Cat & Cat comics is a charming and humorous series that centers around the everyday interactions between a human named Suzy and her feline companions. The series is set in a world where pets and humans live together in a mutually beneficial relationship, much like the world we inhabit today. Suzy possesses the unique ability to understand the language of cats, which leads to many comical and magical scenarios that readers are sure to enjoy.

Susie Yi's comic series originated in October 2018, during the artist's first digital Inktober challenge. Starting with simple doodles of her own pets, Mickey and Minnie, the artist gradually expanded her daily drawings into the delightful and imaginative world of Cat & Cat. The series has since grown into a beloved universe known as the "cativerse," featuring charming and relatable characters that are sure to capture the hearts of readers who love cats and enjoy humorous feel-good comics.

Susie has also posted on Bored Panda before, and if you'd like to see some more of her older work then make sure to click here, and here.

More info: Instagram | | Facebook | | | |

Bored Panda reached out to Susie Yi, a published author-illustrator who is best known for her "Cat & Cat Adventures" series. When asked how her background in science and technology has influenced her storytelling approach, Susie responded:

"Storytelling and world-building are surprisingly systematic for me. I've learned not only to use my creativity to dream up ideas, but also to find ways to think of practical and logical ways to make my fictional worlds work. I believe that a part of storytelling is creating a believable story. If the world is fantasy or science fiction, there is still an element to which the reader needs to feel immersed and believe that this world is possible."


    Regarding her biggest challenge in transitioning from a career in healthcare and tech to becoming a published author-illustrator, Yi explained, "Making a decision to have any kind of career change is a big one, and as I've transitioned from my healthcare and tech career to a career as a published author-illustrator, I've definitely had to overcome some challenges. One big one is, as cliche as it may sound, finding a good work-life balance. Before, when I worked for a company, I would come in at 9 am and leave by 5 pm, and there was a clear delineation between work and rest time.


    Now as an author-illustrator, I set my own hours, and I can be a harsh boss to myself! It can be very easy for me to push myself to work longer hours, and when deciding on deadlines with publishing companies, I am always eager to be as efficient and fast as possible. I've had to learn to invest in myself not just as someone who loves creating, but as someone who wants to enjoy creating for a very long time. This for me means being better about resting, taking sabbaticals to recharge my creative batteries, and being present in the moments I'm not working."


    When asked about her "Cat & Cat Adventures" series and "A Sky of Paper Stars," a middle-grade graphic novel based on her own experiences, Susie said:

    "My CAT & CAT ADVENTURES series tackled important life lessons of friendship and compassion, and A SKY OF PAPER STARS layers in a more profound layer of emotion into the mix. In it, I share my experiences of losing my grandmother and dealing with the confusion of grief, mixed with questions of what it means to belong as a Korean-American. The memories I share in this book are based on real memories of my immigrant parents and myself, which makes it all the more special. But more importantly, it's a book that so many kids can relate to as they navigate various life changes and confront their own questions of identity, belonging, and relationship with family. My future books will continue to explore deeper questions and relatable experiences, particularly on themes that I've grappled with myself."


    Bored Panda was also curious to know how she creates relatable characters, so the artist explained to us, "In my storytelling, I draw upon my own experiences to create an authentic story and experience. I think many of the best writers create narratives that come from understanding at a deeper level what the characters are going through, even though they may not have actually experienced it themselves so that readers can sympathize, empathize, or at least broaden their perspectives. That's why some authors spend years researching, interviewing, and traveling -- to make the world feel realistic before layering in any fantasy or science fiction elements. Of course, it's much easier to understand experiences that you yourself have had to face. As a result, I think some of the most touching and heart-wrenching films, books, and art come from personal memories and life moments." She said.


    "In my recent books, I am telling a part of my own personal story, and I think that's what has helped A SKY OF PAPER STARS and the other two books I'm currently working on come to life in such a way that it can be relatable to a broader audience. At the core, all human beings go through similar feelings of loss, wondering about identity, grappling with belonging, experiencing difficult relationships, etc. So to be able to infuse those stories with my real experiences, and then extrapolate it to a bigger meaning has been such a beautiful way to reach the hearts of more people. It's my hope that my stories can help others feel seen and understood in some way." The artist added.


    When asked about how social media influenced her career as an author-illustrator and her advice for aspiring creators trying to build an online presence, Yi shared:

    "In the beginning, what started out for me as an online hobby grew partly because the 4-panel comics I was creating were shareable, on trend, and relatable, resulting in more reach, engagement, and follows. What I've realized as I've spent several years posting art online is that while the feedback you get from having people see your art and writing online is valuable, you also have to take it with a grain of salt. Most people are taking maybe less than a minute to scroll through their feeds, and your work cannot possibly be evaluated that quickly, particularly for formats like longer stories that require more time to read and understand. Social media has helped me get that foot in the door when I first started out, but all in all, it has been one of the least important parts of my career as an author-illustrator in the years following."


    Artist Illustrates Hilarious Comics About The Lives Of Cats

    catandcatcomics Report

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    meow point1
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You just think your cooking sucks 'cause you're a cat and so can't taste how sweet it is.

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    Susie then continued on by sharing some good tips for upcoming artists, "My advice for aspiring creators trying to build an online presence is to really consider what your bigger goals are and to treat social media like a tool in your toolbox. It's not your enemy, but it's also not the 'make or break' part of your creative career, and it's certainly not a reflection of the quality of your work. If you view it as one aspect towards your big picture goals, then it'll be much easier to have a healthy relationship with social media and avoid burnout, which in turn will allow you to be consistent as you work towards that dream."


    Lastly, the artist also shared with us that on April 25 this year, HarperCollins will be publishing a third book in her Cat & Cat Adventures series, called CAT & CAT ADVENTURES: JOURNEY INTO UNIBEAR CITY, so if you are interested please make sure to follow the artist on her social media accounts for more news on that.


    Artist Illustrates Hilarious Comics About The Lives Of Cats

    catandcatcomics Report

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    Ione Alva-wies
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cat is a great hunter, my other cat… caught a Dorito that one time

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    Artist Illustrates Hilarious Comics About The Lives Of Cats

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    Artist Illustrates Hilarious Comics About The Lives Of Cats

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    Artist Illustrates Hilarious Comics About The Lives Of Cats

    catandcatcomics Report


    Artist Illustrates Hilarious Comics About The Lives Of Cats

    catandcatcomics Report

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