Women Are Saving Time On Dating Apps By Asking For Controversial Opinions As The First Thing And These Are 30 Answers They Got
The internet can be a wonderful tool to use to connect with people that are like-minded, that can help you with your problems or that can become your romantic partners in the future. There are numerous apps which can assist you with the latter. But if you have any experience with those apps, you realize that there are so many people who don’t share the same values as you and it turns out that you just wasted your time getting to know a person with whom you can’t see yourself.
But after some time, you find some tricks and control questions that immediately reveal if the conversation is worth continuing. TikToker Amanda N went viral with 9 million views for sharing her method of asking the other person to tell their most controversial opinion and showing their answers. Other TikTokers joined the trend too and we found out that this simple question actually reveals a lot about a person.
Image credits: heatherh0
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Amanda N posted her video earlier this month and 9.4 million people were interested to hear what she said. And apparently people thought that her advice is really useful and is a time-saver when it comes to finding out if the conversation is worth continuing and if the person is worth their time because the video also has 1.4 million likes and has started a bit of a trend.
Other people on TikTok started creating videos similar to Amanda’s using the same song in the background and showing what their matches on dating apps were saying were their most controversial opinions.
The "Unwind" Series is based kinda like a what if around this opinion. Very good and thought inducing
I will probably get downvoted, and I’m sorry if I am misinterpreting this, but I kind of agree! (I swear that I don’t mean to say anything rude, ever!)
We can’t know if those people who were sharing the answers showed everything they received or just the ones that were actually controversial and borderline concerning, but even if they showed the worst messages they got, there were too many of them.
Some of the answers were more lighthearted, like liking a specific movie or having an opinion about food. But others were highly political, racist or sexist, immediately indicating that person's core values.
Too bad that wouldn't work for many jobs like construction, transit, people on call etc.
Yeah, I'm a woman and I don't get the almost comically long nails some women have. The ones about as long as half their finger again. They're not practical for anything; you could literally have someone's eye out and fingernails on a keyboard is way more annoying than fingernails on a chalkboard - the latter is limited by the size of the board, you'd have a brief pause while they reposition their fingers. But on a keyboard they could theoretically be at it for 8 WHOLE HOURS (theoretically, because I'd have thrown their damn computer out the window before the first hour is up)
Not really controversial. We all land on a spectrum in oh-so-many areas. :-)
People are often skeptical towards the odds of finding a long-term relationship through dating apps. But both in real life and online, there are different people who you just wouldn’t get along with and people who you really click with.
According to Imperial College Business School’s data, in the UK, 32 percent of relationships started between 2015 and 2019 originated online. This is quite a significant increase from 19 percent during the period recorded earlier between 2005 and 2014.
The Imperial Business School predicts that by 2035, more people will be in relationships that started online rather than meeting through friends, family or at other social gatherings. Online dating definitely has its pros and cons and to make the experience smoother, tips like Amanda’s will surely come in handy.
What is your experience with dating apps? Will you be trying to ask for controversial opinions from now on? What is your take on the answers TikTokers got there? Leave us your thoughts and reactions in the comments!
probably not as evil and bad as "the purge" style of no government, though
As a cyclist who has been hit by a car, AND lived in the Netherlands, I agree that we can't safely co-exist on small roads - car drivers get impatient when they have to (god forbid) slow down to safely pass a cyclist. But it's not like they are suffering - they're just sitting there in a comfy seat, shaking their fist at someone who ALSO pays taxes for the same road.
Yes omg we were debating this at school last year and it never did get resolved
I guess you're allowed to feel weird if you get hit on by someone from the same gender? I mean, as long as that doesn't become a reason to treat someone else like crap.
I'll take a nice Dijon mustard over ketchup any day, but I like both.
Load More Replies...Ketchup is vile and ruins everything, the smell is overly strong and destroys the food you are eating, rather than improves it.
Ketchup is s**t, and so is catsup. All forms of this sauce are disgusting.
Thankfully it's less popular outside of the US. Condiments are much less used in Italy because the food is actually delicious and doesn't need to be masked or 'helped' with anything.
The same foods are pretty much everywhere, and so are condiments. Condiments add flavor and texture when to foods with lots of flavor and texture.
Load More Replies...I love ketchup and mustard and thought for years they were fairly healthy... Man was I wrong. Not related but just a random side comment lol
Can't think of a condiment I don't like. Oh, wait... I loathe honey-mustard.
Also could be viruses and diseases which have been frozen in Antarctica which are melting, but sure, real estate is a priority as opposed to a second pandemic and destroying the planet
when someone says "free will is a lie", run away! They are just laying the groundwork for not having to take any blame or responsibility for their actions. And don't we all know at least one person who is NEVER to blame?
don't worry, I won't get you started because I know all I need to from that one statement.
My controversial opinion is that it's okay to not have an opinion about something that has no impact on your own life. You can say "I don't have any opinion on that" and that's acceptable. NOT acceptable is saying you don't have an opinion on something while forwarding an agenda that clearly demonstrates that you do have one, however. That's just denial.
It's disgusting when people's opinions are just flat out misogynist, racist, homophobic, etc.
Load More Replies...My controversial opinion: I believe that every person on this planet needs therapy to some degree.
My controversial opinion: Space aliens are really us from the future, who've invented time travel to come back here to ensure some major event does/does not happen to ensure their own future.
Many of these were disgustingly misogynist, racist, homophobic etc. And of course untrue.
Remember Harambe? He wasn’t the one who should have been shot. No one is special. You’re a terrible person. A hot dog is neither a sandy or a taco. Fight me.
My most controversial opinion: oreos are disgusting and so are m&m's and come to think of it most American candy
I think this is a great idea to screen potential dates and save yourself a lot of time and energy.
They will quickly learn this is a test and they will learn to pass it. So, it can't be anything more than a passing fad.
Load More Replies...Absolutely agree with you until I tried the roasted garlic flavor.
Load More Replies...I know, tik tok is a thing now, but, never seen a youtube trend talking here. Wonder why. Feels uncomfortable every time, i see a article about tik tok here.
Controversial opinion: Opioides can be good for some people and work, kind of, opposite to what is expected. When I started using them for a chronic pain, I also recognized something had changed in my thinking - I can now focus on stuff. If all your thoughts are read of and written into a book, my book stood next to an open window for more than 20 years, and now, I closed this window, get things done, am pretty good at my job, regardless of having very low experience in that specific field, and therefore, should not have to lie in order to get proper medication. But ... but, if I do tell this, it won't be believed by many, seen as an excuse to get high ... high? As a daily user, I never get high. Haven't been for years now - totally fine. May not be for all people, but ... I don't fug with other people's needs and beliefs, yet mine likely are taken as an excuse just to get high, regardless of daily use prevents even slight highs from happening.
@ DC yes, my comment is only meant to help if I can I'm a healer it's in my nature and I'm always happy to share the things I've learned in my 22 years in healthcare. I'm not judging you nor do I think any less of you for needing medication. I know some physicians just prescribe medication instead of doing tests to find out the cause of pain and while that's not doing any harm it's not doing everything that can be done. I only wanted to help you if that's the case. Over 20 years a lot of advancements have been made in treating chronic intractable pain. I wish you well and nothing but the best!
Load More Replies...Probably, but in large state societies, there has not yet been found a system that results in a higher standard of living or happiness index. My bigger problem with it is that it has the side effect of destroying the environment. And because we are reaching a point of non-fixable destruction, that makes capitalism and the human species in general basically more evil than anything we've seen since the asteroid destroyed the dinosaurs.
Load More Replies...A hot dog is, in fact, a taco. A taco is the only other food that has meat held by the shell/bun on three 'sides'. (Yes, I'm mostly joking, but I will stand by this.)
My controversial opinion: You can be anti-religion without being a bigot. In other words, you can be against the dogma and controlling aspects of a religion (any religion) and not hate the adherents of said religion(s). So saying "XYZreligion is dangerous mind control with violent features" is not analog to XYZreligion-phobia or hating against XYZ-ers.
These questions are saving time for both the woman and the man.
My controversial opinion: staunch heartedly labeling yourself and things puts a further divide between people. It breeds mistrust/racism/civil unrest/intolerance. Instead of shutting down at dividing lines we should be having open and honest communication even if it ends in a non hostile agree to disagree.
I'm curious what they would get if they asked women their most controversial opinion.
Jaffa cakes are a biscuit! You can dunk them in tea and everything. Although personally, those dunking Jaffa cakes in tea are hell bound anyway. The only decent dunking biscuit is a squashed fly biscuit. Full stop, end of discussion.
Cakes go hard when stale and biscuits go soft. What does a Jaffa cake do? It's a teeny tiny chocolate covered cake and the sooner you come to terms with it the better you'll feel. Although a I agree there's a special circle of hell for people that dunk them in tea. Custard creams kick the s'"+ out if any other tea dunker.
Load More Replies...My controversial opinion: Posting screenshots of private conversations online is beyond rude. Preventing imminent harm to others is the only exception.
If you identify the other person, sure. These do not.
Load More Replies...What if the death row inmate is later found to be innocent?
Load More Replies...My controversial opinion is that it's okay to not have an opinion about something that has no impact on your own life. You can say "I don't have any opinion on that" and that's acceptable. NOT acceptable is saying you don't have an opinion on something while forwarding an agenda that clearly demonstrates that you do have one, however. That's just denial.
It's disgusting when people's opinions are just flat out misogynist, racist, homophobic, etc.
Load More Replies...My controversial opinion: I believe that every person on this planet needs therapy to some degree.
My controversial opinion: Space aliens are really us from the future, who've invented time travel to come back here to ensure some major event does/does not happen to ensure their own future.
Many of these were disgustingly misogynist, racist, homophobic etc. And of course untrue.
Remember Harambe? He wasn’t the one who should have been shot. No one is special. You’re a terrible person. A hot dog is neither a sandy or a taco. Fight me.
My most controversial opinion: oreos are disgusting and so are m&m's and come to think of it most American candy
I think this is a great idea to screen potential dates and save yourself a lot of time and energy.
They will quickly learn this is a test and they will learn to pass it. So, it can't be anything more than a passing fad.
Load More Replies...Absolutely agree with you until I tried the roasted garlic flavor.
Load More Replies...I know, tik tok is a thing now, but, never seen a youtube trend talking here. Wonder why. Feels uncomfortable every time, i see a article about tik tok here.
Controversial opinion: Opioides can be good for some people and work, kind of, opposite to what is expected. When I started using them for a chronic pain, I also recognized something had changed in my thinking - I can now focus on stuff. If all your thoughts are read of and written into a book, my book stood next to an open window for more than 20 years, and now, I closed this window, get things done, am pretty good at my job, regardless of having very low experience in that specific field, and therefore, should not have to lie in order to get proper medication. But ... but, if I do tell this, it won't be believed by many, seen as an excuse to get high ... high? As a daily user, I never get high. Haven't been for years now - totally fine. May not be for all people, but ... I don't fug with other people's needs and beliefs, yet mine likely are taken as an excuse just to get high, regardless of daily use prevents even slight highs from happening.
@ DC yes, my comment is only meant to help if I can I'm a healer it's in my nature and I'm always happy to share the things I've learned in my 22 years in healthcare. I'm not judging you nor do I think any less of you for needing medication. I know some physicians just prescribe medication instead of doing tests to find out the cause of pain and while that's not doing any harm it's not doing everything that can be done. I only wanted to help you if that's the case. Over 20 years a lot of advancements have been made in treating chronic intractable pain. I wish you well and nothing but the best!
Load More Replies...Probably, but in large state societies, there has not yet been found a system that results in a higher standard of living or happiness index. My bigger problem with it is that it has the side effect of destroying the environment. And because we are reaching a point of non-fixable destruction, that makes capitalism and the human species in general basically more evil than anything we've seen since the asteroid destroyed the dinosaurs.
Load More Replies...A hot dog is, in fact, a taco. A taco is the only other food that has meat held by the shell/bun on three 'sides'. (Yes, I'm mostly joking, but I will stand by this.)
My controversial opinion: You can be anti-religion without being a bigot. In other words, you can be against the dogma and controlling aspects of a religion (any religion) and not hate the adherents of said religion(s). So saying "XYZreligion is dangerous mind control with violent features" is not analog to XYZreligion-phobia or hating against XYZ-ers.
These questions are saving time for both the woman and the man.
My controversial opinion: staunch heartedly labeling yourself and things puts a further divide between people. It breeds mistrust/racism/civil unrest/intolerance. Instead of shutting down at dividing lines we should be having open and honest communication even if it ends in a non hostile agree to disagree.
I'm curious what they would get if they asked women their most controversial opinion.
Jaffa cakes are a biscuit! You can dunk them in tea and everything. Although personally, those dunking Jaffa cakes in tea are hell bound anyway. The only decent dunking biscuit is a squashed fly biscuit. Full stop, end of discussion.
Cakes go hard when stale and biscuits go soft. What does a Jaffa cake do? It's a teeny tiny chocolate covered cake and the sooner you come to terms with it the better you'll feel. Although a I agree there's a special circle of hell for people that dunk them in tea. Custard creams kick the s'"+ out if any other tea dunker.
Load More Replies...My controversial opinion: Posting screenshots of private conversations online is beyond rude. Preventing imminent harm to others is the only exception.
If you identify the other person, sure. These do not.
Load More Replies...What if the death row inmate is later found to be innocent?
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