People Are Sharing The Craziest Ways Their Vinted Orders Were Packaged (50 Pics)
InterviewThrifting and buying second hand can be a great way to reduce waste, stop contributing to overconsumption, and give "pre-loved" things and clothes a second life. One of the platforms where you can do that is Vinted with millions of registered users.
However, when you sell something, there's the dilemma of packaging. Some people want to be as planet-friendly as possible, perhaps, so, they opt for some unorthodox mailing decisions. Here we have a list of the most ridiculous, over-the-top, and creative ways Vinted sellers have packaged their goods. Who knew a pizza box could be such a good container to send a dress?
Bored Panda reached out to Vinted and asked them what's the official policy regarding questionable packaging. They kindly agreed to share their best wrapping strategies so they can be both practical and creative!
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My Vinted Frozen Pizza Has Arrived. The Dress I Ordered Arrived In This Packaging, Otherwise In Perfectly Good Condition, I Just Found It Very Funny
"Our latest impact report shows that by shopping second-hand on Vinted instead of new our community avoided 678,691 tonnes of CO₂e emissions in 2023," a Vinted spokesperson told Bored Panda. "That's the equivalent of flying between London and LA 512,414 times. But of course there's much more you can do including how you pack your preloved items."
Vinted says they encourage their members to be sustainably in other areas of life as well, not just through second-hand shopping. "We love seeing members get creative with their packaging—just as long as it's safe and doesn't damage the items being sent," a spokespoerson for the company tells us. "Whether it's using cereal or pasta boxes, recycled shopping bags, or other eco-friendly packaging options, we welcome inventive choices that are good for the planet."
However, while Vinted champions creative packaging, they emphasize how important it is to keep items secure during transit. "When listing an item, choose the right package size, and to receive positive feedback from buyers, we recommend using clean, sturdy packaging materials," they shared a few guidelines with us. "Together, by taking these small steps, we can all contribute to a more sustainable future."
Wonder What That Is
Vinted Packaging Never Disappoints
A thought might pop into your head while scrolling through this list: "How does the platform allow these ridiculous packages?" Well, Vinted doesn't explicitly say that you can't send some earrings in a plastic coke bottle. They do have some packaging rules, however.
According to their website, the most ideal form of packing an order is using a cardboard box. Not regular paper bags though – those can get wet pretty quickly and can damage the goods for the buyer. "The box should be in good condition to protect the item from dirt and moisture during transit," Vinted writes on their website.
This is the perfect packaging for it. Thumbs up! I have to remember that!
Genius Or Just Wrong?
People often use old boxes and plastic bags for packaging, but it should be clean.
I Had A Book "Packed" Like That And The Chick Got Mad Because I Reported It To Vinted. Basically, According To Her, It Was My Fault Because I Didn't Peel Off The Label Properly
If the box or a bag is too big for the item, you need to fill in the empty space. Some people, like the ones on this list, choose to use 10-litre juice bags. To each their own, of course, but Vinted recommends using "bubble wrap, foam, paper, newspaper or corrugated material."
Generally, the company claims that the best option for a package is to use the one your nearest carrier provides. In some cases, it's also possible that a carrier may refuse to ship an item, as different carriers have different requirements.
I Got A Package From Vinted In A Garbage Bag
This Wrapping Of A Baby Bouncer Is Straight Out Of A Horror Movie
Great Recycling
Vinted is an online marketplace to sell or exchange second-hand items, founded in 2008 in Lithuania. It all started when the co-founder Milda Mitkutė was moving house and was looking for a way to sell her old clothes. Some of them were brand new, with the tags still on, so chucking them in the bin didn't make sense.
Certainly An Interesting Way To Make Sure The Item Being Delivered Is Protected
Empty wine bladders (from boxes of wine). In my country they are returnable for $0.20 but they make really good sturdy bags. My dad uses them (in a cover) for outdoor pillows on their swing and I refill them with water, put them back in the box and use them asca hand washing station fir the back of my car
That’s Some Creative Shipping
This Is Crazy
What did you expect? The delivery guy coming over in a golden coach and offering it to you on a satin pillow?
A few days later, she met developer Justas Janauskas at a houseparty and floated the idea of a website for an online marketplace by him at 2 a.m. He agreed to make a website, where Milda uploaded her clothes, invited some friends to do the same, and that was basically the official launch.
They're Not Even Trying Anymore
Vinted Is A State Of Mind
I don't know what vented it is but it sounds like eBay used packaging from either timu or wish instead
I Ordered A Hat On Vinted. Look At This Packaging
After only 13 of these... no one could pay me enough, to order something from Vinted.
Now, it's a platform that operates throughout Europe and North America for people who are looking to earn some extra cash, authenticity, unique clothes, and consuming more sustainably. Milda is no longer so involved with Vinted, but remains a shareholder. The company's estimated value was last $3.8 billion.
Can't Believe My Parcel Was Wrapped Like This
Cowboy Boots Bought On Vinted. I Can't Do This Anymore
Never Seen Anything Like It
Vinted, of course, has some competitors in the online second-hand market. Depop and Poshmark are perhaps the most similar. Depop, for example, strongly encourages their users to reuse packaging materials. The best option, according to them, is to save the packaging you receive from other sellers.
I Bought A LEGO Set On Vinted. The Seller Shipped It To Me With A LEGO Eternals Box Turned Inside Out And Also Used Crumpled-Up Instructions As Packaging Material. I Was Shocked
What's wrong with people? Shocked? Why? The sender turned the inside out to create a neutral-looking package. And used spare paper to stuff the hollow space. Very good job!
When You Sell A Beauty Doll Head On Vinted And Wrap It Up Without A Box. Sorry To The Receiver If I Give Your Daughter A Heart Attack On Her Birthday
That’s A New One. I’ve Received Parcels Wrapped In Some Dodgy Ways But Tin Foil And Tape?
They do caution against using feeble packaging materials. "Sending an item out in a bag from the supermarket doesn't give your customer the best possible experience, and can lead to damage in transit," they write. If the material's original intent was commercial shipping, you can be sure it will withstand at least one more journey.
Honestly, Love The Creativity From Them
I Got This Package From Vinted
Reminds Me Of My Childhood
Poshmark, on the other hand, has a partnership with USPS. Their sellers can get free boxes and mailers which can even get shipped to the sellers' door. Depop, too, offers eco-friendly packaging: they have partnered with EcoEnclose, an eco-friendly packaging supply store. It's made from 100% recycled materials, is water-resistant, and can be padded, with tissue paper or Greenwrap (a paper alternative to bubble wrap).
They Could’ve At Least Turned It Inside Out To Look Tidier
I Mean, Really? Just Received It This Morning And Even The Delivery Guy Was Shocked
Why Buy A Box When You Only Sold The Item For 3£
Use plenty of tape because other than boxes (at tomes), you always get tape for free...
Most people try to save money when they're packaging second-hand items. Others, however, like to spruce it up a bit and make the order more personal. More established sellers may want to uphold their reputation, so they opt for sturdy boxes, tissue paper, and even surprises: some fun labels, a complimentary candy, or a sticker.
Someone Used A Greasy McDonald's Bag To Wrap My Vinted Order
This Is How Someone Mailed My Vinted Order. It Really Is The Wild West Of Packages
Doesn't Seem Very Secure
I, personally, have never had a crazy Vinted experience. I've received some complimentary chocolates, a thank-you card, and even an extra sweater when I ordered a cardigan. I guess the seller wanted to empty her closet faster, so, even if I didn't consent to the second sweater, I didn't complain.
What about you, Pandas? Do you have any crazy Vinted (or any other online marketplace) stories? Share them with us below!
At Least It Came Safely
That isn't so bad, as long as the container was cleaned out.
Honestly, A For Effort
I Got The Legendary Package From Vinted - In A Food Box
My Daughter's Pyjamas Were Delivered In This
As A Seller On Vinted Who Buys Fancy Packaging And Includes A Thank-You Note And Little Gift, I'm Inspired
I Bought A DVD From Poland. It Arrived In Very Unique Packaging
Have You Performed A Successful Operation Of Opening It?
Why Do Sellers Pack Things In The Most Peculiar Way
Went to pick up a package today, and the shop keeper handed over essentially a ball and yarn? Opened it up and it was double wrapped, second layer being a dog poop bag. Item itself is totally fine and unharmed, but couldn't help but laugh at the awful choice of packaging.
Got Sent These Packages. I Personally Would Never Pack My Orders Into Something Like This
Thought They Sent Me Their Rubbish, But It Was Just An Attempt To Save On Packing Materials
I received a massive box for a small wooden kitchen item I ordered. As soon as I started opening the box, I spotted those empty bottles, and I started filming, thinking they'd actually sent me their rubbish. Turns out my item was at the very bottom of that box, under all the bottles. I think this is the worst packaging I've ever received.
At The Beginning I Still Had Some Boxes, Poly Mailers And Illusions. After A Few Months On Vinted My Packages Started Looking Like This
You Never Know What The Packaging Will Look Like When Ordering From Vinted
Never Thought There Would Be A Day Where I Would Receive My Order In A Trash Bag
Packaging Was Wild
When You Order Something From Vinted And This Is How It Arrives
Just Got My First Trash Bag Wrapped Item
Just picked it up from a collection point. Kind of made me giggle though, I see the occasional post about it here and there, but never seen it for myself until now.
Well, That's Certainly Unique
My Shoes Came Packaged In Boots Pharmacy Bags. Love That
I Bought Some Shorts Off Vinted, And They Sent Them In A Coco Pops Box And Duct Tape
Buying On Vinted In A Nutshell
The ones with greasy packages, or gaps etc are quite bad ( and I personally just hoard old packaging to reuse) but I quite like the creativity of a lot. Why not a cereal box? As long as the packaging is secure enough, its part of the charm
I hoard shipping boxes from Amazon, Ebay, Target, etc., in case I have to move. I never thought to use cereal boxes for shipping something to someone. A lot of these are pretty good, but stuff like the Nike shoes shouldn't be shipped in clear plastic bags.
Load More Replies...I don't get it? Are we really upset that people are making good use of materials that would just become trash otherwise instead of buying new packing materials just putting out more useless s**t in the world?
'kay I have never heard of vinted, but I've been buying and selling online for 25 years. There is so much appropriate food packaging out there that can be reused if you're just careful. Depends of course on the item you're shipping, how fragile it is, but many consumer packaging can be upcycled for this purpose. Not as poorly executed as many as these photos show, (some of these are real messes..)
The ones with greasy packages, or gaps etc are quite bad ( and I personally just hoard old packaging to reuse) but I quite like the creativity of a lot. Why not a cereal box? As long as the packaging is secure enough, its part of the charm
I hoard shipping boxes from Amazon, Ebay, Target, etc., in case I have to move. I never thought to use cereal boxes for shipping something to someone. A lot of these are pretty good, but stuff like the Nike shoes shouldn't be shipped in clear plastic bags.
Load More Replies...I don't get it? Are we really upset that people are making good use of materials that would just become trash otherwise instead of buying new packing materials just putting out more useless s**t in the world?
'kay I have never heard of vinted, but I've been buying and selling online for 25 years. There is so much appropriate food packaging out there that can be reused if you're just careful. Depends of course on the item you're shipping, how fragile it is, but many consumer packaging can be upcycled for this purpose. Not as poorly executed as many as these photos show, (some of these are real messes..)