40 People Confess Anonymously About Their Most Embarrassing Secrets And Opinions (New Pics)
We all hold some unpopular opinions and have done some things we’re not proud of. We keep them to ourselves because we’re afraid of being judged, shamed, and ridiculed. Fortunately, the Confession Bear is here to lend us a helping and healing paw. The well-known meme format helps people share their secrets while staying anonymous, and Bored Panda has collected some of the best new confessions.
Remember to upvote the confessions that you related to the most and, when you’re done, check out our previous post about Confession Bear posts right here. Do you have anything that you want to get off your chest? Share your thoughts in the comment section (in bear form if you want) because bottling everything up isn’t good for your health.
Know Your Meme's Senior Editor and expert in all things related to memes, Matt Schimkowitz, told Bored Panda that the Confession Bear arose at a time in meme culture when Advice Animals were everywhere. "In very much the same way that people look for unique reaction images today, back then, people wanted advice animals," he said. Read on for the rest of Matt's insights into the iconic Confession Bear, the reasons for the meme's popularity, as well as its staying power.
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This Is Why I Hate Laundry Day
Confession Bear
Conspiracy theorists.
Karen's and Kyle's.
Hold your [friggin] opinion. Put the piece of GD fabric over your mouth (and no, not mesh you absolute imbecile) and wash your dirty little hands. It is LITERALLY the simplest task we could do to protect someone other than ourselves.
EVEN IF this whole thing is "a hoax" (it's not. I've seen it, and may God save your idiotic soul), we were mildly inconvenienced for a short duration of our life.
Smarten up
The Confession Bear format was born in June 2012 when redditor F-18Bro wanted to confess a lot of weird stuff anonymously. Their post went viral and the friendly-looking Malayan sun bear leaning against a log was forever cemented in meme history. It has even become the focus of scientific studies.
According to Matt from Know Your Meme, people related to the Confession Bear because it had such an original look. "It was also the same year that the secret sharing app/website Whisper launched. I guess secrets and confessions were in the zeitgeist," Matt pondered about why the bear became so popular on the internet at the time.
"I think animals just have more staying power than other memes," Matt explained why the Confession Bear meme is still in use to this very day. "Maybe people get tired of people’s faces or seeing the same memes. But when it comes to animals, I think people find them more endearing and therefore they endure. I mean the bear is very cute and sad!"
Yes I Chose The Cat
Long time friend, suffers with bi-polar and had been a s**t all evening. Salem ‘adopted’ us about 5 months ago as a kitten. It’s taken a lot of work to socialise him with the dog and other cats. Very brave, very placid but is used to scrounging for food. Friend was drunk and raiding the kitchen and took exception to Salem trying for crumbs and generally being annoying. (He will leave you alone if you are stern with him). Started yelling and throwing things at cat. I said I think he should leave. Asked ‘So it’s me or the cat?’ Said ‘Yes, I choose the cat’.
He left and txt me all cats are evil.
Salem has come a long way and he is a good kitty. Doesn’t bite, not aggressive, just used to fighting for food.
I choose the cat, sorry not sorry.
They Really Are Kinda Cute Though
A Dire Confession, I Know
The Confession Bear had some spin-off relatives, including the Confession Tiger (who was very jealous of the ever-popular bear) and the Confession Kid. However, the bear proved to be the most enduring and people are still asking for its help to share their peculiar secrets 8+ years later.
Confessing secrets and opening up can have very powerful positive effects on your physical and mental health, as well as improve your relationships with others. For instance, one study found that self-disclosure on Facebook helped students cope with stress.
Meanwhile, other researchers explain that keeping secrets (especially in close relationships) leads to increased stress and anxiety. We tend to obsess and constantly think about secrets and it drains us. Letting go is freeing in more ways than one.
Should I Tell Her?
I made a joke that she can come be my private teacher now, but I guess she took me seriously? She's been stopping by most nights after class to talk/hang out.
I'm not sure if I'm being mean lying to her but it seems to make her happy so I guess I'll play along for now.
You are doing good making her feel that what she's doing is important - not only for her, but for you to
Teachers Don’t Get Enough Credit
Confession Bear
I only reply to a comment if I have something worthwhile to say, that or a funny quip. Today I've made a rare exception.
On the flip side, sharing secrets in a non-judgmental environment reduces stress and helps individuals actively deal with their issues. Writing down a secret for yourself to keep, sharing it anonymously online, or telling it to the people closest to you can all be great ways to deal with inner turmoil and to get a different perspective on what’s eating you up inside.
It might be something small like actually enjoying Nickelback’s music (I’m guilty of this) or something much more personal, but sharing secrets with others increases trust and reduces the burdens on our minds and emotions. So if you’re feeling like you’re overwhelmed with secrets, ask the Confession Bear to help you voice it all online. The bear’s there for a reason.
When I got accepted into law school, I felt "blessed" and I felt that I needed to learn more about Islam and the Quran to serve Allah better as a good Muslim and a good citizen. I grew up in Afghanistan until I was 13. During the Taliban, I learned to read the Quran at school and at the local mosque, but we were never taught the meaning of the Quran. So, when I stared learning the meaning of the Quran here in the US, I started to question it. I started learning about other religions and ended up reading the Bible and learning about Christianity and Judaism as well. The more I learned about religion, the more questions I had. I have read books on both sides of the arguments for and against religion, I have watched lectures and debates and I have spoken to priests and mullahs. I have also read Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. Also, evolution is apparently a thing that religion loves to hate. I was actually disappointed that I arrived at nothing at the end of it all. I concluded that religion is man-made and there's as much proof for God's existence as there is for a unicorn or a teapot in the sky as Richard Dawkins likes to put it. My family and relatives are devout Muslims and I know that many would be disappointed, to say the least, when and if they find out I have turned away from Islam. For a Muslim to become an atheist is the biggest step that you can take in your life. It is a decision that will arguably alter the rest of your life. I could lose many or all of your family and relatives. If i was still living in Afghanistan, the punishment without question would have been death. I know that i will lose many loved ones, but i honestly don’t know how long more i can pretend and keep it to myself. End of rant. Thank you for reading my story.
I was all alone in hospital and didn’t have anything to do (this was before mobile phones and my family hadn’t made it to me yet to bring me something to read) so I started reading the bible I found in my night stand. After just a short wile, I got so angry at how unjust the individual stories in it were that I just couldn’t read any further.
There Are Nice Karens
I’m a nice person and my name has become an embarrassment.
Maybe I'm Just Too Cynical
Whenever I see people whip their phone out and film how they are helping the homeless makes me cringe. (IMHO) Volunteering should not be cover to promote oneself.
I agree with this one so much. I also can’t stand people who will video or take photos of someone obviously struggling or hurting instead of helping. Or people who shame others for going to the gym, has a disability, mental illness, has an accident etc. I sometimes worry that someone will video me and post it online just to be ridiculed. I do not want to become a meme.
Mixer Solutions?
Everyone Gets A Turn
I Know It's Sad But Still
Recently had all my money stolen from out of my account. Bank is working on refunding me all the cash, but in the mean time i need to try and find as much loose change as possible to buy food
Went to the supermarket and bought some milk and things, came up 70 cents short
I asked the attendant if she could unscan one of the items for me but she just shrugged and gave me the rest of the money i needed
I know it's only small but i wish her all the best
This Is What I Get For Teaching Them About The Rebellions That Happened Throughout History
They’re in 8th grade and I had them write a children’s book based on their history textbook. I already extended the deadline by a week, so I could not be more disappointed in them right now.
If you had felt guilt, that would have been wrong. What a bunch.
The Plutocracy Is Born
I do better than a large portion of the country. I still get bent over. I know people making less than me get bent over even further. Then we get lectured by these pigs about the ethics of "Hard Work" and "doing whats right for the country" while they rail us from behind. It's disgusting... I don't know what to think anymore.... But the IRS can go shove it up their a**es.
It is your country and you can try to do something about it on or before November 3rd.
Lost In Fog.
At first I felt like [crap]. Then I thought that maybe it meant that I was finally ready to start living again.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Its okay. You're not celebrating her death. Im sure you remember her and think of her daily. That's all that matters. Im sure your wife would want you to move on and be happy. Anyone who loves someone would.
I Know I'm A [Crappy] Person For Feeling This Way
I feel crappy for seeing parents who have a lot of kids and are complaining about their problems, and thinking they shouldn't have had so many kids in that case.
I have sympathy for the kids, but not these parents.
Future Me?
Getting very sick of the "heroes work here" messages plastered all around my hospital. I know it's well-intentioned, but it feels impersonal and like the public is saying it to relieve guilt. The COVID crisis should not be as bad as it currently is in the supposed "best healthcare system in the world". I am no more of a hero now than I have been for going to work for the past five years taking care of people with infectious diseases. Why are we being celebrated now? Because we're going to work in unsafe conditions? Because we as a country can't get our [crap] together enough to obtain enough N-95s to prevent workers from dying unnecessarily?
Branding people in difficult situations (nurses, doctors, supermarket workers etc) heroes, takes the focus away from the people and systems that force them into that situation and makes it harder for these people to demand fair recompensation.
Learning Experience: Tldr Drugs Suck
As some of you will find out, I recently got out of a PTSD/Substance Abuse program at the VA for Veterans. I befriended someone who I thought was ready and willing to change like I was. I spoke it over with my then Fiancée and we both agreed we could open up our home and help a fellow veteran in need. We all agreed that come the 26th, he’s gone. No matter what.
We left for vacation 22 Sept and would return 26 sept. This gave him an opportunity to get everything he needs In order so he can move into Veteran Housing.
We come home married and find our house smelling like Bigfoot’s d**k, smeared in a prostitutes taint, in Afghanny 140 degree heat on the 26th. We get him ready to leave and he says all homeless homes are full. (I recently got off the phone with 2 homeless housing programs and I have his name on reserve). He packs 3 days worth of clothing. (Wife and I purchased 50$ worth of thrift store clothing for him as well as a bicycle for 10$) we drive him to the VA and drop him off.
We come back home and I start cleaning... empty meth bags, heroin resin and cocaine. We had put up a camera and we checked, he had multiple people over while we were gone and did copious amounts of drugs.
I accept what happens as a loss and my wife and I has tried to help out a fellow veteran.
Come this morning; wife left for work at 6am (firefighter) and my door knocks at 630. “Give me my [crap]” is yelled at me as I’m still trying to get the eye boogies out of my eyes and taste my morning coffee. It’s him. Demanding his stuff. I giggle and tell him to go away, that he burned this bridge and we won’t help him any more. I tell him I’ll grab his Hep C meds and other necessities, put them in a bag and he can go get f***ed. I give him the bag as I’m half naked on my front porch and he swings for me. (Every combat veterans dream has just come true in this exact moment, someone has come at them violently.) I drop my coffee and punch him as hard as I can in the face, he goes down. I call 911 and they arrive. I tell them the situation and they take him away. After a few questions they leave. I go inside and call my now wife and explain to her the situation. She wished I had not used violence but is thankful I protected our home. Now I have the rest of the day to process.
Worst Employer Award Of The Year Goes To Mine. I Don’t Regret It. Love You Grandpa.
My grandfather served in the Korean War in the Army. He was such a light in my life, finding it hard to move on. My best friend and my fishing buddy. Bye Grandpa.
The universe had something totally better planned for me. Higher paying job with peeps I know & a kick ass manager. I told my manager at the other job that it was their mistake letting me go, but it wasn’t. It was my mistake choosing a sleazy company to work for. Moral of the story, choose your employers wisely. Very wisely.
Workplace that has no moral values is not a good place for you to be. You deserve better. All of us always deserve better than that. Always put your loved ones before anything else. There are thousands jobs to do but there will be no substitute for your loved one once he/she is gone.
Customer For Life.
The Trouble Is, You Think You Have Time
During the installation process I got a text saying that Kobe Bryant, his daughter had died in a helicopter crash. Needless to say, my Dad and I were both shocked and lost for words. Eventually we continued our work and finished the install. The water heater worked amazing. Afterwards, we got Jimmy John sandwiches and attempted to work on a crossword together. As the day wrapped up and my dad was about to leave he told me how happy he was that he was able to help me with a project like this and how much it meant to him. Now, I'm just crying, thinking about how important it is to always say I love you. You never know when it will be the last you'll see your father, or kiss your wife, or play with your little brother. I love you, Dad.
May you and your dad have many more " best day of my life" together.
Fixing stuff with my dad was, is, and always will be one of my favorite things. Even now, when something goes wrong at my home, I call my dad for advice. I can fix most things myself and don't really need the advice, but it is the best way to connect with him.
This should be higher. Cherish the time with those you love. Human or furred or feathered or scaled.
Right now I am sitting in a car with my dad and I am enjoying this time we are spending together.
Great story! SKIP JIMMY JOHNS: the owner is a "trophy hunter" who slaughters endangered and exotic animals for fun.
I recall, at 38, installing a ceiling fan with my Dad. He passed away last year, and I miss him.
Like sitting on a bowl of soup, I thought, the day the guys hooked up the new water heater to the toilet. Oops! Yes, that happened, couldn't have made that one up.
I grew up mthe the of daughter that would help her dad with every car realated thing that there ever was.
Not Sure What To Feel Anymore
Need to vent a bit. I have been a police officer for a little over 5 years now. Got promoted to Sergeant a year ago because I didn’t like how some of the supervisors were treating officers and I wanted to start making change from the inside. My agency has always been a gold standard in how to police. I stress being respectful to the people we come in contact with my mantra is that just because they did a bad thing does not make them a bad person. Whenever we have issues with officers the charging paperwork is immediately started and the proper consequences follow, including termination. Lately the media has made me unbelievably morose to be at work. It makes me not want to go out in public or see my family for fear they will bring up the bad cops they see on tv. My whole career I have never had a single complaint and have always been a good officer. But s***s getting tough out here. The public don’t care if I saved a child’s life. They see some bad cop from across the country and want me dead or think I’m a huge piece of s**t. I love this job and I love helping people, but I honestly feel like if I could find another job making this kind of money to support my family I would take it, and that makes me incredibly sad.
Good Times
To Be Honest...
I wouldn't describe myself as an introvert but I really appreciate being at home playing videogames or watching movies/TV shows all day and not having to leave the house for anything besides grocery shopping once a week, so these last few weeks have been great for me, I even got to work from home, a thing that would never have been possible before. Now I have become so comfortable with the whole 'social-distancing'/'self-quarantine' thing that I am afraid of the day when I'll have to go back to the office and restart my social life outside of my home.
Am I A Bad Person?
With the latest trend of kids being sent to ask for baseballs caught by adults at games, I wouldn’t give it up. It’s always been a dream of mine to catch a game ball, and although I’m a grown man, my inner child wants nothing more then a game ball I caught to be on my mantle. People argue that it would fulfill a kids dream, but they didn’t earn anything so I think it sets a bad example. It’s today’s “participation trophy” for a kid just pressuring someone for something they didn’t actually earn.
Well Crap
long story short is that I didn't want to meet her child until we have dated a bit so I know how I felt about her. I have had many step dads and "uncles" (who I knew were not family) so I stressed I wanted to wait on meeting her daughter.
Three months into this I really care for this woman, and thought it would be a good time to start with a meet and greet. I got toys, and cooked a big fancy meal and made sure I had plenty of activities planned so I knew it would be a fun day.
When they arrived, she just plopped her in front of my tv and ignored her the whole time except for dinner/bath time. No rules, no trying to include her in anything. I tried my best to bring the focus to her daughter and kept explaining this weekend was about meeting her, but she kept getting b**chy about me focusing my attention on her daughter who is content on just watching tv. Literally boxed up all the toys and stuff I set out and put them in her car saying she can play with them at home.
I want to give it another shot, but am on the fence, if I am not feeling the same after this I don't want to be another dude in/out of a childs life.
Run. This woman seems like she would get jealous of any attention paid to the kid quick
Now I Have To Find A Solution For My Fries.....
Anything To Not Think About My Own Life...
True Confession
My friend, there is nothing wrong with doing that whatsoever. Be strong and confident in who you are and don’t be ashamed one bit! I’m a little jealous in fact! I should do a bit more to look after myself so that I too, can look good in a dress :)
She wasted her own life by staying. She could have made the choice to leave.
Should Probably Be A Burner Account
I gave them her fb info which was public where she posted all her trips. I saw later she posted that they contacted her and cut her off. Was a petty thing to do but I was young and a prick
Thanks for doing this, don't care about your reasons why. She gives welfare a bad name, and there are people out there who really need it. Edit: To clarify, I meant social welfare as a wider concept including unemployment, social security, disabilities pay, etc. since I commonly see it attacked as being only for the lazy. Below peeps are correct that unemployment benefits are not the same as the Temporary Assistance program.
Bride Confession.
People keep asking me what I'm most looking forward to about my wedding, and I think they're expecting me to say "walking down the aisle" or "the first dance" or something romantic, but honestly the main thing I'm excited about is coming home from our honeymoon and life going back to normal.
That feeling is very understandable, I think. You are under stress and it's normal to wish all that to end as soon as possible
The Name Dies With Me
Military Confession
I appreciate that people are thankful for the men and women who serve, but when I'm at the store after work I really just want to get my things and leave. I can't be the only one who feels like this.
I have always thought it was weird that Americans thank their troops for fighting a war so far away from their country that they started in the first place :/
Number One Genie Wish. Plz
Here is my confession. I was more devastated and heartbroken when my dog Bubbles died than when my Poppa died (they died a couple of days apart). At first I felt guilty but after time I realised that even though I loved my Poppa, It wasn’t a relationship where I could call for advice or comfort etc, we mainly saw each other on special occasions. My dog was with me daily and was a huge comfort for me when I was down, she was always there.
I encourage my friends and have helped many through anxiety. I have anxiety myself and don’t tell anyone and it’s getting worse.
You just told a lot of people! Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know
Load More Replies...I have no goals or ambitions. My parents said i was the only person who didnt know what they wanted to be when growing up. My parents are good people but they said a lot of s**t and had a lot of weird ideals and it kinda messed me up. Im in my 30s and have a profession i enjoy but am not passionate about. I have a good life, a home, a beautiful SO and a cute little bastard of a dog. But sometimes im overwhelmed at the prospect of another potential 50 years of drifting
You know, I'm 42, and honestly, I think it's okay to simply be content with your life. You don't need to have some grand purpose or some great ambition. It's ok to be ok with where you are! And really, it's ok to have a job that's not a life-fulfilling career; most jobs are like that. As long as it pays your bills and allows you time to follow your hobbies, then there's nothing wrong with your life. Don't let someone else tell you that you're missing something.
Load More Replies...I used to have a good life. I was happy with myself I ate healthy, worked out, had a good job. Then I got into an abusive relationship and became and opiate addict because of it. I’m clean now but I miss the person I used to be. I’ve become lazy and eat like c**p. I haven’t been to the gym in a few years. I have no energy or motivation. I’m depressed. Even though I’ve tried multiple different antidepressants over the last few years. I worry that the drugs permanently altered my brain chemistry and that I’ll never be whole again. I’m so disappointed in myself and I don’t have the energy to change anything. I don’t know what to do anymore.
Low energy can be caused by depression, poor sleep or just by not being fit. If you can push yourself to do some exercise it will help, I know because I have been there. It will tire you, so you will sleep, it will give you a mental boost (positive endorphins) and by making yourself fitter it will be less of a chore dragging yourself around. Again, I am speaking from experience. Anti depressants can be very good but some alter thyroid function, cause weight gain and increase fatigue. Look online to see if your antidepressant is one that does this and talk to your doctor. I feel more fragile off the medication but less tired and I have lost a lot of weight which is making exercise easier. Being fitter and slimmer is also a welcome mental boost. You deserve to feel better. Good luck.
Load More Replies...I live as simple a life as possible and concentrate on a few goals that I believe better myself and those around me. I would say I have found meaning and contentment. Also I am a Christian but define it more as how I can help others. I pray I am worthy of this challenge.
I'm tired of feeling like a jack-in-the-box. People keep winding and winding and expecting me to open up. When I open it's just going to be rage. I'm sick of it.
Wolfowl, you are entitled to be angry. Anger in itself is not evil. Ask yourself why you are angry. Are you angry at a situation or a person? Can you do something in a constructive way to remedy the situation? Start formulating strategies to better deal with the problem so you can calmly confront the situation.
Load More Replies...I only ever cry when I have a full breakdown, not even when people die. I just let it build up until I explode
I sometimes feel like my problems aren't important or whatever compared to the s**t some of my friends have gone thru. And then I feel bad cuz Im stuck between wanting to validate myself but also not complain too much about all the f****d up crap that my friends and i go thru.
too many American problems - please quit thinking you are the core of the world. And, yes, some of those are really emotional confessions.
I'll pick the one I feel the least comfortable admitting to: I speak about my mother in the past tense because, in my mind, the person I knew as my mother is dead. The schizophrenic personality inhabiting her body is an ever-changing selfish monster who in no way resembles my loving, gentle, huge-hearted, multi-talented, genius mother. I have had to cut her off for my son and my safety as she tried to kill my sister and kidnap her children. The worst thing is - every now and then (blessedly very, very rarely these days - once every few years at most) my mother resurfaces and she's scared, lonely, confused. She wonders where her daughters and family are and why no-one wants to speak to her. We can't tell her the horrific things she says and does when 'she' is gone. Why be so cruel? These moments don't last long - my confession is that I hate them. I wish they would stop completely and my mother would be gone for good. Because right now I'm not able to grieve for my dead mother.
im so lonely I comment on youtube so someone replies and I don't feel so alone
Well, that was interesting! Realized that I'm not so alone with some of my feelings............
The doctor told me I had cancer and need a liver transplant. I told everyone and my sister started a gofund me account. Then a year later they told me I didn't. I still need the transplant though.My doctors wanted to wait treatment while I'm on the list.only $4,000 was donated and it partially paid for test I didn't need. Now I'm too ashamed and haven't told ANYONE in fear they will think I was lying.
Here are my confessions: 1) I love the changes in my life that come with the coronavirus. I love living life from home and not having to field invitations from friends for things that sound interesting at the time but I never feel like doing when the time comes. 2) I hate talking on the phone and I'm unlikely to answer, even when my elderly friends call. 3) I find it interesting that though gay couple consist of two men or two women, the couples usually have one that is clearly masculine and one that is clearly feminine. I also think it's sad that so many of them were sexually abused at some point. And I've noticed that as happy as they claim to be with their lifestyle they oftentimes walk around with a chip on their shoulder. 4) i don't believe that Tisha Campbell was sexually assaulted by Martin Lawrence because it's unusual for a woman to be friends later on with someone who abused her to the point of getting a restraining order. I think the true story has yet to be told.
Here is my confession. I was more devastated and heartbroken when my dog Bubbles died than when my Poppa died (they died a couple of days apart). At first I felt guilty but after time I realised that even though I loved my Poppa, It wasn’t a relationship where I could call for advice or comfort etc, we mainly saw each other on special occasions. My dog was with me daily and was a huge comfort for me when I was down, she was always there.
I encourage my friends and have helped many through anxiety. I have anxiety myself and don’t tell anyone and it’s getting worse.
You just told a lot of people! Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone you don't know
Load More Replies...I have no goals or ambitions. My parents said i was the only person who didnt know what they wanted to be when growing up. My parents are good people but they said a lot of s**t and had a lot of weird ideals and it kinda messed me up. Im in my 30s and have a profession i enjoy but am not passionate about. I have a good life, a home, a beautiful SO and a cute little bastard of a dog. But sometimes im overwhelmed at the prospect of another potential 50 years of drifting
You know, I'm 42, and honestly, I think it's okay to simply be content with your life. You don't need to have some grand purpose or some great ambition. It's ok to be ok with where you are! And really, it's ok to have a job that's not a life-fulfilling career; most jobs are like that. As long as it pays your bills and allows you time to follow your hobbies, then there's nothing wrong with your life. Don't let someone else tell you that you're missing something.
Load More Replies...I used to have a good life. I was happy with myself I ate healthy, worked out, had a good job. Then I got into an abusive relationship and became and opiate addict because of it. I’m clean now but I miss the person I used to be. I’ve become lazy and eat like c**p. I haven’t been to the gym in a few years. I have no energy or motivation. I’m depressed. Even though I’ve tried multiple different antidepressants over the last few years. I worry that the drugs permanently altered my brain chemistry and that I’ll never be whole again. I’m so disappointed in myself and I don’t have the energy to change anything. I don’t know what to do anymore.
Low energy can be caused by depression, poor sleep or just by not being fit. If you can push yourself to do some exercise it will help, I know because I have been there. It will tire you, so you will sleep, it will give you a mental boost (positive endorphins) and by making yourself fitter it will be less of a chore dragging yourself around. Again, I am speaking from experience. Anti depressants can be very good but some alter thyroid function, cause weight gain and increase fatigue. Look online to see if your antidepressant is one that does this and talk to your doctor. I feel more fragile off the medication but less tired and I have lost a lot of weight which is making exercise easier. Being fitter and slimmer is also a welcome mental boost. You deserve to feel better. Good luck.
Load More Replies...I live as simple a life as possible and concentrate on a few goals that I believe better myself and those around me. I would say I have found meaning and contentment. Also I am a Christian but define it more as how I can help others. I pray I am worthy of this challenge.
I'm tired of feeling like a jack-in-the-box. People keep winding and winding and expecting me to open up. When I open it's just going to be rage. I'm sick of it.
Wolfowl, you are entitled to be angry. Anger in itself is not evil. Ask yourself why you are angry. Are you angry at a situation or a person? Can you do something in a constructive way to remedy the situation? Start formulating strategies to better deal with the problem so you can calmly confront the situation.
Load More Replies...I only ever cry when I have a full breakdown, not even when people die. I just let it build up until I explode
I sometimes feel like my problems aren't important or whatever compared to the s**t some of my friends have gone thru. And then I feel bad cuz Im stuck between wanting to validate myself but also not complain too much about all the f****d up crap that my friends and i go thru.
too many American problems - please quit thinking you are the core of the world. And, yes, some of those are really emotional confessions.
I'll pick the one I feel the least comfortable admitting to: I speak about my mother in the past tense because, in my mind, the person I knew as my mother is dead. The schizophrenic personality inhabiting her body is an ever-changing selfish monster who in no way resembles my loving, gentle, huge-hearted, multi-talented, genius mother. I have had to cut her off for my son and my safety as she tried to kill my sister and kidnap her children. The worst thing is - every now and then (blessedly very, very rarely these days - once every few years at most) my mother resurfaces and she's scared, lonely, confused. She wonders where her daughters and family are and why no-one wants to speak to her. We can't tell her the horrific things she says and does when 'she' is gone. Why be so cruel? These moments don't last long - my confession is that I hate them. I wish they would stop completely and my mother would be gone for good. Because right now I'm not able to grieve for my dead mother.
im so lonely I comment on youtube so someone replies and I don't feel so alone
Well, that was interesting! Realized that I'm not so alone with some of my feelings............
The doctor told me I had cancer and need a liver transplant. I told everyone and my sister started a gofund me account. Then a year later they told me I didn't. I still need the transplant though.My doctors wanted to wait treatment while I'm on the list.only $4,000 was donated and it partially paid for test I didn't need. Now I'm too ashamed and haven't told ANYONE in fear they will think I was lying.
Here are my confessions: 1) I love the changes in my life that come with the coronavirus. I love living life from home and not having to field invitations from friends for things that sound interesting at the time but I never feel like doing when the time comes. 2) I hate talking on the phone and I'm unlikely to answer, even when my elderly friends call. 3) I find it interesting that though gay couple consist of two men or two women, the couples usually have one that is clearly masculine and one that is clearly feminine. I also think it's sad that so many of them were sexually abused at some point. And I've noticed that as happy as they claim to be with their lifestyle they oftentimes walk around with a chip on their shoulder. 4) i don't believe that Tisha Campbell was sexually assaulted by Martin Lawrence because it's unusual for a woman to be friends later on with someone who abused her to the point of getting a restraining order. I think the true story has yet to be told.