Logoed Project: Bringing Back All Colors And Brands Through Volkswagen Buses (10 Pics)
About 10 years ago, almost by chance, I found an old Volkswagen commercial catalog from the 60s that showed their buses adorned with bright colors and brands logos of that period. Fascinated by the discovery, finding more information was difficult, especially to know the stories behind of the brands that dressed the vans in those colors.
That was the beginning of Logoed, a project that after all these years sees the light rescuing through vivid 3D renders part of those precious Volkswagens T1 that existed and were, in some way, forgotten; versatile workhorses and authentic mobile advertisements that dyed with color past times. I hope you enjoy this first selection!
More info: Instagram
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Mazetti Was An Cacao Fabric In Mälmo, Sweden
Afri Cola Is A Traditional Cola Drink From Germany
Autosil Makes Automotive Batteries From The 1920s In Portugal
Avia And Östol Are In The Business Of Fuel And Lubricants From 1927 And 1915 Respectively
The Cigar Maker Burger Stumpen And Their Bright Orange Vans Were From Baden In Germany
Coop It's A Recognized Market Cooperative With More Than 150 Years In Switzerland
Doornkaat And Their Famous Ludwig Holhwein's Illustration It's A Gin Brand From Germany
Airplanes, Locomotives, Trucks... All Of Them Produced From 1810 By Henschel In Germany
An "What If" Representation From An Illustration In The Cover Of The "The Owners Viewpoint" Vw Catalog
Swissair A Well Renowned Airline And Flag Carrier Of Switzerland Until It Ceased Operations In 2002
I have a 2003 VW Eurovan - not quite a VW bus, but still a fun VW van :) Mine is named Fullbeast, is covered in stickers, and has a Christmas wreath permanently zip-tied to the front grille <3 I love my VW!
I have a 2003 VW Eurovan - not quite a VW bus, but still a fun VW van :) Mine is named Fullbeast, is covered in stickers, and has a Christmas wreath permanently zip-tied to the front grille <3 I love my VW!