Apparently, There’s A Dedicated Twitter Page Called “Cursed Images” And Here Are 30 Of The Weirdest Photos Posted On It
Once upon a time, photography was considered a true art. People could take pictures only a few times in their entire lives, and each time it was a real celebration - along with a wedding, the birth of a child, or, for example, graduation from school. These photographs could well be considered genuine works of art.
But now, when almost every one of us has the opportunity to take a photo, the number of images is growing exponentially. According to the authors of the Photutorial website, almost 54.5K photographs are taken every second in the whole world, and it is not surprising that among them there are incomparable masterpieces, as well as some strange, disgusting or even cringy ones.
It is precisely this category of photographs that the Twitter page called "Cursed Images" has been dedicated to for over a year, collecting the most bizarre, creepy and funny pictures ever taken. As of today, the page has approximately 6.5K followers and tens of thousands of likes.
Bored Panda has compiled for you a selection of the most popular pieces of media ever posted on this particular page, so please feel free to scroll to the very end, laugh, facepalm and if you have some cringy photos taken on your own, we'd definitely like to see them as well in the comments below.
More info: Twitter
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Some of the photos you see were taken a very long time ago, so now they look quite weird. On some, the photographer managed to pick up a quite outstanding combination of foreground and background. And well, some of the photos can really be called "cursed", because it is difficult to understand what is happening in them.
"Some of these photos look clearly staged," says Ivan Strakhov, a Ukrainian photographer who was approached by Bored Panda to comment on the content on the Cursed Images page. "There is a special genre in cinema called mockumentary. As the name suggests, these are pseudo-documentaries with fictional topics. Examples of such films are the horror Blair Witch Project or Woody Allen's pseudo-historical film Zelig."
“Mom, can we have Kanye West, Moth Man and Batman at home?” “No we already have Kanye West, Moth Man and Batman at home“ Kanye West, Moth Man and Batman at home:
"And just in this mockumentary genre, some of these photographs were taken. Somewhere you can see that people deliberately stood up or sat down in the appropriate position to make it look funny or strange, somewhere there are obvious traces of post-processing. But about half of the pictures obviously look like they were taken completely by accident - and this is their value," Ivan believes.
This is such an inspirational picture. Each time I see it, i feel a kind of unexplainable emotion of pride which remins me of why I converted my religion to McDonald’sism
“In fact, when people now constantly walk around with smartphones, and many do not let go of them at all, just a few seconds are enough to see something funny or unusual and take a picture,” comments Ivan Strakhov. "And sometimes it turns out to be very interesting in general - a person photographs something ordinary, for example, their friend, car or pet, and then, having opened the photo, they see that there is something strange in the background."
Of course, professional photographers react faster - especially those who shoot sports events or weddings. "They're both about anticipation, action and reaction. If someone gives a toast, there will be a reaction. If someone tells a joke, I'm looking for where the laughter is going to come from," says photographer John Solano in an interview with Nikon USA website. An ordinary person with a smartphone will react way slower - but still, this speed is quite enough to get something very strange and really exciting.
Love how BP titles this "apparently, there's a Twitter page for ..." Like, babe. "Apparently"? You steal from this Twitter account like once a month, why you be acting like you just heard of it smh 😂
Also notice bellow posts "@CursedSh*t_" instead of "@CursedShit_"!
Load More Replies...The Cat Man! Though some think this guy is actually just a bus mechanic fooling around and the original Cat Man either died years ago or was just an urban legend. (Note that he's got what looks like dirty engine oil on his face, is wearing a mechanic's jumpsuit, and is hiding under a bus).
Love how BP titles this "apparently, there's a Twitter page for ..." Like, babe. "Apparently"? You steal from this Twitter account like once a month, why you be acting like you just heard of it smh 😂
Also notice bellow posts "@CursedSh*t_" instead of "@CursedShit_"!
Load More Replies...The Cat Man! Though some think this guy is actually just a bus mechanic fooling around and the original Cat Man either died years ago or was just an urban legend. (Note that he's got what looks like dirty engine oil on his face, is wearing a mechanic's jumpsuit, and is hiding under a bus).