This story comes from a 19-year-old female student who met a girl named Kaya in her university halls. “We’re not best friends but we are friendly,” the author wrote in a post on AITA that went viral with 22.6k upvotes since it was published 4 days ago.

The tension between the girls started rising when the author noticed Kaya was copying her in everything. “It started slowly, accessories and some clothes. I didn’t even notice until people started pointing it out to me,” the author wrote. Then, it started going further until it reached the point “that whenever I had a male friend or guy I was interested in over, she would go out of her way to try and get their attention.”

Unsurprisingly, it started bugging the author. So over the Easter break, the author and her other friend decided to find out once and for all if Kaya is really copying everything she does. What followed was a test that ended in a bald head, accusations of lying, and a report filed to the university.


    Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo)




    Image credits: Vance Shtraikh (not the actual photo)

    People showed their support for the author and said that it was essentially not her fault that the copycat girl shaved her own head