For each of their profound and poetic phrases, kids can drop a chilling, nightmare-inducing line that will make their parents sleep with one eye open. At least for one night.

Not long ago, Reddit user o0_Oo_ made a post on the platform, asking its users, "What's the creepiest thing your child ever said to you?" and in just a few days, they provided enough stories to make a 10-season horror show.

From evil angels plotting to hurt entire families to the undead rising from their graves, here are the worst.


30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things Not my kid, but a little girl in my son’s kindergarten class told me she lives across the street from a cemetery. I asked her if it was spooky to live that close to a graveyard and she said very matter-of-factly, “Not during the day. But at night they all walk up to our windows and scream.”

Elvis_Take_The_Wheel , Reading Tom Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My Five year old said he was gonna miss me when I was dead… in five days. 2 days later I was really poorly with covid, I thought that was it for me, honestly.

    Then one day he asked me if I’d like a (memorial) bench when I die.

    I have a morbid kid.

    Felinaporcelina , cottonbro Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things I was playing got your nose with my 2 year old nephew and the power went out, whole house pitch black, and he says to me

    “(Name) did you take my eyes?”

    nyello-2000 , Julian Tysoe Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Great self awareness on that little one though - eyes mean seeing, take them away, not seeing anything (while playing the nose game)! Bless him for thinking the game actually was real though ;)

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things Just after my little brother was born my mom, 3 y.o. sister and I were talking about what not to do around the baby. Things like not leaving small toys out or throwing balls around the baby. After a few minutes my sister chimed in and said, "and you don't cut off babies lips with a sharp knife".

    bucnasty303 , Paul Report


    It was a Saturday morning a few years ago, and my wife and I were still in bed, and she was trying to convince me to make pancakes for breakfast. My oldest son (about 6 at the time) came in to the room and agreed with her.

    He then said "You should make some for Tyler, too."

    Now, he had never had imaginary friends, and we didn't have anybody in the house or family named "Tyler", so I was curious and asked him who Tyler was.

    **"Tyler is the man sleeping in my bed."**

    Anyway, turns out a local teenager had gotten p**s drunk the night before, jumped into the local public swimming pool, gotten separated from his friends and wandered into my house, thinking it was his friends (very suburban, all houses very similar) and passed out on my sons bed in his wet chlorinated clothes. My son thought this was fine and went downstairs to watch TV in the living room until he fell asleep on the couch, which was apparently the height of awesome for a 6 year old. We called the cops, he was incredibly embarrassed, apologetic, and still quite drunk, and they came and took him home.

    SergeantRegular Report

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    Jonathan Panda
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That escalated quickly Turned out wholesome in the end. Lock your door at night, people, even if you live in the boonies.

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My daughter was 4 and while we were eating breakfast one morning she says “I was on a mountain once, and my mom dad died and then I woke up and was in this house with you and mama. “ then we just sat there for a few seconds and looked at each other. Then she said she wanted to watch paw patrol.

    lmc227 , Providence Doucet Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things when my sister was little (probably 3-4) my mom said she would wave out the window when they were going down the interstate. when my mom asked who she was waving at she said “that family on the side of the road. they died there in the car crash. do you see them? they’re waving at us”

    kennyspillz , Tim Mossholder Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things Son woke up and his shirt was all torn up, like it looked slashed. Asked him what happened and he said he had a dream that "got real".

    juiceman730 , Steven Saus Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My 3 year old came up to me gave me a hug, then whispered in my ear "don't go to work, you will die in a wall"

    I drive to work and work in construction. Decided to work from home that day.

    Cubix89 , Josh Olalde Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things I don't have kids, but a small child maybe 6 years old approached me while I was on a walk one time, looked me dead in the eyes and said "You are hunted as well."

    DanteVelour , nafrenkel88 Report


    My (now 10 yo) son used to tell me all about what his life was like when he was my age. He apparently owned a large dairy farm near our home,his name was John(not his name),and he raised horses as well. He would even point out the exact location of his farm. The location was an abandoned stone house with wood frame outbuildings. According to township tax maps,that particular farm had been the John Freeman farm in the 1880s. Freeman was a respected dairyman who also raised Belgian work horses for sale. My man was remembering his former life.

    unknowableahole Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My then 3 year old had a few gems:

    Him: I was so mad at you, I was gonna destroy you.
    Me: yeah, how so?
    Him: I was gonna throw you in a volcano.
    Me: why didn’t you?
    Him: I don’t know where a volcano is.
    Me: so we good?
    Him: for now…

    The other one:

    Him: too bad the babysitter [passed away].
    Me: no she didn’t bud, she’s just not here today.
    Him: or she’s in the freezer(while staring at the freezer)
    Me: you’re pretty creepy sometimes bud
    Him: just smiles

    jvac23 , Rachel Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My son was around 3 at the time. Kept refusing to go downstairs as that’s where angel man was, and angel man wanted to hurt the family

    New_journey868 , Franco Dal Molin Report


    Last week on the way to school I was talking with my 8yo about how weird it is when you know you had dreams the night before, but cannot remember anything about them.

    After a long pause he replies calmly, “Those are the ones you’re not supposed to remember.”

    dronepilot5 Report


    My ex-father-in-law died a couple years before my daughter was born so she never met him. He was known as a pretty funny guy, always quick with a one-liner. As strange as it sounds, there were no pictures of him around until my daughter was about 4 years old and my ex-mother-in-law set one next to the urn where his ashes were kept. The first time my daughter saw the picture she pointed to it and said, “That’s grandpa! I like when he looks in my window and makes me laugh. I don’t like his friends, though.”

    She had never mentioned this. When I tried to ask her about it, she seemed nonchalant. She’s older now and says she doesn’t remember it. I’ll never forget it.

    lolochi Report


    My mother died a few weeks ago. I went to her house to get some things and she had a huge collection of stuffed animals that I brought home for the kids.

    My son (5) and I were awake early about 3 days after her death and he was playing with the stuffed animals in his room when he came out screaming and crying hysterically.

    This never happens, he’s a very tough boy for 5. Now I was freaked asked him what was wrong and he was legit terrified. I had never seen him like this before of after.

    He said that one of the stuffed animals moved. He said he was playing with the other ones and the little 2” beanie stuffed dog moved turned it’s head and looked at him.

    He said he threw a doll at it and “it’s face got mean.”

    He refused to go back in that room or leave my side until I put the stuffed dog in the trash, not the inside trash or the outside trash near the house but the dumpster down the street.

    I don’t believe in ghosts or anything but carrying that thing out to the trash I got goosebumps and felt super freaked out.

    glock2glock Report


    My wife texted me once while I was still at work and she was home with our 4-year-old son (he’s 7 now), creepy enough to warrant a midday message…
    A little back story - my dad’s older brother, named Paul, died in a car accident in 1986, when I was 5. I don’t remember much about him, but he did like telling me jokes and outlandish stories because I’d believe anything he told me. It was, and still is, an emotional subject for my dad so I avoid bringing Paul up unless dad does first. Definitely hadn’t mentioned it to my son.
    So that afternoon a few years ago, my son was telling my wife a story, something about a tractor and a donut. At the end, he laughed (he always tries to make jokes and laughs at his own), then said “That was a joke I used to tell my dad when he was young.”
    My wife answered, without thinking much about it, with “Oh, you knew your dad when he was young?”
    My son then says, “Yeah, my name was Paul when my dad was young.”

    OddBoxShop Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes I wonder in cases like this that the son has received racial/trauma type memories that get passed genetically from father to son.

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    Not my child but a family friends kid was playing with Lego and said “that’s a nice prototype” and his mum asked where did he learn that word, to which he replied “humans are a prototype”

    AptermusPrime Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My son tells me stories of "scary uncle Michael" in his bedroom at night. He says he's a grey man that looks like his uncle and he climbs on walls and calls out to him and one night he tried to eat him.

    Yep, nightmare fuel

    steaky_bake_92 , Annie Spratt Report

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    MacKenzie Moore
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    life hack: you can use that fuel to burn the house down. problem solved.

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    when my daughter was just two she said a couple of things that freaked me out. one night she was looking up at the full moon from a stairway landing window. I thought it was cute so I went up and asked her what she was thinking. imagining she'd say something like "is the moon weally made of cheese daddy?" or something like that. instead she looked at me and in a creepy old woman voice said "We are all in the same cage". Like a good horror movie dad I ran to the basement and pretended nothing happened.

    galwegian Report


    I as a 5 yr old child told my parents I didn't sleep in my bed because of the old lady. Nearly every morning they would find me asleep in my closet. They didn't think to much of it until other people would come stay with us and mention they saw an old lady standing over them when they woke up in the middle of the night. This happened to a good 3 visitors in that same room and bed and all of them refused to step foot in that room again.

    piece-of_pie Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a similar experience as a small child. Mum and grandma told me I would repeatedly turn up in Grandma's bed (after being put to bed in my own) at night due to the Old lady bringing me in for cuddles. After my grandma said I should stay in my bed, I apparently had a chat with said old lady and told her not to get me in trouble by taking me in there anymore. Mum said room always smelled very strongly of honeysuckle (even in deep winter) whenever I said the old lady had been or I turned up in Grandma's bed. I wasn't a kid that liked to get in others beds out of choice, loved my own room and space. I even knew the lady's name. Told my family.....they asked neighbours, turned out it was the name of an old dear that had died in the house a couple of years before we moved there. I was 4.

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My 5 year old was speculating that the tooth fairy probably takes the teeth to put in her own mouth, so that she has millions of teeth in her mouth. Yikes

    gallopingwalloper , Barney Moss Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things "Momma, you can't take a shower; all your skin will come off."

    "No it won't."

    "Maybe not today."

    ThaScoopALoop , Jeff Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things Not my kid, but one of my friends daughters, when she was like 5 or 6 did this.

    She was brushing one of her dolls hair, and, in singsong, said, 🎶”First I’m going to kill brother, then mommy, then daddy, then I’m going to go live in the woods with you.”

    My friend is her dad, and he overheard her. Said he backed up slowly, went outside and called her mom.

    She went through a bit of therapy and is now leading a pleasant life in 5th grade. I’m happy to tell you that she isn’t scary creepy crazy after getting help.

    Purplegorillaone , Elizabeth Report


    I was talking to my son when he grabbed my face, got really close, and whispered, “Mommy, you’re talking too loud. You’ll wake up Abiyoyo.”

    Me whispering: “Who’s Abiyoyo, buddy?”

    Son whispering: “Abiyoyo is my friend.”

    Me: “Where is Abiyoyo?”

    Son: “In the mountain. He’s sleeping.” (We live near a large mountain range)

    Me: “Why do we have to be quiet?”

    Son: “He eats kids when they’re too loud.”

    Sometimes when we were too loud he would tell all of us to be quiet then run to the window to see if Abiyoyo was coming.

    For a while I was afraid of looking up “Abiyoyo” online for fear that it’ll be some ancient demon or something. But my son kept bringing him up so I finally got over myself and found out that Abiyoyo is a South African folk tale about a giant who lives in a mountain who comes down to eat the village livestock. Afraid that he will eat the villagers next, they find a way to stop him. They read the book to him at school. 😂

    MachokeOnThis Report

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    Will Young
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like the people who came up with the story had some noisy kids lol

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My kid keeps talking about the babies in the walls of his bedroom. Very off putting.

    JohnnyLett , Roy Luck Report

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    Novel Idesa
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When my daughter was little she used to talk about the person in her wall named "Molin." She talked about Molin all the time. If I mentioned Molin she'd tell me I was saying it wrong. She'd get frustrated and keep repeating herself, but to me it just sounded like "Molin.". We live in a duplex and one day I got a piece of mail addressed to "Marilyn," so I went to ask my neighbor if I'd gotten their mail by mistake or something. She told me that Marilyn was the previous owner's mother who he'd been caring for. Apparently she lived with him briefly before going into hospice and dying. One day when my daughter was taking about "Molin" it clicked. I asked her "Are you saying 'Marilyn.'" My daughter was so happy I finally said it right. 😬

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My youngest (was 4) was on the carpet playing with his cars.

    Son: I can’t wait to get a new house when this house explodes

    Me:(half listening) Uh huh, sure that sounds… wait, what??

    Son: yeah when our house explodes, be ready and we’ll just run out real fast (and then he turned back to playing with cars like nothing was said)

    Thankfully that was 5 years ago, and my house has not exploded.

    MrsSmith07 , MapHobbit Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things One time my son was drinking one of those Danimal yogurt drink things with the monkey on it. He looked at the bottle and whispered, “I’m drinking your blood” at it

    bags-o-salad , DebMomOf3 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Find that one quite amusing kids would have said things like that

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My son was talking about his friend the "upside down clown" while I was putting him to bed one night.

    Needless to say, not a fan of that concept.

    Penguin-Monk , Graeme Maclean Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My 3 yr old nephew peeled off one of his toe nails. When asked why,

    "To see my skeleton."

    Thursday_Cupcakes , carvalho Report

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    Élizaan Jansen van Rensburg
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm shuddering just hearing that. It is already painful when you just slightly bend your nail over. I cannot imagine ripping it off completely.

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    Not creepy; but stuck with me:

    My daughter could just speak, and asked to tell me a secret. I leant toward her and she said ‘don’t tell daddy but I’m so happy I picked you.’ I was smiling because that was cute and said ‘whaddya mean?’ She said ‘I was in a room full of mommies and I saw your smile, and I picked you.’ I just said ‘well thank you so much!’

    She’s 14 now, and I still haven’t told Daddy. :)

    witchyanne Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things When I was 16 and my younger brother was 9 he once said with a dead straight face (and I quote) "If I was to murder you in your sleep no one would know or say it was me because I'm just a kid and kids can't kill people." I had to sleep with one eye open after that...

    kpop_addict123 , Philip Dean Report


    When my nephew was 3, I went to my sisters house to watch him and his older sister.

    I was in the kitchen washing up some dishes when I looked out and saw him climbing up to the top of the waterslide and noticed the pool cover was auto retracting. I ran out to go get him (because he couldn't swim at the time). I grabbed him before he reached the top.
    He thought it was funny. I put him down and couldn't figure out how he knew to retract the cover. His 4 1/2 year old sister came out and said the old man told her to push the button. The man at the end of the pool. There was no one there.

    I was totally freaked out. So glad my sister moved from that house.

    CeeUNext_Thursday Report


    Copy paste from other times I've told the story here.

    Purple mommy. When my son was first learning to talk, he would tell us about something called "purple mommy". It could be an imaginary friend, but these details are a little bit creepy. Here's a few of the purple mommy details . Purple mommy is all purple with long hair and bright all white eyes(at the time he mixed up purple with black, so he could have meant she was all black) . Purple mommy picks him up at night, and turns off the lights. We would often find my son out of his crib in the morning, which would mean him crawling over the railing and to the ground, at a time when he was barely walking. Definitely found the lights in his room off a few times too, even though hes terrified if the dark. . Purple mommy needs a bandage because she has blood everywhere.

    .Purple mommy has no smile, meaning a mouth

    . Purple mommy can take her head off. . Purple mommy really doesn't like daddy.

    He told us all of this stuff for maybe a year or a little more. If we ever asked where she was, hed always point to the same spot. A corner of the room behind his open closet door. He would also wake up crying almost every night during this time. Once, during a really rough night, my wife went to ask him whats wrong, and his answer was "purple mommy wont let me sleep."

    professor_dog Report


    My at the time three year old; he said he wasn’t a baby that he was a 40 year old man with a wife and three kids, and has no ideas how he got here.

    Beginning_Ad_6616 Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My five year old daughter is trying to process the knowledge that everyone dies. So she tends to casually drop stuff about me dying into normal conversation. I know this is her age-appropriate way of trying to process the concept of mortality, but it is so unbelievably ominous and it comes out of nowhere.

    “I like your pretty dress, Mommy! But you wont be able to wear it……when you’re dead.”

    “I love you, Mom. But I’ll miss you so much when you’re dead.”

    She also once dropped an absolutely terrifying comment about snuggling me when I’m dead.

    ETA: I’m 28. Which in her mind is ancient — I am practically at death’s door.

    bethereinthemorning , Sandra Seitamaa Report


    “Remember before I was a baby when I was a different little boy and I had a different mommy and daddy?”

    “Uh… no buddy, do you remember that?”

    “Hmmm, only a little.”

    DontDoxxSelfThisTime Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had a cousin do this often....would tell us all about his farm, and his wife and how the tractor crashed and now he's here!! Was about 2-3 yrs old at the time....then after a year or so, totally stopped, never mentioned again. As an adult now, has zero memory of it. We all remember tho!

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    My 1,5 yo daughter at Christmas at my grandma's house. My grandpa died 2 years before my daughter was born. He had a favourite chair, he sat in it all day long. Usually nobody uses it, only the little kids spin around in it.

    So my daughter was headed towards the kitchen from the living room when suddenly she stopped and pointed at the chair: "Man. Man is sitting in chair." She left, came back two minutes later, stopped and pointed at the chair again "Man. Man is sleeping."

    My husband and my brother were speechless, my husband kind of freaked out a little, he hates this stuff. But my mother, aunt and grandma were all happy that grandpa was still with us.

    Explain_your_sneeze Report

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    Pat Ucu
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that lots of us have this ability when we're small, but lose it as we get older. This happened to me: when my younger daughter was a baby and took naps in the afternoon I used to nap as well in my bedroom, next door to the children's room. Once I woke up to the sound of talking and giggling, then my daughter shouting to me "mummy, come and see the lady!" I of course said what lady, and she replied "the lady in the door". I was such a coward that I didn't immediately run in to rescue her from this lady, but waited a few minutes, and then got up and went in. My daughter, who was still in her cot at the time, described the lady as very pretty, with a big hat and a dress with puffy sleeves and a long skirt. Hovering in the door apparently. /continued

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things It actually just came up in my FB memories today. When my son was two, I woke up to him standing beside my bed staring at me. When he saw me awake, he climbed into bed with me and started hugging and kissing and telling me how much he loved me. I jokingly said "why are you being so loving, what did you do." And he shrugged and said "killed a man." I was like "what? You...killed a man?" "Yup" then went back to snuggling with me like it was nbd. I still haven't the foggiest idea what that was all about.

    Empkat , Helena Lopes Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    🎵 Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead. 🎵

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    My 3 yr old comes up and leans into my knee, heaving a heavy sigh...

    'what's up, sweetie?' I ask.

    '...oh, I'm just tired of this planet; I want to go back to the star where I belong.'


    It's been my life-experience, as many of the comments here attest, that 3 yr olds have a unique perspective; like their consciousness is still half-way in whatever their 'before' was...

    Spirit50Lake Report


    Maybe not creepy, I personally find it funny as hell, but still kind of out of place for a 7yo.

    My son regularly talks in his sleep. It's usually nonsensical rambling, or incoherent mumbles. This one night though he just sat bolt upright in his bed while I was walking by his bed, and he shouted in the deepest, angriest voice a 7yo can muster, "I'VE BEEN TO WAR!" Then lay back down and continued sleeping.

    I was in stitches! Like, "wtf just happened?"

    He didn't remember anything the next morning, and none of us know where he picked up the line. I've been calling him Sarge when he needs some teasing, ever since.

    The_Dipster Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things While I was driving my four year old nephew around he spent a solid few minutes telling me about the dead body he stashed in my trunk.

    This was a long time ago and as far as I know he isn’t a serial killer

    anon , Tim Mossholder Report


    Ex-wife’s nephew started talking about the “monster” that came to his room at night. He wasn’t scared of the monster but said she was a woman, knew his name and said nice things to him. A couple of years after he started talking about her he found an old picture album he had never seen and was flipping through it on the floor. He flipped a page and jumped up pointing at the album. “That’s her! She’s the monster!”
    It was a picture of his Romanian great grandmother who died 30 years before he was born.

    Various_Lingonberry7 Report

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things Well my four year old casually told me she was going to steal my bones as I slept last week. So that's horrifying.

    walrus_gumboot , edward musiak Report


    He's almost thirteen now, but when he was about 3, he's sitting at the dinner table, looks up at me and says, "You know, when I was a little boy in Africa, I used to run away from the lions. They were too fast, once."

    Goldblums_Eyebrows Report


    Not said but drawn...

    We had a doodle book (i.e. there's something already on the page and a prompt to add on to it)

    The prompt was "What is the clown juggling?" And of course a clown in a juggling pose.

    My then 6 year old daughter drew some bloody heads and wrote, "His victims."

    Soooo yeah no more YouTube after that.

    kthejoker Report


    There are already much creepier ones, but still. We observe a man littering on our block.

    3 yo daughter: "He just littered!"

    me: "He did. Littering is bad."

    daughter: "He should be executed." (By which she meant, specifically, having his head cut off.")

    me: "Uh, maybe not for a first offense."

    bsnyc Report


    Swarm the attacker. SWARM THE ATTACKER!!! This is what they instructed our youngest, kindergarten at the time, to do in the event of a school.shooter. that night before bed, "Daddy, am I going to get shot at school?"

    James30907 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Telling kindergartners to swarm a gunman...wt actual f, people?!

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    A year ago my daughter was having night terrors, she was 4 at the time. Would wake up screaming every night around 3 am. My wife and I would go stay with her until she fell back asleep. We assumed she was just having nightmares but one morning she had told me that she was afraid because there in a man in her closet that doesn't have a head who keeps waking her up...

    cobraskunk Report


    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things My three year old son was swinging a plastic sword around, almost hitting a bunch of stuff including his baby sister. So I told him if he doesn't stop swinging it around I was going to throw it away. His response back was "if you throw my sword away, I'll go to the store, buy a real one and cut your head off".

    i_like_debt , Report

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    Squirrel Girl
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my baby brother (well technically he's 5 now but whatever) when he angry he says things like that to me. I think little kids are permanently stuck on anger mode XD

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    My younger brother had this imaginary friend called John when he was around 6 years old, he’d bring him up the odd time and would write him a card at christmas - stuff like that.
    My mum didn’t say anything until many years later, but one night she was settling my brother into bed and they were having little bedtime chats when she asked him a little about John. She asked him how old John is and my little brother told her John is 7 but died when he was 32.
    She told me a shiver went down her spine and she stopped asking about John after that.

    But get this, her and my dad looked into things and found out that about 20 years earlier, a man called John died in a motorcycle accident at the bottom of our lane - when he was 32 years old.

    howdy--doody Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don’t downvote. It’s just an opinion. There could be multiple johns who died like that.


    I was wrestling around with my daughter when she was about three. All of a sudden, her demeanor changed, she stopped, looked at me and said, “we were sisters once”. She went on to explain that she died first so she had to wait in heaven until God could put us back together again.

    It wasn’t even what she said. It was the way she said it & for a brief moment she was an old soul telling me a story and just like that she went back to being a little girl again.

    (Edit - I’m her dad.)

    Theid411 Report


    Not my child, but my sister.

    My sister when she was young once pointed asomewhere and said “Look at all those people!” while we were in the car with mom and dad.
    It was a cemetery she was pointing at.

    StormyHospital Report


    Im not a parent but a sibling, my little sister once told me she liked to swim in the blood of her worst enemies.

    TWDTourist69 Report

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    My 3 year old Granddaughter said, "Grandma, I just saw a man with no eyes go upstairs."

    auntshooey1 Report


    My little sister had some creepy moments when we were younger. She often claimed that “people” were in her bathroom at night talking, and watching her. She called them “Po and the Tape Monster”. There are a couple stories regarding them, both funny and creepy.

    One night she woke up scared and went to my parents’ room to sleep with them. Before she went back to sleep, she used their bathroom, and when she came out she said “Why are there people in your bathroom mommy?”

    Dad was out of town, mom still swears this was the scariest thing any of my siblings ever did

    TheKrazyKrab23 Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    “Po and the Tape Monster” would be a fairly good band name


    My oldest laughs in her sleep pretty regularly. One night she was laughing harder than usual, so I decided to go make sure she was okay. I sat with her for a minute, then she sat up opened her eyes, looked right at me and whispered “run” laughed for a second then laid back down and fell quietly asleep. Still get shivers when I think about it.

    nickcostaoffside Report

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things When I went to Iraq some grade school class somewhere wrote letters to us. Mine said, "Thank you for giving your time and your life for our country."

    Callec254 , cottonbro Report

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    Benita Valdez
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah maybe they meant life not in the literal sense but the sense of having a life at home away from war.

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things I have an awesome video of my son. He was maybe 2-3 at the time. He was taking a quarter and trying to put in the the slot just above the door handle of a closed closet. He kept repeating. “(His name) pay the lady, I pay her”. When I asked what he was doing he responded “I have to pay the lady in the closet”. I asked him why is there a lady in the closet. He said “she lives there. I pay her”.

    121guy , Hobbies on a Budget Report


    Definitely thought it was more funny than creepy, but when my kid was 2 he was scribbling on a piece of paper and quietly sang (to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat) "Scrape, scrape, scrape your eyes, scrape your eyes today."

    Zanarkandite Report

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things Not said to me, but to one of my colleagues.

    She has two sons, and the younger started to have these terrible nightmares where he's being chased by someone with a huge knife and wants to murder him and all the kids. he would - as you can imagine - wake up screaming and refusing to go back to sleep. And then he asked his mom "mommy, is there a way how I could make myself not alive? I don't want to live like this anymore".

    I can't even imagine how his mom must feel when it's her child, but damn.

    NefInDaHouse , Zahra Amiri Report


    I had a miscarriage when my daughter was a year and a half. We don’t talk about it because I didn’t process it in a healthy way and figured it would be too heavy for a kid to deal with. Anyway, my daughter is 4.5 now and the other day she was playing with her playdoh and says “I didn’t get to play with my brother because he passed away.”

    fannyapplebottom Report

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    30 Times Kids Told Their Parents Incredibly Creepy Things How come you're not waking up tomorrow?

    Emergency-Hyena5134 , Ivan Oboleninov Report


    Creepy and funny.

    My youngest once said to me-

    “I could make three baby hands out of your hand meat.”

    Captainfreshness Report


    When my daughter was between the ages of 1 and 2 we had some weird stuff go on. It started by her always staring at the same corner of her room. Sometimes she would point to that corner while we were changing her diaper. She then started getting really scared randomly. We asked her what was wrong repeatedly and she, one day, told us that she was afraid of the burning man.

    Apparently the burning man was chilling in her room and telling her that she needed to help him or they both were going to die in a fire.

    When we bought the house there were signs of a chimney fire. I did some research and found out the people who sold us the house inherited the house from there father, who died in the chimney fire.

    I put up a trail camera in her room but did not catch anything.

    Pretend-Chipmunk-559 Report

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    6yo nephew before he went to bed for the night told me "don't wake up when the monster sits on you, or you'll never move again."

    PucWalker Report


    Not me but a friend. His daughter was 3-5ish. She said to him , “Grandma is going to die tomorrow.” Grandma wasn’t sick, was in her 60s, so not likely to die of old age old, since she was in relatively good health. Nothing that screams she’s gonna die.

    Next day, Grandma fell down stairs and broke her neck. I don’t believe I supernatural s**t, but what a hell of a coincidence.

    anon Report

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    Frosty 🇺🇦
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's sad. i wish your grandma well. also, I said this before but, don't mess with this kid

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    When my child was about 4 or 5 she claimed she had 3 imaginary friends, Eenie, Miney, and Moe. But that wasn't the creepy part. Nor was it that apparently they referred to her as Meenie.

    It was the fact that she told me her imaginary friends don't like to go into her closet because there's a creepy old man in there.

    MatthewDLuffy Report

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    After my mom had repeatedly called for my dad to come down for his birthday dinner, she told my 4-year old nephew to go tell my dad “for the last time, come down for your birthday dinner.” He went and told my dad “to come down for his last birthday.” He passed away about 3 weeks later.

    samebatchannel Report

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    Frosty 🇺🇦
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't mess with this kid. anyway, I need to go cry in a corner now


    Playing on the floor with my son, he's two. Pillows on the floor, we're pretending to go "night night" and sleep. Takes pillow away from me, stands above my head, looks down and says" bye bye" and places the pillow over my face.

    chucklesses86 Report


    It was the one time when I go out for a walk with my sister here on our village. My sister suddenly stop and doesn't want to walk anymore when we are at the last street and she suddenly crying, I asked her why she's crying. And when she answer me she's pointing on one of the houses there and she told me that there are someone on the window and his looking at us. His eyes are red. Once she said that I pick her up and turn around. That house she's pointing out are abandoned for so many years.

    ashieeng Report

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    When my 10 yr old was a toddler he told me he had been having a conversation with Arzula my dead grandmother in his bedroom he described her to me and her name was so unusual that there is no way he could've made it up and he never knew her

    CoolCJMack Report


    “I want cereal.” The creepy part was that it was after I woke gasping for air because she held my nose and mouth shut to wake me up. Her and my son were standing there smiling like the Children of the Corn.

    swollenmemberberries Report


    Not my child but my 6 year old cousin
    my dad died before he was born and me and my father have the same name, my cousin came up to me and says “uncle (My name) is in the kitchen he says his lungs hurt” i have no idea how he knows how my father died, but he died of lung cancer and i stopped babysitting him after that and he seems to have no recollection of it happening

    xruvk Report

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    My 5 year old neice called me close to whisper in my ear. She said at night, when she’s sleeping, she’s visited by the ghosts of little kids. The hover above her and tell her things.

    I get chills just thinking about it and have no idea where it came from.

    Loud-Distance-1456 Report

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    MacKenzie Moore
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    2 years ago

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    There was a little girl who was a second cousin of mine i believe? Her older brother had died young of a heart issue. She used to walk around talking to him after he died, for years. It scared the s**t out of me, but my mom and her mom saw no problem with it. She needed therapy.

    ZealousIdealRejected Report


    My 2 year old kept telling me that he could see fire on the ceiling and that it comes from mommy and daddy's room. That was a bit off-putting.

    SqueezyCheez85 Report

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    Pink Dahlia
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was little my dad was a firefighter. In the middle of the night one of his fellow firefighters pounded on our door to wake my dad because there was a huge explosion in our town. Dad left and I went back to sleep on the couch. My mom came out to check on me and said I was talking in my sleep. I had said "3 men fell in the fire." The next day we found out 3 firemen fell into the fire and died. Thank god my dad wasn't one of them.


    My 3-year-old daughter told us at dinner the other night, “I had a family before this one.” Then she looked down at her plate and said in a really sad sounding voice, “they’re dead now.”

    To be clear, this is the only family she’s ever had. No idea where she’d have got that idea.

    ACasualFormality Report

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    Not my kid, but my youngest sister. Some info: my sister has a tendency to sleep talk about silly things like food and toys. One night when my family was staying at hotel and I had to share a bed with her, she sits up at 2 am, waking me up, and turns to me with her eyes closed. She then exclaims “NAME it’s behind you! Look behind you” in a very scared and urgent tone. There was only a headboard and wall behind me, which I try to explain to her but she just lays back down and continues to sleep. I did not get very much sleep that night though lol

    call_me_melancholy Report

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    When I was about six or seven, the house we were renting was going to be sold. My parents instructed us to keep our rooms tidy because people may be walking through the house during showings. I had the idea to take a little box and write “fortunes” on it. Inside were little slips of paper with “fortunes”. The idea was that prospective buyers could take a slip of paper to get there fortune, kind of like a fortune cookie. I remember the first couple of slips of paper said stuff like “you will have good luck”. Then the rest of them had some pretty morbid stuff like “you’re going to die”. My parents read the slips of paper beforehand, then sat me down and sternly told me the fortune box was a no-go. I was a pretty serious child, it didn’t occur to me that a fortune box should be light hearted. 🤷‍♀️

    Totallynotacylon Report

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    Happened just this week after I had a small procedure at my drs office. My 2.5 yr old was doing a "check up" on me with his drs kit and I made a joke asking if I was gonna live and he said "no, mom die". Oh ok then 🥲

    LesMiserableGinger Report


    Was stationed in Germany and lived in a small village. We rented out a remodeled "townhouse" and our landlords lived next door. Everything in the house was recently redone except it had an ancient looking basement. The basement looked like something out of a WW2-era movie. Going into the basement gave me and my wife the creeps but whatever, right? One night, my 4 year old kid wakes up crying and just keeps repeating," the old people said they don't want me here anymore". We moved out a month or two later.

    taylorm7 Report

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    My daughter, when she was around 4 years old, and I were walking through a park. She suddenly says to me, your friend is calling you. I reach into my pocket and grab my cell phone which is not ringing and no missed calls. One second later, my phone starts vibrating and it was a friend I hadn’t talked to in several months. I answered it and talked for a bit. My friend said he hadn’t called me until that time and that I had answered on the first ring. Still kinda freaks me out.

    Gold_Passenger_5879 Report


    My 4 year old daughter told my wife and I that when we died she’d bury us in the back yard.

    I took some comfort in her use of “died” rather than “killed”.

    savory_meats Report

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    Not my kid. But was babysitting a 2nd cousin. She was 5 at the time. Told me she wished I was the size of a army man so she could squeeze me til I popped.

    I assume she MEANT it in an affectionate way. But it still just came off as "I want to crush your bones."

    Was always a little unnerved with that cousin after that.

    Sharpshooter188 Report


    “If you die in your dream, you have to start over.” My four year old started randomly saying this two months ago. Every few days he’ll just say it out of nowhere… chilling.

    MyPatronusIsAnOtter Report

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    I've told this one before, but it still freaks me out. Single mom, alone on a Friday night with wine and some night cheese. Decided it was a good time to watch the documentary "the Nightmare". It's about sleep paralysis which usually involves a dark shadow standing at the end of your bed or sitting atop your chest.

    Mid way through my 3 year old, who is in my bed and has been asleep for a few hours wakes up amd yells for me, which is incredibly rare. I get to her and she asks "what is that shadow at the end of the bed?" Peed my pants a little and we slept in her room that night.

    I like to think she snuck out saw what I watching and decided to play an epic prank on me, but cognitively a 3 year old isn't there for something so genius.

    sculderandmully2 Report


    When we were talking about our dog dying my 2 year old mentioned "when I died, I died in the water". She said it very casually and didn't elaborate further.

    Almostjelly Report

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    My son, when he was 3, told me he had a cloud sister with black eyes and teeth but she was nice. Freaked me the hell out.

    cpower79 Report


    We were at a crowded funeral home for his great-grandpa’s service when my son announced he was “here to see the corpse.”

    Catflappy Report

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    I was playing with my 5 year old niece and she wanted to pretend we were captured and held against our will and pretend we had bags over our heads.

    So we stood with our hands behind our backs, backs against the wall and our head hanging down like prisoners. Then she goes,

    “I can’t see anything…we’re going to die here”

    DoWnhillll Report


    My son recently told me that a couple years ago he fell asleep on the couch and my wife (his mom) woke him up pissed off in the middle of the night and was screaming at him for being there. He said she slapped him on the face. I can't figure out if this is real or not. He swears it happened.

    StrongerThanUThink7 Report

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    My partner's little girl (aged 3) was sitting on us and chatting away then started talking about how I was gonna die in a forest and she would die in the car while she was using her tablet.

    Gorwyn Report

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    Not my child but my niece. One day we were playing pretend pizza place when she was 4. She brings me a playdough pizza and says "dont worry its not an evil pizza" and ofcourse i asked what she meant.

    "Well a little girls dad got an evil pizza from here. And when he ate it, his house caught on fire and he died"

    I just said "oh" and continued playing. I didn't even know how i could address that. Even now I dont.

    Keana8273 Report

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    Not my child, but I used to babysit a kid in every now and then when I was in highschool. The family lived kind of on the outskirts of the city. The house itself was normal but the area around the the house would sometimes give me the creeps, especially the backyard. Sometimes you'd be outside and it honestly felt like something was hiding in the treeline watching you, and it would get really, really quiet. One time the kid was complaining about how it was too dark in his room and he was afraid to go to sleep in there. The curtains in his room were closed so I just told him to open the curtains and let some light in from outside. He then froze up and told me that he always sleeps with the curtains closed and begged me not to open them. I asked him why and he said something along the lines of "the horse outside always stares at me." There are no horses nearby this house. This was in Southern California, so not exactly farm country. I asked him what he meant by that and he basically said that a very skinny horse would crouch down outside his window every so often and stare at him, and sometimes start growing like a dog... I've never heard a horse growl before. I eventually looked outside in the morning and I didn't notice any hoof or paw prints or anything, so idk if he was making it up. He seemed legitimately freaked out though. I've always wondered if maybe he was seeing a mountain lion

    14thCluelessbird Report


    "Scary boy keeps scaring me." She was 3 at the time, we were alone playing with toys as I made lunch. I had went to her because she screamed. She pointed to the closet and said "that scary boy"..... no one was in the closet, and it was fairly empty....

    Kasoni Report

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    This happened when my oldest son was 3 (he's 9 now). I was coming out of my youngest sons ( few months old at the time) room one night after getting him back to sleep. My 3 yo is standing in the dark in the middle of the hallway. He tells me that there was a man outside of the playroom asking to be let in. The man was all black and had no mouth, but he didn't let him in because he didn't know him and told him to leave. The playroom is on the second floor. It also has no doors to the outside only windows. My 3 yo wasn't scared at all and told me the story in the most casual way. About a week later he asked me if I ever called the police to tell them about the man who was outside the window because he might try to get in someone else's house and they might let him.

    Edit: Wanted to add because a few people have suggested it was a person that he saw that night. I didn't at the time nor do I now think it was a person. If someone were trying to get to him there is a window in his room that would have been much easier to get to than the window he saw them in. It really is the worst possible place for anyone to choose to get access to our house. I don't believe anyone would look at our house and choose those windows to break in at. I also doubt that the windows were even locked because the risk is so small of anyone getting in that way. So if someone was trying to get in that way they could have easily opened the window from outside. He never mentioned it again after he asked about it a week after it happened. I don't know what he saw that night. I don't know how long he had been up before I found him in the hallway but I had been up for a little bit with his brother and didn't hear anything and our house is not very big. I could see the windows he was talking about as soon as I came out of my other sons room. I did go back and looked out the window. He said that it left after he wouldn't let it in.

    Confident-Tree7951 Report


    We were going inside after a walk around our property when she pointed to the trees on the other side of the fence and said "Mama. Trees hungry" in a deadpan kind of voice. It was windy and overcast and the trees are very thick in that spot so they were making all kinds of creepy rustling noises and creakings.

    sunshinevine Report

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    Not my kid, but I was teaching a kid to swim and he said “the guilt is making me laugh like the devil”

    Batmankoff Report

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    "Is death our final destiny?" My son, age 3 while driving him to pre-school.

    lana308 Report


    When my niece was 3 or 4 she was trying to rip a piece of paper in half. She was struggling pretty hard when it finally ripped and she smacked herself right in the face. Just before the tears started she looked up at me and said “Anything can happen!” Her realization that the world was not a big, soft, pretty safe place was scary. I went outside and had a cig and thought “Wow. Anything CAN happen.”

    SheriffJoseArpaio Report