40 Times A Great Date Took A Major And Unpredicted Turn For The Worse, As Shared Online
InterviewProbably most of you remember your first date in your childhood - that feeling of slight nervousness, asking your parents for permission, getting ready and not knowing what to expect. These dates feel like the most important thing! Then you grow a little bit older. In this digital age, it’s common to meet people online - you communicate, get to know each other better and then decide to finally meet for a date. However, for this one you are even more nervous - you are not sure how that person looks in real life, how they act, if you will like each other or if you just wasted your time. However, when we are adults, we become more picky about our potential partners. There are quite a few qualities or values that are important to us and that we expect our partners to have. Needless to say, finding significant others is complicated, thus not all dates can go as smoothly as expected.
Speaking about that, one Reddit user started a thread asking people online to share times when a date was going well, but other people managed to ruin it. So, here you can find 41 of the weirdest, funniest, cringiest and most uncomfortable stories shared online.
More info: Reddit
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I went on a date with a guy who owned a local trendy business. It kind of made him a bit of local celebrity. I am an introvert, I don't like attention and prefer to pretend that I am invisible when out in public. We were on our second date at a restaurant, not super fancy but certainly a little romantic date type place. During our dinner, no less than 5 randoms stopped by our table to talk to him. They were all customers and he was trying to balance being an attentive date without totally alienating customers. It was super awkward. He was aware that I was an introvert and was apologetic about it. He suggested that we wrap up dinner, hit up a store to grab some drinks and dessert and go to the beach - a good way to be around less people. In the shop we stopped at, 2 more people came up to him to chat and then at the beach another person stopped and this one actually tried to sit down and join us. At this point, I decided this guy wasn't for me. I really liked him as a person but I couldn't deal with all the attention he attracted. Some how he convinced me to go on a third date which I am glad he did. It's been 20 plus years that we've been together. He's helped me come out of my shell a little and I've taught him the delights of being an introvert and taking some completely people-free weekends. He is my person and I love him more than anything.
This wasn't a date going well and then being ruined, so much as he f****d it from the start and kept f*****g it all the way through.
I had been friends with a guy from school for a couple of years. We both clearly liked each other and things gradually progressed to flirtation.
When we were both 16, he finally asked me to go bowling with him because he knew through our previous friendship that I'd had this idea in my head that a bowling date was the perfect first date and he wanted to impress me. Problem was that we didn't live near a bowling alley, neither of us had a car, I didn't live near any public transport links, but he did have a bus stop near his house. We agreed I would walk to meet him at the bus stop and figure it out from there.
I start the mile long walk and within ten minutes, the heavens open. I texted him that I was going to keep walking because I was already soaked to my skin so what did it matter at this point, and I was so excited for our date. No reply. I finally get to the bus stop and he's not there. I call him to ask what's going on. He tells me he doesn't want to walk to the bus stop in the rain so thinks we should give the bowling alley a miss... wtf? I had just walked A MILE in the rain to meet him and he had to walk like maybe 3 minutes from his house and he couldn't be bothered.... like, r u okay?
He then proceeds to invite me to his house instead. I don't know what possessed me, but I said okay. I guess I had just known this guy so long and had so been looking forward to this date that I just wanted to let the weirdness slide. But wait, I don't actually know how to get to his house. Again, he doesn't want to get wet, so naturally he doesn't come and meet me. He just talks me through the most vague directions, while I continue to get soaked. For some reason, I perservere.
After another 25 minutes of aimless wandering in the rain, I finally arrive at his parents' house, ring the doorbell... and a random man answers the door. I am freaking out that I've got the wrong house. Nope, it's his uncle. Because, lo and behold, his entire extended family of about 25 people, who I have never met, are round for dinner, and this 16-year-old moron doesn't think to wait at the door for me to avoid this exact scenario, or even mention this at any point or give me any opportunity to prepare myself. So here I am looking like I've been dunked in a swimming pool, mascara down my face, pink dip dye ends running down my top, and no date to be found.
Eventually he appears, leads me off into another room where he plants us on the sofa with no plan, just a plate of dry leftover poppadoms between us, and a parade of extended relatives popping in at regular intervals to size me up. We chat for a few hours between visitors, I call my mum to come get me, and he tries to kiss me at the door. My very first kiss ever, and he went in full tongues. Traumatising.
Anyway, it's been 10 years and I married him 3 weeks ago. And yes, this did come up in the speeches.
Bored Panda contacted Hayley Quinn, who is a dating coach, and she kindly agreed to share her insights and tips for and about first dates.
To begin with, key principles for making a great first impression, according to Hayley, are to be both interested and interesting. “Get the balance wrong and you could appear under confident, or arrogant. Be cautious of asking too many questions of your date without first sharing the same level of information yourself.”
It was a first date in a little restaurant. She was a bit late and had 2 shopping bags, even though we were going to the film after dinner, but ok, it was a Saturday afternoon, so, lots of shopping. The meal was nice, conversation was interesting, she looked cute.
And then the police arrived and arrested her because she was shoplifting and security cameras had caught her.
I was out with a guy having a lovely time and he made a comment about a copper bangle bracelet I was wearing. I told him that it was really special to me, I got it during my semester abroad in South Africa from a local. It was a solid copper band but in the middle there was copper wire woven around. He asked to take a closer look so I took it off and handed it to him. He then snapped it in half thinking the copper wire was a spring. I was visibly upset and he said that it was a sign that I needed to move on from my trip and stop living in the past (?!!?). I never spoke to him again
I hope OP was somehow able to repair that special bracelet. I'd be making that guy pay for that repair.
However if you ask too many questions in a row you will sound more like a gushing fan than somebody who is interesting in their own right. “It's also hard to trust someone who is very closed up, and hard to be attracted to someone who isn't able to talk passionately about their own lives, so remember to share authentically about who you are,” Hayley shares.
So if you are also taking time to listen to the other person, you will come across as trustworthy, not arrogant, by talking about yourself.
It was me. We were having a great time, we had a couple of cocktails and we were laughing constantly and flirting. I dont think I've ever hit it off so well with anyone. I'd not long come back from Afghanistan, she asked about the temperature out there. 2 minutes later I was crying my eyes out and all my s**t that I'd bottled up was coming out. She got all the details that she never asked for and it was awkward to the point where she couldn't leave as I kept talking and crying, for 1.5 hours. 1 hour of hilarious drinks, 1.5 hours of crying and talking about dead children.
ptsd can be a son of a bįtch. I hope you’re getting the help you need and deserve.
He started telling me about how its normal for men to sleep with another woman when they are not sexually satisfied in a relationship without it being considered cheating.
Yes, he did say it doesnt work the same way for unsatisfied women :)
Speaking about personal topics, conversations about the future and when it’s the right time to touch on them, the dating coach says that while it’s nice to share openly on your dates, it’s also important to remember that what you share should be related to how well you know somebody. “First dates are about getting to know someone new, and having fun, that's it!”
Thus serious topics such as about commitment or previous partners should be left for later until you have had more time to develop trust in the person that you are seeing. “No one wants to feel like they're being sized up for a relationship before you've got to know them.”
Went on a date with a girl and we were hanging out at my place when she saw a spider. I went “Hang on, please don’t squish it. I’ll just get a piece of paper and put it outside.”
From the kitchen I hear a thump and she stomped it, and then laughed when I got upset. Asked her to leave pretty soon after that and there was no second date.
If she had instinctively squished it, then I would be more understanding. But she did it after I specifically asked her not to and was so spiteful about it.
Good call, man. No telling what she would do to a dog or cat. I'd be afraid of her.
“Dinosaurs never existed. Fossils are the devils way of testing our faith” - check please.
As soon as he found out I was Latina (apparently I didn't look nor sound like whatever Latino stereotype he had in his head), said "Latina!? CALIENTE!!!!", and quickly started making sexual remarks and talking about how he loves Latinas 'cuz they're so hot and spicy and sexual...
Nope'd the f**k out immediately.
So you may be wondering when it’s the right time to make sure that person is looking at you seriously and wants the same as you. Hayley says to focus on how you are connecting first, then somewhere in the early dating stages, if you have established you like each other, you can have a conversation about commitment.
“For some people it will feel natural to do this on date 3, for others after 3 months; Again it's a balance of not asking on a first date, and not waiting so long that you wind up in a situationship,” she emphasizes.
"do you like to read?"
"Not really"
"What kind of music do you like"
"I don't really listen to music"
"Do you like TV or movies"
There was no second date
I used to think I was odd because I got on well with my mother in law, we both had the same taste in books and would discuss them and recommend them to each other. So, she passed as all things do and I was talking to one of my best friends who's mother in law had passed too, he said he'd miss their discussions about books and all of the authors she turned him onto. And wouldn't you know it, we all had the same taste so now me and him trade authors and discuss books.
Literally went on a date last night and was going really well until dessert when he said “god, I can’t wait to put kids in you.”.
We hadn’t even talked about kids at that point.
Some cave men think we can't resist a man who wants to procreate with us .. from my experience? These guys are fantasizing and trying to lock in a 'mate' with offspring .. and they are quick to ditch once actual small people arrive and they have to deal with their egos .. jeez. Run.
The date started normal and fine, I was visiting town and wanted to have some fun and found him on tinder. He was taking me to a bunch of different bars in the area that he liked.
Then randomly halfway through, while walking to another bar, he does a 180 and randomly starts giving me s**t and being snarky at me because “you women hate short guys like us.”
???? What????
He was short, yes. But I hadn’t said anything? I didn’t draw any attention to something that didn’t seem to matter. And I was ON the date! I chose to go out with him! We were having fun! It’s not like he’d tried anything and I turned him down, so I’m to this day baffled as to what made him snap. Was he expecting me to randomly throw myself at him at some point? Was I supposed to try to cut the date short and insist on f*****g right then and there or what??
I just stood there while he gave me, the woman who gave him a chance, s**t for all the s**t he felt other women gave him. And then I tearfully said “I thought we were having fun, but thanks for making me feel like s**t” and I *literally* ran away leaving him standing in the street and blocked him like the madman he was.
I feel bad for him, but not enough to accept abuse when I did nothing to deserve it. Ask me why I only dated tall, confident men after that.
And finally, how to handle the situation if there is no chemistry or connection during the first date? The dating coach shares to first remember to choose a ‘low-commitment’ first date to start with. “It's a lot easier to leave a round of drinks at a bar, or a coffee date, than walk out on a 3-course meal. So keep your first dates short and sweet.”
“If there's no connection you then have a choice to either enjoy the chat for what it is (most people can tell us something interesting and new) or walk away by saying politely, but truthfully, ‘I appreciate you meeting me, but I want to be open that I don't feel we have that connection... and I'm guessing you feel the same.’
“The only exception to this is if you feel unsafe; in this case you can ‘ask for Angela’ at a bar (UK) or ‘an angel shot’ (USA) which alerts a member of staff to the fact you feel unsafe and may need help exiting a date,” Hayley shares.
Our *first* date was amazing. I still reminisce about how incredible that night was and how incredible I thought my life was about to become.
But the afternoon before what was supposed to be our second date, I got a voicemail, "I know you went out with my fiancee last night. I'm not mad at you. I'm sure you didn't know I existed. But I do, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped seeing her."
Not me but a friend of mine. This was when we were around 22, 23 years old. She had a first date with a guy. They were meeting at a restaurant for dinner. She gets there and sees not only him but 2 other people at the table. Turns out he invited his parents to their date! So she, of course, excused herself to go to the bathroom and then just bounced. Talk about awkward. I have never laughed so hard as when she recounted her evening.
So folks, do you have some stories of dates that went sideways? Maybe you have some tips that may be useful to others? Share them in the comments!
Oh my I have a story for this one, first date got dinner and everything was going amazing, so we decided to go for a walk on the trails, and this boy though it was a smart idea to climb a tree! Guess what happened next, he’s ten feet in the air and he’s climbing a dead tree after I told him it was a dumb idea. Next thing I know the branch breaks and there puke and blood everywhere. I ended up going to ER with him after calling 911 and even met his mom! He ended up with a concussion and five stitches in his head, but he’s okey now. Him and I are great friends now.
I had some odd dates after I got divorced and was trying to meet new people.
So when meeting someone for the first time I would always invite them to do something kind of noncommittal like getting coffee so I could end things early and leave if they get weird. The girl shows up and has her two young children with her that I didn't know about. That wasn't a problem for me and she was super nice so we talked for about twenty minutes outside the coffee shop and I suggested we do something more kid friendly like getting ice cream and everyone loved the idea.
So we googled a nearby place and went there instead, kids were happy and we had some really good conversation for about an hour. I asked if she would be interested in dinner and she said yes but it would have to be several hours later and she might still have the kids, her sitter had bailed last minute. We met later that night and she had the kids again and we ate at a low end steak house, we got along great and the conversation was good! But she got sloppy drunk off the three drinks she ordered with dinner and then drove her kids home after (I did offer to pay for her to get a ride home) and that just killed any interest I had.
she got jealous because I was nice to the waitress.
To little info here. The date could have been creepy flirting or just natural polite, impossible to know.
Ordered a pint of beer, it was really good. Got halfway through waiting for the date to show up. She sat down, chatted and said "this isn't what I was expecting" then got up and left. Ruined my beer.
My dating pictures were accurate, so not sure what happened.
After a nice dinner, we were waiting in line to go see a movie when he started making some super racist comments about a group of black teens ahead of us.
He showed up remarkably, extravagantly, supernaturally high.
Oh, I went on a date where the dude left multiple times to go smoke weed in the parking lot. And we were at a bar.
Made a weird sexual joke when we were buying food/snacks. He said something like ‘I’ll give you a snack later’ and started laughing to himself quite loud and other people heard the whole thing too. It made me super uncomfortable because I’m not into stuff like this, or moving fast in relationships and I lost all interest in him.
I went on a blind date who had “just gotten out of a bad relationship.”
When she first showed up she looked really rattled. Beautiful, but rattled. Asked if she was ok and she said she was fine. A tall guy passed too close by her chair and she practically jumped out of her skin.
Finally admitted she had been “dating” her cousin.
Yes, her cousin.
They were “really into” each other but she finally called it off because she knew it was wrong. He wasn’t happy (it didn’t seem like she was either). It was a shame because she was gorgeous but her mind was a million miles away the whole time.
I went to drop her off in front of her apartment complex and there was a a tall, good looking guy leaning against a car out front. She gasped and said “that’s him!”
I asked if she’d be ok or if she wanted me to walk her in or take her somewhere else. She said she was fine but I might want to leave ASAP. She then proceeded to practically leap into his arms as he strode towards us. As I drove off I saw her get into his Tesla.
Went on a date with a gorgeous girl from college. We had similar tastes in music and I asked her about her Skrewdriver T shirt she was wearing and she went on to brag about the band's white supremacist theme.
I wish this would be made up.
Had an amazing date. Went to his place.
Dude had a car bed. And a small heart shaped bed "for the ladies".
I was on a date with a newly divorced woman. We were having a nice dinner and getting to know each other before it turned awkward. She didn't tell me she had kids until we were eating dinner, and she began moving things way too fast, talking about me meeting her kids right away, moving in together, etc. This was **on our first date**, and I didn't want to be anybody's step parent, much less get U-Hauly so quickly.
We finished our dinner and parted ways amicably after a heart to heart, and there were no hard feelings. She was simply getting carried away with the excitement of being single and going out with new people. She agreed that she needed to let the ink dry on her divorce a little longer and take her time before introducing new people to her children, and we fell out of contact soon after.
this kind of stuff is why you end up with so many f****d up step-parent situations. adults who don't think about how dating after divorce impacts their kids end up putting them in a really awkward situation. glad OP saw how crazy it is to jump the gun with all of that, but it happens all the time.
Not me but a date I witnessed working at a restaurant. This young guy and a girl showed up, they’re chatting, laughing, seemed to be having a good time. Then he got very clearly drunk and started blatantly hitting on me right in front of her. Every time I walked by the table he called me over calling me “Scarlett Johansson” and tried starting a conversation. I wasn’t even their waitress. The poor girl was literally sinking down in her seat looking miserable. I stopped trying to be polite, ignored him and gave her looks trying with all my might to psychically tell her “GET OUT.”
I was the one who ruined, but:
The date went really well, we went to a bar, talked a lot, she actually invited me to her place, that was not far away from the bar. As I walked thro the door she asked what movie I would like to see, and I remembered that i had not seen the Prestige. However the movie was so interested that tipsy me started rejecting her advances due to the fact that "I would miss the good part"...
TLDR: I dont like prestige
We had dinner and all was going well, and we were wandering down the dark sidewalk engaged in conversation, when she walked straight into a signpost that neither of us noticed. I let out one nervous laugh before I could stop it, and she accused me of engineering the event for my amusement.
Oh wow, if you did engineer that, that's messed up, if not, that's a strange accusation.
Met on a dating app in college during the last week before winter break. We realized we lived close to each other back home so we met in a nearby downtown area to get coffee. After the coffee we decided to take a walk around the city. Being winter, it was a snowy day with ice on the ground. At some point during our walk I made a joke and she playfully pushed my arm. Unfortunately, I happened to be standing on a sheet of black ice at the time. I slipped and tore both my ACL and MCL and ended up spending the next 6 months on crutches. It wasn’t really her fault of course, but that definitely ruined the date.
We were on a date having a good time (at least I thought so) until one of her friends showed up and invited her to a band playing across the street. She said that sounds awesome and left. No apology, invitation, reschedule, nothing. I get if you weren't enjoying the date but some common courtesy woulda been nice.
Went on a nice date with a girl. In the morning when I was driving her back we were talking about how far she lived and she mentioned that it didn’t matter she would drive even if she was drunk. I asked why she would do that and she says she used to do it in Idaho all the time so she expects to get a dui at some point. Like what
Like the first 80% of it was a nice/awkward but cute first date. Then at the end she pulled out her phone and started fighting with people on Twitter and narrating all of it. It was a long drive back.
Went on a first date and she was on her phone the whole time texting. We ordered dinner and the food came, and I figured she'd stop texting and we could have a conversation where she would speak more than yes or no. Nope, on her phone all through dinner. I excused myself and went and found the waitress and she had seen how she was on the phone too. Paid for my portion and then left the restaurant. She never noticed I was gone for almost 20 minutes when she texted me to see where I was.
He started loudly talking about his kinks. In public.
You don't talk about sex during food. You don't talk about fetishes/kinks until after the first sex(y) encounter. You don't talk about kids unless you are having the "we serious relationship" talk.
I'll start off by saying that I was on a date with a guy who was very handsome, smart, funny, and respectful.
Our coffee date was going well, we were laughing and everything...
Until his ex showed up.
He saw her and started getting paranoid.
Kept saying "We gotta get out of here. We gotta get out of here"
And was just freaking out.
Of course we left, but never went out with him again.
Tbh if they had a bad breakup or something that's understandable, maybe not that level of paranoia but I certainly wouldn't wan to run into an ex
I got her all the way back to my bed where she mocked then she laughed her a*s off at my choice of decor said the mood was gone. Then she left
I met a single mom at Denny's and we were getting along pretty good and talking about our families and stuff. I mentioned that I don't get along with my dad because he's a narcissist and she said "so is my ex" and immediately started crying. For the rest of the date I was her psychologist.
In my case, "the other person" was a third party.
Went out for drinks, had great conversation, went out to a late night sub place for some food afterward, still having a good time and getting flirtatious.
Drunk dude walks past the table, stops, looks at her and says "damn girl let me get your number", then turns to me and "oh s**t my bad bro, this your girl?"
Like... what the *f**k* do I even say?
If I say no, it's like I'm denying her. If I say yes, well it's not true.
I didn't know how to handle it and I said "we just met". He walked on and said "my bad, my bad bro don't f**k me up"
Conversation went cold and she wanted to go home, refused my offer to walk her to her car.
I texted her the next day and said I had a good time, sorry about the awkward ending.. said I'd like to maybe grab a coffee sometime, she replied "sure", I said "cool, I'll hit you up sometime", she said "cool" and that was that. Her previous texts were wordy. I could take a hint.
my best guess is she found the drunk guy's advances rude and she wanted OP to stick up for her better? Like, maybe he was really obnoxious and forward as drunk men are wont to do, and she felt like she was in danger or threatened? In that case, "we just met" doesn't exactly cut it, and doesn't necessarily communicate "cut it out" like maybe she wanted OP to do.
My little bro said he was on a date and it was going extremely well. Plans for a second date were made, hands were held, really went smoothly. At the end of the night he said it looked like she was waiting for a kiss so he went for it and she freaked out. Said she wanted the kiss but it was sexual assault going for it without asking first and she ghosted him.
After dinner, we went to a bar. Everything seemed to be going well. We had a good conversation and we made out. The bar was getting packed for some reason so we decided to go back to my place. I told her I needed to go to the restroom first. She said she would wait for me outside. When I was finished, I went outside and saw her jumping into the back of a pickup with a bunch of people and leaving. She later texted me saying she bumped into her best friend and they were going to a party but they didn’t want to go along. I never saw after that.
My wife would say that this one guy took her to a really bad movie where they were the only ones in the theater (Captain Ron) and then to a restaurant where he ordered a really weird dinner. I would say that the movie was really bad, but the dish couldn't have been that bad since she married me after I ordered it.
Hahahahhaa ya got me with that one hahahahaha 😂
Load More Replies...I had a 1st date that I didn't know was supposed to be a 1st date. I was asked if I wanted to go see Spider-Man 3. I said sure, & we arrived at the theater and I went to pay for my ticket. He said he'd pay, I said, thanks still oblivious this was a date. We sat down, the movie started, and all of a sudden arms enveloped me. I sat there stunned for a few minutes and managed to unwind the entanglement and sat so far away in my seat, I might as well have gotten out of it and sat in the empty seat beside me. Needless to say it was a quiet ride home. He asked, if he minded if he stopped to get himself some food. I said, no of course not. He took me home, I said thanks & goodbye & I never spoke to or saw him again. I do wish we had discussed the awkwardness so I could have explained to him I didn't actually realize it was [A] a date and [B] he though it was THAT kind of date. I never expressed that kind of interest in him and if he did, I missed his interest in me.
For a second I read "40 times a Great Dane took..." and insta-clicked. :D
My story is a little interesting, I journaled it the night after so I wouldnt forget the itty bitty details So, I took an uber (or was it a lyft?) as I didnt have a car nor did I know the bus lines in that area, I had just moved back to town. I saw him standing at the door, waiting for me, and we made eye contact while I was still in the car, immediate blush from me 🤭☺️. When I got out and walked up, introducing myself, he introduced himself and opened the door for me. We were meeting at a café, by the way. When we got inside it was super busy, he asked if I would like to walk next door to a less busy restaurant but I truly didnt mind the busy spot, I looooove their chai lattes. I order my chai latte and he orders his drink on the same receipt, I go to my wallet to grab some monies but he quietly said "I've got this one". I remember asking quietly, matching his quiet tone with "Are you sure, I have no problem paying for myself". He nodded and handed the cashier his card. He looked at me and smiled, nodding awkwardly which was cute ☺️
When we sat down, he couldn't stop talking about random things, which I chalked down as nerves. Turns out, he hadn't slept the night before, as he was quite nervous about our date. I went to the bathroom only to come back to an empty table, buuuuttt his jacket was still on the chair! So I sat down and he came back quickly, apologizing for having left me alone but he needed to "wash his face of the sleeplessness". I laughed at that! I understood, having insomnia myself. We finished our drinks and two hours later my butt was hurting from those chairs, so I stood up and stretched which he must have taken as a signal that I was ready to go home. I walked with him to his car, and was surprised to see a classic muscle car. Now, I freaking love cars, so I oggled that thang and started asking him questions about it, he was surprised how much I knew and was very happy to tell me all about it! We talked for maybe 30 minutes before he offered to "rev it up a bit" for me, of course I said yes
Load More Replies...First date? Woke up drunk in a already closed pub/bar. She was the only other "awake/stable" person at that time. We stumbled together three buildings forward to get breakfast. Chatted from like 7am to noon. Later had more dates, to bad she moved with parents way-way away. .. Never found another girl that likes dark-dark humor since then.
The world is a small place thanks to the net, maybe you can find her again 🥰
Load More Replies...I'm so happy I met a normal guy and have been married to him for almost 20 years. I wouldn't last in this current dating world.
After over 30 years of a happy marriage, I’m one and done, whether it’s due to death or divorce. I wouldn’t step foot into the dating pool.
Load More Replies...I dunno that I'd even call it a date but, I met up with a guy thinking we'd play some pool and have a drink. I picked him up and we got to the pool hall and before we even started playing, I hadn't even racked the balls, he states that he has a micro-peen and just wants to go home. I was dumbstruck and just drove him home wondering wtf? To this day it still confounds me.
This was a third or fourth date, but still: we went to an upscale martini lounge/restaurant. The waitress took our drink orders, and my date then went to the ladies room. It was just before Halloween, so all the waitresses wore short hot pink wigs. The waitress was delivering our drinks, and I casually joked, "I love your hair! Are all you girls sisters?" And just as my date was returning to our table the waitress starting giggling while patting her wig, and then my forearm, "Oh this isn't my real hair color!" My date snapped at her, something like, "Why are you talking to him?!" I don't know if it was a cultural thing (she was Czech, I American (this was in the US)), but it felt inappropriate and rude so things kinda fizzled out after that.
I went on a date with this guy, it was going well until it became very clear that he asked me out me so he could hang out with my group of friends who were having a moment in London as the cool group. And I was the weak link to get in apparently :(
First date. She was 43 (but didn't tell me). I was 37. Both divorced. She asked me when we were getting married.
I met a woman once at a friends birthday party. Gorgeous. Used to be a Miami dolphins and Miami heat cheerleader. Went on a first date to a wine bar. It was a little awkward and she was quiet, but it was the first one so had a second one. Was at Mexican restaurant and it was one of those places that always wants to make the guacamole by the table. I told them no a couple times and then on the third I caved and asked if she wanted some, she said sure. The conversation, or lack there of, was brutal. It was like pulling teeth getting her to talk. I was commenting on the gôddamn paint in the place. Guacamole comes. I taste and say wow this is really good. She says “I don’t like guacamole but I thought you wanted it so I said sure”. M***a f**kà. If you ever had it at one of these places they serve it in a damn punch bowl and it’s 18 bucks. I did the “oh wow look at the time” and got out of there. Went to see a movie with my roommate who I later dated, married and divorced. But we’re still close friends. Damn that woman was hot. Latina too but had the personality of a sore dîck.
Bringing up her race like that definitely has me thinking it was a you problem, not a her problem.
Load More Replies...had a date planned with this girl i really liked we planned to meet at nice pub in the centre of town at 8 in the evening i texted her see you soon on my way i got there at 8 she wasnt there i went on facebook on my phone while waiting and saw she was out with a friend in another city i messaged her and she said oh i thought my friend would tell you she lied and said she had to help her mother with dinner when clearly she was out with he friend i wouldnt mind so much but she was the one who asked me if i wanted to go out right there and then any attraction or feelings i had disappeared very quickly i went home and bought myself a kebab and chilled at home
So, I'm at this bar, flirting hot and heavy with this older woman, late 60s, maybe early 70s, but still SUPER HOT! She had the whole Lynda Carter thing goin' on. Right when I'm thinking her daughter must be a total knockout, she asks if I've ever had a "Sportsman's Delight." I asked what that was and she said it's a mother-daughter three-way. I admitted I'd never done that, but I'd give it a shot. So, we go back to her place and she walks over to the stairs and yells up to the second floor "Hey mom! Are you still awake?" (Not a true story, but funny comeuppance!)
Some considerable time ago, when I was a teenage Panda, my sister and I went out together and happened to meet a minor celebrity (he had recently done well on a BGT-type TV show). I thought he was a bit of a d**k but my sister was flattered by his interest and agreed to go on a date with him. She came home from the date super-early and told me "you were right - he's a d**k. I mentioned [male best friend] and date told me I would never speak to [best friend] again now I'm seeing him. I poured my drink in his lap and left." Go, little sister!
My wife would say that this one guy took her to a really bad movie where they were the only ones in the theater (Captain Ron) and then to a restaurant where he ordered a really weird dinner. I would say that the movie was really bad, but the dish couldn't have been that bad since she married me after I ordered it.
Hahahahhaa ya got me with that one hahahahaha 😂
Load More Replies...I had a 1st date that I didn't know was supposed to be a 1st date. I was asked if I wanted to go see Spider-Man 3. I said sure, & we arrived at the theater and I went to pay for my ticket. He said he'd pay, I said, thanks still oblivious this was a date. We sat down, the movie started, and all of a sudden arms enveloped me. I sat there stunned for a few minutes and managed to unwind the entanglement and sat so far away in my seat, I might as well have gotten out of it and sat in the empty seat beside me. Needless to say it was a quiet ride home. He asked, if he minded if he stopped to get himself some food. I said, no of course not. He took me home, I said thanks & goodbye & I never spoke to or saw him again. I do wish we had discussed the awkwardness so I could have explained to him I didn't actually realize it was [A] a date and [B] he though it was THAT kind of date. I never expressed that kind of interest in him and if he did, I missed his interest in me.
For a second I read "40 times a Great Dane took..." and insta-clicked. :D
My story is a little interesting, I journaled it the night after so I wouldnt forget the itty bitty details So, I took an uber (or was it a lyft?) as I didnt have a car nor did I know the bus lines in that area, I had just moved back to town. I saw him standing at the door, waiting for me, and we made eye contact while I was still in the car, immediate blush from me 🤭☺️. When I got out and walked up, introducing myself, he introduced himself and opened the door for me. We were meeting at a café, by the way. When we got inside it was super busy, he asked if I would like to walk next door to a less busy restaurant but I truly didnt mind the busy spot, I looooove their chai lattes. I order my chai latte and he orders his drink on the same receipt, I go to my wallet to grab some monies but he quietly said "I've got this one". I remember asking quietly, matching his quiet tone with "Are you sure, I have no problem paying for myself". He nodded and handed the cashier his card. He looked at me and smiled, nodding awkwardly which was cute ☺️
When we sat down, he couldn't stop talking about random things, which I chalked down as nerves. Turns out, he hadn't slept the night before, as he was quite nervous about our date. I went to the bathroom only to come back to an empty table, buuuuttt his jacket was still on the chair! So I sat down and he came back quickly, apologizing for having left me alone but he needed to "wash his face of the sleeplessness". I laughed at that! I understood, having insomnia myself. We finished our drinks and two hours later my butt was hurting from those chairs, so I stood up and stretched which he must have taken as a signal that I was ready to go home. I walked with him to his car, and was surprised to see a classic muscle car. Now, I freaking love cars, so I oggled that thang and started asking him questions about it, he was surprised how much I knew and was very happy to tell me all about it! We talked for maybe 30 minutes before he offered to "rev it up a bit" for me, of course I said yes
Load More Replies...First date? Woke up drunk in a already closed pub/bar. She was the only other "awake/stable" person at that time. We stumbled together three buildings forward to get breakfast. Chatted from like 7am to noon. Later had more dates, to bad she moved with parents way-way away. .. Never found another girl that likes dark-dark humor since then.
The world is a small place thanks to the net, maybe you can find her again 🥰
Load More Replies...I'm so happy I met a normal guy and have been married to him for almost 20 years. I wouldn't last in this current dating world.
After over 30 years of a happy marriage, I’m one and done, whether it’s due to death or divorce. I wouldn’t step foot into the dating pool.
Load More Replies...I dunno that I'd even call it a date but, I met up with a guy thinking we'd play some pool and have a drink. I picked him up and we got to the pool hall and before we even started playing, I hadn't even racked the balls, he states that he has a micro-peen and just wants to go home. I was dumbstruck and just drove him home wondering wtf? To this day it still confounds me.
This was a third or fourth date, but still: we went to an upscale martini lounge/restaurant. The waitress took our drink orders, and my date then went to the ladies room. It was just before Halloween, so all the waitresses wore short hot pink wigs. The waitress was delivering our drinks, and I casually joked, "I love your hair! Are all you girls sisters?" And just as my date was returning to our table the waitress starting giggling while patting her wig, and then my forearm, "Oh this isn't my real hair color!" My date snapped at her, something like, "Why are you talking to him?!" I don't know if it was a cultural thing (she was Czech, I American (this was in the US)), but it felt inappropriate and rude so things kinda fizzled out after that.
I went on a date with this guy, it was going well until it became very clear that he asked me out me so he could hang out with my group of friends who were having a moment in London as the cool group. And I was the weak link to get in apparently :(
First date. She was 43 (but didn't tell me). I was 37. Both divorced. She asked me when we were getting married.
I met a woman once at a friends birthday party. Gorgeous. Used to be a Miami dolphins and Miami heat cheerleader. Went on a first date to a wine bar. It was a little awkward and she was quiet, but it was the first one so had a second one. Was at Mexican restaurant and it was one of those places that always wants to make the guacamole by the table. I told them no a couple times and then on the third I caved and asked if she wanted some, she said sure. The conversation, or lack there of, was brutal. It was like pulling teeth getting her to talk. I was commenting on the gôddamn paint in the place. Guacamole comes. I taste and say wow this is really good. She says “I don’t like guacamole but I thought you wanted it so I said sure”. M***a f**kà. If you ever had it at one of these places they serve it in a damn punch bowl and it’s 18 bucks. I did the “oh wow look at the time” and got out of there. Went to see a movie with my roommate who I later dated, married and divorced. But we’re still close friends. Damn that woman was hot. Latina too but had the personality of a sore dîck.
Bringing up her race like that definitely has me thinking it was a you problem, not a her problem.
Load More Replies...had a date planned with this girl i really liked we planned to meet at nice pub in the centre of town at 8 in the evening i texted her see you soon on my way i got there at 8 she wasnt there i went on facebook on my phone while waiting and saw she was out with a friend in another city i messaged her and she said oh i thought my friend would tell you she lied and said she had to help her mother with dinner when clearly she was out with he friend i wouldnt mind so much but she was the one who asked me if i wanted to go out right there and then any attraction or feelings i had disappeared very quickly i went home and bought myself a kebab and chilled at home
So, I'm at this bar, flirting hot and heavy with this older woman, late 60s, maybe early 70s, but still SUPER HOT! She had the whole Lynda Carter thing goin' on. Right when I'm thinking her daughter must be a total knockout, she asks if I've ever had a "Sportsman's Delight." I asked what that was and she said it's a mother-daughter three-way. I admitted I'd never done that, but I'd give it a shot. So, we go back to her place and she walks over to the stairs and yells up to the second floor "Hey mom! Are you still awake?" (Not a true story, but funny comeuppance!)
Some considerable time ago, when I was a teenage Panda, my sister and I went out together and happened to meet a minor celebrity (he had recently done well on a BGT-type TV show). I thought he was a bit of a d**k but my sister was flattered by his interest and agreed to go on a date with him. She came home from the date super-early and told me "you were right - he's a d**k. I mentioned [male best friend] and date told me I would never speak to [best friend] again now I'm seeing him. I poured my drink in his lap and left." Go, little sister!