Having your opinions is always a sign of a mature, independent and confident person. But what if that confidence is so strong it gets in the way of self-reflection and self-criticism? Apparently, having bucketloads of confidence is a two-edged sword, especially if you lack a substantial argument to back it up.
Thanks to a Reddit community called “Confidently Incorrect,” we now know what happens when all that empty bravado turns against you. First, you land on the pages of this subreddit “For those times when people are way too smug about their wrong answers.” And second, you are likely to be sizzled and turned into roast.
So scroll down for some of the funniest examples of overconfident people proven wrong, and be sure to check out part 1 of the article after you’re done!
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Yea, No They Haven’t
There's No "I" In Happiness
Correcting An "Author"
Mr. King, I feel your pain. Do you think anyone has explained it to him yet?
The ‘Confidently Incorrect’ subreddit is really a gentle (and often much-needed!) reminder to always double-check our facts even when we are totally sure about them. With the internet being a perfectly safe place to voice out whatever is on your mind, many people abuse that by spreading false assumptions, gossip, fake news and facts.
No wonder the community, which is only a year old, has been sharing a lot of content “for those times when people are way too smug about their wrong answer.” With 633k members, ‘Confidently Incorrect’ is growing day by day, and you can see how very relatable people find it.
Just Wow
How Dumb Can You Get
So to find out more about the subreddit, Bored Panda previously spoke with the founder ShadowAlchemy, who said that it was created on a whim. "Someone posted a video of Conan interviewing Jennifer Garner to another subreddit called r/WatchPeopleDieInside. I scrolled through the comments and saw someone who thought stuff like that would make a great community of its own. It was super late at night when I saw that, so I made a subreddit really quick for no reason, posted a video or two, then went to bed."
Basic Math
Yeah, Who Is This Stephen King Guy Anyway?
Happy 8 Month Old Birthday!
Hey guys, I'm 327 months (and 12 days) old today! Happy birthday to me!!
After ShadowAlchemy launched the sub, he never could have expected it would go viral. "I wake up with probably 1,000 or so notifications, apparently the sub had blown up overnight! Tons of people were talking about the ridiculously fast growth of the sub, I think we got around 30k members on our first day. It was super popular its first week, and its growth died down a bit after that. We've been on a steady increase ever since. We just hit 400k members, actually!" the founder recounted.
Explain This
But even if these were 10 Native-American billionaires it still doesn't contradict the poverty among them.
And He Mixed Up Black Bear vs. Brown Bear Behavior
"It won't attack, it will charge"... Yeah, and you are not an idiot, you are stupid.
What Kind Of A Monster Writes Their Memoir In The First Person?
Having said that, the founder agreed that confidence is one of the most important traits we could have and that without it “we're nothing. Confidence is what gets us out of bed, what gets us out the door to face life. People definitely listen to those who show confidence."
"Just look at politics. Politicians are probably some of the most confident people on the planet, and a pretty large amount of people just listen to what they say. Our sub is probably 75-80% politics. It's people parroting what they've heard their favorite politicians say, and they parrot it because they believe those politicians. They believe in confidence." According to the founder of ‘Confidently Incorrect,’ no one’s going to listen to a shy person with all the facts.
To Argue The Point
Imagine Being This Confident
Oh boy, you should see some rodents for instance. Or male lion who stumbles accross other male's offspring.
If you are of a nervous disposition, I'd advise you not to watch a documentary about wild chimpanzees then.
Load More Replies...I wanted to comment - who tells this person about what cute, little hamsters do...
Load More Replies...Female spiders eat the males after mating. Tadpoles eat their brood mates. Female tropical fish will eat their own babies. Mice will eat each other when overcrowded. Even chimps eat enemy chimps after a battle. Many more.
And the female praying mantis eats the male after mating!
Load More Replies...I think the list would be shorter if we focused only on species that didn't kill their own...
Wow..considering that one in five meerkats babies are killed by their own kind. And lions...if a new male takes over the pride, he kills all the cubs of the previous male to put the females in estrous. I think you need some Biology/Zoology courses there.
Lol he could not be further from the truth, probably quite literally in this case, how can you be so ignorant?
Be a right wing fundamentalist that only believes what he/she hears in church?
Load More Replies...Cannibalism is a very common ecological interaction in the animal kingdom and has been recorded in more than 1,500 species. From mammals to insects, spiders etc. I’m beginning to think these people have the idea that they just innately know things so they don’t need to engage in education
meerkats are actually the most homicidal animals in the world when it comes to killing within their species, not humans
Sharks, Bees, Snakes, Canines, Bears, Praying Manti, is that enough for you?
I would so love to offer a proper answer about all the animals who do kill their own species for a number of reasons, but in David Attenborough's calming voice.
Even that's not true. https://www.ranker.com/list/animals-that-hunt-for-sport/laura-allan
Load More Replies...Pigs eat each other if they get a bit peckish. So do chickens. And, yes, as an ex- farmer, I saw it. Oh, and mice caught in a live trap eat each other. And thousands more creatures eat each other.
Some baby birds instinctively kill their younger siblings as they hatch or before they even hatch.
There is also at least one type of shark that eats its siblings while still in the womb.
Load More Replies...Only human beings kill their own species through pure selfishness not because there is any good reason to
And on that note ... anyone else a bit peeved that they named the insects "Murder Hornets"? Murder is literally defined as one human being killing another human being. Animals & insects kill, they don't commit murder.
Despite unlimited resources of valuable information available on the Internet, folx still continue to plow thru with their ignorance. Incredible.
One of my husband’s favorite phrases when he sees misbehaving kids is, “Now I know why guppies eat their young.”
😯 animal planet? Blue planet? Discovery channel? National G? Life?
I've read somewhere that animals only kill each other if it's necessary for the life of tgemselves or their group, but I still doubt that too. Cruelty can't just be something manmade
Quokkas are my favourite example of animals not being "better mothers" as people often say
Chimps??? Honestly, many mammals do this. Eliminating competition, bringing females in to heat early (by killing their offspring), or even just cannibalism.
They know the female praying mantis kills the male right after sex right?
A male dog will kill a female in heatif she won't mate with him. Just one example, but sounds like humans.
I have seen mares (female horses) kill their own foals, for no discernable reason, days after they were born.
bruh female praying mantises eat their 'husbands' after reproducing; he gotta fact check next time... or maybe praying mantises and other animals that kill eachother come from satan not god. dUh ;)
Chimps, to name one of many! But…. Man is probably the only creature that blushes, or has a need to.
Cockroaches will eat their siblings. Bees and ants will engage in war against another hive or colony. Male lions kill all cubs of their new pride. Meerkats, Chimpanzees, Rabbit, Praying Mantis, Polar Bear, Crab Spider, Hamster, Scorpion, Sand Tiger Shark, Chickens, Crickets, Perchfish, Black Widow Spider, Nematode, the list goes on and on.
Meerkats. 20% die to other meerkats. Oh and check out what happens to the male angler fish when he wants to procreate. Shudder.
Lions, Hamsters, Chimpanzees, Meerkats, Hyenas, F*ckin' CORAL, Virtually anything with horns...
Praying Mantises pull of their male mate's f*****g head and eats them.
Who Controls The Control Group?
But if it turns out that you are confidently incorrect, ShadowAlchemy suggests openly admitting that you're wrong (both to others and to yourself). "If someone corrects you and they're right, you've just gotta accept it right then and there. Insisting that you're correct is what makes you look like a dumbass, and what makes you remember it for years and years,” he explained.
The founder concluded that “nobody wants to be confidently incorrect, but if you are, you've gotta admit it. You've gotta admit that you're wrong."
Hercules Doesn't Know What The Word Boycott Means
Who’s Gonna Tell Her?
Please Remove The Protective Coating Before Use
Kamala Was Second
Nope Its European
Ah Europe, that country... somewhere. They speak French there, don't they...?
This Is The Greatest Thing I’ve Ever Seen
Incorrect On Multiple Levels
I Reckon His Face Is Stuck On Smug-Mode
I can't see your brain therefore its not real- actually scrap that this one is probably true
The Smug Avatar Really Makes It Look Even More Confidently Incorrect
They just banned this idiot from YouTube for, *surprise*, lying. Thank God.
They're Not Too Smart
These people jist don't understand English. Singular they has been us3d for centuries
We Don't Have Time To Unpack All Of That
Electricity Is A Mystery
Riddle Me This Bill Gates
He... He Knows Greek Letters Right?
0/3 On Apple Facts
I Wonder What A Bakers Dozen Is?
What Do You Call Someone Who Is Alive?
Is Confident Trans People Don't Fit In "Normal" Society, Gets Proven Wrong In Spectacular Fashion
$15 An Hour = $100k Per Year
It's quite amazing how some Americans feel threatened by what someone else makes. It ain't your business if a server would make $150K and a cashier $90K. It doesn't affect your income nor your life. So why should you be against a minimum wage? Because people who don't want to pay their employees a decent wage are telling you that the economy would collapse. Look at Europe, where everyone is obliged by law to pay a minimum wage and that economy is doing pretty well for a collapsing economy.
Covid-19 After 6 Weeks Is Illegal
$1 Million Or $6?
Not Sure Where People Get Their Vaccine Info
Moderna was approved in Canada significantly after the AstraZeneca vaccine. I don't think this was dumb so much as ignorant.
Not One Anti-Masker Has Died!
Amazon News Doesn't Know The Difference Between State Government And Federal Government
The Shorter Woman Is Actually The One Who Is Trans
"The" transgender is so cringe. You don't say "the straight" or "the cis" do you? Transgender is an adjective, not a noun.
R/Nonewnormal Is Pretty Weird
The Education System Has Failed Ya'll
SMH - It's called "order of operations". If I remember correctly that was a math concept taught in elementary school.
I'm allergic to bandaids with latex in them. This is what it looks like if I use them.
No Such Thing As Military Propaganda
Thats Not How Monitor Size Is Measured
Fastly Is The Name Of The Provider
The fact Fastly is written with a capital F should be a clue to it being a name :)
And The Vast Majority Of Comments Too
The assumption in itself only makes two - serious - errors: First the law of large numbers says nothing about the individual case. So while statistically over time a virus will get less virulent, this does not mean that no strain could become more dangerous, just that the more dangerous variants with a certain probability will decrease in numbers over time if they tend to seriously incapacitate the majority of hosts - while there still can be people dying from it. Second, less virulent does not mean less contagious- quite the opposite. The "perfect" scenario would be an extremely contagious virus with very few symptoms. What surprises me most is the fact that this argument is often brought on by people who generally reject the idea of evolution - while this mechanism is quite what evolution is all about.
I know in advance that this is probably going to be censored, but I have to say it... there really are so many dense motherfückers in the world.
I lost even more faith in humanity. Have people always been so lacking in sense?
Load More Replies...This reminds me of the old saying, "Better to keep your mouth closed when someone thinks you're an idiot than open your mouth and prove it." I hate that social media has given such an easy platform to spew vomitous, dangerous opinions
The worst part of all this is that these morons actually believe they're geniuses who are outthinking the entire world, and that's what's going to sink us... they are literally too stupid to know how stupid they are and in 2016, they seized control of the entire U.S.A.. Idiocracy is actually happening now.
I wish that I hadn't read this. I now despair of the human race.
Oh the agony! The amount of stupidity here gave me a headache. I'm sure I lost a few brain cells.
And that's the reason self-confidence is one of the most repulsive flaws. Confident people are insufferable, whereas self-conscious people are much more likable.
Not all confident people are arseholes. There is such a thing as "quietly confident", which people find reassuring and is a good trait for a leader to have. Nobody is going to follow someone who second guesses themselves all the time.
Load More Replies...The Achilles Heel of Democracy is that in any society there are always more stupid people than smart people so if everyone votes the will of the stupid people will always prevail. You have to prove that you know how to drive a car before they will let you. People should have to prove that they understand the basic fundamentals of how government works before they are allowed to vote. That will weed out a lot of them.
I cannot count the number of times that I have composed what I thought was a witty or cogent comment, and upon reading it over before submitting, I had a doubt about the accuracy of the assertion, or that I was misusing a word. I check my facts and vocabulary. It is not exactly rare that I am poised to post something utterly wrong or absurdly stupid. I think sometimes the brain gets ahead of the typing, resulting in complete nonsense. Sadly, sometimes one slips through and I feel completely ridiculous. My face turns red and my freckles jump out like peppercorns.
I always enjoy a good display of American stupidity. This exceeded my wildest expectations. Thanks.
I work in a doctor's office and I asked a patient for her insurance card and photo i.d. She looked at me and and said rather snottily, "I don't have a photo i.d. I have a driver's license."
"Apparently, having bucketloads of confidence is a two-edged sword, especially if you lack a substantial argument to back it up." Ironic that this is a reddit thread. Reddit exists for these very people.
this just provide more and more reason to end my life since i don't think the human race could improve itself beyond this deep end he is now
No! We want the smart people to STAY, not the dumb ones!
Load More Replies...I know in advance that this is probably going to be censored, but I have to say it... there really are so many dense motherfückers in the world.
I lost even more faith in humanity. Have people always been so lacking in sense?
Load More Replies...This reminds me of the old saying, "Better to keep your mouth closed when someone thinks you're an idiot than open your mouth and prove it." I hate that social media has given such an easy platform to spew vomitous, dangerous opinions
The worst part of all this is that these morons actually believe they're geniuses who are outthinking the entire world, and that's what's going to sink us... they are literally too stupid to know how stupid they are and in 2016, they seized control of the entire U.S.A.. Idiocracy is actually happening now.
I wish that I hadn't read this. I now despair of the human race.
Oh the agony! The amount of stupidity here gave me a headache. I'm sure I lost a few brain cells.
And that's the reason self-confidence is one of the most repulsive flaws. Confident people are insufferable, whereas self-conscious people are much more likable.
Not all confident people are arseholes. There is such a thing as "quietly confident", which people find reassuring and is a good trait for a leader to have. Nobody is going to follow someone who second guesses themselves all the time.
Load More Replies...The Achilles Heel of Democracy is that in any society there are always more stupid people than smart people so if everyone votes the will of the stupid people will always prevail. You have to prove that you know how to drive a car before they will let you. People should have to prove that they understand the basic fundamentals of how government works before they are allowed to vote. That will weed out a lot of them.
I cannot count the number of times that I have composed what I thought was a witty or cogent comment, and upon reading it over before submitting, I had a doubt about the accuracy of the assertion, or that I was misusing a word. I check my facts and vocabulary. It is not exactly rare that I am poised to post something utterly wrong or absurdly stupid. I think sometimes the brain gets ahead of the typing, resulting in complete nonsense. Sadly, sometimes one slips through and I feel completely ridiculous. My face turns red and my freckles jump out like peppercorns.
I always enjoy a good display of American stupidity. This exceeded my wildest expectations. Thanks.
I work in a doctor's office and I asked a patient for her insurance card and photo i.d. She looked at me and and said rather snottily, "I don't have a photo i.d. I have a driver's license."
"Apparently, having bucketloads of confidence is a two-edged sword, especially if you lack a substantial argument to back it up." Ironic that this is a reddit thread. Reddit exists for these very people.
this just provide more and more reason to end my life since i don't think the human race could improve itself beyond this deep end he is now
No! We want the smart people to STAY, not the dumb ones!
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