40 Examples Of ‘Nice Girls’, A Female Equivalent Of The Toxic ‘Nice Guys’
InterviewThere is a vast valley with steep slopes and a raging river winding its way through the bottom that separates the people who are genuinely nice and those who only proclaim themselves to be ‘nice.’ Most of us know from experience that guys who are actually nice act very differently than those who are ‘nice guys.’
However, this post isn’t about nice guys. No, this one is about nice girls. Or rather—‘nice girls’ who believe they’re entitled to ‘perfect’ partners while dripping with hatred for the world and showing their true colors when things don’t go their way. In fact, there’s a place where they get called out: the r/Nicegirls subreddit that proves that fake ‘niceness’ knows no gender boundaries. See for your yourselves, dear Pandas. Be sure to read on for Bored Panda's interview with one of the moderators of the subreddit, user CTFOE_is_Free.
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Something That Every Nice Girl Must Hear
What A Sweetheart
I agree with the reply. She deserves so much worse and he deserves so much better.
We All Have Boyfriends
Selfishness and altruism aren't as black and white as you might think. According to research, human history has shown that some forms of selfishness can be considered to be "healthy" while some altruism can be "pathological." Healthy selfishness led to higher levels of psychological well-being and a "genuine prosocial orientation." Meanwhile, pathological altruism was associated with vulnerable narcissism and selfish motivations for helping others. If that sounds familiar, it's the scientific basis for the difference between nice and 'nice.'
Moderator CTFOE_is_Fee told Bored Panda that the reason why some women are 'nice girls' is a combination of a few factors. "Some of them are too immature to realize what they're doing. Others are that manipulative on purpose. Lastly, some do not even realize what they're doing," they explained.
But Why? Smh Entitled Queens Lol
This kind of messaging is why men think they should try harder, and how you create an unsafe feeling for a lot of woman. Because a man will take away from this that no means yes. And that you have to keep trying, even though the woman made clear that she is not into you. It's a dangerous game to play!
Half Way
The Cat Isn’t What He Should Be Getting Rid Of
We were curious to find out where the line between genuine niceness and fake 'niceness' was for the moderator. Here's what they had to say: "Personally, for me, the line is drawn when you can tell that someone is being passive-aggressive; when you can sense the subdued maliciousness in their words and actions. If your gut is telling you that something is not genuine about the person then they probably are not genuine. I think we've all experienced a few relationships like that in our lives. I do not see there being a large grey area between the two. You know when someone is being kind or not."
According to CTFOE_is_free, one of the things that new members need to keep in mind if they decide to join up is to read and follow the subreddit rules. "We have a strict No doxxing policy, as we work to respect and protect the privacy of the subjects of the content as well as that of the posters."
I Went On One Date With This Girl And She Spent The Whole Time On Her Phone Drinking Coffee I Bought Her
Back Off Girl
A Message To All Nice Girls Who Might Have A Screw Loose
Or maybe... confront him and talk about it ? Then make a decision ? I understand this is meant as a kind of joke with a twist, but it's not good advice, either way.
According to the creators of the subreddit, the 'Nice Girls' community is like the ‘Nice Guys’ online group, but different in that they focus on women instead. Bored Panda has even written about them before. You can check out that post right over here once you’re done enjoying this list. Spoiler alert: proclaiming that you’re nice doesn’t make it so. The proof is in how you act, not the mild-mannered facade you show the world.
“For all the self-proclaimed ‘nice girls.’ For the women who complain ‘guys are only interested in [promiscuous women].’ For women who complain that men are shallow for not dating overweight women, while also demanding that their man have washboard abs. For the women who hold others to the highest possible standard, but have no standards for themselves,” the r/Nicegirls creators explain what their group is all about.
A Nicegirl Daydream
Now That's A Logical Leap
I Feel Like Me Sleeping Is Causing Riots
The main focus of the subreddit is to shame these ‘nice girls’ in all their glory through images, articles, videos, and everything else. “This sub is not for female incels. This place is not for crazy girls. If you swap the genders and it doesn't belong on r/niceguys, then don't post it,” they explain.
What’s more, the moderators point out that their community is “not a women hating subreddit.” They encourage members to be polite and “refrain from making sexist comments or being a bigot.” They have a zero-tolerance policy regarding things like that, so mind your manners. Yes, there’s a certain unsurprising irony there that a group about shaming people who are supposedly ‘nice’ actually requires folks to be nice.
However, just because r/Nicegirls deems these women worthy of being shamed doesn’t mean that they’re having an all-out war with them. Members of the group can’t post any identifying information about people: this way, they’re protected from internet users who might want to criticize them or insult them. After all, just because someone’s ‘nice’ now doesn’t mean that they’re not learning to be actually, genuinely nice. I’m a big believer that people can change if they set their minds to it.
So You Know It's Wrong, But You Did It Anyway?
Oh boy, and I bet that she still doesn't get the irony after being called out on it.
So I Broke My Leg, And She Wanted To Go On A Date....
She could have gone to see him, or bring food..what is wrong with people
"I Just Said Goodnight, But I'm Gonna Throw A Tantrum If You Say Goodnight Back"
Oh yeah coz men can read our minds and know exactly how we are feeling. How about stop playing games and tell him.
Urban Dictionary defines 'nice girls' as women who believe they're the best choice to be someone's girlfriend. They're deemed by the internet to be manipulative, have self-esteem issues, and can be passive-aggressive. They also have problems with jealousy and being self-centered. Especially if rejected.
The "I Don't Want Anything" Classic
Ugh another one playing stupid Games. If you say you don't want something then expect to not get it.
Spanish Girls Are Her #1 Enemy
We Have The FBI And Then We Have This
What an absolute f*****g bitch. There is no sugar coating how I feel about people doing s**t like this.
Usually, 'nice girls' are women who get others to pity her into dating her. In short, they're the female version of 'nice guys,' with all the drama and seething hatred you'd expect to see from them. Both 'nice girls' and 'nice guys' feel like they deserve to be in a relationship with anyone that they want or anyone that so much as smiles at them.
Double Standards Are Great !
F**k that s**t. There is ZERO excuse for cheating whether you are male or female.
There’ll Be Blizzard In Hell Before I Stop Eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch For Breakfast
We Aren’t Dating
They also believe that the world owes them what they want just because they're 'well-mannered.' The moment things go south and they don't get what they want, they rage at the world and proclaim that it's not fair that things are this way. Whereas a genuinely nice person is kind to others without expecting a reward, a self-proclaimed 'nice girl' or 'nice guy' hides the fact that they're really just after the reward. Usually, the reward they have in mind is romantic or [ahem] something more.
Not Sure If This Counts But...
I'm Sure Nick Appreciates Your Support!
What's not cool is acting like you are innocent when you are in fact not.
My Ex Girlfriend Wanted To Meet For A Drink And I Said No As I Was Visiting My Terminally Ill Grandmother. She Said My Grandmother Was Lucky Be Dying Because She Would Be Ashamed Of Me. Then Put This Message On Her Instagram
The Gentleman’s Journal suggests that the difference between nice and ‘nice’ depends on how honest we are with ourselves about our intentions. For instance, they explain that you should be generous, but that you shouldn’t use your generosity as a bargaining chip for other things. That means that why you’re doing something is just as important as the fact that you’re doing it.
Don't Get Me What I Ask For
Come on, you cant be THAT unappreciative! You should be grateful you even have a boyfriend with that attitude
Restoration 100. Smh My Head
My Ex Sent Death Treats To Me On My Birthday, This Was What Happened Afterwardss
One thought in particular raised by the Gentleman’s Journal stuck in my mind: “Do be kind. But don’t do it just because you think you ought to.” The implication here is simple: being kind is vital. However, making the decision to be kind because you believe it’s the right thing to do is the key here.
Abuse Ain’t Cute
Nice Girls Don’t Exi-
That's insane, I think she needs professional help. Super stalkerish. Hopefully she was charged.
You Are But A Pawn Which I Control
Being nice, polite, and kind just because you feel pressured to doesn’t make you nice. It makes you ‘nice.’ After all, kindness under duress isn’t really kindness, is it? But what do you think, dear Pandas? Why do you think ‘nice girls’ and ‘nice guys’ act the way that they do? Where do you think the line between actual kindness and fake kindness lies? Can we tell which is which from a distance? Share your thoughts with everyone else in the comments below.
Okay, Thats Not Toxic At All
It's Only Okay If I Can Go Through Your Phone
If you can't trust your partner and have to go through their phone then maybe it's the wrong relationship for you or you need help with getting over your trust issues.
Damn... I Don‘T Even Know Her
It’s Almost Like They’re There To Workout?
Another "I Don't Want Anything" One!
The Truth Comes Out. My Former Best Friend, Who I Ended Up Dating And Then It Killed Off Our Friendship When Things Went South
Feel Like This Belongs Here
If it was the other way round out would be a different story.
And Breaking Worth 40$ Isn't Cruel?
This Is The Second Time I've Ever Talked To Her, What The Hell
Nice Girl Has Trouble With Her Spelling
So we are discovering that the REAL problem is that people are assholes, male/female, makes no difference. I do see several incidences of sexism however and it just shows that both sexes fall victim to toxic sexism (yes EVEN THESE assholes are making themselves victims by perpetrating sexist views) We really need kids to be taught how not to be assholes before it's too late..
I'm convinced that some of these people are straight-up mentally ill. Because HOW are they like this???
Load More Replies...I realize this smacks of victim blaming, but if you are training him to think no does not mean no, what do you think will happen when you do mean it? Seriously, these women set everything back. If this is the primary type of women some men have to deal with, is it any wonder we have problems teaching respect?!? What really concerns me is that some of these women are raising sons
Such a good point. I wonder who it is that raises men to be rapists? These attitudes sure don't help..
Load More Replies...The problem with me reading these is it makes me feel like I'm this perfect girlfriend which I'm obviously not. Something to work on...
At least Pamela24 can admit she may have some issues and isn't perfect. I applaud her. I hope the best for her in her relationships.
Load More Replies...So we are discovering that the REAL problem is that people are assholes, male/female, makes no difference. I do see several incidences of sexism however and it just shows that both sexes fall victim to toxic sexism (yes EVEN THESE assholes are making themselves victims by perpetrating sexist views) We really need kids to be taught how not to be assholes before it's too late..
I'm convinced that some of these people are straight-up mentally ill. Because HOW are they like this???
Load More Replies...I realize this smacks of victim blaming, but if you are training him to think no does not mean no, what do you think will happen when you do mean it? Seriously, these women set everything back. If this is the primary type of women some men have to deal with, is it any wonder we have problems teaching respect?!? What really concerns me is that some of these women are raising sons
Such a good point. I wonder who it is that raises men to be rapists? These attitudes sure don't help..
Load More Replies...The problem with me reading these is it makes me feel like I'm this perfect girlfriend which I'm obviously not. Something to work on...
At least Pamela24 can admit she may have some issues and isn't perfect. I applaud her. I hope the best for her in her relationships.
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