During the pandemic we were all locked inside our houses. While the first couple of days Netflix, Lego and iPads were the source of entertainment, it soon became boring and repetitive.

This dad and his daughter started to create DIY projects with anything they could find inside the house. They started collecting all the arts and crafts materials they had laying around for years and started creating.

They started sharing their DIY projects and pretty soon people were asking what the supplies were to recreate the projects with their own kids.

The dad and his daughter started making ‘Pooping Unicorns’, that you can walk around and clean up after. A ‘Corona piñata’ filled with candy, so you can beat the sh*t out of the virus. A pet dragon. A box where you can put your hands in to guess what’s inside, and a funny ‘poke in the eye’ calendar to count the days.

They created boxes that contained all the supplies and started sending them to other families.

Since the virus is still around they keep on creating DIY projects to keep families entertained inside the house.

More info:


    The Pooping Unicorn

    This unicorn drops little poops while you walk it.


    The ‘what’s in the box?’ box.

    Feel inside and guess what’s in the box.

    The Corona Piñata


    Hit the virus in the face and candy will fall out.

    The Poke-in-the-eye-monster-calendar.

    Counting the days is a lot more fun with this poke-int-the-eye-monster-calendar.

    My pet Dragon.

    Who doesn’t want a pet dragon to fly around the house or garden.

    Screentime shooter game.

    Win or lose minutes of screen time with this screen time shooter game.


    At work.