Maria Clara and Maria Eduarda are now 5 months old and are not conjoined twins anymore, thanks to the wonderful job of the Brazilian multiprofessional staff that works in Goiânia, Goiás. I faced a 260-quilometer trip to Goiania again, went on a ride, stayed at my wife’s aunt home, I do not have many financial resources, but this does not preclude that I accomplish my job, my dream. At this time, when I contacted the HMI (Hospital Materno Infantil) press office in Goiânia, I was praised: “Are you the photographer who took the pretty pictures of the conjoined twins?” I said “yes” and smiled, and then I thought, “they loved my job and let the doors open for me to come back”. Then I agreed to go back the next day to take the pictures, after I read on a newspaper that they had left UTI and went to the hospital ward. I went to meet the girls and their family by the public transport, the bus, under an almost unbearable heat, with my wife Tatyane Estrêla, who always accompanies me in every moment of my life. The encounter was amazing, I saw those pretty girls who are now bodily separated, but the symbolic and affective union prevails, they continue united, they are sisters, human beings, generated in the same belly. I also managed to photograph part of the multiprofessional staff that accompanies Maria Clara and Maria Eduardas’s health day-by-day. They are sympathetic people, and carry out a beautiful job. I feel very happy by writing through images the girls’ and their family’s lives. I used photograph that is a universal language to eternize a small universe, and being able to take it to the world is incredible. My job continues, but now it is necessary to grow even more. I seek help and incentive; I believe that with time I will be able to present several cases, not only the cases of conjoined twins. I really want the photographs to get out of the computer screen and go to something touchable, which is a paper of a book and a picture canvas. I need to expose even more my work. These are only the first steps, the first steps…
© Mateus André
First part:
September 2015
More info:
01- Maria Eduarda and you father Caique
02- Maria Clara preparing for X-ray
03- Maria Clara making X-ray
04- Brazilian multidisciplinary team
05- Maria Clara in bed
06- Maria Eduarda in bed
07- Maria Clara and your mother Denise
08- Maria Eduarda and your parents
09- Twins
10- In his father’s arms
11- Happiness
12- Union
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