But apparently according to BP "only" brunettes can be Jewish. Good grief.
I think I would have just said that's fine you think that but don't expect an invite. If its true its a shame though that someone felt that they could pass such a judgment on someone's choices for happiness.
He should have said, "We'll miss you at the wedding."
Load More Replies...I'm just wondering at which point do you let this lady know, that technically, Arabs are part of the Semitic people?
Also, don't say religious people make gross generalizations then make gross generalizations
I think such things like this not suitable to such forums like this. The mixed marriage is more complicated issue than some people writing here. The Orthodox Judaism wants hold their kinship relations. For the Reform Judaism this is not seriously important. Im living in mixed marriage, Iam Reform Jewish, but this question is private issue.
showing the world how jews are racist is a private issue? Rrrright.
Load More Replies...Like your name, photo, and the reason you're here? Or do you just come here to whine?
Load More Replies...god that was dull, could have ended that convo earlier by just saying butt out its none of your beeswax
Yeah, I cant read this through, I'd just tell her to f**k off and mind her own damn business...
Stop posting things like this! Your'e giving reasons to hate Jewish people and spreading the hate. It is known that most of the Jewish people are not bad as this aunt.
Jews are the biggest racists and bigots in the world. They only stick to their kind, such a sick and demented race.
The display picture showed an middle eastern looking man and a blonde girl? The real Jewish people can be traced back to Asian oriental people groups. Cheers!
Obviously written and not even well.. I hate these fake stories.. corny and boring
"Obviously written" Well, how else would you send a text message? ESP?
Load More Replies...I think it's totally made up, boring conversation.
Load More Replies...From the bit I read, SmileyMo is a SHMO! His aunt brought up all valid points. That said I am married to a non Jew but I didn't;t go looking for a non Jew to marry. It just happened. My wife did not convert but my brothers wife was a catholic and she DID convert to Judaism.
Teenage me would be %100 on his side, now that I am a mum...I see where she is coming from. You want to spare you child difficulties and this might be a big issue along the way. Having said that it would be more so if she was practicing another religion. If both are atheists then it is kind of a neutral zone for the kids to form their own opinions in beliefs.
It started like a probable talk but ended up like an improbable denying musslim antisemitism Jew (leftism syndrom) - please, just read the Quran. About half of this conversation is fake.
Amazing that this guy is saying he's atheist and his grandma is saying "but you can still be Jewish". No you can't, the 2 are not compatible. Judaism is not a race, it's a belief system.
@Perry there may be differing opinions on this, but the general consensus is that Jews are a race, according to their strict matrilineal record-keeping [] Of course it means next to nothing in reality, as humans are all decended from just a few different 'Mitochondrial Eves', if you could trace ancestry far enough, so unless you were the direct decendent of an invisible cloud-person, most people in the world are racially close cousins of most Jewish people, like it or not. Injecting a religious/cult aspect into it is unhelpful, and SmileyMo's aunt is wrong for using that as any kind of argument for him being with a Goy — it's all about the mother's mtDNA, which is only passed down from woman to child, so whether he was converted Jewish, born Jewish or Atheist makes zero difference in the end, she just wants more Jewish mtDNA in their family tree.
Load More Replies...How is it photoshopped? It looks like a normal text message to me
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