“My Gums Are Bleeding”: 53 Funny Comics That Hit Hard, By Miles Erickson (New Pics)
Interview With ArtistArtist Miles Erickson creates the most hilariously insane comics under the name "My Gums Are Bleeding." His sense of humor is pretty dry, sardonic, and irreverent, making them stand out with bold joke choices that always hit hard.
Nowadays, "My Gums Are Bleeding" has over 48K followers, but that was not always the case. As the artist wrote in an interview with Bored Panda, his Instagram page was initially his personal profile, going all the way back to eighth grade. After gaining popularity on Reddit, people started flocking to his account, and soon, 90% of his followers were there for comics, and only 10% were his actual friends. Since then, Miles's audience has been constantly growing, and we are sure you will want to become one of them as well.
So, if you're ready for a fun time, scroll down below to see what Miles has created since his last post.
More info: Instagram | patreon.com | x.com | threads.net
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In the interview, Miles shared more about himself. He wrote: “Honestly, my artistic trajectory has kind of been all over the place. I got my degree in fine arts at Calarts, which is where I got into doing comics. I wanted to make movies, but movies are more of a communal art. You need to work with actors, costumers, producers, you need to schedule everyone, etc. With comics, there are no dissenting opinions, no bad actors, you just do what you want to do.
After college, I worked as a columnist at a newspaper for a while, which was the first place I got any of my comics published. Then I worked at an animation studio called Wild Canary, and then as a writer at another animation studio called Pencilmation. All my jobs have involved at least some facet of comic making, whether it be writing or drawing.”
When asked about the inspiration for the unique name of his comic series “My Gums Are Bleeding,” besides it at first being his personal account from 8th grade, Miles shared: “Honestly, you’d have to ask my high school self. But if I'd known the name was gonna stick, I probably would have picked a better one. Something like ‘____ webcomics’.”
Miles also shared that his comics “don’t really have any kind of agenda, political or otherwise. They're really just there to make you laugh.”
We were wondering about Miles’s creative process, to which he responded: “It's tough to pinpoint where exactly the jokes come from, they kind of just manifest. I rarely come up with any good ones when I sit around purposefully trying to think of them. There’s no lake or cliffside I go to where I sit and let inspiration wash over me.
Some of the time the comics are adapted from tweets or memes. Some of the time I’ll see a funny conversation in the comments of a Reddit post or something and I’ll think ‘How can I turn this into a 4-panel joke?’
As for the art style, I use a process called ‘rotoscoping’ where I take pictures of myself doing all the poses and then trace over myself, so that is actually me you're seeing in most of those comics.”
That's actually what it is though.. they just use the word woke
In regards to audiences' takeaway, Miles wrote: “I want my audience to laugh; I think if my goal were any more complicated than that, the comics would not hit the way they do, or they’d be something else entirely. I’m pretty comfortable in the fact that my content isn’t too deep and that people like it for what it is, a quick joke.”
Lastly, Miles added: “I have two books (My Gums are Bleeding, the Collection and Necromonica: Village of the Damned) both scheduled to release in 2025, please keep an eye out for both. I promise, if you follow me on Instagram, you’ll be absolutely inundated with information about both.”
Wow, you censored a crudy drawn cartoon butt. Thank you for sparing us the unimaginable horror. I did see the uncensored version and now I need trauma therapy for the rest of my life.
To be fair, r e t a r d e d means slowed down / delayed in it's original meaning, here in Germany you can get medicine as r e t a r d capsules for example (Oh great, the BP censor effs it up again)