War and Peas (previous post here), a hilarious creator duo from Saarbrücken, a town on the German-French border, published their first comic back in 2011. Since then, Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich’s project has been constantly growing into one of the funniest webcomics online, with almost 73k fans on Facebook and 127k Instagram followers today.
They tell their stories with a pinch of black humour that often leads to a quirky plot twist, which makes their comics so amusing. Although they seem totally made up, usually the duo gets inspired by our everyday life observations. “Elizabeth spends most of her time tramping around secluded German forests, eating high-calorie fudge bars, so most of her ideas come from those sugar highs. Jonathan just watches a lot of TV,” War and Peas told Bored Panda.
Anyway, who better to describe this work than its authors? This is the answer we got from them: “A Scottish bus driver laughed so hard at our comics that he drove right into Lake McGowanshire and died. Our condolences to his family. Thus it has been demonstrated the supreme quality of War and Peas.” To witness this for yourself, scroll down to see their new works from the last year, although after hearing the story of the Scottish bus driver we must warn you – they’re hilarious!
More info: warandpeas.com | Facebook | Instagram | Prints
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Poor seedless watermelon. On the other hand you can always adopt...a melon for example
Yes, Lillian, I, too, have contemplated male homicide... doing it and then as they lie dying.. oh, I see you got your period! Joke no more foul man boy!
It looks like the sun's rising above a butt. Because I'm incredibly mature.
I love these!! Expecilly the one's that have kitty's in them! A wonderful friend sent me the website for them! Please, CONTINUE TO SHOW ALL OF US,LIFE IS A SMILE!! YOU JUST GOTTA KNOW WHERE TO LOOK! FLOWERGIRL
anybody who saw my comment about the robot finding true happiness, than skipped to here to try and find it, you deserve to have it spoiled. No he did not achieve happiness. ;(
LOL hello Saarbrücken, I´ve been on a medical rehab in the Saarland in summer of 2003, in Berus, a small village, wasn´t very far from Saarlouis, very funny comics, oh er I´m from the region of Konstanz/South Western Germany, the train ride there in 2003 almost took 6 hours!!! One way, have been there for 8 long weeks...
I love these!! Expecilly the one's that have kitty's in them! A wonderful friend sent me the website for them! Please, CONTINUE TO SHOW ALL OF US,LIFE IS A SMILE!! YOU JUST GOTTA KNOW WHERE TO LOOK! FLOWERGIRL
anybody who saw my comment about the robot finding true happiness, than skipped to here to try and find it, you deserve to have it spoiled. No he did not achieve happiness. ;(
LOL hello Saarbrücken, I´ve been on a medical rehab in the Saarland in summer of 2003, in Berus, a small village, wasn´t very far from Saarlouis, very funny comics, oh er I´m from the region of Konstanz/South Western Germany, the train ride there in 2003 almost took 6 hours!!! One way, have been there for 8 long weeks...