Nice guys: you know them, you hate them, but you can't get enough of them. There's something addicting about watching these unlikeable fellas in the wild. Maybe it's just our curiosity wondering if they will hit a new low?
Anyway, the best place to observe these specimens is the appropriately titled subreddit r/NiceGuys. We already released a post on this online community, but it keeps growing and featuring more interactions with them, so we have to keep up and make an update!
By the way, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, a "nice guy" is a term used around the internet to describe a man who believes he's entitled to a woman just because he's treating her in a nice way. Continue scrolling and, believe me, you'll get it in no time.
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Not Really A Nice Guy But Things Nice Guys Do/Expect
For our earlier piece on a particularly obnoxious nice guy, counsellor & psychotherapist Tati Silva agreed to share her thoughts on the archetype.
“[I think it's] a man that is physically less attractive [and] tends to compensate by being nice to be able to connect to people," Silva told Bored Panda. "They will overcompensate with over-the-top behaviors. The ‘nice guy’ will use all the tools to charm the person they are interested in. However, if it is not replicated, the ‘nice guy’s’ true colors come to light.”
I Thought Of Making This After A Particularly Nice Weekend
And He Wonders Why He’s Still Single
The Accuracy In This Post
Silva also agrees with Dr. Glover in that a ‘nice guy’ has a sinister side.
"In the mind of the ‘nice guy’, the person he is pursuing should repay his action by becoming his girlfriend or boyfriend, for him that is how these things work. The ‘nice guy’ will lash out if he does not get what he wants, which might be indirectly influenced by misogynistic entitlement complexes.”
A Nice Guy From Mccall's Magazine, 1953
"Nice" Guys Apparently Target Minors
"There is nothing wrong with an older man wanting a younger girl!" Um, yes there is? SHE'S A KID!
Thank you, on their behalf. I too offer my condolences.
Load More Replies...Dude, there's nothing wrong with an older man wanting a younger WOMAN. Wanting a girl, especially when by older you mean 41 and not 21 is very very wrong, creepy, and depending on the exact ages, probably illegal.
YES! There is a BIG difference between a couple where one is 21 and the other 16 and a couple where one is 41 and the other 16. Both are theoretically illegal nearly everywhere I think, but I think a 21 year old is not that much older/ mature/ different then a 16 year old, whereas a 41 year old..... uff
Load More Replies...Oh my. Someone should tell the girl to show this to her parents AND the police!
Pretty sure someone already told her if you see this there ;)
Load More Replies...Report this pedo to the cops. They'd probably find some interesting things on his computer.
this is wrong. happened me once, I was already 25 but.. that man was like 58. And he reacted at my date app ipost, where I stated that my age preference (25-37) is kinda firm, because I don't feel comfortable with older man...and he start insulting me, like, so digustingly. That I don't know what I'm talking about, those young man are useless he have experience, after I told him that I don't care, and laso after his behaviour I would never even be interested in him, he started insulting even more, saying some werid sh*t about my intimate parts, then insulting my way of living like, nobody will ewant me, when I have horse, because horses take times and I should be home taking care of my man and not riding outside on horses, and the purpose of woman is taking care of older and experienced man... When I told him, he should find himself older experienced woman,he told me another buch of disgusting things.
He just wants to spoil her and not do anything dirty? Then why does her mom not need to know dude?
it's funny how when women are called "c***s" when they dont put out
notify the Police. He would be targetting other young girls. that language for a start is disgraceful..
See you next Tuesday doesn't get filtered? Lol. Btw. Dude's a creep. He's the, C U Next Tuesday here...
cant help but notice how he says he wants her to please him and only him, in the text at the top, then when it goes sideways he says his intentions were pure, huh
All of these posts?! All of these guys are narcissists. They're dangerous! Run!!
Older man wanting younger girl.. Ok, if that is what both want.. but she should be legal at least.
You've been reading Gabaldon's books, haven't you? LOL!
Load More Replies...Yes. They are real. And a LOT of women have experienced the fear that comes along with these f*****s invading their lives.
Load More Replies...Chivalry Is Alive And Well
Silva said that misogyny occurs unconsciously, connecting with hatred that forms early in life, often as a result of a trauma involving a female figure they trusted. Of course, there are exceptions. “This doesn’t apply to everyone, there are genuinely nice guys and girls out there that will be okay to be put in a friend-zone, respecting your opinion. They won’t expect anything back.”
The Entitlement To Touch Women
What is gentlemanly about a man who doesn't get the hint that this particular woman doesn't want her hair tucked behind her ear? And, that he continues to reach up to tuck her hair behind her ear, when she clearly doesn't like it, is kinda creepy.
"Who had enough of entitled women". So,... he started murdering them! Wow!! WTF?!?
Can't Even Escape Them On Meme Pages
Yeah, hint: If you are nice, funny, smart, good-looking, etc., people will notice on their own! IF you have to tell them you are something special, you most likely are just deluded with a touch of narcissism and douche 😜
But ‘nice guys’ place themselves as the victim to get what they want — they are nice, so they deserve a chance. At least in their mind. “They evoke notions of fairness when they complain about not receiving the attention they seek.”
“For all the masked ‘nice guys’ out there, it is ok to be vulnerable, be yourself with the person that you would like to date, it might take you a few steps further in your relationship instead of a complete shutdown,” Silva added. “People have the right to say no and owe nothing in return. True kindness is given without expecting nothing in return.”
Street Art
Yes, Because Paying For Someone’s Food On A Date Means That You’re Entitled To Get Some
If you want to spend money for a guarantee of sex: hire a prostitute. That is literally their job. Dating isn't discount prostitutes. Men or women.
I'm Sure She Would Love This Guy Turning Up At Her Door
A Friend Of Mine Decided She Wasn't Interested In This Guy. I Wonder Why?
Never Leave The House, Be Social Or Enjoy Your Life Because If You Do, No Good Man/Nice Guy Will Ever Want You...
Shoot Your Shot I Guess /Sarcasm
Nice Guy Wants To Convert To Islam So That He Gets His Complimentary Wife...
That’s Not The Point Of The Post Though? She Wants To Be Friends With People Who Don’t See Her As A Sex Toy, Not Date Them
After A Nice Guy Found Out My Cousin Was A Sexual Assualt Survivor, He Tried To Get Her Number From Me So He Can Provide "Helpful Advice"
That was violating just to read. Disgusting. That person needs reported on a predator watchlist. Seriously.
This Was Just Right There, And I Instantly Though Of This Sub
I was just thinking “this guy seems genuinely nice” and then this time traveler shows up
Today I Was Reminded Why I Don’t Post Photos Of Myself On Social Media
Man Annoyed His Female Friend Won’t Sleep With Him
Should have ended with..." someone who appreciates you in a sexual way." I mean just because his lady friend doesn't want to have a sexual relationship with him does not mean she doesn't appreciate him, or their friendship.
The Cringe Is Real
Found On Facebook
Imagine being this awful with other humans. Does he also lash out at men who don't want to befriend him?
This Guy Always Tried Pushing The Convo To Sexual Places, And I've Repeatedly Shut Him Down. This Was The Last Straw
Is It Really That Easy To Summon Them From Their Caves?
It’s Women’s Fault They Get D*ck Pics
I Blocked Him But He Keeps Calling Me From Restricted Numbers...
He Stopped Responding
Saw This Post By The Hard Times And Immediately Thought Of This Sub
A Nice Guy Who Is Also A Sex Offender... She Dodged A Bullet
Came Across A Nice Guy Who Wants To Know Why He's Being Turned Down
20 Year Old ‘Rich’ Nice Guy, Hitting On My 16 Year Old Niece
If anyone says "I'm a really nice guy," run. Truly nice people don't need to say they're nice. It's a definite red flag.
Thank God I Was Only 13 At The Time And Not A 30 Year Old Lurker
I'm Married. So I Just Jokingly Described My Husband
Just wanna say that people know when you're only being nice in the hopes of a sexual favour. The creepiness is pretty much evident from the get go. It's like a 6th sense that women/people develop to keep safe from potential weirdos.
Exactly! And that's the answer to everyone that says: oh i can't flirt anymore because women think I'm a creep!
Load More Replies...What breaks my heart is that we haven't learnt to answer back properly! And by properly i mean to be really rude and tell those guys to f**k off!! We learn from a young age to be polite and kind and say thanks but no and this runs so deep in our system that we keep doing it even when they humiliate and insult us!!! If there are no safety reasons i would say we should be more aggressive not because we need to be like them to get the message but because enough is enough!
Unfortunately there are *always* safety reasons. A man who grew up close to where I lived just killed his girlfriend, her two children, and a little girl on a sleepover.
Load More Replies...These kinds of posts concern me... it really is disturbing that there are so many men/boys out there with a skewed sense of entitlement in regards to women. I take women to dinner(and they sometimes take me) and spend time with them because I like them and enjoy their company...
That sense of entitlement also always reminds me that these kinds of men are not just an awkward nuisance, but seriously scary. Almost all of them sound like they're on the verge of raping or attacking a woman. Maybe it's sexist, but it's something I keep in the back of my mind any time I'm semi-alone with a man/men.
Load More Replies...Yeah... my wife had a stalker like these asshats. It's been years and she still has nightmares. I think I can almost see what their problem is: they judge themselves based on their thoughts (and their fantasy relationship that they have in their heads) rather than their words and actions. Now there is nothing wrong with imagination, but FFS they need to grow up and interact with reality. No one is a "nice guy" because they think they are nice, instead you need to be a good guy by BEING good and respeting boundaries. Friendship isn't second place!!!
I am with my partner now because he is a nice guy and has been since day one. He has always been respectful and kind and never pressured me or expected anything in return. When there was no pressure on me, I could relax and get to know him and fall in love. He did it the right way.
And this is why i will never date again if i somehow end up no longer married.
Honestly if my husband were to ever pass, I'd just buy a couple of cats and move to a damn farm away from these asshats.
Load More Replies...On behalf of my gender I apologize to all the women in this post who had to deal with such infantile, insecure incels.
Reminds me this guy I dated for two weeks few months ago. He was nice at the beginning, until the day he was at my place and started yelling at me because we disagreed. I told him that's absolutely not ok. The third time, I told him to leave. He looked at me and said "oh, so you hate all the men". He left. I laughed. Bullet dodged.
Every time a man calls women "females" I want to throw a shoe at his head
Where are all these guys coming from in this day and age?? They say, they are nice adn respectful to women but it is so obvious, that they do not see women as fellow human beings. It si 2021, where the hell to they learn that??
There are literally billions of people in the world. If someone doesn't like you, that can be painful. But respect their decision and move the f**k on. This is something that we should teach in schools. Kids need to learn from a young age that it's okay if someone does not like them back, and that they should accept it and move on.
Being a nice human being doesn’t entitle you to anything. Grow out of your entitled “me, me, me” stage and think about other people without expectations. If you can’t have platonic relationships with the gender you’re attracted to— How do you expect to understand them or speak the same language? If sex is your goal, then realize we want to trust, understand, and feel something for that person before we commit the deed which can take time. Both people have to be attracted to each other, of course. If you don’t want to work towards that, then you are better off with a sex worker. Real life isn’t porn.
How in the name of all things possible have men managed to descend to this level? It's like watching emotional and mental evolution in reverse. Jesus wept x
This is quite literally why I told my husband if we had daughters that even if I had to beg, borrow and steal I’d make sure they’d take a self defense classes so they can protect them selfs from assholes.
Why do you feel personally attacked by an article calling out creeps and sėx pests? Unless of course you're one of them.
Load More Replies...Just wanna say that people know when you're only being nice in the hopes of a sexual favour. The creepiness is pretty much evident from the get go. It's like a 6th sense that women/people develop to keep safe from potential weirdos.
Exactly! And that's the answer to everyone that says: oh i can't flirt anymore because women think I'm a creep!
Load More Replies...What breaks my heart is that we haven't learnt to answer back properly! And by properly i mean to be really rude and tell those guys to f**k off!! We learn from a young age to be polite and kind and say thanks but no and this runs so deep in our system that we keep doing it even when they humiliate and insult us!!! If there are no safety reasons i would say we should be more aggressive not because we need to be like them to get the message but because enough is enough!
Unfortunately there are *always* safety reasons. A man who grew up close to where I lived just killed his girlfriend, her two children, and a little girl on a sleepover.
Load More Replies...These kinds of posts concern me... it really is disturbing that there are so many men/boys out there with a skewed sense of entitlement in regards to women. I take women to dinner(and they sometimes take me) and spend time with them because I like them and enjoy their company...
That sense of entitlement also always reminds me that these kinds of men are not just an awkward nuisance, but seriously scary. Almost all of them sound like they're on the verge of raping or attacking a woman. Maybe it's sexist, but it's something I keep in the back of my mind any time I'm semi-alone with a man/men.
Load More Replies...Yeah... my wife had a stalker like these asshats. It's been years and she still has nightmares. I think I can almost see what their problem is: they judge themselves based on their thoughts (and their fantasy relationship that they have in their heads) rather than their words and actions. Now there is nothing wrong with imagination, but FFS they need to grow up and interact with reality. No one is a "nice guy" because they think they are nice, instead you need to be a good guy by BEING good and respeting boundaries. Friendship isn't second place!!!
I am with my partner now because he is a nice guy and has been since day one. He has always been respectful and kind and never pressured me or expected anything in return. When there was no pressure on me, I could relax and get to know him and fall in love. He did it the right way.
And this is why i will never date again if i somehow end up no longer married.
Honestly if my husband were to ever pass, I'd just buy a couple of cats and move to a damn farm away from these asshats.
Load More Replies...On behalf of my gender I apologize to all the women in this post who had to deal with such infantile, insecure incels.
Reminds me this guy I dated for two weeks few months ago. He was nice at the beginning, until the day he was at my place and started yelling at me because we disagreed. I told him that's absolutely not ok. The third time, I told him to leave. He looked at me and said "oh, so you hate all the men". He left. I laughed. Bullet dodged.
Every time a man calls women "females" I want to throw a shoe at his head
Where are all these guys coming from in this day and age?? They say, they are nice adn respectful to women but it is so obvious, that they do not see women as fellow human beings. It si 2021, where the hell to they learn that??
There are literally billions of people in the world. If someone doesn't like you, that can be painful. But respect their decision and move the f**k on. This is something that we should teach in schools. Kids need to learn from a young age that it's okay if someone does not like them back, and that they should accept it and move on.
Being a nice human being doesn’t entitle you to anything. Grow out of your entitled “me, me, me” stage and think about other people without expectations. If you can’t have platonic relationships with the gender you’re attracted to— How do you expect to understand them or speak the same language? If sex is your goal, then realize we want to trust, understand, and feel something for that person before we commit the deed which can take time. Both people have to be attracted to each other, of course. If you don’t want to work towards that, then you are better off with a sex worker. Real life isn’t porn.
How in the name of all things possible have men managed to descend to this level? It's like watching emotional and mental evolution in reverse. Jesus wept x
This is quite literally why I told my husband if we had daughters that even if I had to beg, borrow and steal I’d make sure they’d take a self defense classes so they can protect them selfs from assholes.
Why do you feel personally attacked by an article calling out creeps and sėx pests? Unless of course you're one of them.
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