Flying with kids is a whole can of worms, but most people tend to talk about crying, keeping them entertained, and the general chaos they can create. Less often, does the discussion turn to the costs.

A dad filmed a TikTok that ended up going pretty viral as its contents split a lot of opinions online. In the clip, he leaves his kids in economy class (with a nanny) and heads off to fly first class, as he believes that one shouldn’t spoil children. The comments section was rife with discussion, as some agreed with this argument and others thought he was being unnecessarily cruel to his kids.
More info: TikTok


    Flying first class is comfortable, but is this luxury wasted on younger children?

    Image credits: samuel_leeds

    A dad certainly thought so, when he filmed a TikTok where he left his kids in economy class while he flew at the front of the plane

    Image credits: samuel_leeds


    Image credits: samuel_leeds

    Image credits: samuel_leeds

    Image credits: samuel_leeds

    Image credits: samuel_leeds


    Image credits: samuel_leeds

    You can watch the full clip here

    @samuel_leeds Don’t worry, they were sat with their nanny ❤️ dint spoil your children #samuelleeds #richpeopleproblems #spoiledchild ♬ original sound – Samuel Leeds

    When one sits down and thinks about it, a young child really will not understand the purported benefits of flying first class

    Image credits: Hanson Lu (not the actual photo)

    Ultimately, it’s the parents’ children and the parents’ money, they are free to do whatever they want within the confines of the law. While some commenters decry “leaving the kids alone,” they are with a nanny, within easy reach, and do not seem unhappy at the whole situation. And if we step back and analyze Dad’s logic, it makes financial sense. First class obviously boasts better seats, privacy, and more legroom. Children, notoriously, are quite a bit smaller than adults, so even the minuscule seating a budget airline might provide would still be sufficient for someone half the size of an adult.


    Let’s also go through the other benefits of first class. Better food and drink are always appreciated, but not by children or even some adults for that matter. It’s pretty unlikely that samuel_leeds kids were going to use the complimentary champagne or wine enjoyed by those at the front of the plane. Similarly, some kids have a curious palate, but most will find the “nicer” food uninspiring. Financially it also doesn’t make that much sense, as the parents would have to purchase two more first-class seats (or three if they include the nanny) for passengers who do not seem to care very much about where they are sitting.

    However, his intention to not spoil his kids may have gone right over their heads

    Image credits: Anna Shvets (not the actual photo)

    The one area where the dad may not meet his goals is in educating his kids. He states that he doesn’t want to spoil them, which is a noble cause, but it’s questionable if the kids will actually learn a lesson here. After all, they are already being taken care of by a nanny and are traveling, putting them financially ahead of most families. The excitement of flying and their seemingly young age all indicate that any intended lessons go right over their heads, like most things for someone that small. Psychologists also believe that the main way parents can combat a spoiled child is by modifying their behavior. A tantrum or moment of impetus is a teaching opportunity, but the kids in the video seem well-behaved and content.


    This does indicate that samuel_leeds, his wife, and their nanny have all done the right things off-screen to keep the kids grounded, just this specific act is likely not going to contribute much. After all, spoiling a child normally happens when they constantly get whatever they demand, but there is no indication that they actually want to be in first class or even recognize that it’s something particularly desirable. Many comments seemed unnecessarily hostile, assuming a lot about the video’s creator and his parenting style. But once the knee-jerk reaction to “leaving the kids” is set aside, his and his wife’s decision makes total sense.

    Some viewers agreed with the logic, after all, kids don’t need lots of legroom and complimentary champagne


    While others thought it wasn’t actually teaching the kids anything