With over 200 million registered vehicles in the US alone, accidents and road rage are bound to happen. Some of us are decent, and some are pretty reckless drivers, but a good piece of advice is to 'drive like nobody else knows how to.' With distracted driving being the number one cause for incidents, the people in our list below contribute to this matter quite a lot. Now, we've all seen at least one PSA about the dangers of texting and driving, but how often do you see someone playing trumpet while operating a vehicle?
Yes, there are people out there driving recklessly while distracted by some genuinely outrageous activities and lucky for us, they were caught on camera. The individuals in the following photos could benefit from reading a book on how to drive more safely, though unlike the bad driver in one of the pictures, we don't recommend they read it while driving. This is our reminder for the next time you're out on the road: keep your eyes open for some genuinely bizarre sights because you never know what you will see on the highway. However, for now, you can scroll below! And don't forget - safety first!
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How To You Lose The Mattress, Break Your Arm, And Crash The Car All At The Same Time?
Tree-Wheel Drive
Hay, Watch Where You're Going!
75-80 MPH, Holding A Plate With A Fork And Knife And Talking On The Phone
Riding A Motorbike While Holding A Baby Is A Bad Idea
Caught Reading A Book While Driving
I'm Speechless
My Cab Driver Is Reading "Learning To Drive"... While Driving
Thought It Was A Backpack At First
Driving Without Hands, Feet, Or Brain?
My Friend Took This Yesterday. Yes, That Is A Police Officer Texting While Driving A Motorcycle
What Could Go Wrong?
How You Know They're Straight
Bungee Cord Would Have Been Too Much Of A Hassle
I Have Also Seen A Man Playing The Trumpet While Driving
Safety First
Really? Not Even A Helmet?
Haha! Funny! Could have been worse, could have been put on the front windscreen
Curling Hair With A Curling Iron While Driving On A Highway At 90 km/h
The thing that really upsite me about those kind of idiot, is that they likely not going to cause an accident that will only impact them. Maybe she'll ram into another car, a pedestrian, maybe there kids on her back seat or even a dog...
Load More Replies...Somebody curl the woman's hair for Christ's sake! And then arrest her, take her license and give her a horrific perm
My car has a 120v outlet in it. Not that I would be dumb enough to use it like that
Late date or late interview? I wouldn't want to die before I meet my dream guy or have my dream job...
Hope she's wearing her best underwear. EMS will be seeing it up close and personal.
Safety tip: When curling hair while driving on a major highway, keep your speed below 70kmh and stay in the grandma lane.
Looking by the speed on hand movement, the gif is now slower than normal video speed.Taking that into consideration, it is hardly 90km/h. More like 30.
I'm not sure that is 90km/h or is it some perception from the video? Still stupid as hell and certainly not condoning in any way.
Only In Vietnam
Having to transport stuff on your bike, that's such a 'pane'...Ill stop now
So This Happened Today
Well Secured Load
Seen This Guy Many Times With A Shoe.. In His... Mouth...
I really would like to know the story about that, for I see no valid reason to drive with a shoe on your mouth. Well, I see no valid reason for most of the idiocy people do on this trend anyway.
When Tow Trucks Are Too Expensive And A New Paint And Other Minor Repairs Aren't
5 Point Seat Belt
How Many Seats Are In This Car?
Well, That's The Last Time I Eat Spaghetti And Drive
Idiot Of The Week Award Goes To This Lady
It Ain't Gonna Drive Itself Home
This Gurl And Her Mom... Filled Up, Got Right Back On The Highway. Dug A Groove The Whole Way
I once helped a woman put on her spare. She said she was going to get the tire repaired even though it was now a mass of steel belt shreds sticking out of maybe an ounce of rubber (we had followed her for miles trying to get her to pull over).
Bruh. It's Not Even Strapped
At Least He Won’t Scratch The Paint
Why put this heavy load on the perfectly functioning and safe roof rack when you can block your view by sticking it to the hood?
Are A Guitar And Microphone Distracted Driving?
Man Driving With Sun Shades On Freeway
Looks Tiring!
Distracted Driving? That's California For You
Yes, She's Eating From A Pot While Driving
It looks like the car it's parked. There's no motion blur at all...
Gotta Get Those Lashes Curled
Transporting A Motorcycle On A Motorcycle
Who Needs Trunk Space When You Have Tape
Can You Still See The Road When Half The Windscreen Is Covered In Phones? Also, Don't Leave Your Phone In This Taxi
Just Saw This On My Way To Work, Guy Had Skids 15 Feet In The Air With 2 Ratchet Straps And That’s It
Umm... Not Sure Which Is Worse, The Guy Transporting Sheet Metal On The Scooter, Or The Unsecured Load In The Truck
That's Just Unsafe
Watching A Movie On An iPad Behind Her Wheel, Taking A Snapchat Video On Her Phone, All While Going 90
Driving Over Harbour Bridge, Spotted This Guy On His Way To Collect His Darwin-Award
Oh Lord, the GRim Reaper must have been really busy to ignore such an easy job
This Guy Is Shaving While Driving
Knitting And Driving, With Headphones On And Visor And Review Mirrors Pointed Down, I Suppose To Help See The Knitting While Looking Up?
Who Just Starts Driving Like That
People need to understand that having a driver's license is a privilege and not a right of birth. It comes with the responsibility to safeguard other people from danger. As far as I am there should be test if someone has enough common sense to drive a car. All the idiots who endangered other people in these picture should have to lose their licenses on the spot. No ifs, no buts, no exceptions. If you're too dumb to drive safely, you shall not drive at all.
At Least He Is Wearing A Helmet
This Guy Just Passed Me
How To Get Decapitated
Woman Caught Applying Make-Up While Driving Down Busy Road With A Child In Back Of Car
She Drove Like This For A Solid 30 Miles
Gross. I dont want to see anyone's ugly feet hanging out the window when I'm going down the highway. Not to mention, i they have an accident, it will mess that peron up way more than if they were sitting how they should
Saw This Guy Playing A Goddammed Recorder While Driving His Fiat On The Highway
Hey Don't Worry About Securing That Giant TV With A Big Rope Because, I Got This!
She Was Snapchatting While Driving (40 MPH Road (64,4 KPH)). She Also Had A Little Brother In The Passenger Seat While Doing This
Just Passing By
Just Seen Driving Down The Freeway During Rush Hour In Dallas
Holding The Door Down On At 8 Lane Road
This Guy Watching "The Office" On His Laptop While Driving
Does This Count?
Six Letters, Starts With An "S", Ends With A "D"
Must Be That New X-Ray Windshield
Even the dumbest of drivers usually make a "hole" in the snow to look through before they get on the road. This is what happens when you don't clean the snow off your roof before driving. Swoosh! Right down the windshield while you're maneuvering your vehicle through traffic.
She’s Looking At A Phone In Her Right Hand... And That’s Not A Cup Holder
Smooth Sailing Ahead
One Wrong Bump And This Could Be Catastrophic
Driving As An Intellectual
Distracted Drivers Are Everywhere, But When On The Roads In LA You Have To Step It Up. Here Is A Guy Eating A Noodle Bowl With Chopsticks While Driving No Handed And Looking Down
This Guy Is Playing His Guitar While He's Driving
Saw This Over The Weekend. Moving A Couple Mattresses
People need to stop doing this. We had a couple of guys that were moving a queen mattress across a bridge with one guy in the back of the truck holding onto the mattress to keep it from flying out. When they went over the bridge, the mattress caught air and blew over the side of the bridge dragging the man in the back with it. He fell 40 feet to his death.
This Lady Facetiming And Driving So She Can See Her 8th Grader's Award Ceremony
The Roads Of The Amalfi Coast Are Especially Winding, Narrow And Congested
It’s Okay Guys, I Just Have A Couple Miles To Drive
Was Going 60 MPH Down The Highway, Hold Downs Seem Legit
Why Bother Tieing This Sheet Of Wood Down When We Can Just Hold It On The Roof
“Headline: 90% Of All Drivers Are Not Payiooohh Sh*t!”
I Guess You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do
She ain't gonna look so pretty with that eyebrow pencil rammed through to the back of her head when she rear ends someone.....
No Hands “Driving” In The Fast Lane
Medieval Jousting Fan In Athens, Greece
I've been to Athens. I'm surprised there's not an entire family plus a dog on that scooter
I Guess We Just Watch Episodes Of Friends From Our Driver's Seat Now
Nah, We Don't Need To Rent A Truck, I'll Just Stand On The Edge And Hold It
Not correct. This guy was just securing his load. Look at the wheels of the car. This car doesn't move.
While these are photos of idiots doing idiotic things while driving, I noticed a number of the photos were taken from the driver's side of the vehicles. is it any better to be taking pictures while you're driving?
Not all countries drive on the right. England, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus and Guyana drive on the left, and therefore drive with the driver being on the right hand side of the vehicle. Some of these pics I think are from UK.
Load More Replies...Would they not get pulled over and fined, arrested? And why dont all cars have front and back plates? I am baffled
In the U.S. plates are determined by the individual states. Some, like Arizona where I live, only require one. Got me stopped in a small Ohio town once. Drove by a police car at a two-way stop, he pulled out and started flashing his lights. I pulled over and when he got to my window he apologized because at first glance he had thought I was a local with only one plate. Being late at night, it was perfectly understandable.
Load More Replies...I have a feeling that at least SOME of these were taken out of context--i dont do stuff like this, but I have been known to read, or eat from a plate with real silverware, text, etc...AT A STOPLIGHT while NOT moving. everything is put down on the passenger seat before the light turns green for me to go. when i'm driving, i'm focused on the task at hand; when i'm stopped, i multi-task!
This is why my insurance keeps going up every 6 months without any accidents or driving violations...smh
All of these are repeats from previous post, What's happening? Bored panda ran out of content?
Only if Reddit and any other originating source does :)
Load More Replies...once i saw someone doing their hair in the car on the highway. They then opened their door and took all the hair out of the brush, and dumped it out of the car. Disgusting and dangerous. And she redid her hair many times.
I'm guessing a good portion of these were taken during traffic jams, when both cars weren't moving (or at least moving at such a slow pace that it wouldn't matter).
A random PAOK FC fan on a highway in Thessaloniki, Greece ⚽️ paok-fan-5...7f-png.jpg
This can only happen in the USA :D I've never seen something like this..It's not a pity when they crash and hurt themselves..the sad thing is that they often injure somebody else..
This is why we need driverless cars, asap. That will eliminate many jobs but save thousands of lives.
Faith in technology is as bad as faith in anything else... it tends to be misplaced. At least one person has already been killed by a self-driving car.
Load More Replies...While these are photos of idiots doing idiotic things while driving, I noticed a number of the photos were taken from the driver's side of the vehicles. is it any better to be taking pictures while you're driving?
Not all countries drive on the right. England, Ireland, Malta, Cyprus and Guyana drive on the left, and therefore drive with the driver being on the right hand side of the vehicle. Some of these pics I think are from UK.
Load More Replies...Would they not get pulled over and fined, arrested? And why dont all cars have front and back plates? I am baffled
In the U.S. plates are determined by the individual states. Some, like Arizona where I live, only require one. Got me stopped in a small Ohio town once. Drove by a police car at a two-way stop, he pulled out and started flashing his lights. I pulled over and when he got to my window he apologized because at first glance he had thought I was a local with only one plate. Being late at night, it was perfectly understandable.
Load More Replies...I have a feeling that at least SOME of these were taken out of context--i dont do stuff like this, but I have been known to read, or eat from a plate with real silverware, text, etc...AT A STOPLIGHT while NOT moving. everything is put down on the passenger seat before the light turns green for me to go. when i'm driving, i'm focused on the task at hand; when i'm stopped, i multi-task!
This is why my insurance keeps going up every 6 months without any accidents or driving violations...smh
All of these are repeats from previous post, What's happening? Bored panda ran out of content?
Only if Reddit and any other originating source does :)
Load More Replies...once i saw someone doing their hair in the car on the highway. They then opened their door and took all the hair out of the brush, and dumped it out of the car. Disgusting and dangerous. And she redid her hair many times.
I'm guessing a good portion of these were taken during traffic jams, when both cars weren't moving (or at least moving at such a slow pace that it wouldn't matter).
A random PAOK FC fan on a highway in Thessaloniki, Greece ⚽️ paok-fan-5...7f-png.jpg
This can only happen in the USA :D I've never seen something like this..It's not a pity when they crash and hurt themselves..the sad thing is that they often injure somebody else..
This is why we need driverless cars, asap. That will eliminate many jobs but save thousands of lives.
Faith in technology is as bad as faith in anything else... it tends to be misplaced. At least one person has already been killed by a self-driving car.
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