Creepy And Unhinged Pics Of Santa That Might Scare You Into Switching Holiday Traditions
Each year during the festive season, kids around the world hurry to take a picture with Santa Claus and whisper their wishes into his ear. Who they anticipate meeting is a charming old fella with a long white beard and fun-sized spectacles squeezed into a bright red suit and black boots. Unfortunately, not all kids are lucky to meet the real deal and instead are stuck sitting on the lap of a creepy guy who looks like he stepped right out of the Nightmare Before Christmas movie.
Bored Panda gathered a whole list of these instances that prove even Santa can’t sometimes do it all. Scroll down to find them and be sure to upvote the ones that have a high chance of summoning Christmas nightmares.
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Holiday Favorite
Creepy Vintage Santa Claus
Growing Up I Couldn’t Understand Why My Brother Was So Afraid Of Santa. After Looking Through Old Albums, I Get It Now Bro
Santa Claus has had quite a few look changes throughout history before he became the jolly, chubby guy with the red suit and white beard that we all are familiar with today. His name originated from a 4th-century saint, St. Nicholas, who was known for secret gift-giving.
This Is A Picture Of The Day I Discovered Santa Was Not Real In 2004 (My Uncle Had To Take Off The Mask Off Or I Wouldn't Stop Crying). Give Me A Credit, Thas Mask Was Terrifying!
Me And Creepy Santa, Communist Poland, Mid 80's
Guess What Time Of Year It Is, Boys And Girls!
He would put coins in shoes and give dowries to poor girls so they could marry instead of having a miserable life. He was also imagined to ride above rooftops on a white horse and had helpers who would listen if children were bad or good.
Scary Santa, Wales, 1947
I think this photo belongs on the wall of the Overlook Hotel.
Santa Shaking Hands With Mickey And Minnie Mouse On Roller Skates
It’s The Happiest Season Of All
Around the 15th century, the figure of Father Christmas emerged in England’s folklore. But he typically brought the spirit of good cheer to the festivities and wasn’t known to bring gifts to children.
Creepy Vintage Santa Claus
Great Vintage Santa
Merry Christmas. Now Get Off My Lap And Go Fetch Santa His Bourbon
It was only in the 19th century when this idea reached America, where the guy became Santa Claus. However, he was still shown as a religious figure—thin, bald, barefoot, dressed with a robe and halo above his head.
Santa Looks Like A Professional Wrestler... "Whatcha Gonna Dooo When Santa-Mania Runs Wild On Youuu?!?!
My Mom's Uncle And Aunts With A Creepy Santa. Circa 1925
Old Photo Of A Scary Encounter With Santa
As the years went by, more was added to the Santa Claus legend. In 1863, cartoonist Thomas Nast defined the current Santa Claus look in a Harper's Weekly issue. His illustrations became so popular that he is now credited as the person who created the modern image of Santa. Nast continued drawing him for the next 30 years, changing his coat colors from green, blue and tan to the classic red Santa sports today.
Spooky Santa
Plot twist. The girl was the only person in frame for the picture, Santa only appeared once the film was developed.
Never Realized How Horrifying Our Family Santa Mask Was Until I Found This Picture Of Me As A Baby And Still Feel The Urge To Cry In Terror To This Day
Creepy Vintage Santa Picture
From there on, Coca-Cola greatly contributed to the popularization of Santa Claus. “People loved the Coca-Cola Santa images and paid such close attention to them that when anything changed, they sent letters to The Coca-Cola Company. One year, Santa's large belt was backwards (perhaps because Sundblom was painting via a mirror). Another year, Santa Claus appeared without a wedding ring, causing fans to write asking what happened to Mrs. Claus,” the company writes on their official website.
Creepy Vintage Santa Claus
Looks Like Santa Just Got Released From The Penitentiary. Is Anyone Else Going To Have Nightmares Over Those Hands?
Got A Pic With Santa... He Said I Was Too Big... We Compromised
Nowadays, Santa Clause brings joy and happiness to children during the festive season. Well, at least to 85% of those who believe in him. The children who think to be Santa Claus real experience magic and wonder and learn values of generosity, kindness, and selflessness.
Scary Santa
At Hides Department store, Bexleyheath. What's the blue eyeshadow about?
I'm the one on the left with the wistful expression. Scared rigid most likely.
I uploaded this to share with someone from church who is organising some kind of 'baby photo' competition.
My Mom With This Creepy Santa! 1946
Hellish Holidays
Why are there so many masks in these pics? I always thought it was mostly older gentlemen that resemble Santa to play that part which, in some instances, is creepy enough. But the masked ones are beyond creepy I'm sorry
“Believing in Santa offers children hope, and many stories about Santa teach positive messages about kindness, acceptance and giving. Believing can also motivate children to continue to improve behaviors,” says Dr. Bethany Cook, a licensed clinical psychologist.
My Dad And Uncle, Their Cousins And An Absolutely Terrifying Santa Claus (Late 60's)
Creepy Vintage Santa Claus
Santa Is Coming To Town
Creepy Santa Claus
Duck Dinasty Santa!
A Creepy Santa Claus Picture I Found In A Stack Of Old Family Photos
Half of these Santas are just Michael Myers trying to get into the festive spirit.
And now, you can listen to him singing Christmas carols. Whether you like it, or not... R-3149188-...6569b1.jpg
My question as a kid was "If this guy really can get reindeer to fly, why aren't they touring the world as a circus act?" I could have put that more succintly, but I didn't know the word "monetize" when I was four.
Half of these Santas are just Michael Myers trying to get into the festive spirit.
And now, you can listen to him singing Christmas carols. Whether you like it, or not... R-3149188-...6569b1.jpg
My question as a kid was "If this guy really can get reindeer to fly, why aren't they touring the world as a circus act?" I could have put that more succintly, but I didn't know the word "monetize" when I was four.