In a dead-like silence, with a harsh destiny, the damned chapel stands still, telling its story only from the spectacle lied in front of the viewers.

Built in the thirteen century, it had to face violent history events, accepting temporary defeats and receiving joyfully reconstructions in the 16th and 17th century, as well as a Gothic style after its last renovation. Being teared down, burnt and rebuilt, it gained a reputation of a damned chapel after the ceiling dropped during one religious ceremony in 1968. Ever since, it remains abandoned, renegaded by the clergy that doesn’t dare to go inside anymore.

Recently, the chapel has been repopulated by artistic statues , a ghostly congregation that substitutes the human presence.

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    G H O S T : C H U R CH

    W E L C O M E

    D O N ‘ T : D I S T U R B


    S T O N E : G H O S T S

    T H E : S I S T E R S

    C R E E P Y : F A M I L Y

    T O G E T H E R


    A F T E R : Y O U

    1 2 : S T O N E : S O U L S


    W H I S P E R S

    Places Suffering – Damned Church